BT Development Mentor Program Archives » TriPatrick's group of support- closed Rss Feed  
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2012-05-11 9:10 AM
in reply to: #4204171

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: TriPatrick's group of support- closed
TdG717 - 2012-05-11 8:42 AM
ashort33 - 2012-05-10 11:54 AM

Alright campers, the weekend is drawing close - anyone racing this weekend?  any inspiring workouts planned?  Whatcha doing for Mom?

Me - no races, going to Oklahoma to see my mom and mother in law.  I am taking my bike and have planned a 50ish mile ride and a 45 mile ride.  Meals planned with both moms after my rides... 

No racing plans since we have folks visiting.  I can only hope to sneak in run or two.  


Every time I see the word "sneak" - this comes to mind:


Get out and go run - visitors understand that you are in training!

2012-05-12 12:05 PM
in reply to: #4204258

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Subject: RE: TriPatrick's group of support- closed
ashort33 - 2012-05-11 10:10 AM
TdG717 - 2012-05-11 8:42 AM
ashort33 - 2012-05-10 11:54 AM

Alright campers, the weekend is drawing close - anyone racing this weekend?  any inspiring workouts planned?  Whatcha doing for Mom?

Me - no races, going to Oklahoma to see my mom and mother in law.  I am taking my bike and have planned a 50ish mile ride and a 45 mile ride.  Meals planned with both moms after my rides... 

No racing plans since we have folks visiting.  I can only hope to sneak in run or two.  


Every time I see the word "sneak" - this comes to mind:


Get out and go run - visitors understand that you are in training!

I'm still laughing at that clip!   Classic!    Thanks - put some time in on the bike today and will do a run tomorrow.


2012-05-12 4:04 PM
in reply to: #4130942

New user
San Diego
Subject: RE: TriPatrick's group of support- closed
Went out for a ride after work yesterday, but took a corner too fast and crashed. Knee is skinned up pretty good, bike is fine. But, the ride was a lot shorter than planned, the road rash is still too fresh to swim, and pretty sore for running. Ab work and core exercises tonight? At first I was excited I was overconfident and going fast, not scared, but now I'm just feeling kind of stupid about the whole thing.
2012-05-13 5:54 AM
in reply to: #4206380

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: TriPatrick's group of support- closed
momsintraining - 2012-05-12 4:04 PMWent out for a ride after work yesterday, but took a corner too fast and crashed. Knee is skinned up pretty good, bike is fine. But, the ride was a lot shorter than planned, the road rash is still too fresh to swim, and pretty sore for running. Ab work and core exercises tonight? At first I was excited I was overconfident and going fast, not scared, but now I'm just feeling kind of stupid about the whole thing.
I am glad you are ok! A friend of mine was on a very easy ride a few weeks ago and fell off the bike path and broke his arm and collar bone. He usually races in the elite waves at races he is so good. It can happen to any of us So try not to be so bummed. Best medicine is to get back on that bike. Good luck!
2012-05-13 4:41 PM
in reply to: #4130942

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: TriPatrick's group of support- closed
Happy mothers day! I hope you enjoyed your day
2012-05-13 8:49 PM
in reply to: #4206380

Subject: RE: TriPatrick's group of support- closed

momsintraining - 2012-05-12 4:04 PM Went out for a ride after work yesterday, but took a corner too fast and crashed. Knee is skinned up pretty good, bike is fine. But, the ride was a lot shorter than planned, the road rash is still too fresh to swim, and pretty sore for running. Ab work and core exercises tonight? At first I was excited I was overconfident and going fast, not scared, but now I'm just feeling kind of stupid about the whole thing.

Was the fall from something on the road, i.e. was it wet, or were you riding on the painted stripe? Maybe your tires are less "sticky" than other brands or they were pumped up too much.  Always better to blame it on equipment or environmental factors than rider error! LOL.   But Patrick is right, best thing is to just get back on and keep riding.  We have all crashed and it's part of the sport/gaining experience.   The great thing is you have other ways of training while that strawberry heals.  Happy Mother's Day!

2012-05-14 10:49 AM
in reply to: #4206380

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: TriPatrick's group of support- closed

momsintraining - 2012-05-12 4:04 PM Went out for a ride after work yesterday, but took a corner too fast and crashed. Knee is skinned up pretty good, bike is fine. But, the ride was a lot shorter than planned, the road rash is still too fresh to swim, and pretty sore for running. Ab work and core exercises tonight? At first I was excited I was overconfident and going fast, not scared, but now I'm just feeling kind of stupid about the whole thing.

Yeah, I'm still kinda a chicken on corners unless I ride the area a lot...  you never know where a little gravel or something will be.  Glad you are alright - now get back out on that bike and do some riding! 

2012-05-14 9:20 PM
in reply to: #4130942


Subject: RE: TriPatrick's group of support- closed

Sorry I have been absentee from the forum! It has been crazy lately around my house.

I started Weight Watchers 2 weeks ago. The first week was pretty tough working out with the new diet. My Thursday long run I bonked hard and then the Friday long bike same thing. It was hot both days as well, so I think between the heat and lower caloric intake it killed my workouts. I think I've figured out that I can add a few more points by having a half peanut butter sandwich (1pc bread and 1tbs natural peanut butter) and a banana and I ALWAYS carry 2 mini clif bars with me too.

Diet is going good though. Last week was rough with beer in social settings. I have a weakness for Miller Lite (I like real beer better, but Miller Lite is only 3 points). Down 5.4 lbs in just under 2 weeks to 199.6. Still working towards goal of 170 but if I could get to <180lbs prior to the baby I'd be pretty happy. 

Overall training is going pretty well. Bike riding I feel like I'm getting stronger but hills are still a challenge. I'd like to push my long ride to over 30 miles this week, if nothing else for a mental accomplishment. My rides have been hovering around 28 the last couple weeks. My running is definitely getting stronger. Swimming was rough last week but I think it was more of a "end of a long day at work, guy swimming next to me was lapping me like crazy, didn't really want to be in the pool that evening" kinda thing instead of losing strength. Due to a social activity tomorrow night (Texas Rangers game!) I'm going to try to get up early and do my long swim before work. We'll see how that goes.

Andy, keep up the good work riding! Looks like I work pretty close to where you're at, maybe we could meet up for a ride some day?

2012-05-14 9:22 PM
in reply to: #4207697


Subject: RE: TriPatrick's group of support- closed
HonoluluAngel - 2012-05-13 8:49 PM

momsintraining - 2012-05-12 4:04 PM Went out for a ride after work yesterday, but took a corner too fast and crashed. Knee is skinned up pretty good, bike is fine. But, the ride was a lot shorter than planned, the road rash is still too fresh to swim, and pretty sore for running. Ab work and core exercises tonight? At first I was excited I was overconfident and going fast, not scared, but now I'm just feeling kind of stupid about the whole thing.

Was the fall from something on the road, i.e. was it wet, or were you riding on the painted stripe? Maybe your tires are less "sticky" than other brands or they were pumped up too much.  Always better to blame it on equipment or environmental factors than rider error! LOL.   But Patrick is right, best thing is to just get back on and keep riding.  We have all crashed and it's part of the sport/gaining experience.   The great thing is you have other ways of training while that strawberry heals.  Happy Mother's Day!

Careful in the corners!!! Man that makes me nervous just reading about it. I almost hit a dog two weeks ago. Freakin chihauha came out of nowhere and came about 6 inches away from taking me down and causing himself a world of pain. Now that I'm about to have a little one every near fall and every time a car comes too close to me I have a different feeling. I used to never think about that kinda stuff.

2012-05-15 11:27 AM
in reply to: #4130942

Subject: RE: TriPatrick's group of support- closed
Patrick, will you have some kind of gps tracker so we all can follow you in real time? I heard some people do, or its part of the timing chip ?
2012-05-15 8:26 PM
in reply to: #4210746

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: TriPatrick's group of support- closed
HonoluluAngel - 2012-05-15 11:27 AMPatrick, will you have some kind of gps tracker so we all can follow you in real time? I heard some people do, or its part of the timing chip ?
I did rent a gps tracker. It is a device that sits on a race belt and gives real time data during the race. Last year my wife was in the hotel and was watching the computer and was like, " oh crap we need to get back" is the tracking device. I just hope I remember to turn it on.My bib is 1431

2012-05-17 2:00 PM
in reply to: #4130942

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: TriPatrick's group of support- closed
Well at least one person has a race this weekend...  anybody else?  What big workouts does everyone have lined up?  I'll be (surprise) getting some miles in on the bike...
2012-05-18 2:33 AM
in reply to: #4211868

Subject: RE: TriPatrick's group of support- closed
TriPatrick - 2012-05-15 8:26 PM
HonoluluAngel - 2012-05-15 11:27 AMPatrick, will you have some kind of gps tracker so we all can follow you in real time? I heard some people do, or its part of the timing chip ?
I did rent a gps tracker. It is a device that sits on a race belt and gives real time data during the race. Last year my wife was in the hotel and was watching the computer and was like, " oh crap we need to get back" is the tracking device. I just hope I remember to turn it on.My bib is 1431
Go number 1431 ! I'll be tracking you! All is in preparation, master!
2012-05-18 7:07 PM
in reply to: #4130942

New user
San Diego
Subject: RE: TriPatrick's group of support- closed
Big day is here for you!

I have a super-sprint on Sunday that I'm doing with my mom- according to last year's results, i think i might have a shot at the AG podium.

Rode my bike to work and the gym today- the gym was an official pit-stop, so I got a bike-to-work-day t-shirt, a tire patch kit, some sunscreen, and some mini clif bars! And the swim was pretty nice too.
2012-05-20 4:51 PM
in reply to: #4130942

New user
San Diego
Subject: RE: TriPatrick's group of support- closed

FIRST PLACE in my AG! And 4th for the women, overall. Missed 3rd in that category by 10 seconds. I'm sure the 'real' competition was doing the sprint, not the super-sprint, but I'll take it I actually thought this was harder, because you have to go all-out, whereas the longer distance is more of pacing yourself with a hard finish.

Now the tough training begins for the Olympic distance...

And, my mom got 3rd for her AG in the duathlon, for her first one, really enjoyed it, and wants to do more races with me.

2012-05-20 7:13 PM
in reply to: #4219294

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Subject: RE: TriPatrick's group of support- closed
momsintraining - 2012-05-20 5:51 PM

FIRST PLACE in my AG! And 4th for the women, overall. Missed 3rd in that category by 10 seconds. I'm sure the 'real' competition was doing the sprint, not the super-sprint, but I'll take it I actually thought this was harder, because you have to go all-out, whereas the longer distance is more of pacing yourself with a hard finish.

Now the tough training begins for the Olympic distance...

And, my mom got 3rd for her AG in the duathlon, for her first one, really enjoyed it, and wants to do more races with me.

First Plact in your AG?   Excellent - congratulations!  Well done!



2012-05-20 7:35 PM
in reply to: #4219471

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: TriPatrick's group of support- closed
TdG717 - 2012-05-20 7:13 PM
momsintraining - 2012-05-20 5:51 PM

FIRST PLACE in my AG! And 4th for the women, overall. Missed 3rd in that category by 10 seconds. I'm sure the 'real' competition was doing the sprint, not the super-sprint, but I'll take it I actually thought this was harder, because you have to go all-out, whereas the longer distance is more of pacing yourself with a hard finish.

Now the tough training begins for the Olympic distance...

And, my mom got 3rd for her AG in the duathlon, for her first one, really enjoyed it, and wants to do more races with me.

First Plact in your AG?   Excellent - congratulations!  Well done!



That is great! You beat who showed up and that is the end of the story! Enjoy it
2012-05-20 7:48 PM
in reply to: #4130942

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: TriPatrick's group of support- closed
Well, I had a day of mixed emotions yesterday. I was clobbered during the swim and almost panicked. I had a huge build up of lactate acid in my legs from kicking so hard to stay afloat from being swam over and bumping into people. It took me some time to recover but when I did I just tried to enjoy thinking about rotting on the bike. Bike went pretty good until about 70 where my neck started to get very tight. I think this is contributed to riding my trainer so much. If it was not for this I believe I would have done better on my splits. During my run I knew I was not going to hit my perfect day time so I went into finish with a smile mode. I enjoyed the run much more this year and my 4:12 Mary showed the result. I still broke 11 hrs so I am still happy. Around mile 15 I asked my wife who's idea this was. After the race I said I was done with that "crap.". Now I just read where there is a new race in Los cabos starting next year. Really?I will write a more detailed report later.Who has races coming up?
2012-05-20 8:03 PM
in reply to: #4130942

Subject: RE: TriPatrick's group of support- closed
Good job Patrick. I tried to follow you on but it didn't really work for me. All I could see was 10.5 hours. You did good despite the issues . Congrats
2012-05-21 2:18 PM
in reply to: #4130942


Subject: RE: TriPatrick's group of support- closed

Excellent Job Patrick. I understand the feeling of "why am I here, who's idea was this anyway". A buddy of mine did 70.3 in St. Croix and he's not sure he wants to do any more triathlons. Haha. He said he certainly doesn't want to do any more that are that hard, maybe do half marathons and short distance tris from now on. And he's the fittest guy that I know.

I had a rough weekend as far as eating goes. Didn't get any training on Sat/Sun either. Got a good hard 35 mi ride on Thursday and tried to follow that with a long run Friday. It was tough going for the run. I am wondering if trying to do long workouts on consecutive days is not a good idea at this time? My goal was to do close to 6 miles on the run (plan said 58 min long run) and after about 2 miles my legs were gone. I suffered through the rest and cut it short at 5 miles (53-54 mins or so - I haven't gotten the GPS data uploaded to my log yet).

Saturday we had a crawfish boil for a diaper shower and that ended up going on until about 5am. So needless to say I didn't get any workout on Sunday like I had originally planned. My next tri is Captex in Austin next Monday. I feel like I'm ready but it's going to be tough to get my workouts this week. I've got to go to Bismarck, ND Tue-Thurs for a conference. Planning to try and get in a run or two. Maybe I can ride or swim tonight when I get home.

2012-05-21 3:05 PM
in reply to: #4130942


Subject: RE: TriPatrick's group of support- closed
Hi everyone- sorry for being gone so long. I've been feeling kinda down and been busy getting ready for my son's first birthday today. My race was awful. It was 82F with 50% humidity. There were DNFs and it was killer.I jogged the first 45 min but then had to switch to run/walks. I carried my son over the finish line. I did my race report if anyone wants more details. Thanks for all the support- this will get my butt in gear I think and back on track

2012-05-22 12:51 PM
in reply to: #4219519

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Subject: RE: TriPatrick's group of support- closed
Excellent job, Patrick!   Definitely amazing -- applause, applause.   Well done!
2012-05-23 1:20 PM
in reply to: #4130942

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: TriPatrick's group of support- closed
Thanks everyone. I will get my race report done so you can have my perspective on the race. Now, I wiil do some training blocks starting with swimming and ending with the run.
2012-05-30 1:11 AM
in reply to: #4130942

Subject: RE: TriPatrick's group of support- closed
My next race July 7th, is a 1.4 mile swim at Waimea Bay. I haven't swam all week due to high winds and my local pool being closed.I have only swam 1.2 miles before. I wonder if it will matter much not training specifically, I have been wearing my heart rate monitor and doing cardio (bike, run, spin.)Everyone keep up the momentum !!!
2012-05-30 9:19 PM
in reply to: #4234671

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: TriPatrick's group of support- closed
HonoluluAngel - 2012-05-30 1:11 AMMy next race July 7th, is a 1.4 mile swim at Waimea Bay. I haven't swam all week due to high winds and my local pool being closed.I have only swam 1.2 miles before. I wonder if it will matter much not training specifically, I have been wearing my heart rate monitor and doing cardio (bike, run, spin.)Everyone keep up the momentum !!!
From what you have said you should be fine with your 1.4 swim. You will be great!I am kicking my butt back in gear and plan on Turning on my engine now.
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