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2007-01-16 3:57 PM
in reply to: #630120

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Clifton, NJ
Subject: RE: marymosc13's group THE V.A.M.P.S., FULL

woo hoo! yay! its unanimous - our group will take on my sister carol's group in a month long challenge - during february, to see which one can rack up the most total minutes...

help me get mah braggin' rights back!

more details to come!

2007-01-16 5:54 PM
in reply to: #630120

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Subject: RE: marymosc13's group THE V.A.M.P.S., FULL

Yeah! We get to challenge!

Crystal, so sorry I don't have any funny stories to share today. I hope Mary's dog troubles brought a smile to your face.  It did for me!  My little daughter did decide to eat one of those boardbooks for little kids. I thought they were supposed to be for little ones so they don't tear the pages, but Chay thinks that they taste good. I guess she needs more fiber or something. She really ate a whole corner off the book, so I think we'll have to take them away for a while!!

As for workout advice, the advice that has helped me may not help anyone else because it looks like you are all excellent runners, but I have a really difficult time running without pain in my knees. I talked to a trainer at our local tri-shop and she said I should shorten my stride.  She actually told me to run on the tread-mill with the speed at 4.5 and incline at 1.0. Then keep a cadence of 180 per minute.  I felt like the biggest dork at the gym when I tried it because an eighty year old women next to me was WALKING much faster and there I was pretending to be Speedy Gonzales running at 4.5!!! It really helped me feel better though and I think I actually, have an idea what my form is supposed to be now. Anyhow, that the only good tip I have really loved so far. Anyone else!?!? 

2007-01-16 6:52 PM
in reply to: #656968

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Subject: RE: marymosc13's group THE V.A.M.P.S., FULL
Thanks... I read Mary's story and laughed! Sorry for being the downer today... Looking forward to a good workout in the morning tomorrow, then I'm on the road again for work. I'll be back sometime on thursday. Lots of trips lately for work and with the mini vacation this past weekend I feel kind of behind on things. ARG!!!! Smiles!
2007-01-16 8:37 PM
in reply to: #630120

Lone Star State
Subject: RE: marymosc13's group THE V.A.M.P.S., FULL
I stumbled across a great deal today (I think). I am not ready to spend a lot on equipment, but I wanted a tri top. I found a Danskin tri-suit at that ended up being $29.99 total. It is listed as $49.99 but when you add it to your cart, you get 20% off and free s&h. Then they offer $10 off with google checkout. The only color is black, but I didn't mind. There are other Danskin brand tri items on sale too.
2007-01-16 8:49 PM
in reply to: #630120

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Subject: RE: marymosc13's group THE V.A.M.P.S., FULL
you did get a great deal, i paid 60 for it last year.  it worked great for me, i did need a sports bra underneath because it did not provide all the support they claimed it would (36 D, not that you ever wanted to know that about me but the support may be adequate for others)
2007-01-16 9:05 PM
in reply to: #630120

Lone Star State
Subject: RE: marymosc13's group THE V.A.M.P.S., FULL
I was originally lookin gon the Danskin site for the zip tri top. I wandered off path, but I am glad I did. I will be checking the mail every day like a little kid.

2007-01-17 9:10 AM
in reply to: #630120

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Subject: RE: marymosc13's group THE V.A.M.P.S., FULL

Thanks for the tip on trisuits. I've thought about it a bit, but I'm not sure at all what I will be getting yet. I will have to check it out!! Have a wonderful day!


2007-01-17 1:52 PM
in reply to: #630120

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Clifton, NJ
Subject: RE: marymosc13's group THE V.A.M.P.S., FULL

hi ladies... just wanna give a quick hello before i actually get some work done (now that i'm back from the city)... glad to hear about the tri suit purchase, i'd been checking the mail everyday too! i'm planning to buy one for this season, so thanks for the info on the GREAT deal you got.

our challenge with mosc11's group is fast approaching... so start thinking about how you want to fill up the month of february with a pink box every day - no whites allowed! even a 30 min walk counts in this challenge, so every activity you do must be logged, be ultra-anal-retentive, ladies! we're gonna win!

2007-01-17 8:34 PM
in reply to: #630120

Lone Star State
Subject: RE: marymosc13's group THE V.A.M.P.S., FULL
My scheduled swim class (second tiime to meet) was cancelled tonight due to the weather. I went and swam anyway. I did my drills but I am very frustrated. I think the swimmming is going to be very difficult.

I didn't have as much trouble as I thought I would after the brick workout yesterday. I am sleepiong in tomorrow - no yoga!
2007-01-18 8:12 AM
in reply to: #658688

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Clifton, NJ
Subject: RE: marymosc13's group THE V.A.M.P.S., FULL

Brachiator - 2007-01-17 9:34 PM My scheduled swim class (second tiime to meet) was cancelled tonight due to the weather. I went and swam anyway. I did my drills but I am very frustrated. I think the swimmming is going to be very difficult. I didn't have as much trouble as I thought I would after the brick workout yesterday. I am sleepiong in tomorrow - no yoga!

good for you getting in the pool anyway! bad and frustrating workouts happen from time to time. just put it behind you and move on. and try saying to yourself "swimming will be a challenge, that i will meet head on and conquer" instead of "swimming is going to be very difficult" half the battle is in your mind anyway. enjoy your much-deserved rest and come back the next day even stronger!

2007-01-19 10:31 AM
in reply to: #630120

Lone Star State
Subject: RE: marymosc13's group THE V.A.M.P.S., FULL
HELP: I am having trouble wiht posting messages in other people's log to inspire them. If someone leaves me a message in my 'Inspire Me' area, what happens when I hit the 'blog' button? Does that take me to their 'Inspire Me' area to leave a message? That is what I am hoping it does.

2007-01-19 10:31 AM
in reply to: #630120

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Subject: Happy Friday VAMPS!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day! Any exciting plans for the weekend?

Mary, so sorry to hear about the sick little one! Hope she feels better soon. Chay's top teeth are coming in right now, so she has been up in the middle of the night lately (she is usually pretty good to sleep through the whole night.) Being sick is so much worse though because with teething we can get her a little tylenol and she is a happy camper. Not so easy when its a cough! Best of luck to ya!

Good luck with the workouts today all! And of course, smiles for Crystal!

2007-01-19 10:37 AM
in reply to: #630120

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Subject: I forgot...


Don't worry about your swimming. It is SO hard to figure it out at first. I really think that swimming takes the most time to actually learn how to get comfortable, but you are doing the right thing taking a class. Just keep practicing the drills and before you know it, you will see a lot of improvement.  I remember the first day I joined the swim team in high school, I thought I was going to drown. I couldn't believe the coach actually expected us to swim across the pool more then ONCE! Sometimes when I get in the water after its been a while, I have to remember how it is supposed to feel, but once you start feeling the water, IT IS SO MUCH FUN!!!! Best of luck and I know you will start to love it soon enough!

2007-01-19 10:40 AM
in reply to: #660627

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Clifton, NJ
Subject: RE: marymosc13's group THE V.A.M.P.S., FULL

Brachiator - 2007-01-19 11:31 AM HELP: I am having trouble wiht posting messages in other people's log to inspire them. If someone leaves me a message in my 'Inspire Me' area, what happens when I hit the 'blog' button? Does that take me to their 'Inspire Me' area to leave a message? That is what I am hoping it does.

yeah, anytime you get an inspire, just hit blog, it "quotes" the original message and sends it back to the person who sent it. its a very cool feature!

2007-01-19 10:44 AM
in reply to: #660629

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Clifton, NJ
Subject: RE: Happy Friday VAMPS!
Nimefurahi - 2007-01-19 11:31 AM

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day! Any exciting plans for the weekend?

Mary, so sorry to hear about the sick little one! Hope she feels better soon. Chay's top teeth are coming in right now, so she has been up in the middle of the night lately (she is usually pretty good to sleep through the whole night.) Being sick is so much worse though because with teething we can get her a little tylenol and she is a happy camper. Not so easy when its a cough! Best of luck to ya!

Good luck with the workouts today all! And of course, smiles for Crystal!

teething IS tough... i used to give brianna frozen washcloths to chew on, or frozen bananas in one of those safe feeder things... we're not big on tylenol in our house. brianna is doing a tad better today, thanks... this is her first bad cold of the "winter" so we've been lucky this season. rest day for me today, thank goodness b/c of the lack of sleep i had - hope everyone is doing great!

2007-01-19 10:45 AM
in reply to: #660649

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Clifton, NJ
Subject: RE: I forgot...
Nimefurahi - 2007-01-19 11:37 AM


Don't worry about your swimming. It is SO hard to figure it out at first. I really think that swimming takes the most time to actually learn how to get comfortable, but you are doing the right thing taking a class. Just keep practicing the drills and before you know it, you will see a lot of improvement.  I remember the first day I joined the swim team in high school, I thought I was going to drown. I couldn't believe the coach actually expected us to swim across the pool more then ONCE! Sometimes when I get in the water after its been a while, I have to remember how it is supposed to feel, but once you start feeling the water, IT IS SO MUCH FUN!!!! Best of luck and I know you will start to love it soon enough!

great advice! it does take a while to get used to, remember, homo sapiens are land mammals, so its not in our makeup to be water creatures, you need to give yourself time to adjust.

2007-01-19 11:24 AM
in reply to: #660661

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Subject: RE: Happy Friday VAMPS!
marymosc13 - 2007-01-19 10:44 AM

teething IS tough... i used to give brianna frozen washcloths to chew on, or frozen bananas in one of those safe feeder things... we're not big on tylenol in our house. brianna is doing a tad better today, thanks... this is her first bad cold of the "winter" so we've been lucky this season. rest day for me today, thank goodness b/c of the lack of sleep i had - hope everyone is doing great!

I agree. We didn't used to be fans of tylenol. It was really the only way we could get her to sleep in her bed when she is sick though. Otherwise, she would scream until we snuggled with her in our bed, but then she'd practice her cycling or boxing skills against her daddy's tummy. During the day we have been giving her teething toys, but the washcloth and bananas are a great idea! She LOVES bananas anyway! Tylenol is only reserved for those nights when at 12:30 baby is screaming because she hurts and Momma needs to get to sleep or she just might go postal at work in the morning!

2007-01-19 1:03 PM
in reply to: #630120

Lone Star State
Subject: RE: marymosc13's group THE V.A.M.P.S., FULL
Thanks for all of the support. I will hit the pool agian on Sunday.
2007-01-19 3:35 PM
in reply to: #660886

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Subject: RE: marymosc13's group THE V.A.M.P.S., FULL
Sarah, you kick it chick! Keep on going with the swimming and try to keep a positive attitude! And as! hehehe! Have a great weekend ya'all, I will be staying home this weekend and watching football on sunday. I'll also be resting up for my APFT next week...shooting for 280! Take care!
2007-01-20 8:06 AM
in reply to: #661115

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Subject: RE: marymosc13's group THE V.A.M.P.S., FULL
Hey ladies, i was looking for a swim cap and found one that is perfect. It has a big yellow smiley face on of course I just had to get it! Big smiles!
2007-01-20 8:39 AM
in reply to: #661534

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Subject: RE: marymosc13's group THE V.A.M.P.S., FULL

QuietGirl04 - 2007-01-20 8:06 AM Hey ladies, i was looking for a swim cap and found one that is perfect. It has a big yellow smiley face on of course I just had to get it! Big smiles!

 Very cute! Sounds perfect for you!! Have fun with it!

2007-01-20 4:03 PM
in reply to: #661543

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Subject: RE: marymosc13's group THE V.A.M.P.S., FULL
I'll take a pic of the cap when it comes in. Hope everyone's weekend is going well! I'm taking it easy this weekend, no driving or running around. Just church and football watching for this girl! Playin' a little guitar with my church group too! February is coming fast!
2007-01-20 4:31 PM
in reply to: #630120

Subject: RE: marymosc13's group THE V.A.M.P.S., FULL
Good luck with your APFT this week Chrystal. Your swimming hat sounds fun, too. Mine has a tie-dye design on it.

I have just been swimming this morning. Today is going to be so so hot, over 100 degrees and I was surprised at how many people were at the pool so early on a Sunday. I got there 5 minutes after it opened. It is definitely getting easier in the water.

Have a great week everyone, the up-coming challenge is firing me up, that's for sure.

2007-01-21 3:33 PM
in reply to: #630120

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Clifton, NJ
Subject: RE: marymosc13's group THE V.A.M.P.S., FULL

howdy y'all! hope you're having a great weekend. Brianna is much better, thanks for all the well wishes. She'll be back in school tomorrow.

just had to brag tell you about my run today - longest distance to date - and i'm still alive! goes to show that you never know what you can do until you push yourself to do it! so push yourselves, ladies, it pays off!

2007-01-21 4:47 PM
in reply to: #630120

Lone Star State
Subject: RE: marymosc13's group THE V.A.M.P.S., FULL
I just got back from swimming and it was awesome (bet you'd never think I'd say that). I met up with anyother new bter and we swam together. Somehow, there is confidence in numbers. I used th ekickboard and the thing that goes betwoeen your legs to focus on my arm form. It was great and I now have a standing swm time every Sunday!
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