BT Development Mentor Program Archives » T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed Rss Feed  
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2013-01-16 4:13 AM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Gold Coast
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Hey thanks tqullacher I am waiting for the day that I can keep going in the pool then tackle the open water!!

I have also been watching Total Immersion online. I will try anthing that makes swimming easier so  I started my TI drills today and it felt really great.  I started by just floating and relaxing and tried a few others. Gonna watch the videos again tonight and try again tomorrow or Friday.

Run group tomorrow at 6.30am, hopefully its not too hot.

Thanks guys all this info is great for a newbie like me, really enjoying the motivation I'm getting from this forum.

Happy training all. 

2013-01-16 11:48 PM
in reply to: #4548156

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

I just got back from a swim workout at the YMCA.  It was a blast!  Unknown to me, on Wednesday nights they have a coach on deck to help with triathlon swims. It's free and part of being a member there.  Needless to say I'm pretty dang excited. 

Oh yeah - I plan on getting some flippers shortly.  Thanks for all of the advice!


2013-01-17 9:40 PM
in reply to: #4582069

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

thats great to have a mentor on the deck when you swim.    I think I would make that a regular swim time.  

Well I am torn on the Lance issue now.   Dislike the man for what he did to cycling and the people he hurt to keep the lies going.   But also believe is was a puppet of bigger players.   Then I have the upmost respect for what he did to raise money and help so many people with cancer which is more important in the world than a bike race.   

What do you think?

2013-01-18 7:59 AM
in reply to: #4583702

New user
Outside Nashville
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
handyhammer - 2013-01-17 9:40 PM

thats great to have a mentor on the deck when you swim.    I think I would make that a regular swim time.  

Well I am torn on the Lance issue now.   Dislike the man for what he did to cycling and the people he hurt to keep the lies going.   But also believe is was a puppet of bigger players.   Then I have the upmost respect for what he did to raise money and help so many people with cancer which is more important in the world than a bike race.   

What do you think?

I think he could have been forgiven / had a brighter future if he would have come clean when the rest of the professionals were being displayed as cheaters.  His whole platform of "everyone else was doing it so it was a level playing field" excuse would have carried some weight then albeit it would not make it ok but it would have been some what understandable.  Now he just looks like an a$$ and a narcissist because of all the people he bullied and trampled on.  I would still have a lot of respect for him if it wasnt for his behavior however, I dont think his work in cancer charity should be diminished or overlooked. 

Edited by Firemedic623 2013-01-18 8:00 AM
2013-01-18 8:04 AM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Outside Nashville
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Has anyone tried out the silver / gold package and the online coaching?  I was thinking about it but am curious to know how it is.  If anyone has some feedback please let me hear it!

2013-01-18 9:52 AM
in reply to: #4584031

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

I have not tried the upgrade packages so I hope someone else can help in this department.  

I think most people have the same stance on Lance.   Love one side and dislike the other.    What he did was amazing and I hope we can still see the interest in cycling that he brought to the sport.   We need a new american hero in cycling that is not smeared with drug use or suspected.  

Have a great weekend, I had a great swim this morning working on drills.  

2013-01-18 11:34 AM
in reply to: #4548156

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
Another milestone on the swim today, swam a mile in less than an hour, first 3/8 was rough but then I kind of broke through and swam the last 5/8 non-stop! Lance, I haven't had the chance to see the confession, I think it is a sad situation. I still think he is a tremendous athlete who has done some great things outside of sport, however he is forever tarnished as a result of his actions. I'm sure he will go on to do above average things with the rest of his life & yes I still have an amount of respect for him & would still like to sit down & talk with him.Tim

Edited by BigAirT 2013-01-18 11:36 AM
2013-01-18 1:15 PM
in reply to: #4584531

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

nice work on your swim.  I should get easier from here.  


2013-01-18 2:27 PM
in reply to: #4548156

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Regarding Lance I was one of the one's who believed in his innocence.  He always denied the allegations so vehemently, and I had no reason to doubt him given that he had passed hundreds of drug tests.  At this point its obviously disappointing that its all been a lie but the bigger issue to me is all the stories and allegations coming out about the threats and control he tried to impose on others.  He cheated, and while I don't condone it, I can at least understand it.  That was the culture he was in, and if most or all others were doing it, then I understand the pressure he was under to participate.  And let us not forget that he didn't do this on his own.  This was a culture, a system in place that included doctors, coaches, managers, etc.  Sure Lance deserves his share of the blame but I am more concerned about all the lying, denial, and bullying that followed.  The attempts to intimidate and cover his lies is what has caused me to lose respect.  Also disturbing is that after watching the Oprah interview I really didn't see much contrition or humility from him.  In some cases he seemed to be almost flippant about it, making just some weird comments like almost trying to be funny.  All very disappointing.


2013-01-19 11:12 AM
in reply to: #4585045

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
First Team ride of the year this afternoon.    This is going to hurt.    Have a great weekend. 
2013-01-19 3:26 PM
in reply to: #4585973

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

handyhammer - 2013-01-19 9:12 AM First Team ride of the year this afternoon.    This is going to hurt.    Have a great weekend. 

Have a great time.  Team rides sound like a lot of fun.  I may try something to that extent this spring/summer.

I just got back from a group swim at the Y.  The workouts the coach gives us can be pretty darn challenging.  I like it.  A lot.

Been out of town for work the last couple of days so my workouts have been hit & miss and now we have more family coming in for the weekend. I should be back on the horse by Monday.  I'll try to sneak some workouts in when I can.

Have a great weekend everyone.

2013-01-19 5:35 PM
in reply to: #4585973

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

It hurt really bad.   I almost got dropped my team on some hills.   guess the bike run bike the night before was a bad idea.  


2013-01-20 7:53 PM
in reply to: #4548156

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
Had a couple good workouts this weekend. Yesterday I did a "performance cycle" spin class, which is geared for triathletes and cyclists, we did hills followed by sprints )- then I planned to do an outdoor run with the "run club" but the tri coach wanted to start 15 minutes early so she & I went for a nice 10.5 mile run, it was nice to get back outside! Today did a 2hr "movie ride" spin class followed by a half mile swim. Pleased with the efforts for the weekend, wish I could have gotten some more sleep though, Friday night I had a Chamber banquet that turned into a late night, then I was worried I was going to miss my alarm & kept waking up, last night was too short as well so now I have something working on me, I hope I can beat it tonight. I hope everybody had as good of a weekend!!!Tim
2013-01-20 9:03 PM
in reply to: #4586289

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Hey guys,  

I hope everyone had a great weekend to kick off this week.    Our weather here was great so I got to get out on the bike a few times.   If you have not added me under the friend list please update that.  then I can see if you reply to a message I send or post on your log.   I also encourage you to add the others in the group.  

Any questions for the week?    How far out is your first race?  

Mine is 4 weeks.   I am pumped for it.  

2013-01-21 7:12 AM
in reply to: #4548156

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

My first race of the year is set for May 11th.  I may do a 5k or two between now and then though.

The May 11th is a sprint race that I will use for a warm-up for an Olympic on the 18th. I'm very motivated. I know I have alot of work to do to be ready for the Olympic distance.  I don't want to just finish, I want to be able to push hard and make a good AG showing.

2013-01-21 8:12 AM
in reply to: #4587538

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Something to think about:  

On this week workouts try to add in 3 intervals during your run or ride.   they should last about 90 seconds to 2 mins max but your heart and lungs will want to jump out of your chest.    This is a great way to increase how your body processess oxygen to expand lung capacity and VO2 max.  

recovery the same amount of time as the interval.    then just finish up your workout.  

If you want to try it in swimming I suggest go hard the 1st 50 then try to get breathing and stoke back under control.  that simulates a race start and helps with what I mentioned above.  


2013-01-21 12:23 PM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Outside Nashville
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

My first possible race is in April and I am scared to death! Laughing  I wont get my bike for another few weeks and although I am making good progress I am still all nerves because it will be my very first race ever.  I may do a 5k between now and then though and my main goal for my first Tri is just finish ... I hope I am working hard enough to do finish with a smile. 


2013-01-21 12:25 PM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Outside Nashville
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Dominion have you done this race: Tri the Parks Triathlon - John Tanner State Park ?


It seems like a beatiful race but I wonder if it will be ok for a first timer.

2013-01-21 12:37 PM
in reply to: #4587985

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
Firemedic623 - 2013-01-21 1:25 PM

Dominion have you done this race: Tri the Parks Triathlon - John Tanner State Park ?


It seems like a beatiful race but I wonder if it will be ok for a first timer.

I don't think you would have any problems. Remember by September you won't be a first timer anymore. Cool  You'll be ready.  I plan to be here on that weekend:

2013-01-21 12:56 PM
in reply to: #4588008


Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
My first race is on June 2. Its a local sprint tri with a pool swim. Hopefully I'll be able to relieve some nerves before my first 'A' race (an Olympic) a month later.
2013-01-22 10:57 AM
in reply to: #4548156

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
As of now my first race is the Omaha Duathlon 4/28. I'm considering a half marathon 2-3 weeks before the KS 70.3, would this be enough time to recover for the 70.3? How do I do page breaks or skipped lines when I post, I try to break things up but it removes them when I post?

2013-01-22 11:35 AM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Outside Nashville
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

For what ever reason when your typing a post it shows double spacing so you need to actually space twice to separate.  


I wanted to add my facebook info on here for whoever wants it.  m e d i c f f 6 2 3 @ h o t m a i l . c..


I am paranoid about bots trolling forums so thats why the info is typed all crazy.  Feel free to send me a friends request.

2013-01-22 1:25 PM
in reply to: #4589282

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
yes that would be enough time to recover.   You might have changed my mind to do the kansas 70.3 instead of lubbock.   I am hoping to get one in.   
2013-01-22 10:29 PM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Gold Coast
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Havn't been able to post sitting duties (granddaugther).

My first race is April 14.  Haven't tried open water swimming yet.

Hey Hammer  how is your Total Immersion training going?  I have been doing drills for 2 weeks, today I tried to swim continuously and I done 200m fairly easy.  I am so happy that's the most I have done non-stop.  I had to stop cause I was in a 20m pool and it drives me crazy turning all the time.  Next step the 50m pool.

Had a bike ride booked for tonight but gotta cancel, more family duties.

Run tomorrow.  Happy training guys.

2013-01-22 11:29 PM
in reply to: #4589360

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
Firemedic623 - 2013-01-22 9:35 AM

For what ever reason when your typing a post it shows double spacing so you need to actually space twice to separate.  


I wanted to add my facebook info on here for whoever wants it.  m e d i c f f 6 2 3 @ h o t m a i l . c..


I am paranoid about bots trolling forums so thats why the info is typed all crazy.  Feel free to send me a friends request.

Just sent you a friend request.

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