BT Development Mentor Program Archives » kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2011-12-22 10:37 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - OPEN
I am just confirming I want to be in this group (I already noted that in this thread), but have been busy, so my bio is still in the works.  I will get it up late today...promise. Smile

2011-12-22 10:42 AM
in reply to: #3949634

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - OPEN
jpbis26 - 2011-12-22 7:55 AM

kenj- I really hope this group is still open. It looks like just the thing I need. Since August, I've been struggling to consistantly train and have regained some weight. Please let me know if I can join. I will post a bio soon.

Robin- Awesome to see you again! Congrats on the move and sorry about the running injury


Welcome Jackie! That's funny, I was working on my bio, then scrolled back to see who else joined...saw you!! LMK if you want to train together sometime! :-)

2011-12-22 10:48 AM
in reply to: #3949735

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - OPEN

gator22 - 2011-12-22 10:30 AM RIT? Bleh. I played soccer at Nazareth and they are a big rival for us   Those interested in the Paleo...I am eating a bowl of spaghetti squash right now with my wife's home made sauce. You would never know it is not pasta! I ran this morning and will do some squats totally thrash my legs before work.

One of my best friends from HS when to Nazareth. I'm originally from Buffalo, NY & still have family there & in Rochester.

2011-12-22 10:52 AM
in reply to: #3949743

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - OPEN

Mikeylee - 2011-12-22 11:37 AM I am just confirming I want to be in this group (I already noted that in this thread), but have been busy, so my bio is still in the works.  I will get it up late today...promise. Smile

You are definately in! Post when you can!

2011-12-22 10:55 AM
in reply to: #3949757

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - OPEN
CyborgQueen - 2011-12-22 10:42 AM
jpbis26 - 2011-12-22 7:55 AM

kenj- I really hope this group is still open. It looks like just the thing I need. Since August, I've been struggling to consistantly train and have regained some weight. Please let me know if I can join. I will post a bio soon.

Robin- Awesome to see you again! Congrats on the move and sorry about the running injury


Welcome Jackie! That's funny, I was working on my bio, then scrolled back to see who else joined...saw you!! LMK if you want to train together sometime! :-)

Good to see you D! Are you riding with Bike LV? Mark has told me he's seen you at Red Rock. I've been sticking to my side of town lately and doing the RMT loop/riding around Boulder City. Due to my kids' soccer schedule, I've mostly been riding Sundays. As always, you are welcome to join us. Text me if you're interested.

2011-12-22 11:52 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

NAME: Mikeylee/ Mike Miller

STORY: I am 53 years old and live in Phoenix, AZ.  Wile I have gone through short phases of exercising (a little hiking, cycling, running) years ago, I have been very unathletic, sedentary and overweight most of my life.  I just never found anything that was enough fun to justify the effort.  I guess I just enjoyed watching TV with a bucket of anything edible next to me too much.  Three years ago, I cheered a friend of my wife's on as she raced in a SheRocks sprint triathlon.  All I could think was "that looks like fun!"  After watching her finish,  I pulled out my bike and rode four mile (I was beat and ready to call the proctologist to have the seat removed from my tuckus), ran a couple of blocks (wondered how I was going to get back home 'cause that couple of blocks whooped me), and finally used my unused gym membership to swim a few laps (I was quick to find out a 6'6" guy does need to worry about drowning in 4' of water after swimming an exhausting 15 yards!).  I weighed 315 at the time.  A few months later, my wife and I started going to the gym, eating right, and hired a personal trainer.   We continue to train with a personal trainer twice weekly.  8 months ago, a trainer suggested we do Warrior Dash.  We did and had a blast.  It brought back memories of wanting to do a triathlon.  I signed up for one and started training.  My goals were to finish without drowning, running into someone with my bike or falling down on the run (I am kind of a clod). All goals were accomplished and I was hooked!!  My race reports speak for themselves in terms of my slow performance (but I did toe up to the start line!!) and great enthusiasm for this sport. 

FAMILY STATUS:  I have been married to Lisa for over 19 years, and I love her more every day.  She is physically active and cautiously supportive of my newfound fondness for triathlon.  The "cautiously" is because I can go overboard and make bad sign up for a full Iron distance one day, which she gave me permission NOT to do.  :)  Lisa and I like to run, bicycle, and strength train together . I have two adult sons from a previous marriage.

CURRENT TRAINING:  I do strength training with a trainer twice a week.  I love to cycle and do a long ride weekly but have to get on the trainer at least once a week to do race distance tempo work.  I just returned to swimming a couple of times per week but would greatly benefit from a few swim lessons.  Swim lessons are not in the near future, so I will just grind through.  My running was improving (up to running 10k with 10 minute miles!) but I have not run in several weeks due to some knee issues.  I am going to start walking for 10K distance so I can go the distance in my next race even if I cannot run.  I am still way out of shape but not nearly as much as I was when I started triathlon training. Besides, I am getting better as I continue to train...knee issues aside.

THIS YEAR'S RACES:  2011 was my first season of triathlon.  I did three sprint distance races between September and November.  While my times were slow and AG placements even worse (I officially was last in my AG in every discipline in one race), I enjoyed each race immensely!!

2012 RACES:  I have  Olympic distance races scheduled in April and September.  Lisa and I are also scheduled to do the Bike Ride Across Nebraska (BRAN) in June.  BRAN is a 7 day, 400+ mile bike ride through rural Nebraska.  I would also like to sign up for a duathlon in March, another Oly in August, and a sprint in September.  A HIM in October is a wish, actually more of a dream, but I doubt I could be prepared by then.

WEIGHTLOSS:  I struggle with weight.  I have lost 85 pounds over the past 2 years by eating right and exercising.   I currently weigh 235, am working on getting back to 230, but I have an ultimate goal of seeing if 220 or 210 is my true racing weight. Unfortunately, I love to eat and sit around. Fortunately, I like feeling good and triathlon more!

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I like to give and receive encouragement.  I reluctantly like the kick in the tuckus I so frequently need.  I like to learn from others because I can screw stuff up in a heartbeat if left to my own devices.

Edited by Mikeylee 2011-12-22 12:26 PM

2011-12-22 11:57 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

this is going to  be a fun group, I can tell.

Hey Ken, do you think I'll need a wetsuit for Musselman?  I'm thinking of doing the mini-mussel.

2011-12-22 12:25 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Hey Jackie!!!! Good the hear from you and that you decided to join this group  - this should be lots of fun! 
2011-12-22 12:41 PM
in reply to: #3949934

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Mikeylee - 2011-12-22 12:52 PM

NAME: Mikeylee/ Mike Miller

STORY: I am 53 years old and live in Phoenix, AZ.  Wile I have gone through short phases of exercising (a little hiking, cycling, running) years ago, I have been very unathletic, sedentary and overweight most of my life.  I just never found anything that was enough fun to justify the effort.  I guess I just enjoyed watching TV with a bucket of anything edible next to me too much.  Three years ago, I cheered a friend of my wife's on as she raced in a SheRocks sprint triathlon.  All I could think was "that looks like fun!"  After watching her finish,  I pulled out my bike and rode four mile (I was beat and ready to call the proctologist to have the seat removed from my tuckus), ran a couple of blocks (wondered how I was going to get back home 'cause that couple of blocks whooped me), and finally used my unused gym membership to swim a few laps (I was quick to find out a 6'6" guy does need to worry about drowning in 4' of water after swimming an exhausting 15 yards!).  I weighed 315 at the time.  A few months later, my wife and I started going to the gym, eating right, and hired a personal trainer.   We continue to train with a personal trainer twice weekly.  8 months ago, a trainer suggested we do Warrior Dash.  We did and had a blast.  It brought back memories of wanting to do a triathlon.  I signed up for one and started training.  My goals were to finish without drowning, running into someone with my bike or falling down on the run (I am kind of a clod). All goals were accomplished and I was hooked!!  My race reports speak for themselves in terms of my slow performance (but I did toe up to the start line!!) and great enthusiasm for this sport. 

FAMILY STATUS:  I have been married to Lisa for over 19 years, and I love her more every day.  She is physically active and cautiously supportive of my newfound fondness for triathlon.  The "cautiously" is because I can go overboard and make bad sign up for a full Iron distance one day, which she gave me permission NOT to do.    Lisa and I like to run, bicycle, and strength train together . I have two adult sons from a previous marriage.

CURRENT TRAINING:  I do strength training with a trainer twice a week.  I love to cycle and do a long ride weekly but have to get on the trainer at least once a week to do race distance tempo work.  I just returned to swimming a couple of times per week but would greatly benefit from a few swim lessons.  Swim lessons are not in the near future, so I will just grind through.  My running was improving (up to running 10k with 10 minute miles!) but I have not run in several weeks due to some knee issues.  I am going to start walking for 10K distance so I can go the distance in my next race even if I cannot run.  I am still way out of shape but not nearly as much as I was when I started triathlon training. Besides, I am getting better as I continue to train...knee issues aside.

THIS YEAR'S RACES:  2011 was my first season of triathlon.  I did three sprint distance races between September and November.  While my times were slow and AG placements even worse (I officially was last in my AG in every discipline in one race), I enjoyed each race immensely!!

2012 RACES:  I have  Olympic distance races scheduled in April and September.  Lisa and I are also scheduled to do the Bike Ride Across Nebraska (BRAN) in June.  BRAN is a 7 day, 400+ mile bike ride through rural Nebraska.  I would also like to sign up for a duathlon in March, another Oly in August, and a sprint in September.  A HIM in October is a wish, actually more of a dream, but I doubt I could be prepared by then.

WEIGHTLOSS:  I struggle with weight.  I have lost 85 pounds over the past 2 years by eating right and exercising.   I currently weigh 235, am working on getting back to 230, but I have an ultimate goal of seeing if 220 or 210 is my true racing weight. Unfortunately, I love to eat and sit around. Fortunately, I like feeling good and triathlon more!

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I like to give and receive encouragement.  I reluctantly like the kick in the tuckus I so frequently need.  I like to learn from others because I can screw stuff up in a heartbeat if left to my own devices.

Great Mike! Thanks for sharing!  Congrats to yet another successful weight loss story! 

2011-12-22 12:53 PM
in reply to: #3949948

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Viyoung - 2011-12-22 12:57 PM

this is going to  be a fun group, I can tell.

Hey Ken, do you think I'll need a wetsuit for Musselman?  I'm thinking of doing the mini-mussel.

I have seen plenty of people that did not use a wet suit for that race.  The swim is in the canal off of the lake so the water there tends to be a bit warmer than the lake itself.  But, there is also more sea weed in the canal so if that doesn't bother you then you should be fine without a suit.  I am going to do both the mini mussel and the Musselman the next day.  I might skip the suit for the mini, but will definatly have it on for the HIM.

2011-12-22 1:02 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

NAME: jpbis26/ Jackie

STORY: I'm originally from Buffalo, NY. I moved to Las Vegas almost 10 years ago where I met my husband and I've been here ever since. I've had been athletic in high school and college, but became very sedentary and overweight after having my first two kids. After my second son was born, I went to Weight Watchers and started taking gym classes and lost 78 lbs. Just in time to get pregnant with my daughter, I like to joke. After having my daughter in August of 2009, I was anxious to get back on track with my weight, so I started C25K and set a goal of running a 5K that January. I finished the 5K with only a few walking breaks and was encouraged. Shortly afterwards, an instructor at my gym encouraged me to sign up for a local sprint tri (Irongirl LV). My dad did triathlons in the 1990s, so I knew what they were and thought it would be a fun challenge. When I finished the race in May of 2010, I was hooked and did two more sprints, an Oly and a HM that year. I started 2011 well. I had gotten down to my lowest weight ever and had seen huge improvements in my SBR times. I did 3 sprints and a century, and  I set an ambitious goal to do an HIM in Sept. Unfortunately, at some point during the summer I got really burned out and eventually stopped training altogether with the exception of occassional bike rides with friends. With a full-time job and 3 young kids, I found no shortage of excuses to not train. I started telling myself that "I deserved a break". Well, that attitude put me where I'm at today, more than 15 lbs heavier and not feeling like I've had an kind of a relaxing "break" at all. In 2010, I was part of an awesome mentor group (where I met Robin and some other great BT members) that really helped me stay on track. Like others in this group, I'm looking to make my "comeback". I'm excited to be part of a BT group again

FAMILY STATUS: I have beeen married to Max for 7 years. We have 3 kids ages 6, 4, and 2.

CURRENT TRAINING: Starting from scratch. My goal for January is to do one longer bike ride a week with my friends and try and run consistently 3 times a week for 30 minutes. Hopefully I can ease back into the longer harder workouts by March. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Irongirl LV (April) Utah Summer Games Sprint Tri (June) Carlsbad Tri (July) century (August)

2012 RACES: Nothing planned yet, but I'm thinking of doing a local sprint tri in April.

WEIGHTLOSS: I got on the scale this morning after months of avoidance to face the truth. Scary to say the least. I've gain a little over 15 lbs since the summer   As I've said, I'm no strange to weightloss, I just have to decide to make excercise and eating well a priority. Easier said than done, but I if I don't make an effort the weight will just keep sneaking back on. My long term goal is to get to and MAINTAIN 145 lbs. My short term goal is to lose at least 5 lbs in January.

2011-12-22 1:16 PM
in reply to: #3950133

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
jpbis26 - 2011-12-22 1:02 PM

NAME: jpbis26/ Jackie

STORY: I'm originally from Buffalo, NY. I moved to Las Vegas almost 10 years ago where I met my husband and I've been here ever since. I've had been athletic in high school and college, but became very sedentary and overweight after having my first two kids. After my second son was born, I went to Weight Watchers and started taking gym classes and lost 78 lbs. Just in time to get pregnant with my daughter, I like to joke. After having my daughter in August of 2009, I was anxious to get back on track with my weight, so I started C25K and set a goal of running a 5K that January. I finished the 5K with only a few walking breaks and was encouraged. Shortly afterwards, an instructor at my gym encouraged me to sign up for a local sprint tri (Irongirl LV). My dad did triathlons in the 1990s, so I knew what they were and thought it would be a fun challenge. When I finished the race in May of 2010, I was hooked and did two more sprints, an Oly and a HM that year. I started 2011 well. I had gotten down to my lowest weight ever and had seen huge improvements in my SBR times. I did 3 sprints and a century, and  I set an ambitious goal to do an HIM in Sept. Unfortunately, at some point during the summer I got really burned out and eventually stopped training altogether with the exception of occassional bike rides with friends. With a full-time job and 3 young kids, I found no shortage of excuses to not train. I started telling myself that "I deserved a break". Well, that attitude put me where I'm at today, more than 15 lbs heavier and not feeling like I've had an kind of a relaxing "break" at all. In 2010, I was part of an awesome mentor group (where I met Robin and some other great BT members) that really helped me stay on track. Like others in this group, I'm looking to make my "comeback". I'm excited to be part of a BT group again

FAMILY STATUS: I have beeen married to Max for 7 years. We have 3 kids ages 6, 4, and 2.

CURRENT TRAINING: Starting from scratch. My goal for January is to do one longer bike ride a week with my friends and try and run consistently 3 times a week for 30 minutes. Hopefully I can ease back into the longer harder workouts by March. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Irongirl LV (April) Utah Summer Games Sprint Tri (June) Carlsbad Tri (July) century (August)

2012 RACES: Nothing planned yet, but I'm thinking of doing a local sprint tri in April.

WEIGHTLOSS: I got on the scale this morning after months of avoidance to face the truth. Scary to say the least. I've gain a little over 15 lbs since the summer   As I've said, I'm no strange to weightloss, I just have to decide to make excercise and eating well a priority. Easier said than done, but I if I don't make an effort the weight will just keep sneaking back on. My long term goal is to get to and MAINTAIN 145 lbs. My short term goal is to lose at least 5 lbs in January.

It looks like we both gained 15 pounds over the summer - ughhh!  Starting Jan 2 I will be working hard to get those off - maybe we can keep each other motivated!

I can't believe your little girl is 2!  I remember when you took your avatar pic of her!

2011-12-22 1:19 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Welcome aboard everyone. 

Interesting to see how many people are addressing weight through triathlon.  I did.  I LOVE it.  I do understand the necessity of routine.  Having goals and a training plan are critical for me.  My wife Kathy even knows, it's Tuesday, he's with Masters in the morning and on the bike after work...It's Saturday, a brick day....Sunday, a long ride...  Every day but Friday which is our date night there's something going on.  If I lose the routine, I fear it's easier to fall off altogether.  And knowing a day is coming when I have to put up or shut up doesn't hurt either.  It's like auto pilot...home, change clothes, run or bike... 

Edited by IceManScott 2011-12-22 1:37 PM


Scott.jpg (24KB - 5 downloads)
2011-12-22 1:20 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
I will never go back.
2011-12-22 1:25 PM
in reply to: #3950166

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

IceManScott - 2011-12-22 11:20 AM I will never go back.


AMAZING!! Great JOB on the Weight Loss!  I'm glad that this group is great, the majority of us seem to have/had weight issues, so we'll get though this together, especially those that are eager to lose more.   This is what I needed, motivation and a swift kick in the .

2011-12-22 1:27 PM
in reply to: #3950164

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2011-12-22 1:19 PM

Welcome aboard everyone. 

Interesting to see how many people are addressing weight through triathlon.  I did.  I LOVE it.  I do understand the necessity of routine.  Having goals and a training plan are critical for me.  My wife Kathy even knows, it's Tuesday, he's with Masters in the morning and on the bike after work...It's Saturday, a brick day....Sunday, a long ride...  Every day but Friday which is our date night there's something going on.  If I lose the routine, I fear it's easier to fall off altogether.  And knowing a day is coming when I have to put up or shut up doesn't hurt either.  It's like auto pilot...home, change cloths, run or bike... 

Wow, that's an amazing transformation.  Thanks for sharing your story Ice, it's inspiring.

2011-12-22 1:59 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED


Superb pics!!!  Absolutely superb!  You should be VERY proud of your accomplishment!!  I would like to see others post their before and after pics.  I think I will post mine sometime this weekend.  While I am not proud of the before pic, in fact it is embarassing, I am very proud of the after.  It lets others see my progress and, hopefully, provide motivation to some.  I am looking forward to seeing my ultimate goal after pic though. 

<edit: I just realized one of my after pics is actually my avatar.  From my first triathlon! Laughing>

Edited by Mikeylee 2011-12-22 2:01 PM
2011-12-22 2:10 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Robin- Yes, I'm excited to motivate each other like we did in 2010. Great job getting to spin class

Ice- Very inspirational. Thanks for sharing.  

2011-12-22 2:23 PM
in reply to: #3950164

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2011-12-22 1:19 PM

Welcome aboard everyone. 

Interesting to see how many people are addressing weight through triathlon.  I did.  I LOVE it.  I do understand the necessity of routine.  Having goals and a training plan are critical for me.  My wife Kathy even knows, it's Tuesday, he's with Masters in the morning and on the bike after work...It's Saturday, a brick day....Sunday, a long ride...  Every day but Friday which is our date night there's something going on.  If I lose the routine, I fear it's easier to fall off altogether.  And knowing a day is coming when I have to put up or shut up doesn't hurt either.  It's like auto pilot...home, change clothes, run or bike... 


Boom - nice work man. Inspiring.

I'm facing the trouble of trying to keep a routine with a 3 week old.  I'm keeping the little man tonight for the first time by myself while mom gets out to see a movie with friends.  It's going to keep me from getting out to run.  If I can get him to sleep for a little while, I may try to do some P90X.

2011-12-22 2:32 PM
in reply to: #3950298

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
russrisher - 2011-12-22 2:23 PM
IceManScott - 2011-12-22 1:19 PM

Welcome aboard everyone. 

Interesting to see how many people are addressing weight through triathlon.  I did.  I LOVE it.  I do understand the necessity of routine.  Having goals and a training plan are critical for me.  My wife Kathy even knows, it's Tuesday, he's with Masters in the morning and on the bike after work...It's Saturday, a brick day....Sunday, a long ride...  Every day but Friday which is our date night there's something going on.  If I lose the routine, I fear it's easier to fall off altogether.  And knowing a day is coming when I have to put up or shut up doesn't hurt either.  It's like auto pilot...home, change clothes, run or bike... 


Boom - nice work man. Inspiring.

I'm facing the trouble of trying to keep a routine with a 3 week old.  I'm keeping the little man tonight for the first time by myself while mom gets out to see a movie with friends.  It's going to keep me from getting out to run.  If I can get him to sleep for a little while, I may try to do some P90X.

Congrats on your new little one!  Also you get brownie points for letting your wife out of the house - good luck tonight!

2011-12-22 2:34 PM
in reply to: #3950315

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Thanks - I will need it.

He's pretty good though.  He's not too fussy and sleeps better than horror stories that we've heard. 

2011-12-22 3:38 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

ok, so I've just added 2 races to my calendar for 2012.

June 3:  Rock Hall Sprint Tri in Rock Hall, MD (just off of the Chesapeake Bay)

July 14:  Mini-Mussel Sprint Tri in Geneva, NY (we're going to make a family vacation out of it)

August 19:  Iron Girl, Columbia

I'm totally pumped.  Now to that trainer!

2011-12-22 3:39 PM
in reply to: #3950322

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
russrisher - 2011-12-22 2:34 PM

Thanks - I will need it.

He's pretty good though.  He's not too fussy and sleeps better than horror stories that we've heard. 

I remember those days.  You're lucky to have an easy baby.  Take lots of pictures, they grow up too fast!Smile

2011-12-22 3:50 PM
in reply to: #3950405

New user

Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Viyoung - 2011-12-22 2:38 PM

ok, so I've just added 2 races to my calendar for 2012.

June 3:  Rock Hall Sprint Tri in Rock Hall, MD (just off of the Chesapeake Bay)

July 14:  Mini-Mussel Sprint Tri in Geneva, NY (we're going to make a family vacation out of it)

August 19:  Iron Girl, Columbia

I'm totally pumped.  Now to that trainer!

Sounds great, I lived in the DC metro area for most of my life. It's going really humid for races. 
2011-12-22 3:58 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Hey Ken,

I'd love to join your group again. I really need to get going again........

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