BT Development Mentor Program Archives » STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL! Rss Feed  
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2012-04-13 5:25 AM
in reply to: #4144514

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
skibummer - 2012-04-11 7:42 PM

Yesterday was an "easy" day. Did a sweet little hike (2mi x 2) to get some skiing in on a local mountain. The only problem was I started hammering the up track because I thought someone else was going to ski it first. My "easy' day quickly turned into a two lap mini suffer-fest. 

Today I took advantage of a gym membership deal, and put in a sprinty sprint tri workout: 

 15 min pool (500yds?)                                                                                                                          15 min bike (5mi)                                                                                                                                15 min run (2mi)   

Didn't have a lot of time today, so I decided to just give them all a go. Joined with a friend who is not tri minded, but my goal is to at least get some personal training experience as I help him toward his goal to "get cut".

And now for some bedtime yoga to stretch out those angry muscles.

That's the way to make it work! Indoor mini tris are fun too. Adding the yoga is perfect.

2012-04-13 5:27 AM
in reply to: #4143167

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Let's do this thing! StephSprint group OPEN!
jessicajane - 2012-04-11 10:48 AM

A cheese head I am indeed! My tri is actually in Eau Claire on June 10. I'm a little nervous, it's coming up fast. I've been doing a 14-17 mile bike ride followed by a 3.2mile run once a week, is that over kill or okay to keep up? It's a little more then the plan I'm following so I wanted to ask. I feel okay doing it, but I'm a naive beginner, what do I know?

Make sure you don't over do the running! don't go too long too fast, and don't run every day if you aren't an experienced runner. You WILL get injured. That said, your once a week brick is pretty perfect!
2012-04-13 5:29 AM
in reply to: #4143242

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
deehtz - 2012-04-11 11:09 AM

Back in the group please!

I am still running with just a tiny bit of swimming.  Have a 10k in May, and I have not done enough hills!

I have a 10k May 12th. GULP.

I haven't done any hill work since last fall.

We better get to work!
2012-04-13 5:30 AM
in reply to: #4143355

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Let's do this thing! StephSprint group OPEN!
Erschmaltz - 2012-04-11 11:50 AM

    I am a smidge of a perfectionist, so it was just frustrating, but have been talking about how awesome it was since! My swim coach wants everyone to swim a 500 fly by 5/1/2012. Now, I don't know how that is going to go, but i'm a goal person, so I will fight like hell to do it! The competitor in me just hopes there's at least one other person behind me!

    Nice job on the time improvement for swimming! It's frustrating getting it down, but it's my favorite of the three sports. Well, I will say that until I hop on the back of a bike anyway, and then that one will be my favorite!


Perfectionist and swimming... good combo! it's all technique! I love the bike but I am afraid to ride around here.
2012-04-13 5:32 AM
in reply to: #4143428

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Lovey - 2012-04-11 12:14 PM

Is anyone in central Maryland by any chance?

By the way, Steph you are in my home town of Miami. I miss the town not the heat.

I like the hot weather so it's working for me. I haven't seen any Marylanders on here yet. If you go to the other FORUMS there is one that has a breakdown by location. I even found some Iowans on there once!
2012-04-13 5:34 AM
in reply to: #4143469

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Let's do this thing! StephSprint group OPEN!
garylandry - 2012-04-11 12:30 PM

Thinking about joining Hammerheads and I train at La fitness by South Miami Heights on US 1 . I live very close to Larry and Penny park and road the bike course a couple of weeks ago, very nice ride.


Are you a hammerhead?

I did join the hammerheads... it's so cheap, and there are hundreds of members, so while it's not coaching it is a club and they have great bike rides and really good OWS clinics. Worth the money and they have a huge facebook page membership as well. you'll find a bunch of people to train with.

2012-04-13 5:38 AM
in reply to: #4142242

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Let's do this thing! StephSprint group OPEN!
Luckyme - 2012-04-10 9:54 PM

Hi Stephanie! I just signed up for my first sprint tri in late June. I'm really nervous about it. I have been doing running races for about 3 years and felt it was time for a change. I can do the running and biking distances separately but doing them consecutively is a struggle. . .then there's the swimming, which is harder for me. I've been practicing swimming but tend to stick to the breast stroke, side stroke and back stroke. I read on BT that I should do the freestyle....I stink at that stroke and struggle to complete even a lap swimming it. I have so many questions about what to expect and how best to prepare. I would appreciate being able to join your group for not only the support but also for the input and tips for a tri newbie. Thanks!

Are you taking any lessons? have you looked up Mr. Smooth? google him. Also, remember arse/head relationship. head down, arse up! really it works.... go slow and really work on technique. do you have fins? get some. it is MUCH easier to work on the stroke if your legs aren't sinking. fins will keep your body in position.

STICK WITH IT! the more you practice, the luckier you get.
2012-04-13 5:39 AM
in reply to: #4142219

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Let's do this thing! StephSprint group OPEN!
frenchiegurl - 2012-04-10 9:42 PM

Sunday - 28 mile bike

Monday - Tabata strength workout

Tuesday - 1200 yd swim (was supposed to be about 1600 but thunder closed pool)

What is Tabata?
2012-04-13 5:41 AM
in reply to: #4142622

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Let's do this thing! StephSprint group OPEN!
Zbridget - 2012-04-11 7:50 AM

erin1621 - 2012-04-11 6:45 AM


 If i can I would like to join I am doing my very first sprint tri 6/24.  I am 34 mama with two boys 4 and 2 and I am a part time working cardiac RN. So trying to balance life is sometimes hardFoot in mouth I try to swim twice a week and run/ bike the others. I find it hard to really get in strength training with all this. Of course swim is my weakest but I see improvement already. However, I know open water will be a different animal! 

Hi Erin,

Do I know you from another check-in forum?  Are you training for lymphoma/leukemia?


Do you guys know each other? The Team In Training people are gearing up down here. I wish I had the patience for that.
2012-04-13 5:43 AM
in reply to: #4137170

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Let's do this thing! StephSprint group OPEN!
Zbridget - 2012-04-08 9:36 PM

I’m hoping you have room for another

NAME: Bridget/ Zbridget        

STORY:  44 years old, was working full time and finished grad school last May 20+lbs overweight.  Joined WW and lost most of it.  Had been going to the Y for spinning classes and developed great friendships with the 5am crowd, and started participating in fit activities there. 

I go on a family reunion every summer in the Adirondack mountains in July around the time of Lake Placid Ironman-and though I have never been athletic, I have been intrigued by the fit people in Lake Placid who come to town every summer.  

FAMILY STATUS: Married to my husband 14 years this year, one daughter 10. 

CURRENT TRAINING: Spinning class 3x a week, starting to run on the treadmill at the Y after spin class.  I take a beginner swim class Monday nights- my daughter loves to swim, and we go lap swimming on Friday nights when the laps are almost empty- I trudge slowly and she swims circles around me.  Thursday mornings I take a TRX training class- core strengthening, resistance training. 

I purchased a road bike- it is on layaway, and I live close enough to work that I can commute with it in the summertime. 

2011 RACES:  I have never raced anything before, and will be running a HM 9/16/12 at Misquamacut RI- Surftown HM.  Also, volunteering at a Sprint at the Y in June. 

WEIGHT LOSS: I am within a few pounds of my weight loss goal, but have noticed since I have ramped up my workouts that my weight loss has slowed down, and I need to eat to keep from pooping out- would be interested in some guidance in this area. 

BIGGEST CHALLENGE:  Increasing my endurance, swimming laps without sucking wind or clutching the gutter after one.  Overcoming inertia and staying with it!  

You are doing a half as your first race? I hope I'm not repeating myself. Have you joined usa triathlon? they have the most information on training. i just got my magazine in the mail, love it.
2012-04-13 5:46 AM
in reply to: #4140173

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Let's do this thing! StephSprint group OPEN!
albertoT - 2012-04-10 9:17 AM

Hi Stephanie and everybody,

I am Alberto I have been active all my live doing different sports, swimming on my teens years, rock climbing and trekking on my 30', Sailing on my 40', and now on my 50' I am trying to go to the triathlon.

I swimming two days a week, cycling other two and for this moment resting on running, (hamstring issue). I walk any time I have some free time.

I am a beginner with a lot of passion for the sport I am involve on. I like to get out of bed early in the morning to work out. I have a few dreams to fulfill and I am working on that.

I will be happy to be member of the group.


Alberto, if you are a morning person, you are in the right sport! easy on that hamstring, what kind of therapy are you using to heal it?

2012-04-13 5:47 AM
in reply to: #4140408

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Let's do this thing! StephSprint group OPEN!
lauraleroux - 2012-04-10 10:17 AM


I would like to join your group.

I am a mother of 3 kids who before my third was a beginner runner. Had run a 5k and was training for a 10k. Since then I began to train for a tri a tri last spring and loved it but fell off the wagon. I am starting a couch to sprint plan and would love your expertise to help me with my first try a tri I am very excited

I have a 5k in October and the try a tri I believe is near that time too. They haven't stated yet.

I would love to be pushed and help push others with their goals

Laura Leroux

I could use a push. A big one! How is the running going?
2012-04-13 5:52 AM
in reply to: #4140763

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Let's do this thing! StephSprint group OPEN!
pegrosen - 2012-04-10 12:00 PM

I'd love to join this mentor group. I've never been a competitive or fast athlete but have always been active and have had excellent endurance, whether climbing Mt. Rainier, skiing in Colorado or doing centuries with my women's cycling group here in Montclair, NJ. I am 48 years old, married, have two teen sons and am a women's health and fitness journalist. Cycling is my strong suit and I run about 4 miles, twice a week when the weather is decent. Swimming is definitely my weak spot--I can do about a mile but with an ugly breast stroke. I've signed up for the August 19th West Point Sprint triathlon, hoping merely to survive it rather than clock some impressive time. I guess I need encouragement and advice about the logistics of stringing these sports together into one event, beefing up my running (my knees blow up like balloons after about 6 miles) and getting some sort of finesse into my swimming. Also--I need to figure out how to fit training into my life, and am hoping that another working mom can help me on this front. Thanks!

There are lots of working moms on here. I am not one of them but we have several here. Where would we find your writing? post some links!!! If your knees blow up, run shorter distances... faster. One tempo run, one hill run, and one 'long run'.. but stick to 4 or 5 miles faster....kind of a second tempo run. 90 mins or less. the spring programs on here are good. also, have you had someone look at your running form? make sure you aren't heel striking... it's hell on the knees.
2012-04-13 5:56 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Off to the gym. Seems the only way to stretch out my lower back is to use the leg press machine. Weird, I know, but it works.

Today is a 'rest day' for me, but I rested most of the week. How is everybody's weekend looking? got a brick on the schedule?

Does anyone need any help with the programs? here or even if you found one elsewhere, please ask.

Friday the 13th. Be careful, even if you aren't superstitious, other people are... and it makes them do stupid things. ;-)
2012-04-13 8:58 AM
in reply to: #4147506

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
awk1987 - 2012-04-12 9:11 PM

Hi Folks!

Whew-busy week & this is a big group! Smile  Susie- you & I are totally neighbors, northern burbs here too. Would love any tips you have on any local races or training groups. (doing the "I'm not worthy" bow on your IM experience!)

Picked up my first bike yesterday.  Trying to decide if I should spring for the shoes too.  I'm afraid it's too far above my experience level, which is total newbie. Anyone have thoughts or recommendations?  

Workout schedule is staying on track - love that the training log uploads from my Garmin!  I'm still trying to load everyone as friends. 

Hope everyone is looking forward to Friday & the weekend.  Now it's off to watch some playoff hockey - let's go hawks!!


Hi Terri,

Where do you train?  

The races you have listed earlier are nice ones.  I have done the Naperville one.  Another good race is Pleasant Prairie.  It's just over the WI border in... Pleasant Prairie.  They have both a sprint and an Olympic. 


2012-04-13 10:20 AM
in reply to: #4147789

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
stephsprint - 2012-04-13 6:56 AM

  • ....... How is everybody's weekend looking? got a brick on the schedule? Does anyone need any help with the programs? here or even if you found one elsewhere, please ask..... ;-)

  • I tried the BT training programs but I didn't like it being broken out by minutes. For running, I definitely go by distance. For biking I usually go by distance because I follow the trails point to point but I could do time. Swimming, I go by time.
    How do I incorporate the BT program into my training. I don't follow a plan for swimming or biking. I follow a tweaked version of Hal Higdon half marathon program.

    Swimming is my hardest area and the area I feel most unmotivated about. Swimming on my own is worst than pulling teeth sometimes. I am thinking of finding masters swim class that swim several times a week. My pre-masters class swims only once a week on Saturdays at 6am right before my 7:30am long run!!!

    2012-04-13 11:56 AM
    in reply to: #4147789

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    Medford Lakes, NJ
    Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

    stephsprint - 2012-04-13 6:56 AM Off to the gym. Seems the only way to stretch out my lower back is to use the leg press machine. Weird, I know, but it works. Today is a 'rest day' for me, but I rested most of the week. How is everybody's weekend looking? got a brick on the schedule? Does anyone need any help with the programs? here or even if you found one elsewhere, please ask. Friday the 13th. Be careful, even if you aren't superstitious, other people are... and it makes them do stupid things. ;-)


    Happy Friday everyone!

    This week was a bit off my normal schedule.   The pool was closed for improvements so I moved my other training around to avoid an off day. 

    I am trying to figure out my Saturday, but it will involve biking if anything.  Maybe I will get up early enough and take that spin class at my gym that I have been avoiding. We shall see. 

    Sunday I will run between 5 and 7 miles.  Depends if my love wants to run with me or if I am on my own.


    Have a great weekend everyone.

    2012-04-13 12:30 PM
    in reply to: #4148132

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    Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
    suzimmer - 2012-04-13 8:58 AM
    awk1987 - 2012-04-12 9:11 PM

    Hi Folks!

    Whew-busy week & this is a big group! Smile  Susie- you & I are totally neighbors, northern burbs here too. Would love any tips you have on any local races or training groups. (doing the "I'm not worthy" bow on your IM experience!)

    Picked up my first bike yesterday.  Trying to decide if I should spring for the shoes too.  I'm afraid it's too far above my experience level, which is total newbie. Anyone have thoughts or recommendations?  

    Workout schedule is staying on track - love that the training log uploads from my Garmin!  I'm still trying to load everyone as friends. 

    Hope everyone is looking forward to Friday & the weekend.  Now it's off to watch some playoff hockey - let's go hawks!!


    Hi Terri,

    Where do you train?  

    The races you have listed earlier are nice ones.  I have done the Naperville one.  Another good race is Pleasant Prairie.  It's just over the WI border in... Pleasant Prairie.  They have both a sprint and an Olympic. 


    Hi Susie-

    I swim at Lifetime in VH (Love their outdoor pool in the summer) and was using the stationary bikes until I got a real one.   Biking is going to be a challenge - no safe roads nearby for a rookie like me, (I'd get dizzy doing laps in my neighborhood) so driving to forest preserve trails will probably be my primary training plan.  I run either in my neighborhood or on one of the bike paths near our high school. Next weekend I have a 10k at US Cellular.

    Naperville in June looks like a lot of fun, and my DH works in PP. Some of his co-workers did the Danskin there last year in August & had a great time.  I passed on it .  Shame on me.Frown There is a 'tri 101' clinic up there next Sat that I'm planning on going to.  I'd like to find a beginner cycling clinic or a beginner friendly group ride somewhere too. Really need to learn the basics.

    Congrats on your soon-to-be college graduate! I have a soph too out in CO, haven't seen him since Feb & can't wait for him to come home. He'll be thrilled to find out he's been recruited to schlep all my equipment around all summer! 


    2012-04-13 12:59 PM
    in reply to: #4128264

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    Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

    I'm so this the spring group now, or the old group. HELP!

    workouts going well. Two swims and mucho biking. Thinking about doing a super sprint on May 12.

    2012-04-13 2:01 PM
    in reply to: #4148790

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    Illinois _ Chicago area
    Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
    awk1987 - 2012-04-13 12:30 PM
    suzimmer - 2012-04-13 8:58 AM
    awk1987 - 2012-04-12 9:11 PM

    Hi Folks!

    Whew-busy week & this is a big group! Smile  Susie- you & I are totally neighbors, northern burbs here too. Would love any tips you have on any local races or training groups. (doing the "I'm not worthy" bow on your IM experience!)

    Picked up my first bike yesterday.  Trying to decide if I should spring for the shoes too.  I'm afraid it's too far above my experience level, which is total newbie. Anyone have thoughts or recommendations?  

    Workout schedule is staying on track - love that the training log uploads from my Garmin!  I'm still trying to load everyone as friends. 

    Hope everyone is looking forward to Friday & the weekend.  Now it's off to watch some playoff hockey - let's go hawks!!


    Hi Terri,

    Where do you train?  

    The races you have listed earlier are nice ones.  I have done the Naperville one.  Another good race is Pleasant Prairie.  It's just over the WI border in... Pleasant Prairie.  They have both a sprint and an Olympic. 


    Hi Susie-

    I swim at Lifetime in VH (Love their outdoor pool in the summer) and was using the stationary bikes until I got a real one.   Biking is going to be a challenge - no safe roads nearby for a rookie like me, (I'd get dizzy doing laps in my neighborhood) so driving to forest preserve trails will probably be my primary training plan.  I run either in my neighborhood or on one of the bike paths near our high school. Next weekend I have a 10k at US Cellular.

    Naperville in June looks like a lot of fun, and my DH works in PP. Some of his co-workers did the Danskin there last year in August & had a great time.  I passed on it .  Shame on me.Frown There is a 'tri 101' clinic up there next Sat that I'm planning on going to.  I'd like to find a beginner cycling clinic or a beginner friendly group ride somewhere too. Really need to learn the basics.

    Congrats on your soon-to-be college graduate! I have a soph too out in CO, haven't seen him since Feb & can't wait for him to come home. He'll be thrilled to find out he's been recruited to schlep all my equipment around all summer! 


    I'm at the Old Orchard Lifetime in Skokie.  I may be up at VH this weekend as the club here will be closed starting tomorrow, the 14th.  My mom lives in Libertyville, so I could get in a visit and a swim.

    I've done a lot of biking up in that area.  Early Sunday mornings are best as far as traffic goes.  In fact you will see quite a few bike groups heading north on St. Mary's. Is the forest trail you refer to the DesPlaines river trail?  If so, a great trail.  Have ridden it quite a few times, but it's crushed limestone, not so good for road bikes.  You can look up street routes on Map My Ride.  Many times there will be comments such as not much traffic, many pot holes etc.  However I completely understand your hesitancy about riding on the roads as a newbie and by yourself. The VH Lifetime has a cycle club, they sometimes combine with our cycle club, and they have weekend group rides.  Perhaps you could check that out and don't be intimidated. (I know you are thinking uber fast riders in matching outfits - not so)  I know our club welcomes all levels and will help newer riders, I would imagine the VH club to be similar. 


    2012-04-13 2:08 PM
    in reply to: #4128264

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    Illinois _ Chicago area
    Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!


    I concur with Steph on the Look pedals, if you go that route.  Have you ever ridden a road bike before?    I just plunged right into both, new road bike and clipless.  If you are used to biking it isn't too bad.  If you haven't been on a bike in awhile, perhaps you could get used to the handling of the bike first before going clipless.  I must admit to several falls while getting used to being clipped in.  Nothing like that helpless feeling of falling in slow motion while your feet are still attached to the bike. But it's usually more embarrassing than injury producing.



    2012-04-13 3:06 PM
    in reply to: #4148872

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    Medford Lakes, NJ
    Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
    jessica7378 - 2012-04-13 1:59 PM

    I'm so this the spring group now, or the old group. HELP!

    workouts going well. Two swims and mucho biking. Thinking about doing a super sprint on May 12.


    Hey Jess,

    This is the spring group.  

    What is a super sprint?

    2012-04-13 5:03 PM
    in reply to: #4149244

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    Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
    the super sprint is half normal sprint distance... I had a delay on the swim training so this is only 150 yards, and I figure Ill get the experience of the transitions. Itll be like an awesome brick workout
    2012-04-13 6:35 PM
    in reply to: #4147789

    Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

    stephsprint - 2012-04-13 3:56 AM Off to the gym. Seems the only way to stretch out my lower back is to use the leg press machine. Weird, I know, but it works. Today is a 'rest day' for me, but I rested most of the week. How is everybody's weekend looking? got a brick on the schedule? Does anyone need any help with the programs? here or even if you found one elsewhere, please ask. Friday the 13th. Be careful, even if you aren't superstitious, other people are... and it makes them do stupid things. ;-)

    Got off work early today to do some biking - pouring rain and thunder - unusually nasty weather for the beach - and Friday the 13th!! I think I will stay home, off the streets and do some core work instead.

    2012-04-13 6:39 PM
    in reply to: #4149083

    Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
    suzimmer - 2012-04-13 12:08 PM


    I concur with Steph on the Look pedals, if you go that route.  Have you ever ridden a road bike before?    I just plunged right into both, new road bike and clipless.  If you are used to biking it isn't too bad.  If you haven't been on a bike in awhile, perhaps you could get used to the handling of the bike first before going clipless.  I must admit to several falls while getting used to being clipped in.  Nothing like that helpless feeling of falling in slow motion while your feet are still attached to the bike. But it's usually more embarrassing than injury producing.



    I have cages on my pedals - go ahead and laugh - maybe someday I will graduate to those uber cool pedals and shoes.....

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