BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2014-06-17 8:38 AM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Good words on cycling safety. And even when there is good traffic control during a race, a driver can always do something really dumb. Q my Timberman accident from last year. I have to get my race reports up for those races, but I think I detailed what happened.

A driver basically went right through a policeman holding his hand up and cut directly in front of me on a downhill. Luckily I had a sense it was going to happen and had slowed down considerably as well as positioned my hands to hit the brakes hard, though I ended up hitting the car and going onto his hood and breaking one of my aerobars. There was no other bike damage and no damage to me, so I was fortunate. I thought the cop was going to pull his gun out and shoot the guy!

Definitely be aware and careful, particularly in residential areas. We won't even talk about cell phones and texting ...

2014-06-17 3:22 PM
in reply to: wbayek

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN

I'm jumping in with a question on the bike set up for you Garmin 910XT users.   Do you use "Auto" for wheel size or do you manually put it in?   I'd googled that question but I'm finding confusing answers such as putting in the manual number when not using GPS feature.  Huh?   I need someone to tell me how to do it in simple old lady language please. 


2014-06-17 7:31 PM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Brenda I don't think I'm going to be much help here. I just checked my settings because I don't ever recall modifying the wheel size in my bike settings. I just checked it and it is set for auto. I have messed around with other settings there since I use the 910 XT with my power meter but not the wheel size setting. I'll see if I can take a look though and maybe someone else here has done that and can better explain it.
2014-06-17 7:39 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN

Thanks for checking, TONY.   So can I assume that when you use the Garmin outside OR on the trainer, you feel your bike data is accurate? 

2014-06-17 8:01 PM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Brenda I would think so. I still have my bike computer and the numbers for distance, speed and cadence are usually the same or pretty close with the 910 XT for those metrics. I did set the wheel size on the Cateye bike computer but never even knew that there was an option for that with the Garmin. I'll do a little checking on that but I'm thinking the auto setting is ok.
2014-06-17 8:12 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Brenda one more thing I just checked the auto setting and for me it's 2100mm, the manual setting for the tire size is 2096mm so that is pretty close. I'm guessing setting it manually would be the most accurate but using the auto setting and GPS it looks like it's not far off. You can check the 910XT manual they give you all the tire sizes with the approriate size setting in mm's if you choose to set it manually. I don't see anything in the manual that gives you the reason as why you would use one option or the other. I'm sure we could find that on the Garmin website.

2014-06-17 8:59 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN

My system also says wheel size of 2100 when I have it on auto.    My real wheel size is 1944.  The bike data from Sunday's race isn't right which is what made me question the whole thing.  Garmin has me averaging over 20 mph  (yea, right) and going near 60 miles instead of 56.  Hmmm....  I think I'll change it to manual and stick my old Cateye back on (which always had accurate data) then take my sweet bike for a spin tomorrow and compare.    Thanks for your help, TONY!

2014-06-18 8:14 AM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
I'm a little confused Brenda. Are you not using the GPS on the 910 to track speed distance? I would say always use the GPS outside.

If you are talking indoors, the actual speed number on the trainer really has no meaning or relationship to outside riding, so there's no need to worry much about the indoor speed/distance values but rather just make sure you are using a consistent setup so you can track things relative to yourself. In other words, and this is for indoors only, all that mattes is 20 mph for you today is the same as 20 mph for you tomorrow, but that 20 mph has no meaning either compared to someone else indoors nor to you outdoors.

But in terms of setting the wheel size for outdoor use, starting with the actual measurement is always the best bet, and then tweak the number as required to make the distance accurate if you want to use the wheel size for outdoor speed/distance. You aren't actually trying to make sure the entered wheel size is correct, you are trying to make sure the distances traveled is correct. This is sort of the same thing as using the foot pod for distance where the Garmin lets you continue to calibrate to get the distances accurate. If you know a particular point to point measurement is 2 miles, ride that point to point and see how close you are. If the distance is off, adjust the wheel setting and try again until you get 2 miles, or very close.
2014-06-18 12:48 PM
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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN

I'm sorry to be confusing, WARREN but I can't help it.       Most of my rides have been inside but the times I went out I did put it on GPS I just didn't have anything to measure the distance I actually traveled and assumed GPS was correct.  I think I may have played around and had the wheel on manual at the wrong size, though and so my data is just plain off kilter.  I'm still not sure why the "auto" button puts my wheels at a 700x size when I have 650s.  I rode in auto mode on Sunday and I knew it was giving me wrong info.   Your tip of going a measured distance and adjusting my wheel size accordingly is excellent and I'll do that.   Thank you for your help!  

Hope all you Junkies are having a terrific wonderful Wednesday! 

Edited by bswcpa 2014-06-18 12:50 PM
2014-06-19 1:58 AM
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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN

Good points on bike safety everyone. I do try to keep my head on a swivel while riding too, and that actually may have been one factor in my crash last week. The biggest factor was my recklessness that morning in seeking every MPH of speed I could get from the downhill I was coming off of. Then while leaning into the left hand curve I checked for traffic coming from the right. I probably leaned a little more left while looking right and that put me in a bad position and down I went.

Be safe and be smart.

An update on my injuries: After treating all of my road rash with daily doses of a prescription burn cream. I have lots of nice new pink skin all over except the deepest wound on my left hip/butt cheek. That one is very deep and has been slow to heal. The pain from that wound has been enough to leave me exhausted most days. I have also been experiencing a lot of pain in my left shoulder and wrist. I don't have full range of motion in my shoulder or wrist without pain. I tried a little ride on my mountain bike out on our street a couple days ago to see how it would feel. I can't put much weight on my handlebar because of those injuries. I have an appointment with the local Sports Therapy / ART specialist Thursday afternoon. 

I'm now 3 and a half weeks out from Vineman 70.3 race day. These should have been my peak training weeks and I haven't been able to train for 11 days. I'm long past the cutoff for any refund of my race entry and my hope of wading out to the staring line on July 13 is dwindling fast.

I'll let everyone know what the doc says.

Edited by JonnyVero 2014-06-19 2:00 AM
2014-06-19 4:11 AM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN

Originally posted by bswcpa

I'm sorry to be confusing, WARREN but I can't help it.       Most of my rides have been inside but the times I went out I did put it on GPS I just didn't have anything to measure the distance I actually traveled and assumed GPS was correct.  I think I may have played around and had the wheel on manual at the wrong size, though and so my data is just plain off kilter.  I'm still not sure why the "auto" button puts my wheels at a 700x size when I have 650s.  I rode in auto mode on Sunday and I knew it was giving me wrong info.   Your tip of going a measured distance and adjusting my wheel size accordingly is excellent and I'll do that.   Thank you for your help!  

Hope all you Junkies are having a terrific wonderful Wednesday! 

It's likely the biggest reason why the discrepancy in your speed and distance is the size that is automatically chosen for your wheel size.  As I read through the posts this morning I knew you had 650's and that the Garmin defaults much closer to the 700's, thereby creating the additional speed and distance.  In order to correct that you can physically measure the wheel circumference and manually input your size.  Or do as Warren suggested and do the trial runs on a measured distance.  

If you don't have a tape that reads metric than you can measure in inches and use this site for conversions.  I use this anytime I need to make a conversion.

2014-06-19 4:44 AM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN

Originally posted by JonnyVero

An update on my injuries: After treating all of my road rash with daily doses of a prescription burn cream. I have lots of nice new pink skin all over except the deepest wound on my left hip/butt cheek. That one is very deep and has been slow to heal. The pain from that wound has been enough to leave me exhausted most days. I have also been experiencing a lot of pain in my left shoulder and wrist. I don't have full range of motion in my shoulder or wrist without pain. I tried a little ride on my mountain bike out on our street a couple days ago to see how it would feel. I can't put much weight on my handlebar because of those injuries. I have an appointment with the local Sports Therapy / ART specialist Thursday afternoon. 

I'm now 3 and a half weeks out from Vineman 70.3 race day. These should have been my peak training weeks and I haven't been able to train for 11 days. I'm long past the cutoff for any refund of my race entry and my hope of wading out to the staring line on July 13 is dwindling fast.

I'll let everyone know what the doc says.

I remember the new skin from my own crash last year.  Those areas will require some tender loving care for a while.  The new skin will be much more susceptible to tearing and reinjury.  Some kind of patch may be in order for the injuries to your hip for a little while, probably mostly while on the bike.  I had my elbow reopen several times if I tried to ride aero.  Finally I gave up and rode on;y my road bike to make sure I didn't try to cheat.

Your HIM?  I wouldn't give up on it yet.  If you can get anything in right now it may be alright to support the completion of the race.  If you can get your shoulder under control and begin to ride and run in next few days I think you would be alright.   Wait and see what the ART says and then maybe consider seeing a doc if it's not some muscular inflammation.  If you're not on NSAIDS I would suggest that as well.  Take them on a regular interval for a week or so if you haven't done this so far.  

2014-06-19 7:14 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
So all this talk of crashing got me thinking that I should put myself in a ditch tonight. So I did. Not too bad of a crash, I was on a group ride and was third in line finishing a long climb. The first rider sat up just as we finished, so did the second. I wasn't paying close enough attention and started coasting. Wouldn't have been a problem however I was on my aero bars. I saw our wheels overlap and knew it was out into the road, into the back of the guy in front of me, or into the ditch. I quickly figured the ditch was the safest option and tucked and rolled. My knee and elbow are a little banged up but nothing to bad. Totally my fault as I shouldn't gave been in aero and I should gave been paying more attention. At least I'm not hurt too bad, shouldn't miss any training days. Stay safe Junkies!
2014-06-19 7:50 PM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
John how did the ART session go?
Derek...I am happy to hear you are ok......everyone BE CAREFUL!

Not sure who all is racing this weekend, we've been kind of a quite group this session so good luck to everyone who is!

I have my first tri of the season on Sunday. I sure hope the weather warms up a bit, I am not liking this cool weather.
I think I may have had food poisoning yesterday almost didn't go to work thanks goodness it was my late start day, alls good today though. Got a good swim and an easy bike in.
I hope everyone has stayed safe from all the storms this week......crazy weather. Wow these are definetly a bunch of random thoughts lol
2014-06-19 8:19 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Originally posted by DirkP

Originally posted by bswcpa

I'm sorry to be confusing, WARREN but I can't help it.       Most of my rides have been inside but the times I went out I did put it on GPS I just didn't have anything to measure the distance I actually traveled and assumed GPS was correct.  I think I may have played around and had the wheel on manual at the wrong size, though and so my data is just plain off kilter.  I'm still not sure why the "auto" button puts my wheels at a 700x size when I have 650s.  I rode in auto mode on Sunday and I knew it was giving me wrong info.   Your tip of going a measured distance and adjusting my wheel size accordingly is excellent and I'll do that.   Thank you for your help!  

Hope all you Junkies are having a terrific wonderful Wednesday! 

It's likely the biggest reason why the discrepancy in your speed and distance is the size that is automatically chosen for your wheel size.  As I read through the posts this morning I knew you had 650's and that the Garmin defaults much closer to the 700's, thereby creating the additional speed and distance.  In order to correct that you can physically measure the wheel circumference and manually input your size.  Or do as Warren suggested and do the trial runs on a measured distance.  

If you don't have a tape that reads metric than you can measure in inches and use this site for conversions.  I use this anytime I need to make a conversion.

Garmin has the wheel sizes in MM in the 910XT manual. You should be able to get the info from there they have a chart with about 20 different sizes believe it or not.
2014-06-19 8:31 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
John glad to hear that you are recovering well. Like Dirk said don't give up on your race yet take a wait and see approach. Hopefully the ART will help and you'll continue to improve and be able to get some training in and get healthy enough so you have an opportunity to still do the HIM.

Derek glad to hear you are alright and that it wasn't anything serious with the bike mishap. You're right about things happening when you don't expect them to and that's usually the case. We definitely need to be careful riding out there.

JoAnne good luck with your race this weekend.

I'll be heading up to Syracuse on Saturday for the HIM on Sunday. We are expected to have much better weather this year as well. I'm looking forward to it. My bib# is 862 so for those of you who are totally bored and have nothing to do on Sunday and feel like checking in on the IM site you'll be able to find me. Since it sold out there are 19 swim waves! Holy cow I'm just glad I'm in wave 8 and starting at 7:30. The last wave goes at 8:30 am. I'm hoping to represent well for the Junkies. This old timer is planning to show some of those youngsters what racing a HIM is all about.

2014-06-19 9:16 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Jo, good luck in your race this weekend. I think I will trade you our current humidity for the cooler temps. We have hit our 1st real humid stretch of the summer and I can tell I need to acclimate myself better. I ran a 5k today and it was a hot sweaty mess, probably wasn't the nest idea for a taper but I couldn't resist.

Tony, good luck at Syracuse, that's crazy a HIM sold out, that will be a lot of racers and probably a great environment with a lot of energy. I think my race maxed out at 500 and didn't even sell out, may actually get lonely at some points. But I figure that since I am going to have Brenda tow me up the hills all will be good

Edited by mambos 2014-06-19 9:16 PM
2014-06-20 12:09 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN

So after seeing the ART and Graston Technique specialist my shoulder is feeling sore, but better than it has for a while. After examining me they used a combination of heat and electro stimulation to get the shoulder ready and then ART and Graston Technique to break down the internal scar tissue. Then he taped me up with instructions for stretching the muscles over the next few days. I expect to be pretty sore tomorrow, but if it gets me back to training and full recovery sooner I am all in. I'll be seeing him for more treatments Mondays and Wednesdays for the next 3 weeks if needed.

Dirk, after weaning myself from the Vicodin I have been on a steady dose of Advil for pain relief.  I expect I'll keep that up for at least a few more days.


Last night I was in a pretty dark place about my chances of doing the HIM. Since my appointment today I'm having a bit more hope. I've discussed the race with my wife and as long as I am able to start the race without possibly making the shoulder injury worse by participating, I expect I'll go for it with the expectation of doing the best I can.

2014-06-20 12:27 AM
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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN

Derek, didn't your parents ever give you the "if your friends jumped of a bridge..." speech?  I'm glad you came through the crash relatively unscathed. I think there are enough Junkies on the injury list without adding more.

 Speaking of that I'm still praying for healing for each of you who is injured.

Just finished up the last of 4 nights of Vacation Bible School. What a blessing to be part of but I do admit I'm exhausted and glad it is over.

JoAnne and Tony - Good luck on your races this coming weekend!

Tony - My HIM is sold out too. Thankfully I'll be in wave 6 out of 22 starting at 7:00 am.



Edited by JonnyVero 2014-06-20 12:28 AM
2014-06-20 1:22 AM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN

I did finally manage to throw together a race report for my Olympic on the 1st of June. After the start my descriptions aren't great, but I wanted to get it posted. Maybe I'll come back and fill in more later.


2014-06-20 5:24 AM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
John, good to hear your session went well and that things are looking better for your race. I am sure it is discouraging, I remember a few years back Chrissy Wellington crashed hard I believe just 2 weeks before Kona and she ended up winning so you can do this and I will be praying for you and everyone else for your speedy recoveries!!

So I have Tony, Matt and Brenda racing this weekend....good luck!! Anyone else??

Shoe question: so I have been running in newtons for 2+ years and the past 2 months my lower body hurts.....I decided to throw on a pair of my old Asics and found myself to be light as air in them I even ran a better time for a brick than if I just ran alone no lower body hurt, and the next day when I got out of bed my feet didn't hurt for the first 20 feet, all from just one run.....unbelievable. I know shoes are a personal preference, but what does everyone wear? I am going hopefully today to get a new pair and am thinking saucony, or brooks but I may just go back to Asics.

2014-06-20 6:01 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Originally posted by strikyr

John glad to hear that you are recovering well. Like Dirk said don't give up on your race yet take a wait and see approach. Hopefully the ART will help and you'll continue to improve and be able to get some training in and get healthy enough so you have an opportunity to still do the HIM.

Derek glad to hear you are alright and that it wasn't anything serious with the bike mishap. You're right about things happening when you don't expect them to and that's usually the case. We definitely need to be careful riding out there.

JoAnne good luck with your race this weekend.

I'll be heading up to Syracuse on Saturday for the HIM on Sunday. We are expected to have much better weather this year as well. I'm looking forward to it. My bib# is 862 so for those of you who are totally bored and have nothing to do on Sunday and feel like checking in on the IM site you'll be able to find me. Since it sold out there are 19 swim waves! Holy cow I'm just glad I'm in wave 8 and starting at 7:30. The last wave goes at 8:30 am. I'm hoping to represent well for the Junkies. This old timer is planning to show some of those youngsters what racing a HIM is all about.

As of right now IM Racine in July has 23 swim waves and registration is still open it looks like about 2250 people are signed up right now, Iam wondering what the cut off is. Luckily my group is the 4th wave so I am off at 7:09 although this gives me the wonderful chance of being swam over by all the young men
2014-06-20 7:42 AM
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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Originally posted by BigDaddyD79
Totally my fault as I shouldn't gave been in aero and I should gave been paying more attention. At least I'm not hurt too bad, shouldn't miss any training days. Stay safe Junkies!

Glad it wasn't too serious and you actually had the option and wherewithal to make a decision about how to fall. Good advice to stay out of the bars on groups rides, unless you're pulling! We all know better, but probably do it too often anyway.

Originally posted by JonnyVero
Last night I was in a pretty dark place about my chances of doing the HIM. Since my appointment today I'm having a bit more hope. I've discussed the race with my wife and as long as I am able to start the race without possibly making the shoulder injury worse by participating, I expect I'll go for it with the expectation of doing the best I can.

ART can be magic for the right injuries. Definitely don't give up. I'm in the same boat with a shoulder that can't swim and can't get into aero bars, so hopefully we'll both channel our lizard genes and heal up quickly. We'll all figure out a way to swim one armed if we have to!

Originally posted by Jo63
So I have Tony, Matt and Brenda racing this weekend....good luck!! Anyone else??

Shoe question: so I have been running in newtons for 2+ years and the past 2 months my lower body hurts.....I decided to throw on a pair of my old Asics and found myself to be light as air in them I even ran a better time for a brick than if I just ran alone no lower body hurt, and the next day when I got out of bed my feet didn't hurt for the first 20 feet, all from just one run.....unbelievable. I know shoes are a personal preference, but what does everyone wear? I am going hopefully today to get a new pair and am thinking saucony, or brooks but I may just go back to Asics.

I'm racing a sprint relay with my boys, if that counts. I'm doing the bike leg, though I can't get into the aero bars with my shoulder so I'm not expecting much. I'm sure I'll get some funny looks riding on the hoods but all decked out with aero wheels and helmet and all, but so be it!

I run with New Balance 870 v2. Yes, it's a totally supported shoe and I'll probably explode into pieces because I'm not using a minimalist flat running shoe, but since I figured out to run I've had very few injury issues so I'm not fixing what ain't broke.

All these filled up HIMs must mean the sport is doing well! It's cool to be part of such a large event. Good luck to everyone racing.

Edited by wbayek 2014-06-20 8:08 AM
2014-06-20 6:11 PM
in reply to: wbayek

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Tony, Matt, Brenda, Jo, and Warren......Good Luck this Weekend!!!
2014-06-20 7:57 PM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Good luck to all the Junkies racing this weekend, let's all represent well and kick some butt out there.

John glad to hear that both you and Warren are not giving up on your races just yet. I think if you can get well enough to race and there is no risk of further injury I'd go for it. You might have to temper expectations a little but I think it would still be a great experience.

JoAnne I've been using the Asic Kayano's forever. I'm afraid to switch to anything else being I've never had any problems with them except when I've put too much mileage on them. Other than that I've run injury free and in comfort with the Kayano's.
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