BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open Rss Feed  
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2016-01-03 7:43 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Saint Charles, Missouri
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Originally posted by Qua17

Proud to report that I ate as well today as I have since mid december. I recorded every calorie and sent pics to Scott. One day is easy... Onward!

Nice Job Dave......while I can't say that today was a great day of eating....I kept portions under control and still stayed within my calorie range....

2016-01-04 4:30 AM
in reply to: #5158366

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Morning Kyle!

If you wouldn't mind, Do me a favor and change your settings on your log page. I tried to go in there today and give you like for your workout but I don't have access.

Nice job on the eating and working out. We are moving ever closer to our goal!
2016-01-04 4:34 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Here's my view from my morning rain or workout. Got to say putting the bike in Front of the treeā€¦ not a bad idea

image.jpeg (1693KB - 13 downloads)
2016-01-04 7:50 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Saint Charles, Missouri
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Originally posted by Qua17

Morning Kyle!

If you wouldn't mind, Do me a favor and change your settings on your log page. I tried to go in there today and give you like for your workout but I don't have access.

Nice job on the eating and working out. We are moving ever closer to our goal!

Should be fixed.....
2016-01-04 8:28 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

6/31 with a cycle trainer ride with my wife this morning. We did half of "A very dark place" in the sufferfest series in a cold basement on a cold morning. I am sick of winter already...

I am going to give a big shout out to one or our former members Charles(mirthful Dragon who has logged into MFP 360 days in a!

As far as my weight loss, I am back on track. Made it through the weekend on track.

2016-01-04 8:47 AM
in reply to: #5158979

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Whoo hoo Charles!

I made it back to reality and 139.8. I'm feeling thankful for those 0.2 that snuck me under the wire! I'm sticking with my 2 pound goal for Jan.

I may only be at 1/31, but I have 14 alpine ski days and 4 Nordic days. Now after two weeks of vacation it's back to work.

I will try and set up a my Garmin account and get to 2/31 today :-)

2016-01-04 1:05 PM
in reply to: Moonrocket

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Thanks for the push DQ to get me back being active! So here it goes:

NAME: Alex

FAMILY STATUS: Married and we have a 10yr old son.

CURRENT TRAINING: Does "not enough" count?

2015 RACES: Few sprints and Florida 70.3 an IMFL to finish off the year

The Plan for 2016: Get faster. Focus on a few sprints and a 3 race oly series. I would like to break an hour come Septembers sprint.

BEER/WINE/BOOZE PREFERENCE: All of the above please Prefer wheat beers and red wine.

WEIGHT LOSS: Need to drop 20-25 pounds by May when my first race is.
2016-01-04 1:30 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Wakefield, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
If there's room for one more, I'm in!

NAME: Dennis

STORY: Ever since college, I've bounced between 180-200 lbs (I'm 5'10"). A few years ago I was working at a company where it seemed like everyone was a skinny runner, and they'd all go out for group runs in the afternoon. I assume they were full of laughing, sunshine, and puppies, but I can't say for sure because I was the lazy fat guy who stayed behind feeling left out. I'd always thought tris sounded pretty fun, if it weren't for that whole running thing. Anyway, after being left behind one too many times, I resolved to suck it up, got myself a couch-to-sprint training plan, and worked my way through it. I didn't die, so I joined a trainging group at my local Y, signed up for my first race, and 6 years later at a new job, I'm the runner guy everyone else thinks is weird.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with two kids (5 & 18 months) and a dog.

CURRENT TRAINING: I've been off the wagon for about a year, but I'd like to start with 2-3 trainer sessions per week, plus a run with the dog 4-5 times per week. The catch is that the former needs to happen in the evening when I could be on the couch watching TV with my wife, and the latter in the morning when I could be asleep. Hopefully that's where you all come in, holding me accountable!

2015 RACES: I usually do 3-4 local sprints a year, but didn't enter any last year. My son was born at the very end of the 2014 season, and between the new baby, a very busy first half of 2015 at work, and selling/buying homes, it just didn't happen.

The Plan for 2016: I'd like to sign up for 3-4 sprints this year, plus the odd road or trail race as they fit in. One of my old stand-by sprints, the Boston Tri, is adding an Olympic this year and I'm toying with the idea of signing up for the longer distance.

BEER/WINE/BOOZE PREFERENCE: I developed my beer palate while in high school in Austria, so it's German/Czech/Austrian lagers and wheat beers for me. I know it puts me in the minority to say this, but it makes me sad that the trend in American micro-brews is to dump in as many hops as possible (I can usually tell if I'll like a beer by aroma). I'm not too particular with wine, and stick to rum and tequila when it comes to the hard stuff. I'm a sucker for a good caipirinha.

WEIGHT LOSS: Back in 2014 racing weight was 165 lbs. Right now I'm sitting just above 185 and I'd love to get back below 170 by the time the season starts in June. I know from past experimentation that keeping my daily carb intake to 100-150 grams will get me there, I just need to be consistent about staying away from fries and desserts.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD BDAS MEMBER: Every group needs a slacker to make the rest of you look good, right? I'ev got 5 years of racing under my belt, so while my training has never been terribly sophisticated, I've got plenty of first hand experience on the racing end. Plus, I'm on BT pretty frequently, so if anyone needs a thumbs-up for a good achievement, I'll probably be on the forums to give it.
2016-01-04 6:38 PM
in reply to: Fourteenkittens

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Dennis - We always having room for another Massachusetts boy!

Cut yourself some slack about the limited races thanks to your newborn son - but having a kid is worse than doing an ironman and it never seems to end!

Goad to hear you're going to get back on track in 2016. Have you thought about signing up for the Season Opener Tri in Hopkington. It's fantastic. Hopefully we can do one together.
2016-01-04 6:40 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Originally posted by Burd

Thanks for the push DQ to get me back being active! So here it goes:

NAME: Alex

FAMILY STATUS: Married and we have a 10yr old son.

CURRENT TRAINING: Does "not enough" count?

2015 RACES: Few sprints and Florida 70.3 an IMFL to finish off the year

The Plan for 2016: Get faster. Focus on a few sprints and a 3 race oly series. I would like to break an hour come Septembers sprint.

BEER/WINE/BOOZE PREFERENCE: All of the above please Prefer wheat beers and red wine.

WEIGHT LOSS: Need to drop 20-25 pounds by May when my first race is.

I am stoked to have this Gentlemen back in the group. The only thing I ask is that you refrain from posting pictures of summer Florida during the middle of winter. It makes me want to drive down and chuck a snowball at atyou!

Hopefully the drop in weight and training will help you get over some of those nagging injuries!

2016-01-04 6:48 PM
in reply to: thor67

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Originally posted by thor67

6/31 with a cycle trainer ride with my wife this morning. We did half of "A very dark place" in the sufferfest series in a cold basement on a cold morning. I am sick of winter already...

I am going to give a big shout out to one or our former members Charles(mirthful Dragon who has logged into MFP 360 days in a!

As far as my weight loss, I am back on track. Made it through the weekend on track.

Nice work on the weightloss and for the tough ride. I need to find something to kick my butt - this morning I was just spinning my wheels.

2016-01-04 7:05 PM
in reply to: #5159015

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Welcome back Alex! Welcome to our new friends too!

Good day here--triple workout. #2--short swim this AM, #3--3 mile run with the pup after work, followed shortly by a yoga session (#4).

So far, food is tracked too!
2016-01-04 8:36 PM
in reply to: 0

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Wakefield, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

Originally posted by Qua17 Have you thought about signing up for the Season Opener Tri in Hopkington. It's fantastic. Hopefully we can do one together.

In the past the Season Opener has been on Mother's Day, and that's a no-go in my house. My wife is supportive, but not that supportive. But it looks like they're not the same weekend this year, so I'll have to give it a closer look. I've done Boston and Nantasket every year since I started racing, plus Falmouth (awesome race), Buzzard's Bay, Hero Cape Cod, and Cohasset. We just moved from Quincy to Wakefield though, so I'm in the market for some venues that aren't quite so far south.


Edited by Fourteenkittens 2016-01-04 8:38 PM
2016-01-04 8:42 PM
in reply to: kjvandermolen

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Wakefield, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

Originally posted by kjvandermolen
Originally posted by aviatrix802
Originally posted by thor67

1)lose 2lbs2)get 1 swim in3)continue on with the 24/31 s/b/r

Originally posted by Hook'em

Originally posted by Qua17 DQ -1) Lose 2 lbs, 2) PT 5x, 3) Complete workouts for first week of OLY plan, 4) BTx5 days
Doug- 1) lose 2 lbs, 2) 10k yds swimming, 3) 3 runs, 4) bike trainer sessions.

1) PT 5x 2) swim 3 times 3) bike 3 times 4) run twice 5) finish both flight students to wrap up their training
1) Lose 2 pounds 2) Work out of 30 min or longer 6x this week 3) Log all food 4) not get laid off...(lol...little out of my hands but that is a goal for this week) And beer is TBD....but just might be a Stone Brewing Arrogant Bastard....

My goals for the week:

1) Lose 2 lbs from 187 to 185
2) Take the dog running 3 times
3) Get on the trainer 2 times
So far I'm 1/24 on the month, and I will take the dog running tomorrow morning, even if it's cold and dark and I want to stay in bed.
2016-01-04 9:03 PM
in reply to: Fourteenkittens

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Deep in the Heart of Texas
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

Originally posted by Fourteenkittens

Originally posted by kjvandermolen
Originally posted by aviatrix802
Originally posted by thor67

1)lose 2lbs2)get 1 swim in3)continue on with the 24/31 s/b/r

Originally posted by Hook'em

Originally posted by Qua17 DQ -1) Lose 2 lbs, 2) PT 5x, 3) Complete workouts for first week of OLY plan, 4) BTx5 days
Doug- 1) lose 2 lbs, 2) 10k yds swimming, 3) 3 runs, 4) bike trainer sessions.

1) PT 5x 2) swim 3 times 3) bike 3 times 4) run twice 5) finish both flight students to wrap up their training
1) Lose 2 pounds 2) Work out of 30 min or longer 6x this week 3) Log all food 4) not get laid off...(lol...little out of my hands but that is a goal for this week) And beer is TBD....but just might be a Stone Brewing Arrogant Bastard....

My goals for the week:

1) Lose 2 lbs from 187 to 185
2) Take the dog running 3 times
3) Get on the trainer 2 times
So far I'm 1/24 on the month, and I will take the dog running tomorrow morning, even if it's cold and dark and I want to stay in bed.

I'm planning a pre-dawn run tomorrow morning as well - it's not MA cold, but it's supposed to be right at freezing here in ATX.  

4 days into 2016 and 5 workouts.  A tough, long swim set at lunch today followed by a trainer session after dinner.

2016-01-04 10:00 PM
in reply to: kjvandermolen

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Saint Charles, Missouri
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Workout 3/24 - 40 min bike (stationary) for 12.07 miles for just a hair over 18 mph pace.

Hope that for all of y'all that it was your first day back to work after the holiday that it wasn't too bad.......

2016-01-04 11:13 PM
in reply to: #5158366

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
2/24 this, yesterday morning since it's now 12:10 am... I also moved another bedrrom's worth of furniture and spent 3 hours scraping popcorn ceiling in the bathroom we're renovating. That in and of itself should be deemed a workout. Argh I hate scraping popcorn ceilings. I am collapsing into bed - sleeping until 6:30, no early workout for me on Tuesday, the workmen will be here at 8:00 and the carpet guys at 8:30 for my son's room. So tired.
2016-01-05 7:43 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Sounds brutal Jenn!

The Mass contingent is strong! I have a trip I need to take there to catch up with friends this summer. Any good sprints or 10ks I should try and schedule it around?

Thanks to the motivation of falling off the challenge I did 24 min on the elliptical last night for 2/24.

Random question does anyone have one of those fancy scales with body fat on it? What do you think?
2016-01-05 8:29 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

First off welcome new and old faces!

Second, great to see everyone jumping on the challenge!

Jenn, popcorn ceiling removal...that is nasty! consider that a workout!! :-)

Kate, I am not sure the fat % is worth it. Take body measurements and pics. Use the same scale consistenly and you should be okay.

I would splurge for a good fat% test like a submersion type where you get dunked in the water if you really want to know. In the end the only one that needs to be happy is you.

I finally put together a swim last night. My wife was working so I took my daughter swimming before hockey practice. she played and I swam laps...ouch. First real swim in about 5 months. Not pretty to say the least.

Also stepped on the scale for the first time...yeah I know I am tracking but I just guessed my weight....Let's just say I was a bit optimistic with my guess. Good news I can eat more...bad news, I can eat more.

Finally, I have a damn pain in the outside arch of my foot. It is a recurring injury. I may go to the damn Dr. to figure it out once and for all. Missed spin class this morning.

2016-01-05 9:20 AM
in reply to: 0

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Originally posted by aviatrix802

2/24 this, yesterday morning since it's now 12:10 am... I also moved another bedrrom's worth of furniture and spent 3 hours scraping popcorn ceiling in the bathroom we're renovating. That in and of itself should be deemed a workout. Argh I hate scraping popcorn ceilings. I am collapsing into bed - sleeping until 6:30, no early workout for me on Tuesday, the workmen will be here at 8:00 and the carpet guys at 8:30 for my son's room. So tired.

I (accidentally) cleared off a popcorn ceiling in a rental my brother was renovating. Have you tried getting the popcorn just ever so slightly damp? I was trying to paint the ceiling, and it turns out, if you get popcorn ceiling damp, it will just fall off the ceiling!

Edited by drfoodlove 2016-01-05 9:22 AM
2016-01-05 9:24 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
#5--COLD morning run with the pup. 22F sure is not conducive to getting out of your warm bed, but I'm up and it is done. Hitting the trainer later this afternoon, which I know is going to be rough, since it is only the second ride I'll have done since my Oly in Sept!

2016-01-05 9:39 AM
in reply to: #5158366

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
I'll read up later. Looks like we have some new members so welcome. I have canceled my trip to Disney for the Dopey. I had my race defered to next year. I am getting back on the wagon and seem to have found my motivation. Did weights yesterday and bike today. Going to try to swim later today. Guess I'm 3/24
2016-01-05 10:12 AM
in reply to: b2b14

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Deep in the Heart of Texas
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

6/24 with my cold, pre-dawn run this morning.  I might get back on the trainer this evening.

Started back with weight-loss eating yesterday.  So far, so good.  Next test is lunch today with buddies at a local Tex-Mex dive.  Ala carte beef fajita tacos is probably my best best - much better than fajita nachos.

2016-01-05 10:25 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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ROTHESAY, New Brunswick
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
NAME: Terry Burt, 46 years young, or is that immature

STORY: I got into triathlon in 1998 with the soul purpose of doing an Ironman, and finished IM Florida in 2000. Since then I have done about 2 shorter triathlons, the last one 5 years ago. I prefer the longer distance races so, between a busy career, young kids and a couple of moves across the country I was too busy to train. Other interests soon crept in, and triathlon was put to the back of my mind. I tested the endurance waters in 2014 and did a 67km ultra marathon and the seed was planted again.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to a wonderful understanding woman, with two daughters 14 and 12. Two Labrador Retrievers that are my trail running buddies.

CURRENT TRAINING: Bought a cyclocross bike, got back into biking this fall, running 4-5 times a week. Trying to get some foot speed back after all that long slow ultra run training. Need to get back to the pool soon.

2015 RACES: 10km fun run

The Plan for 2016: St. Andrew's Challenge 1/2 Ironman and possibly the 70.3 in New Hampshire (IM Mont Tremblant in 2017)

BEER/WINE/BOOZE PREFERENCE: love a nice IPA, red wine, tequila, and rum. Starting to sound like an alcoholic.

WEIGHT LOSS: Need to drop about 20lbs.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD BDAS MEMBER: My fondest memory of Ironman Florida in 2000 was hanging out at the finish line with Graham Frasier, eating pizza and drinking cold beers.

2016-01-05 7:34 PM
in reply to: kjvandermolen

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Saint Charles, Missouri
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Workout 4/24 - 30 min run 2.86 miles

I can't believe that I am still running outside in STL in January and it isn't too bad......kinda making this winter working out not so bad....of course it will probably get cold soon....but hey I'll take it while I can get it.

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