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2012-04-22 2:21 PM
in reply to: #4165552

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Turner100 - 2012-04-22 1:58 PM

Hi Everyone, I would love to join your group. Smile 

Three things jumped out at me as I started to read this forum.

1. Dave, I am also injury plagued runner turning to triathlons. So, I need help.

2. My first Triathlon is going to be the Racine HIM, yes I know, I'm crazy, but I need a goal to keep me going. So reading that so many of you have either raced Racine or are signed up for 2012 is awesome.

3. Fitmomma, I love that you mentioned the Hash House Harriers motto, "A Drinking Club with a Running Problem!"  If you like to have fun, I would highly recommend the Red Dress Run. They have one in every large city. Imagine, 200, 300, 500 men and women in their favorite red dress on a pub crawl! No, this is not for any cause, it's just all about having fun and being silly. 

I will add my bio soon, Thanks Turner 100 (Rob)

Holy crap, I thought it was just going to be the 7-8 of us yakking. Welcome Rob! Racine is as good as any to do a first tri...HIM is a manageable distance to train for, and the swim is not much longer than an OLY, so if you're already used to training (and it sounds like you are) it's not a stretch.

How are you in the water? Racine is a wonderful swim, but it is deep and truly an OWS, so you have to be comfortable with that. Also a sprint or oly earlier in the season might not be a bad idea to fine tune your transitions and your gear...for some reason I can train all summer long and until I race I don't figure certain things last year I was trying to do GU's on the bike in an OLY and couldn't figure out what to do with the empties. Stuck 'em in the leg of my trisuit and had streaks of sticky Gu'ey goodness all over my legs by the end of the ride. After THAT I mixed them with water and put them in a flask...soooo much easier for the bike...

But I didn't realize it would be a problem because on my long training rides I would just stop for a minute or two to do a gu...

I also have a pair of goggles that only leak on a race. It is downright paranormal, but true.

However, if you are bent on doing Racine for your first, that's cool too. Around here, bragging rights are important...we get it.

What plan are you going to use or just winging it?

What kind of running did you do? What kind of injuries have you had/do you have now?

Looking forward to the bio. Welcome,


2012-04-22 2:25 PM
in reply to: #4164648

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
oriolepwr - 2012-04-21 4:58 PM

fitmomma2010 - 2012-04-20 11:21 PM Ok so I am sooooo loving this performance membership. I did my lactate threshold field test on the bike today. Not only am I really really happy with my speed but being able to upload the workout straight from my 910 to BT was Awesome! The test itself was pretty close to pass out and die but I actually rode an average of 16.4 mph for over 30 minutes. That is really great for me. Usually I'm lucky if I get 15.2- 15.4 mph avg and that is pushing it. My sweating but still can talk some rides have usually only been around 13-14 ish mph so today was awesome to see those speeds. Maybe the spin classes are really starting to pay off. I am also sooo excited about having as close to true as I'm going to get heart rate zones. I just think my training will be much smarter now. So in case you can't tell- I'm just really stoked about all of this again. I also signed up for two races today- Yay. I have finally kicked my tri butt back in gear. May the legs be with us, Shelly P.S. And where is everyone? Hopefully out SBR ing- lol.


Pass out and die pace!  I love it!   Yeah those are fun.          Nice to see you so stoked!  

As for where I have been....  

It's best to not ask too many questions......   (Just kidding)

Been working a lot of hours lately.   Also we are in the process of adopting a ex-racing Greyhound!   We went to a class this morning on how to incorporate and transition a racer into a pet.     Also  we have already had one that we wanted adopted before we could!   Boo!       Now there is another that we have set our sights on  and we go to the kennel next weekend.   Two other families have appointments before us and can pick before we do.   Met one of those families (really nice people)  and found they also want the same one we want.  Oh no!  I told the girls to NOT say anything to them about wanting the same one.  SO we will see     The dog also needs to pick US! at the kennel.   If the dog wants nothing to do with us, we have to choose another.   They are really picky about where/who these dogs get placed.        Anyhow this whole thing has been preoccupying me a bit as I study up,  been talking to people, and attending meet and greets etc. 

"May the legs be with us!"

Did you leave the keys in the ignition??? Hahaha

2012-04-22 3:00 PM
in reply to: #4165580

New user
Wauwatosa, WI
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Hi Quincy, thanks for welcoming me! I think that the best way to answer your questions is to just share my bio.

Turned 40 years old this year, married 15 years, two daughters (13 & 15), who both run cross country and track, and can kick my all day! From Wauwatosa, WI a suburb of Milwaukee.

Former Marine, former RN, currently in sales-which is/was how and why I let myself go. I was big runner, ran 3 marathons including Boston, but that was 17 years ago. PR 3:01, but again that was 17 years ago. I can swim, bike and run. While I was in the Marines, I fell about 15 feet and fractured my talus (foot) bone, and went from a 5'8" 170 lb. guy to a 5'7' (yes, I have shrunk) 230 lb. guy- which sucks.  

So, as of January 1st, I started training, without a plan, lol. So far, I've dropped 25 lbs. down to 205, joined TriWisconsin for extra workouts-primarily swims and runs so far. Signed up for Racine, so every time I feel like skipping a workout, I just tell myself, I don't want to drown in Lake Michigan!

Again, no specific training plan, but for the last 10 years I have been plagued with shin splints, so instead of running 5 times a week, it's swim, bike and run. And, guess what, no pain, lol.

Since the kids are getting older, I find myself with more time than ever. So, I am really hitting it and training about 12 hours a week, planning on bumping that up to 15.

My only other training has been adding some Yoga, Kettle bells, and water running (my secret weapon). In fact, I only run 3 times a week, but add in an additional 2 hours of water running.

Not much else, except that I love to eat and drink too much. I really am trying to watch my diet, and am hoping to drop another 20 lbs. by Racine.

My final note, one of motivations this year is my best friend Mike. We met in high school and ran cross country and track together. Unlike me, Mike stuck to running, completing over 30 marathons and 3 IM's (Madison last year). And, then some idiot, decided to read his text messages, and rear ended him doing 40 miles an hour as Mike was stopped at a red light. The doctor said that if he had not been in ironman condition, he might have been paralyzed. That happened in November, and after his  cervical fusion, he doesn't know if he can ever run again. So, I'm not going to take my health for granted anymore. You never know when the next idiot is going to do something stupid! Sorry for the rant, but every time I get tired and want to skip a workout, I think of Mike, and I get mad, and I hit it.

That's it, lol.  I love reading everyone's entries and am really inspired. Looking forward to Racine HIM!

Thanks Rob


2012-04-22 3:16 PM
in reply to: #4159466

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
fitmomma2010 - 2012-04-18 9:23 PM
TLakatos1259 - 2012-04-18 10:25 AM

My running problem!  I get about 2 + minutes down the road and I can't breath, legs hurt and I start walking.  Yes my running (time) has increased.  I just thought I would be able to run longer than 2 minutes before I needed to start walking.

Any thoughts???


Tom, I sooo can relate. I was right there last year. I did the c25k app on my iphone and when I first started each time the run time increased, I was totally convinced that I'd never be able to handle that amount of time. When it was 2min I was dying at the end of the two minutes, then it'd increase to 3 min and I'd think OMG no way can I go another minute longer but each time I'd do it. When it jumped to 5 minutes I thought I was truly going to pass out and die. I managed each time though and eventually I reached the point where I was running a full 30+ minutes. However, I never did reach the full 5k distance. I would just go out and run until I couldn't run anymore and the longest/ furthest I ever got was 2.87 miles in somewhere around 35-40 minutes. All that time though, I absolutely hated running. I literally would take each step and think I hate this, why am I even doing this, I hate it , hate it, hate it. I was only doing it to train for my sprint tri. Then it started to bug me that I was just so pitiful at running and hated it so much. I was determined not to let it get the best of me. I started reading everything I could on running. I subscribed to runner's world, bought books, dvd's etc. all about run form, run training, beginner running, women's running etc, etc, etc. None of it made much difference but it did keep me running. Then----- I went to a run clinic taught by Jeff Galloway. He teaches/ preaches the run walk method of running. The extremely quick version is you run a short time then take a walk break, run again, take a walk break. How long you run and how long you walk is determined by several factors including your fitness, goals, base time etc. He teaches though that you should always use run/walk. It was truly a life changing seminar for me. I now run 6- 7 miles on my long runs. I ran my first 10k a couple of Saturdays ago and it was my fastest time yet. I have taken 3-4 minutes off my 5k time and I can honestly I no longer hate running. I won't lie and say I love it, but I at least don't mind it. I am even thinking I can do a half marathon next year. He swore at the clinic that anyone using his method would be faster and for me he was right. I highly recommend that you read one of his books. You can also look at his website. Now, the biggest thing to get used to was that it was ok to take walk breaks. It's not cheating. Anyway, it truly is a better method for me and my heart issues and I am quite a bit faster (not fast by any stretch) than I ever was with straight running and I enjoy running soooo much more. Just thought you might be interested. Shelly

Sorry, I thought I replied to this, but I guess I haven't linked my inner monologue to BT...yet...

ITA with Shelly about becoming comfortable with the run/walk approach. Don't be like me and have to learn it in a race...

I also would love to see your stride, we obsess about swim form, but almost never talk about run or cycling form, and bad form, especially in running, can be very detrimental.

What you're striving for is a super efficient leg swing from the hips with little or no motion in any plane except for forward and back (i.e. no side to side or up and down motion). Your arms are cooperating by following your legs along but doing little or no extra work. You are not tense but your whole body is engaged. You are upright as if a string was tied to the top of your head and was pulling exactly in the opposite direction of gravity, your feet strike underneath you roughly directly below your CG. Your effort level is directed at making your feet "turn over fast" not on powering yourself off of the pavement with every step. Breathing should be deep and somewhat faster than normal but not labored.

When you can no longer hold these parameters you should drop down into a fast, powerful walk that will keep your breathing deep and faster than normal but not labored. When I am doing a run/walk, I have some parameters I follow so I don't walk too long. It might be a landmark or a time or maybe just the aid station. 

Too often when people start out running, they really start out sprinting, which is for short distances for a reason. I like to start off easy and slow and then allow myself to build into a faster pace if that is what I am aiming for. Once you redline, it is hard to recover back into a nice aerobic stride...

2012-04-22 3:49 PM
in reply to: #4165618

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Turner100 - 2012-04-22 3:00 PM

Hi Quincy, thanks for welcoming me! I think that the best way to answer your questions is to just share my bio.

Turned 40 years old this year, married 15 years, two daughters (13 & 15), who both run cross country and track, and can kick my all day! From Wauwatosa, WI a suburb of Milwaukee.

Former Marine, former RN, currently in sales-which is/was how and why I let myself go. I was big runner, ran 3 marathons including Boston, but that was 17 years ago. PR 3:01, but again that was 17 years ago. I can swim, bike and run. While I was in the Marines, I fell about 15 feet and fractured my talus (foot) bone, and went from a 5'8" 170 lb. guy to a 5'7' (yes, I have shrunk) 230 lb. guy- which sucks.  

So, as of January 1st, I started training, without a plan, lol. So far, I've dropped 25 lbs. down to 205, joined TriWisconsin for extra workouts-primarily swims and runs so far. Signed up for Racine, so every time I feel like skipping a workout, I just tell myself, I don't want to drown in Lake Michigan!

Again, no specific training plan, but for the last 10 years I have been plagued with shin splints, so instead of running 5 times a week, it's swim, bike and run. And, guess what, no pain, lol.

Since the kids are getting older, I find myself with more time than ever. So, I am really hitting it and training about 12 hours a week, planning on bumping that up to 15.

My only other training has been adding some Yoga, Kettle bells, and water running (my secret weapon). In fact, I only run 3 times a week, but add in an additional 2 hours of water running.

Not much else, except that I love to eat and drink too much. I really am trying to watch my diet, and am hoping to drop another 20 lbs. by Racine.

My final note, one of motivations this year is my best friend Mike. We met in high school and ran cross country and track together. Unlike me, Mike stuck to running, completing over 30 marathons and 3 IM's (Madison last year). And, then some idiot, decided to read his text messages, and rear ended him doing 40 miles an hour as Mike was stopped at a red light. The doctor said that if he had not been in ironman condition, he might have been paralyzed. That happened in November, and after his  cervical fusion, he doesn't know if he can ever run again. So, I'm not going to take my health for granted anymore. You never know when the next idiot is going to do something stupid! Sorry for the rant, but every time I get tired and want to skip a workout, I think of Mike, and I get mad, and I hit it.

That's it, lol.  I love reading everyone's entries and am really inspired. Looking forward to Racine HIM!

Thanks Rob


Thanks for sharing your bio...

Water running is the bomb! In fact I think I am going to add it back into my program since I seem to have actually started training again.

And I feel you on the doing it because others can't...I was in the Navy and lost a lot of friends at too young of an age and whenever I feel like bagging on anything in my life, I think of them and do it because I can and they can't. And knowing most of them, they would be disgusted with me for being a wuss, so I laugh and I get back in the saddle and go some more...because I can. 

you'll fit in nicely around here, we all eat and drink like's a recent pic of Dave and my families at my house:

2012-04-22 10:21 PM
in reply to: #4165552

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Turner100 - 2012-04-22 1:58 PM

Hi Everyone, I would love to join your group. Smile 

Three things jumped out at me as I started to read this forum.

1. Dave, I am also injury plagued runner turning to triathlons. So, I need help.

2. My first Triathlon is going to be the Racine HIM, yes I know, I'm crazy, but I need a goal to keep me going. So reading that so many of you have either raced Racine or are signed up for 2012 is awesome.

3. Fitmomma, I love that you mentioned the Hash House Harriers motto, "A Drinking Club with a Running Problem!"  If you like to have fun, I would highly recommend the Red Dress Run. They have one in every large city. Imagine, 200, 300, 500 men and women in their favorite red dress on a pub crawl! No, this is not for any cause, it's just all about having fun and being silly. 

I will add my bio soon, Thanks Turner 100 (Rob)

Welcome to the group. I love to have fun and I am very interested in the Red Dress Run. New Orleans has one and the proceeds actually help support breast cancer research. That is perfect for me since that was my second cancer. It sounds like a really good time though. And I had no idea that the quote was the Hash House Harriers motto. I just thought it was hilarious. I think I'm going to do a little more research on the New Orleans HHH group. They sound like my kind of people- lol.

Glad to have you on board this second tour.


2012-04-23 6:56 AM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Hi gang! Saturday we drove to do the First Flight 5k with the kids. It was a beautiful day! My dh ran w my youngest (the faster of my two dd) and I ran with my 10 year old, well if you can call it running lol. Started out with intervals 2run x 1 walk and had to change that pretty quickly dd loves the medals, hates the running part lol! But you'd be so proud of me, I let it go and just went at her pace, had fun, and some one on one conversation with her which was nice. Got a cool medal, we got to run up and around the wright brother memorial, great view (tough hill), beautiful setting!

So I definitely didn't set any speed records and since we were so slow we didn't stick around for the awards. But that night I checked our results online and turns out my 8 year old placed first in her age group!! I feel SO bad we didn't stay! Now today I have to call and beg them to mail it! I am praying they will, she would be so excited. I didn't stop to think there may not be many kids in her age group which was 6-8, lesson learned, won't make that mistake again.

Now today, going to find a beginner group ride, do some p90x and maybe get my butt in a pool since I have been slacking the s & b of the equation! Happy Monday!!
2012-04-23 12:40 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Room for one more??

All you ever wanted to know about me: 38 years old, and currently living in Columbus, GA, but about to move to Ocean Springs, MS (near Biloxi). I am a stay at home mom for now (I like to call myself the CEO of our household) and married for 10 years to a wonderful man who works as a Cardiologist, and is also training for the Austin HIM (in his spare time).

I was a multi-sport athlete in high school, and played tennis in college, then stopped exercising for about 10 years, while I went to medical school, finished residency, and gave birth to twin daughters (now 5). On a whim I decided to run the Chicago Marathon in October of 2009, and took up running again about 6 months before the race (it was a 6 month whim). I have run three Chicago Marathons and the Georgia Marathon in Atlanta last month, and about 10 half marathons, as well. I have dabbled in some trail running, and have also thought about doing some ultra marathons, but thought I would go the triathlon route for now, to avoid overuse injuries.

I'm up to about 1.2 miles with my swim (not very fast...I mean, very slow), and I just started biking about 1 month ago, so I have quite a bit of work to do there, as well. Running is obviously my strong point, but lately I have had a bit of ITB pain in my right knee, so I have backed off a bit. I'm sure I will be seeking guidance in all of these areas at some point or another in the next few months!

I can't wait to get to know everyone! I also have a blog about trialthlon training that I just started last month, if anyone is interested, at


2012-04-23 1:35 PM
in reply to: #4165689

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
quincyf -

you'll fit in nicely around here, we all eat and drink like's a recent pic of Dave and my families at my house:

The Grog that night was the BOMB!   then after pillaging and looting in the am we gorged again!!  good times, good times  Then someone took my picture  course that was AFTER I double dipped the chip <hence not allowed anymore>    so here it is

2012-04-23 2:04 PM
in reply to: #4167439

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Sarah73 - 2012-04-23 12:40 PM

Room for one more??

All you ever wanted to know about me: 38 years old, and currently living in Columbus, GA, but about to move to Ocean Springs, MS (near Biloxi). I am a stay at home mom for now (I like to call myself the CEO of our household) and married for 10 years to a wonderful man who works as a Cardiologist, and is also training for the Austin HIM (in his spare time).

I was a multi-sport athlete in high school, and played tennis in college, then stopped exercising for about 10 years, while I went to medical school, finished residency, and gave birth to twin daughters (now 5). On a whim I decided to run the Chicago Marathon in October of 2009, and took up running again about 6 months before the race (it was a 6 month whim). I have run three Chicago Marathons and the Georgia Marathon in Atlanta last month, and about 10 half marathons, as well. I have dabbled in some trail running, and have also thought about doing some ultra marathons, but thought I would go the triathlon route for now, to avoid overuse injuries.

I'm up to about 1.2 miles with my swim (not very fast...I mean, very slow), and I just started biking about 1 month ago, so I have quite a bit of work to do there, as well. Running is obviously my strong point, but lately I have had a bit of ITB pain in my right knee, so I have backed off a bit. I'm sure I will be seeking guidance in all of these areas at some point or another in the next few months!

I can't wait to get to know everyone! I also have a blog about trialthlon training that I just started last month, if anyone is interested, at


Sarah!!!   Finally.  We have been waiting for you to join actually.  so glad you made it.  You are just in time for the contest- WHHHOOOOOPPPS!   I should not have said that,  ugh me and my big mouth.      Sadly not in time for the veggie dip and wine though.     I'm sure we will have another party soon. 

I'm so happy you are another marathoner and Chicago mary streaker!   I'm on the same streak  Chicago 2009 (my first mary)  2010, 2011   hee hee     Me,  Q and her hubby (another 2009-streaker) and Alicia are also running Chicago 2012    are you in for that???

With the volume of half mary's and marathons you have been doing,  I can see we are cut from the same cloth. 

are you still running with the ITB?  or stopped? 

Ok I get where you are at with the run/swim  but let us know more about your bike background.   I know you are just picking the bike back up for the past month.  What I'm looking for is what you experience is with cycling previously.

Are you signed up for any events?

thanks again for joining,  we have a great mix of wonderful peeps.  some are new,  most are from the first tour!    You fit right in.

Dave- AKA "Mr White"




2012-04-23 2:10 PM
in reply to: #4166471

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Ybeal - 2012-04-23 6:56 AM Hi gang! Saturday we drove to do the First Flight 5k with the kids. It was a beautiful day! My dh ran w my youngest (the faster of my two dd) and I ran with my 10 year old, well if you can call it running lol. Started out with intervals 2run x 1 walk and had to change that pretty quickly dd loves the medals, hates the running part lol! But you'd be so proud of me, I let it go and just went at her pace, had fun, and some one on one conversation with her which was nice. Got a cool medal, we got to run up and around the wright brother memorial, great view (tough hill), beautiful setting!

So I definitely didn't set any speed records and since we were so slow we didn't stick around for the awards. But that night I checked our results online and turns out my 8 year old placed first in her age group!! I feel SO bad we didn't stay! Now today I have to call and beg them to mail it! I am praying they will, she would be so excited. I didn't stop to think there may not be many kids in her age group which was 6-8, lesson learned, won't make that mistake again.

Now today, going to find a beginner group ride, do some p90x and maybe get my butt in a pool since I have been slacking the s & b of the equation! Happy Monday!!

Yvonne-   what an interesting place to race!   I'd love to check out the Kitty Hawk area  someday.    so much fun running with kids isnt it?   Yes there are complaints at times,  but also some great great learning for them, and a neat way to get to know what they are like in a race condition.     congrats to your family for all running the race!     

2012-04-23 2:37 PM
in reply to: #4165641

User image

Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
quincyf - 2012-04-22 3:16 PM
fitmomma2010 - 2012-04-18 9:23 PM
TLakatos1259 - 2012-04-18 10:25 AM

My running problem!  I get about 2 + minutes down the road and I can't breath, legs hurt and I start walking.  Yes my running (time) has increased.  I just thought I would be able to run longer than 2 minutes before I needed to start walking.

Any thoughts???


Tom, I sooo can relate. I was right there last year. I did the c25k app on my iphone and when I first started each time the run time increased, I was totally convinced that I'd never be able to handle that amount of time. When it was 2min I was dying at the end of the two minutes, then it'd increase to 3 min and I'd think OMG no way can I go another minute longer but each time I'd do it. When it jumped to 5 minutes I thought I was truly going to pass out and die. I managed each time though and eventually I reached the point where I was running a full 30+ minutes. However, I never did reach the full 5k distance. I would just go out and run until I couldn't run anymore and the longest/ furthest I ever got was 2.87 miles in somewhere around 35-40 minutes. All that time though, I absolutely hated running. I literally would take each step and think I hate this, why am I even doing this, I hate it , hate it, hate it. I was only doing it to train for my sprint tri. Then it started to bug me that I was just so pitiful at running and hated it so much. I was determined not to let it get the best of me. I started reading everything I could on running. I subscribed to runner's world, bought books, dvd's etc. all about run form, run training, beginner running, women's running etc, etc, etc. None of it made much difference but it did keep me running. Then----- I went to a run clinic taught by Jeff Galloway. He teaches/ preaches the run walk method of running. The extremely quick version is you run a short time then take a walk break, run again, take a walk break. How long you run and how long you walk is determined by several factors including your fitness, goals, base time etc. He teaches though that you should always use run/walk. It was truly a life changing seminar for me. I now run 6- 7 miles on my long runs. I ran my first 10k a couple of Saturdays ago and it was my fastest time yet. I have taken 3-4 minutes off my 5k time and I can honestly I no longer hate running. I won't lie and say I love it, but I at least don't mind it. I am even thinking I can do a half marathon next year. He swore at the clinic that anyone using his method would be faster and for me he was right. I highly recommend that you read one of his books. You can also look at his website. Now, the biggest thing to get used to was that it was ok to take walk breaks. It's not cheating. Anyway, it truly is a better method for me and my heart issues and I am quite a bit faster (not fast by any stretch) than I ever was with straight running and I enjoy running soooo much more. Just thought you might be interested. Shelly

Sorry, I thought I replied to this, but I guess I haven't linked my inner monologue to BT...yet...

ITA with Shelly about becoming comfortable with the run/walk approach. Don't be like me and have to learn it in a race...

I also would love to see your stride, we obsess about swim form, but almost never talk about run or cycling form, and bad form, especially in running, can be very detrimental.

What you're striving for is a super efficient leg swing from the hips with little or no motion in any plane except for forward and back (i.e. no side to side or up and down motion). Your arms are cooperating by following your legs along but doing little or no extra work. You are not tense but your whole body is engaged. You are upright as if a string was tied to the top of your head and was pulling exactly in the opposite direction of gravity, your feet strike underneath you roughly directly below your CG. Your effort level is directed at making your feet "turn over fast" not on powering yourself off of the pavement with every step. Breathing should be deep and somewhat faster than normal but not labored.

When you can no longer hold these parameters you should drop down into a fast, powerful walk that will keep your breathing deep and faster than normal but not labored. When I am doing a run/walk, I have some parameters I follow so I don't walk too long. It might be a landmark or a time or maybe just the aid station. 

Too often when people start out running, they really start out sprinting, which is for short distances for a reason. I like to start off easy and slow and then allow myself to build into a faster pace if that is what I am aiming for. Once you redline, it is hard to recover back into a nice aerobic stride...

Yes run form is super important for injury prevention.   Power comes from your core/hips/glutes.  Try to run with muscles relaxed. WAY easier said then done.  But you strive for that. 

   I "used" to think I had this great run form  in my mind I looked like Steve PreFontaine running.  (its good to have a positive self image)    well then I got  ITBS  and went to a PT for first time.    They examined everything and watched me run on the treadmill. 

  I'm thinking  "impressive eh?"     

the PT  says.    "Dave,  your running form is ATROCIOUS!"    

WHAT???   what do you mean, you are breaking my heart here.      c'mon you have to explain this.  

 "Dave-  your feet land past the center line which makes you run more like say a runway model"   

ugh  ok tell me more.   

Your  upper left arm swing is not flexible enough.   your knees come very very close to touching on every stride.      

um doc  I'm having a hard time visualizing all of this.    

 "You want a visual?     Ever see those nature films?   you run like a wounded mother defending her young!"

OMG  after I stopped laughing at this I was like   um that hurt doc!

"Dave- listen,  you are fast!  be happy,  you are a miracle of adaptation.     I am not a runner,  I go to the park though,  that's what people like me do.   Go to the park and watch all you runners.   That one over there has this issue,  that one there has that issue,  that one has like 4 years of running left.     But don't let any of what I'm telling you stop you.    RUN  almost no one has perfect form.   and you, YOU will have arthritis in your knees the way you run.  Just a matter of time.    But keep running,   enjoy it as long as you can.    and then, then  when you can no longer run,  modify.  stay active.    No one ever dies from arthritis.   they DO die from cardio-vascular disease.  So whatever you do modify.       what will help is to strengthen the rest of the chain-  core/hips/glutes.   

that PTs comments hurt like hell but.  He was honest with me.  And I got the message.  

2012-04-23 2:58 PM
in reply to: #4167690

User image

Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

I kinda thought you were waiting for me!

I have done 0 (that's a zero) triathlons, but I am ambitious, so I am going to sign up for the Austin HIM in October. My plan, and this is not well thought out, is to start with some sprints, and maybe an olympic before October.

I'm kind of bummed about not signing up for Chicago 2012...I never thought of myself as a streaker, but now that you mention it, I think that would be cool! Chicago has just been too hot the last couple of years, and I'm looking to branch out to other cities in the next few years. It's also a big trip for me, since we are so far away.

As far as my really should read my blog at the post titled "My (not so) glamorous segue into cycling". It sums up my biking experience - literally one month. It's hard for me to compare to other beginners, since my brother is a competetive cyclist, and he stays well in the 20-30 mph range. It makes my hard earned 15 mph seem so inadequate.

I am quite the baby when it comes to running injuries. Not that I can't stand the pain, but I get really depressed and develop a "why me" attitude when it happens. I'm pretty fortunate that I have remained mostly injury free. The ITB has not exactly sidelined me...yet, but I have made a drastic cut in mileage over the last 6 weeks since it began. I did my first pain free (relatively) run today - a 4 miler on the treadmill, so that was pretty encouraging.

I haven't had a chance to read through all the past posts, but I'm looking forward to it, and I can't wait to get to know everyone - their stories, stengths, weaknesses, inspirations, motivations. I'm always looking for a good motivational story (from complete devastation to Ironman!) Mine is not the most inspirational story...I've never really had to overcome anything devastating, I've always been somewhat athletic and in decent shape, and I have always had a pretty supportive family. So, my story is quite boring, and I don't think any filmmakers will be knocking at my door to make a documentary about me, but I just keep plugging away trying to make it out of the middle of the pack!

2012-04-23 3:08 PM
in reply to: #4165618

User image

Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Turner100 - 2012-04-22 3:00 PM

Hi Quincy, thanks for welcoming me! I think that the best way to answer your questions is to just share my bio.

Rob!  Thank you so much for joining TOUR II the "Sequel"  

Turned 40 years old this year, married 15 years, two daughters (13 & 15), who both run cross country and track, and can kick my all day! From Wauwatosa, WI a suburb of Milwaukee.

Daughters are great!  love being a dad.    Wauwatosa   not far!  its great  you are close! (I'm in Gurnee)   Perhaps we will  train together some time.

Former Marine, former RN, currently in sales-which is/was how and why I let myself go. I was big runner, ran 3 marathons including Boston, but that was 17 years ago. PR 3:01, but again that was 17 years ago. I can swim, bike and run. While I was in the Marines, I fell about 15 feet and fractured my talus (foot) bone, and went from a 5'8" 170 lb. guy to a 5'7' (yes, I have shrunk) 230 lb. guy- which sucks.  

DUDE!  you ran Boston!!!  I'm so jelly.   Plus you are fast.   I know you say that was then this is now.   No you are still fast.   your time means you have a very good engine!    You are in the process of overhauling  your engine and chassis.  But you will be fast again!   

   One thing I'm wondering is that now you must have some sort of leg height discrepancy   right?  are you wearing any orthotics to correct for this?    If not, I feel like I should at least mention that it would be a good idea to see a podiatrist now  BEFORE issues come up along the way that may cause you to have to see the doc later.  

So, as of January 1st, I started training, without a plan, lol. So far, I've dropped 25 lbs. down to 205, joined TriWisconsin for extra workouts-primarily swims and runs so far. Signed up for Racine, so every time I feel like skipping a workout, I just tell myself, I don't want to drown in Lake Michigan!

Congrats on your weight loss!   and for being so brave to sign up for Racine!!   a few peeps here are going to be there as well.  

Again, no specific training plan, but for the last 10 years I have been plagued with shin splints, so instead of running 5 times a week, it's swim, bike and run. And, guess what, no pain, lol.

I'm going to say that I have confidence that in time you can get past the shin splint issue.  

Since the kids are getting older, I find myself with more time than ever. So, I am really hitting it and training about 12 hours a week, planning on bumping that up to 15.

My only other training has been adding some Yoga, Kettle bells, and water running (my secret weapon). In fact, I only run 3 times a week, but add in an additional 2 hours of water running.

That is some good amount of training minutes you are putting in!   I think you will enjoy your  half iron race!  We will enjoy watching your progress and success!

Not much else, except that I love to eat and drink too much. I really am trying to watch my diet, and am hoping to drop another 20 lbs. by Racine.

DUDE!  I need to lose that 20 too!   perhaps we will add weight loss to our "contest" (whoops did i let that slip again?)  we'll motivate each other and keep away from the grog in order to accomplish. (well keep away from most of it anyhow)

My final note, one of motivations this year is my best friend Mike. We met in high school and ran cross country and track together. Unlike me, Mike stuck to running, completing over 30 marathons and 3 IM's (Madison last year). And, then some idiot, decided to read his text messages, and rear ended him doing 40 miles an hour as Mike was stopped at a red light. The doctor said that if he had not been in ironman condition, he might have been paralyzed. That happened in November, and after his  cervical fusion, he doesn't know if he can ever run again. So, I'm not going to take my health for granted anymore. You never know when the next idiot is going to do something stupid! Sorry for the rant, but every time I get tired and want to skip a workout, I think of Mike, and I get mad, and I hit it.

I read your post and thought of your friend Mike while I ran my 4 miler today.    I agree with you,  we need to keep this mentality top of mind.    Every swim,  run, bike  while we are sweating and pushing,  realize that for some other people its a dream to just be able to do it at all.   And appreciate what we are able to do.

That's it, lol.  I love reading everyone's entries and am really inspired. Looking forward to Racine HIM!

Thanks Rob


2012-04-23 3:20 PM
in reply to: #4165584

User image

Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
quincyf - 2012-04-22 2:25 PM
oriolepwr - 2012-04-21 4:58 PM

fitmomma2010 - 2012-04-20 11:21 PM Ok so I am sooooo loving this performance membership. I did my lactate threshold field test on the bike today. Not only am I really really happy with my speed but being able to upload the workout straight from my 910 to BT was Awesome! The test itself was pretty close to pass out and die but I actually rode an average of 16.4 mph for over 30 minutes. That is really great for me. Usually I'm lucky if I get 15.2- 15.4 mph avg and that is pushing it. My sweating but still can talk some rides have usually only been around 13-14 ish mph so today was awesome to see those speeds. Maybe the spin classes are really starting to pay off. I am also sooo excited about having as close to true as I'm going to get heart rate zones. I just think my training will be much smarter now. So in case you can't tell- I'm just really stoked about all of this again. I also signed up for two races today- Yay. I have finally kicked my tri butt back in gear. May the legs be with us, Shelly P.S. And where is everyone? Hopefully out SBR ing- lol.


Pass out and die pace!  I love it!   Yeah those are fun.          Nice to see you so stoked!  

As for where I have been....  

It's best to not ask too many questions......   (Just kidding)

Been working a lot of hours lately.   Also we are in the process of adopting a ex-racing Greyhound!   We went to a class this morning on how to incorporate and transition a racer into a pet.     Also  we have already had one that we wanted adopted before we could!   Boo!       Now there is another that we have set our sights on  and we go to the kennel next weekend.   Two other families have appointments before us and can pick before we do.   Met one of those families (really nice people)  and found they also want the same one we want.  Oh no!  I told the girls to NOT say anything to them about wanting the same one.  SO we will see     The dog also needs to pick US! at the kennel.   If the dog wants nothing to do with us, we have to choose another.   They are really picky about where/who these dogs get placed.        Anyhow this whole thing has been preoccupying me a bit as I study up,  been talking to people, and attending meet and greets etc. 

"May the legs be with us!"

Did you leave the keys in the ignition??? Hahaha

I thought there was a buzzer!?   Why the heck is there no buzzer  Jesse???  

BTW we  are going to need Badger and Skinny Pete,    we have to have a meeting about expanding into new territories.   See if you can round them up then we will have the BIG meeting!      Perhaps we need a contest to get our network motivated!  what do you think......   JESSE!  are you paying attention??     

2012-04-23 3:33 PM
in reply to: #4167878

User image

Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Sarah73 - 2012-04-23 2:58 PM

I kinda thought you were waiting for me!

We were all wondering why you did not just join?  hee hee

I have done 0 (that's a zero) triathlons, but I am ambitious, so I am going to sign up for the Austin HIM in October. My plan, and this is not well thought out, is to start with some sprints, and maybe an olympic before October.

Good plan  and with your strong running background, you can pull this off   sign up!!

I'm kind of bummed about not signing up for Chicago 2012...I never thought of myself as a streaker, but now that you mention it, I think that would be cool! Chicago has just been too hot the last couple of years, and I'm looking to branch out to other cities in the next few years. It's also a big trip for me, since we are so far away.

I know what you mean.   I have a   2 X Dallas White Rock marathon streak as well and I think that one will end this year.  bummed about it.   Can't do everything  ya know?

As far as my really should read my blog at the post titled "My (not so) glamorous segue into cycling". It sums up my biking experience - literally one month. It's hard for me to compare to other beginners, since my brother is a competetive cyclist, and he stays well in the 20-30 mph range. It makes my hard earned 15 mph seem so inadequate.

I have saved it in my blog list.    check out mine too!

Iam quite the baby when it comes to running injuries. Not that I can't stand the pain, but I get really depressed and develop a "why me" attitude when it happens. I'm pretty fortunate that I have remained mostly injury free. The ITB has not exactly sidelined me...yet, but I have made a drastic cut in mileage over the last 6 weeks since it began. I did my first pain free (relatively) run today - a 4 miler on the treadmill, so that was pretty encouraging.

I'm kinda high maintenance and thus quite the baby when I can't run too.   Its like magic when the ITBS ends.  I was very tentative and careful  after mine ended. It was always on the back of my mind for some time.

I haven't had a chance to read through all the past posts, but I'm looking forward to it, and I can't wait to get to know everyone - their stories, stengths, weaknesses, inspirations, motivations. I'm always looking for a good motivational story (from complete devastation to Ironman!) Mine is not the most inspirational story...I've never really had to overcome anything devastating, I've always been somewhat athletic and in decent shape, and I have always had a pretty supportive family. So, my story is quite boring, and I don't think any filmmakers will be knocking at my door to make a documentary about me, but I just keep plugging away trying to make it out of the middle of the pack!

Perhaps you underestimate yourself!

2012-04-23 6:04 PM
in reply to: #4128570

User image

Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Alright anyone lurking out there that wants to join the tour  speak up, don't be shy  we won't bite.    But in order for the "contest"  to begin etc,  we will have to figure out who all is on this tour and is eligible to win the "semi-fabulous"  prizes!  

  So we will give it a few more days perhaps till  the weekend.    You don't want to miss the tour?  do  you??   

And because I feel like singing,  (be afraid)   here we go again     Join me in singing!!

Roll up
Roll up for the Mys-tri Tour
Roll up
Roll up for the Mys-tri Tour

Roll up (and that's an invitation)
Roll up for the Mys-tri Tour
Roll up (to make a reservation)
Roll up for the Mys-tri Tour

The Magical Mys-tri Tour is
Waiting to take you away
Waiting to take you away

Roll up
Roll up for the Mys-tri Tour
Roll up
Roll up for the Mys-tri Tour

Roll up (we've got everything you need)
Roll up for the Mys-tri Tour
Roll up (satisfaction guaranteed)
Roll up for the Mys-tri Tour

The Magical Mys-tri Tour is
Hoping to take you away
Hoping to take you away

Ah the Magical Mys-tri Tour
Roll up
Roll up for the Mys-tri Tour
Roll up (and that's an invitation)
Roll up for the Mys-tri Tour
Roll up (to make a reservation)
Roll up for the Mys-tri Tour

The Magical Mys-tri Tour is
Coming to take you away
Coming to take you away

The Magical Mys-tri Tour is
Dying to take you away
Dying to take you away
Take you today

2012-04-23 7:04 PM
in reply to: #4167910

New user
Wauwatosa, WI
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Hi Dave, hi everyone Smile, thanks for the welcome and welcome Sarah.

Dave, I was mostly joking about shrinking, but I was using some inserts for arch support. Now, I am trying to change my form to more of a mid sole strike, instead of heel-toe while running. It seems to be working, and I have taken out the inserts and have not experienced any arch pain so far.  Having said that, I don't think that I will ever go completely to the barefoot method.

Shelly, I googled the New Orleans Chapter ( and they had over 7000 participants at their Red Dress Run! Wow, New Orleans really knows how to party. 

I am very interested in everyone's thoughts on the Racine HIM. After reading the race blogs here of the last two years-really, really hot, lots of DNF's, so my number one concern is nutrition and hydration. 


Thanks Rob (Turner100)



oriolepwr - 2012-04-23 3:08 PM
Turner100 - 2012-04-22 3:00 PM

Hi Quincy, thanks for welcoming me! I think that the best way to answer your questions is to just share my bio.

Rob!  Thank you so much for joining TOUR II the "Sequel"  

Turned 40 years old this year, married 15 years, two daughters (13 & 15), who both run cross country and track, and can kick my all day! From Wauwatosa, WI a suburb of Milwaukee.

Daughters are great!  love being a dad.    Wauwatosa   not far!  its great  you are close! (I'm in Gurnee)   Perhaps we will  train together some time.

Former Marine, former RN, currently in sales-which is/was how and why I let myself go. I was big runner, ran 3 marathons including Boston, but that was 17 years ago. PR 3:01, but again that was 17 years ago. I can swim, bike and run. While I was in the Marines, I fell about 15 feet and fractured my talus (foot) bone, and went from a 5'8" 170 lb. guy to a 5'7' (yes, I have shrunk) 230 lb. guy- which sucks.  

DUDE!  you ran Boston!!!  I'm so jelly.   Plus you are fast.   I know you say that was then this is now.   No you are still fast.   your time means you have a very good engine!    You are in the process of overhauling  your engine and chassis.  But you will be fast again!   

   One thing I'm wondering is that now you must have some sort of leg height discrepancy   right?  are you wearing any orthotics to correct for this?    If not, I feel like I should at least mention that it would be a good idea to see a podiatrist now  BEFORE issues come up along the way that may cause you to have to see the doc later.  

So, as of January 1st, I started training, without a plan, lol. So far, I've dropped 25 lbs. down to 205, joined TriWisconsin for extra workouts-primarily swims and runs so far. Signed up for Racine, so every time I feel like skipping a workout, I just tell myself, I don't want to drown in Lake Michigan!

Congrats on your weight loss!   and for being so brave to sign up for Racine!!   a few peeps here are going to be there as well.  

Again, no specific training plan, but for the last 10 years I have been plagued with shin splints, so instead of running 5 times a week, it's swim, bike and run. And, guess what, no pain, lol.

I'm going to say that I have confidence that in time you can get past the shin splint issue.  

Since the kids are getting older, I find myself with more time than ever. So, I am really hitting it and training about 12 hours a week, planning on bumping that up to 15.

My only other training has been adding some Yoga, Kettle bells, and water running (my secret weapon). In fact, I only run 3 times a week, but add in an additional 2 hours of water running.

That is some good amount of training minutes you are putting in!   I think you will enjoy your  half iron race!  We will enjoy watching your progress and success!

Not much else, except that I love to eat and drink too much. I really am trying to watch my diet, and am hoping to drop another 20 lbs. by Racine.

DUDE!  I need to lose that 20 too!   perhaps we will add weight loss to our "contest" (whoops did i let that slip again?)  we'll motivate each other and keep away from the grog in order to accomplish. (well keep away from most of it anyhow)

My final note, one of motivations this year is my best friend Mike. We met in high school and ran cross country and track together. Unlike me, Mike stuck to running, completing over 30 marathons and 3 IM's (Madison last year). And, then some idiot, decided to read his text messages, and rear ended him doing 40 miles an hour as Mike was stopped at a red light. The doctor said that if he had not been in ironman condition, he might have been paralyzed. That happened in November, and after his  cervical fusion, he doesn't know if he can ever run again. So, I'm not going to take my health for granted anymore. You never know when the next idiot is going to do something stupid! Sorry for the rant, but every time I get tired and want to skip a workout, I think of Mike, and I get mad, and I hit it.

I read your post and thought of your friend Mike while I ran my 4 miler today.    I agree with you,  we need to keep this mentality top of mind.    Every swim,  run, bike  while we are sweating and pushing,  realize that for some other people its a dream to just be able to do it at all.   And appreciate what we are able to do.

That's it, lol.  I love reading everyone's entries and am really inspired. Looking forward to Racine HIM!

Thanks Rob


Edited by Turner100 2012-04-23 7:05 PM
2012-04-23 9:14 PM
in reply to: #4167439

User image

Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Sarah73 - 2012-04-23 12:40 PM

Room for one more??

All you ever wanted to know about me: 38 years old, and currently living in Columbus, GA, but about to move to Ocean Springs, MS (near Biloxi). I am a stay at home mom for now (I like to call myself the CEO of our household) and married for 10 years to a wonderful man who works as a Cardiologist, and is also training for the Austin HIM (in his spare time).

I was a multi-sport athlete in high school, and played tennis in college, then stopped exercising for about 10 years, while I went to medical school, finished residency, and gave birth to twin daughters (now 5). On a whim I decided to run the Chicago Marathon in October of 2009, and took up running again about 6 months before the race (it was a 6 month whim). I have run three Chicago Marathons and the Georgia Marathon in Atlanta last month, and about 10 half marathons, as well. I have dabbled in some trail running, and have also thought about doing some ultra marathons, but thought I would go the triathlon route for now, to avoid overuse injuries.

I'm up to about 1.2 miles with my swim (not very fast...I mean, very slow), and I just started biking about 1 month ago, so I have quite a bit of work to do there, as well. Running is obviously my strong point, but lately I have had a bit of ITB pain in my right knee, so I have backed off a bit. I'm sure I will be seeking guidance in all of these areas at some point or another in the next few months!

I can't wait to get to know everyone! I also have a blog about trialthlon training that I just started last month, if anyone is interested, at


Welcome to the group. You will be relatively close to me when you move to Ocean Springs. I live in Louisiana about two hours out from Ocean Springs. We go there every year for the Cruising the Coast car show. It's a beautiful little town and we love to spend time there. Some great shops and places to eat. How did you guys end up heading there?

I am an RN and my husband is a pharmaceutical rep who calls on cardiologists. MS is no longer his territory but it used to be. That would have been a small world if he called on your husband- lol.

2012-04-24 7:55 AM
in reply to: #4168647

User image

Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN


Thanks for the welcome! I'm excited we'll be so close. I never seem to know any athletes in my area, so it will be nice to commiserate with someone about the heat and humidity during the summer!

After my husband finished his interventional cardiology fellowship in Toledo, Ohio, we just wanted to head somewhere warm (and my parents live in Montgomery, AL). So we are now in Columbus, GA, which is nice, but things just didn't work out with the group he joined. So, we started looking again, and there was a group in Ocean Springs looking for a new partner. I have to admit, even as an Alabama girl, I was a bit hesitant about moving to Mississippi, but once we saw it, we were hooked! I'm a psychiatrist, and will probably start working part time again once we get down there, but I want some time to check out the place first...maybe get in a few racesWink

What kind of RN are you? It is a pretty small world. I know my husband really relies on the device reps quite a bit, so he has already hooked up with some of the Ocean Springs reps.

I noticed that there are not too many races listed in Mississippi, so it looks like I might be headed over to Louisiana for some. I'll have to get your input before I sign up. Have you lived in Louisiana long?


2012-04-24 8:13 AM
in reply to: #4128765

User image

Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"


Love your profile!! I was looking for a confident and good looking mentor...the two most important attributes to a high quality mentorWink 

One thing I'm a bit confused about, though, is how we both have the cutest kids in the world!! I guess anything is possible!


2012-04-24 10:13 AM
in reply to: #4128570

User image

Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN


Last week I became a partner in a new business.  I am returning to the kitchen cabinet business and opening a showroom by the end of May.  This weekend we started preping the space.  So no formal training but a lot of physical labor.  Then Sunday I started getting sick.  Still feel lousy today (Tuesday), My first Tri (Sprint) is this Sunday.  Based on my schedule I may be able to get in the pool on Thursday night and a run Friday afternoon.  Unless I totally feel like crap, I'm going to the tri.

Does this sound like a good plan?  I'm fairly confident I will get through the swim and bike (200 yd, 10 mi). I'll do my best for the run(5k)

guess I'm getting a little nervous  Undecided



2012-04-24 10:25 AM
in reply to: #4169472

User image

Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
TLakatos1259 - 2012-04-24 11:13 AM


Last week I became a partner in a new business.  I am returning to the kitchen cabinet business and opening a showroom by the end of May.  This weekend we started preping the space.  So no formal training but a lot of physical labor.  Then Sunday I started getting sick.  Still feel lousy today (Tuesday), My first Tri (Sprint) is this Sunday.  Based on my schedule I may be able to get in the pool on Thursday night and a run Friday afternoon.  Unless I totally feel like crap, I'm going to the tri.

Does this sound like a good plan?  I'm fairly confident I will get through the swim and bike (200 yd, 10 mi). I'll do my best for the run(5k)

guess I'm getting a little nervous  Undecided




Ohhh...lousy timing! Don't worry YOU CAN DO IT!! Your fitness won't just disappear in a couple of days, not to worry. Slow your pace a little if you need to but you can totally do it, remember just do your best, have fun, and knock it out!

2012-04-24 12:58 PM
in reply to: #4169472

User image

Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN


There's nothing more frustrating than getting sick right before a race. It really depends on how sick you are. If you are having fevers, chills, and not able to keep anything down, you might opt to sit it out. However, if it's more like a cold coming on, you should be fine. It's hard to let a race pass by, but since you have a big project at work (which is probably your #1 focus) don't wear yourself down by racing.

Having said that, I think you'll be fine, and I think you'll do great. I might dish out logical advice, but I can assure you I'm really not one to take it. If it were me, I'm pretty sure I'd be racing!

Good luck!


2012-04-24 1:10 PM
in reply to: #4128570

User image

Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

I need some help/advice!

I was thinking about doing my first tri (sprint) this weekend. There's one fairly close to my home, and I think I can pull it off, but I have a couple of issues:

1) I don't have a wetsuit, and the swim is in a lake. The weather is going to be in the high 60s at the start and the day should warm up to the mid/high 80s. I don't know the water temp. Should I wait this out until the weather warms up, or until I have a wetsuit?

2) I have only one pair of cycling shorts. I know that doesn't seem like an issue, but I'm just thinking logistics here. Do you just put your shorts over your bathing suit? Then do you take the shorts off and put on running shorts to run?

I feel kind of silly asking these questions, that are probably pretty basic to most of you, but if you've never done one, it can be a bit confusing.


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