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2012-01-24 11:12 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Extreme Veteran
The Beach, CA
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED
I'm out of town on business so I took advantage of location.I got in a 5 mile run at about 4000 feet of elevation covering almost 700 feet of climbing.Great run.

2012-01-25 4:21 AM
in reply to: #3955634

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED
It happened. Everyone said it would, and it did. I fell off my bike going up a hill I'm learning this clip system and my gears on my bike. Couldnt get it into a higher gear to get up the hill, got my foot out of the clip and slipped on the wet pavement. Thankfully, I'm not hurt but of course it happened in front of someone. I need lots of bike practice.
2012-01-25 8:21 AM
in reply to: #3955634

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED
Good morning all.  This morning had a good ride on the trainer.  I know that is amazing to say but it was good.  

Congrat Addie, you have joined the club.  I have fallen several times.  Mostly because I forget that I am clipped in.  Just laugh about and keep moving.  

2012-01-25 12:46 PM
in reply to: #4009832

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED
While we are on the topping of falling with clipless pedals. Somewhere in the near future I'll have to get me some as well. Do you guys have any recommendations? I know there's different types etc. out there, just haven't had much time to do research.
2012-01-25 1:12 PM
in reply to: #4010492

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Teaneck, New Jersey
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

johnthecat - 2012-01-25 12:46 PM While we are on the topping of falling with clipless pedals. Somewhere in the near future I'll have to get me some as well. Do you guys have any recommendations? I know there's different types etc. out there, just haven't had much time to do research.


My first pair was the Mountain bike SPD's which allows you to clip in from either side. They are a little more forgiving.



2012-01-25 7:17 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Extreme Veteran
The Beach, CA
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED


I agree, I have the mountain bike with clip ins which are easier than those on the road bike.  But ultimately you will need to master the road style pedal.

Regardless of which pedals you pick, practice clipping on and out at low speed, preferably in a parking lot that is safe from traffic.  It takes a little while but once you have it down, the clips are pretty easy to manage.

The key to clip in pedals is practice, practice, practice.  

Good luck

Edited by scotttuttle 2012-01-25 10:28 PM

2012-01-25 8:45 PM
in reply to: #3955634

Lake St. Louis
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED
I was once pulling up to a stop sign at a very busy intersection. All of a sudden I remembered I hadn't unclipped from the pedals and down I went. Luckily there were only about 20 cars around instead of 30. Haha.

As far as training this week I have big zeros for the training log. I had a bad case of food poisoning. I am feeling better but I still have no appetite. I have eaten almost nothing since Sunday. This is very weird for someone who put on right at 50 pounds in 5 years. The only good thing is that if I was to race right now I would no longer qualify for the clydesdale division.
2012-01-26 7:05 AM
in reply to: #4010492

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

johnthecat - 2012-01-25 1:46 PM While we are on the topping of falling with clipless pedals. Somewhere in the near future I'll have to get me some as well. Do you guys have any recommendations? I know there's different types etc. out there, just haven't had much time to do research.

I started on my road bike with the pedals that had the toe straps until I was ready to go clipless.  I am a fan of and found some good pedals that are the Nashbar brand.  They are like the Keo Look-type pedal.  Here is a link to those pedals.

I have also had the falling off the bike.  Did that at a busy intersection when I thought the light was changing and it did not. 

These pedals have worked great for me.  Probably rode about 800-900 miles now on my bike with them.  Absolutely love them.  Makes you feel more as "one" with your bike and a huge difference with the stroke.  You can get great benefits when climbing and the pulling up working your hamstrings.

These are a great entry level clipless pedal and as you can see, affordable.

I hope everyone is having a great week of training and by the recent posts, it appears so.  Keep up the great work everyone!

2012-01-26 8:28 AM
in reply to: #3955634

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED
Good morning all.  Had a good swim this morning.   Felt strong.  I also have a tempo run planned for lunch.  Loving the warmer NC weather.  
2012-01-26 9:25 PM
in reply to: #4011830

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

4 miles tonight and my running is finally to a point where I actually run more than I walk. Amazing how quickly one can get out of shape. Weird how I seem to get a lot more winded running than riding my bike or swimming.

The other good thing is that all of last years injuries seem to have been put to the rest. So far only slight shin splits in the first week of January which quickly went away with toe lifts and "Stick" usage.

2012-01-27 8:31 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Extreme Veteran
The Beach, CA
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

Just got back from a run, 6.5 miles, beautiful early evening weather by the beach.  

Headed to the pool for a swim, hoping to get in 1000 yards, more on that later.

2012-01-28 3:02 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Extreme Veteran
The Beach, CA
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

A beautiful day in So Cal, started the day with a 7 mile run with friends and then off to the beach for a trial swim in the new wet suit.  

I started out just treading of water to get used to the suit then swam about 400 yards.  Good fit but the water was really cold so I called it a day for now.

How is everyone else doing?

Edited by scotttuttle 2012-01-28 9:51 PM
2012-01-28 4:59 PM
in reply to: #4016130

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New user
NW Indiana
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED
scotttuttle - 2012-01-28 3:02 PM

A beautiful day in So Cal, started the day with a 7 mile run with friers and then of to the beach for a trial swim in the new wet suit.  

I started out just treading of water to get used to the suit then swam about 400 yards.  Good fit but the water was really cold so I called it a day for now.

How is everyone else doing?

Water in Lake Michigan is 33 degrees so open water swimming wont be happening for a few months here....I'm so jealous of you folks in warmer climates.

Went for a trail run.....temps were about 32 degrees so it was pretty comfortable but the water/ice on the trails was thawing.....every few steps in those areas you'd break through the ice and drop into the water below.....cold and muddy, but a great workout. Probably going to try on the beach at the National Lakeshore tomorrow.....the packed sand near the water is usually good for running.

2012-01-29 2:45 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Extreme Veteran
The Beach, CA
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

Brick training with a local Tri Club today.  Great group of people and a good day training.

Started with a 17.5 mile ride averaged about 15.6 mph

Finished with a 5k at 7:50 pace

Taking it a bit easy in preparation for the Surf City Half Marathon next week.  Hope everyone is having a great day.

Edited by STut 2012-01-29 2:47 PM
2012-01-29 3:22 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

Everyone is doing great!  Awesome to see all of the training you are able to get in.

Today was a great day for a ride in NC. Not a cloud in the sky. A little windy but I worked on pushing through the wind staying in the large ring. Overall a great ride today.

2012-01-29 5:54 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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New user
NW Indiana
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED
got in a great run....4.8 miles. Road run....didn't make it to the beach.....tried to get the pace under 10 minutes but ended up at 10:07....getting there but still have a long way to go. Have a 5K trail race in about a month....local departments here compete for best aggregate times...the 25 year old childrenTongue out at DNR have dominated for a number of years but we're going to try to give them a run this year. Looking for a 10K to follow that up with. Happy training all.

2012-01-29 6:07 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

Had a great workout weekend.  Was able to get a 30 mile ride and 20 mile run in.  Took it easy on the bike knowing that I had a long run.  


The bike ride was supposed to be a group ride but ended up at a fundraiser car wash so missed the group.  Still went ahead with the ride.  

My run was pretty good.  I chose a route that included lots of turns.  Wanted to ensure that I did not into long straight or straighter runs.  What I didn't count on was hills.  It felt like I was constantly going uphill.  This is positioning me well for my upcoming marathon.  

2012-01-30 5:00 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED
Today was a 20 mile bike ride. The ride was great. Took my time and tried just stretch my legs. Loved the ride in this very nice weather that we a having. Tomorrow back in pool and an "easy" 8 mile run.
2012-01-31 10:34 AM
in reply to: #3955634

Keller, TX
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED
Had a great trainer ride last night followed with karate class which helped me stretch out after the hour long ride. Run this evening planned.
2012-01-31 12:41 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

My swim today was a little sluggish.  I didn't feel comfortable at all.  But I was able to get it in.  

I have a nice lunch run today.  The weather here in NC was absolutely gorgeous.  

Addie, you have the Krispy Kreme Run this weekend.  I hope you enjoy.  Chick ran it last year.  

2012-01-31 1:16 PM
in reply to: #4020930

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED


They pulled out of the Houston area 5 or 6 years ago or so.....noone else comes close to their doughnuts imo....maybe that's a good thing or I would pack on more pounds.


2012-01-31 4:35 PM
in reply to: #4008560

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Buffalo, NY
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED
htodman - 2012-01-24 2:24 PM

Cam, had you thought about the Cervelo Share A Ride Program. You might be able to pick up a brand new Cervelo tri bike for less than the 09 Felt.


Harold - Thanks for the heads up on this promotion.  I called the local dealer and was able to participate in the program.  Pickup a new Cervelo P2 yesterday, stretched my budget a little, but I now own a bike I have no fears of outgrowing.  

Thanks guys for your input.

2012-01-31 7:40 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

Last year I competed in the Krispy Kreme Challenge.  That was one heck of an experience.  Addie, you will have a blast.  I wrote a blog post about that day.  Here is that article.

I also made the news for my umbrella hat I wore.  It was a rainy day and a perfect hat for the occasion.  Here is a link to the ABC news story.  I am about 30 seconds in.

2012-01-31 8:38 PM
in reply to: #4021618

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Teaneck, New Jersey
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED
CrunEA - 2012-01-31 4:35 PM
htodman - 2012-01-24 2:24 PM

Cam, had you thought about the Cervelo Share A Ride Program. You might be able to pick up a brand new Cervelo tri bike for less than the 09 Felt.


Harold - Thanks for the heads up on this promotion.  I called the local dealer and was able to participate in the program.  Pickup a new Cervelo P2 yesterday, stretched my budget a little, but I now own a bike I have no fears of outgrowing.  

Thanks guys for your input.


GREAT!! Enjoy the new ride.

2012-01-31 9:07 PM
in reply to: #3955634

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Extreme Veteran
The Beach, CA
Subject: RE: The Second Wind Group - CLOSED

Swam 1200 yards last night, starting to feel better but still not a swimmer.

Had a nice tempo run tonight, 4.4 miles at an 8:24 pace, always feels good to get in a run after work.

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