BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-05-05 6:46 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group

Jamie dropped me off from our journey to Knoxville a few hours ago. After a nice shower I'm finally warm clean and comfortable!

Overall, despite the cold and the wet. I really enjoyed the race. Didn't care for the before or the after, but the race was good!


  • Agree with Jamie 100%. The swim wasn't so great. So cold and so violent! This was the first time, I've ever not been comfortable on the swim. I couldn't get my form or my breathing down. This is only a hypothesis, but I think I'm just no good in a wet suit...
  • First time riding in the pouring rain. Can't believe I did it! Now I have an excuse not to get on a trainer for a training ride! Well... except for cars... nevermind, I take that back I don't trust riding in the rain without police protecting me at every intersection!
  • Transitions were tough. My hands and feet were numb which made donning gear a particular chore
  • Also agree with Jamie that REV3 puts on a heck of a race even with bad weather conditions.

Here is my completed Race Report! Great race and 15 minutes 21 seconds faster than my last Olympic Distance race in October!

2013-05-05 7:21 PM
in reply to: #4728250

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Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group
wannabefaster - 2013-05-05 5:29 PM
mndymond - 2013-05-05 4:59 PM

I rode outside for the first time this year in Edmonton today!! Woooooo. 

Studying now. I'm in full out anti-studying rebellion right now. I'm glad I booked my exam tomorrow and not at the end of the week. lol. I've taken to just writing out lists of randomness on pieces of paper. Have a coffee date with an army guy later. Calling it pre-exam distraction.

Studying for my boards part 1 ruined me for the rest of my studying-life. I studied from 9 am to 10 pm with an hour for lunch/workout and 30 minutes for dinner for 40 straight days. I did well on the exam but I have never studied like that again.Good luck on the exam. It will be great to have that behind you and then we can all begin living vicariously through you while you go to HI to train.
Thanks. My school has their own pre Part 1 exam too that I had to study for that was 2.5weeks ago...I feel writing 2 6hr exams is unnecessary somehow? Haha. I'm done now. Brain is off for the night. Watching James Bond right now and then going to read some non medical literature. Maybe I'll read Dean Karnazes "Ultra marathon man" again. It's funny.
2013-05-05 7:29 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group
Jamie, I tried to post in your race report thread but it wouldn't let me. Anyway great job with your race. Those were some very rough conditions and you kicked it even when cold and shivering. Good job!
2013-05-05 7:33 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group

Great race in awful conditions Nate and Jamie!  I rarely ever bike in the rain unless it's in a race and I don't really have a choice.  I suppose I should occasionally bike outside on days like this as well so I am more prepared on race day.  I did do a tri in cold, windy, pouring rain once - I made it through but wish I had had more training in these conditions as I was very nervous about my bike handling skills. and hydration is very hard to gauge.

Nice to see the returning folks and welcome to the new members of this group!!

I did my long ride today.  Had my bike, bottles, air in tires etc. all set before I went into work so I could do a quick "transition" once I got home and get right out on the bike (before the couch tempts me).  Managed 70 miles.  After mile 15, I spent 50 minutes doing hill repeats.  My legs got very sore as well as my abdomen.  I then rode rollers near my house for the remainder.  I met another guy of similar pace and we pushed each other for about 20 miles. It was a perfect Michigan day! 


2013-05-05 7:44 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Nancy glad to see there is someone else out there that thinks running indoors is a dreadmill.  Never heard the term before but will use it now.

Suzy I will agree with wise.  Live to fight another day.

Dave it sounds like bad weather was the order of the day.  You made it through. Good job.

Jamie & Nate good work given the conditions.  I guess if you go through an event in those conditions and are still smiling, triathlon is just what you do.  We all understand. BTW Nate, congrats on the engagement!

Rachel good luck tomorrow!

As to what’s the Color Run, Karla’s description was a good one.  Here’s a link if you want a visual:
2013-05-05 7:44 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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Calgary, AB
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Sounds like a ton of good progress all around this weekend!   We had spectacular weather in Calgary this weekend -- I did my long bike (~1:30) yesterday and my long run (~1:30) today.   The long run was a bit of an eye opener -- I've gone that long on the treadmill before, but never outside.  Makes a big difference with the hot sun and the hills!

2013-05-05 8:22 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Nice job to Nate and Jamie ... another race crushed.

I finished my Olympic race today and PR'ed by 16 minutes. 

Here is my race report!

2013-05-05 8:29 PM
in reply to: #4728381

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
d3term1ned - 2013-05-05 6:22 PM

Nice job to Nate and Jamie ... another race crushed.

I finished my Olympic race today and PR'ed by 16 minutes

Here is my race report!

Michael talk about crushing it! Great job.

2013-05-05 8:30 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Nice job Michael. Big improvement! Congrats.
2013-05-05 9:19 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Great job Michael! Always good to see a PR like that!
2013-05-05 10:44 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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Wichita, KS
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Nate, Jamie, and Michael - efforts like that just give me so much encouragement! This is why I love this group. Our group is having a great season so far.

2013-05-05 10:45 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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New user
Fernley, NV
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Awesome job Nate, Jamie and Michael looks like we have some pretty speedy folks in the group.

2013-05-05 11:03 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Nice work to all the racers!
2013-05-05 11:06 PM
in reply to: #4724546

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Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Great job with the races, Jaime/Nate/Michael! Loving the PR busting, and how cold was it, Nate? LOL! Poor thing. Heck, you kicked butt anyway.

Strength and swimming today. Husband's taking us to my favorite swim training site. Kids get to play while I work! Did I tell you that I'm doing an island to island swim on the 27th? I am! I'm going to attach my GoPro to my chest and make it take pics like every 10 seconds. Turtles swim around there. Might get a picture of one!

My son participated in his first duathlon this weekend. He was the youngest and smallest in his AG with a total of 6 kids. He wasn't even intimidated. I love that about him!

 He's the cool breeze in black shorts and grey shirt.

Edited by Blanda 2013-05-05 11:12 PM
2013-05-06 7:02 AM
in reply to: #4724546

Gibsonton, Florida
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Congrats to all the racers this weekend.  Mine wasn't anywhere close to being successful (DNF) but it was my first race.  I learned what my limitations are and have modified my expectations and training plan based on the experience.   Yesterday is in the past.  I can't change the outcome but I will get better because of it.
2013-05-06 7:04 AM
in reply to: #4724546

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Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Good morning!

I would like to pose a question to the group.  I keep getting a soreness in my left trapezius when I ride greater than 1.5- 2 hours.  I've had this problem for a while.  Other than this I am very comfortable on the bike and feel like I can go all day.  I need to schedule another fitting, but in the meantime I wonder if anyone has suggestions I may try.  My first thought is that I may be overextending and perhaps making my position a little less aggressive may be the trick.  I don't have any pics (sorry). Hoping I may try a few tweaks myself before repeating a formal fitting.


2013-05-06 7:44 AM
in reply to: #4724546

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New user

Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hi all,

There are so many of you, hopefully I'll get to know people eventually!
I'm still here, juggling some study commitments, and that pesky job, but trying to keep up with training.
We had a colour run in February. I'm still trying to get bits of pink out my hair. Even bleach hasn't worked! But a great fun day.
I haven't started my bike training yet, there's a few things I need to do to get her on the road out here just yet (like buy a light since we're getting into shorter days over here).
I'm getting into the longer run in my marathon training and finding a bit of a niggle in my left knee after I finish. We did 24km of mostly flat last weekend, and while I always follow up with a swim at the beach (its almost getting cold enough to act as an ice bath) and compression pants, I'm wondering if I should be adding some fartlecking in on the flatter distances?

Also, I know getting on the actual bike would be better, but is there anything I should be doing specifically on a stationary bike that would give particular benefit in training?

I spent most of Sunday checking in online on a friend who did the port mac iron man! I'm in awe, and inspired!

2013-05-06 7:55 AM
in reply to: #4724546

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Ok group, I have a worrisome issue this morning! I raced my Olympic yesterday, and felt pretty good the rest of the day. However, I woke up this morning and I have pain in the outside of both my ankles. It's really minor in my left ankle, but my right ankle feels pretty tight and painful. I've never had any ankle pain before, so this is worrying me. 

Of course, my first stop has been Google. From my initial research, it looks like peroneal tendonitis? However, like I said, it's never bothered me before. On the other hand, I've never run 6 miles as fast as I did yesterday.

Anyone have any experience with this? Should I panic and head to a PT, stretch, get new shoes? Any advice?

2013-05-06 8:05 AM
in reply to: #4724546

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Katy, TX
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Sounds like we had some awesome races this weekend! 

I took my bike in for it's spring tune-up and (ahem) tube replacement... I'll leave that nonsense to the experts! Anyway, I set it up on the trainer ready to roll on Saturday after the kids went to bed. However, my body decided to attack me and now I'm sick. I'm pretty sure it's a sever allergy attack (pollen is very high in Houston right now), either way, I don't think hovering over the bars would have done me any justice with this head pressure. Hopefully I can recover quickly and be in good health for my race this weekend.

2013-05-06 8:22 AM
in reply to: #4724546

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

Blanda-great picture. I volunteered at a kids triathlon last year and I think I had just as much fun as they did. They were all so excited and determined.

Jamie-No medical opinion here but I often feel pretty beat up after a hard race. I'd give it a couple of days off from running and see if it improves. Maybe there was something different about your stride in the race or just the tension from racing....expecially in the cold and wet. I would think biking and swimming would be fine. Missing a day or two of running will not change anything in the big picture heading into IM.

Jim-no medical opinion on your issue...plenty of doctors to do that But, I think you said you are just getting outside for your first rides of the season. Anything different in your position when riding outside. I know I'm up out of aero alot when riding inside and rarely up out of aero when outside.


2013-05-06 8:23 AM
in reply to: #4728785

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
WoodrowCall - 2013-05-06 8:55 AM

Ok group, I have a worrisome issue this morning! I raced my Olympic yesterday, and felt pretty good the rest of the day. However, I woke up this morning and I have pain in the outside of both my ankles. It's really minor in my left ankle, but my right ankle feels pretty tight and painful. I've never had any ankle pain before, so this is worrying me. 

Of course, my first stop has been Google. From my initial research, it looks like peroneal tendonitis? However, like I said, it's never bothered me before. On the other hand, I've never run 6 miles as fast as I did yesterday.

Anyone have any experience with this? Should I panic and head to a PT, stretch, get new shoes? Any advice?

Even though I don't know what it is. Whenever I go to see my chiropractor or massage therapist, the first thing they say is "Ice it" So whenever you get a chance, put some ice on your ankles and get them into an elevated position. Do it for 20 minutes at a time every hour or so. Today is rest day, so hopefully you get a chance Maybe some ibuprofin to help with the inflamation?

Hope it gets better soon. I know this sort of thing is frustrating as hell.

2013-05-06 8:34 AM
in reply to: #4724546

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED

I see that there are many questions previously posed to the group, but I've got one more for you all!

So, I've only done 3 open water swims, each one in a wetsuit. I really don't feel fast at all with the suit on. I almost feel as though I'm flailing around like a child instead of swimming. In the pool at practice and even during pool races, I feel like I'm actually getting somewhere.

I think I'm going to try my next open water swim (this weekend, 750m) with no wetsuit in order to see how I do, but has anyone else experienced this? Could my suit be too tight? I think another thing might be that I'm using extra energy to stretch the suit when I begin a pull...

Any help is appreciated, thanks all!

2013-05-06 9:06 AM
in reply to: #4728862

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
leechj - 2013-05-06 8:34 AM

I see that there are many questions previously posed to the group, but I've got one more for you all!

So, I've only done 3 open water swims, each one in a wetsuit. I really don't feel fast at all with the suit on. I almost feel as though I'm flailing around like a child instead of swimming. In the pool at practice and even during pool races, I feel like I'm actually getting somewhere.

I think I'm going to try my next open water swim (this weekend, 750m) with no wetsuit in order to see how I do, but has anyone else experienced this? Could my suit be too tight? I think another thing might be that I'm using extra energy to stretch the suit when I begin a pull...

Any help is appreciated, thanks all!

I normally hesitate to give any advice related to swimming, especially to a guy who can lap me with his eyes close and one arm tied behind his back, but here goes:

1.  Is the wetsuit new? did you soak it for 24 hours plus before you wore it for the first time this season?  Helps to stretch it out a bit the first time.

2.  Are you sure you have it pulled all the way up?  I use gloves you use to wash dishes to get mine all the way up, especially through the shoulders to make sure I don't feel constricted anywhere.  Gloves might look crazy, but they work.

3. Have you thought of a sleeveless?  I have both and prefer to sleeveless for comfort even though I use the full for buoyancy most of the time.

2013-05-06 9:44 AM
in reply to: #4728862

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED
leechj - 2013-05-06 9:34 AM

I see that there are many questions previously posed to the group, but I've got one more for you all!

So, I've only done 3 open water swims, each one in a wetsuit. I really don't feel fast at all with the suit on. I almost feel as though I'm flailing around like a child instead of swimming. In the pool at practice and even during pool races, I feel like I'm actually getting somewhere.

I think I'm going to try my next open water swim (this weekend, 750m) with no wetsuit in order to see how I do, but has anyone else experienced this? Could my suit be too tight? I think another thing might be that I'm using extra energy to stretch the suit when I begin a pull...

Any help is appreciated, thanks all!

Your question made me think, so I looked and I doubt Raleigh will be wetsuit-legal, and Louisville won't be either, so I think we'll be better served by not wearing it. So, I think I'll skip the wetsuit this weekend too.

2013-05-06 9:45 AM
in reply to: #4728949

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Slornow's and Wannabefaster's Summer Mentor Group - CLOSED


1. Is the wetsuit new? did you soak it for 24 hours plus before you wore it for the first time this season?  Helps to stretch it out a bit the first time.

It is not new, but I've only used it in 3 races and certainly never soaked it for 24 hours. I'll give that a shot! It does feel a little tight which I think is the main problem.

2.  Are you sure you have it pulled all the way up?  I use gloves you use to wash dishes to get mine all the way up, especially through the shoulders to make sure I don't feel constricted anywhere.  Gloves might look crazy, but they work.

When you say to get it all the way up, do you mean that you use the gloves for traction in order to grip it while you pull? I could try that too!

3. Have you thought of a sleeveless?  I have both and prefer to sleeveless for comfort even though I use the full for buoyancy most of the time.

This sounds like a really good idea since I feel the tightness across my shoulders and in my arms is the biggest problem. I think I might take a look for something used. Dang wetsuits are too much money! (I have a sleeveless scuba wetsuit... Are those legal?)

Thanks for the tips! I'm definitely going to try soaking it and seeing if that helps. Also will experiment with pulling it up higher on my body so I don't feel like it's constantly pulling my arms down. If none of that works, maybe I can cut the sleeves off my current wetsuit or loose another 10 pounds to fit in it more easily!

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