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2007-01-23 9:58 PM
in reply to: #632158

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Open
Oh Kathy ... bummer ... I hope it's one of those things that heals quickly for you.  You're such an active person that I know taking a "rest" is actually going to make you "restless" ... if you lived near I'd bake you a big ole cake and come over and eat it with you and talk about how this whole thing sucks ... best I can do for now is say I'm sorry and I hope you have a speedy recovery ... yeah ... that 1000 meter TT will still be waiting for ya!

2007-01-23 10:45 PM
in reply to: #632158

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New user
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Open
IF there's still room I'd love to join your group! Sounds like the support I need to stay motivated, and i can't wait for what I have to learn.

About Me
I'm 17 (very close to 18), a senior in highschool from Texas. I ran track and hurdled (and loved it) for a few years, have been active and athletic but not competitive. I run as often as I can between extra curriculars and my job as a waitress. I'm addicted to Bikram Yoga. I ride horses and Event (3 disciplines in that sport too, is this a pattern?) I have a gym membership, but it doesn't include a pool. While I felt brave to log in to this site after a reference from a friend, I must admit I've never been coached in the swimming, biking, or running aspect of this sport. I have no idea where to start, but I have a whole lot of enthusiasm for something new.

Weight loss isn't a goal, but endurance is. I've had asthma since birth, which has been my personal excuse for not reaching many distances. I got a new bike for Christmas (for campus next year) but it has road tires and I'm excited to log the miles.

I need guidance as to where to start. Funding is low, but my work ethic is high. I'd love to be able to run a 5K by May. I just have no clue where to start.

2007-01-24 3:06 AM
in reply to: #632158

Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Open
Hi Kathy- I would love to be able to join your group. I am a newbie as they say in this whole triathlete world and am just starting out on my training. Last year I ran a 10k(not very well-but I finished) and this year I would like to do a tri. I am a stay at home mom of 2 little ones but am able to get into the gym at least 5 days a week. I'm just not sure what I should be focusing on other than the obvious of getting better at running and taking a stab at biking. I used to be a swimmer in my younger days so that doesn't intimidate me. I don't have a tri-bike, just a regular old mountain bike-will this suffice for now?? Basically what I am hoping for from you and anybody else that wants to put in their 2 cents worth is some support on how to start, how to keep going and just some good ole' fashioned comadarie among triathletes. Can you help a newbie out?


2007-01-24 6:04 AM
in reply to: #632158

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Hooksett, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Open
Hi Lauren...welcome to the group!! I was in track in HS and loved it. Kathy is very knowledgeable and gives great advice.


I'm a mom to three little ones and I too just have a mountain bike. I have road tires on's the best I can do right now. This is my first time training for a Tri as well. Welcome to the group
2007-01-24 7:35 AM
in reply to: #665900

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Open

lJulie....welcome to the group!

Sounds like you have a great start with going to the gym 5 days a week. I'd suggest looking into a couple things...first look around here on BT and see if you can find a training plan that works for of the beginner ones that the time to train can fit in with your life. You can move things around so if Monday it has you running but you can fit it in better Tuesday go with that. Just try not to do two days of something back to back especially running. Take it easy with starting to run as it is the easiet to injury yourself running. If the time to run in the plan seems to much, alternate running with run 3 minutes, walk 1 and keep repeating. When I started running I tried to run to fast which made me feel like I couldn't keep going and very much like I was horrible at it. By slowing down you will actually build endurance and get faster toYou  have a great advantage of being comfortable swimming as that is the most technical and hardest/scarest for many new triathletes.

You can use any bike...I used a cross bike my first tri and you can use any type of bike. I wasn't sure I could ride a road bike or if I'd like it so I didn't want to spend money on a bike I may not use. Now I love riding more than anything.

You may want to look into what tri you want to do for your first. If you pick an early season one often they have pool swims and stagger starts so it is a easy way to get used to the whole racing a tri. 


joolsee - 2007-01-24 4:06 AM Hi Kathy- I would love to be able to join your group. I am a newbie as they say in this whole triathlete world and am just starting out on my training. Last year I ran a 10k(not very well-but I finished) and this year I would like to do a tri. I am a stay at home mom of 2 little ones but am able to get into the gym at least 5 days a week. I'm just not sure what I should be focusing on other than the obvious of getting better at running and taking a stab at biking. I used to be a swimmer in my younger days so that doesn't intimidate me. I don't have a tri-bike, just a regular old mountain bike-will this suffice for now?? Basically what I am hoping for from you and anybody else that wants to put in their 2 cents worth is some support on how to start, how to keep going and just some good ole' fashioned comadarie among triathletes. Can you help a newbie out? Thanks! Julie

2007-01-24 7:41 AM
in reply to: #665830

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Open


Welcome to the group! You have a great background that will help you as you train for a triathlon plus you have warm weather that is a huge advantage this time of year. I'd suggest looking into the training plans here on BT and see if one works for you. Do you have access to a pool since your gym doesn't have one? For most folks cycling is all about time doing it as most of us know how to do it. Running has more techniqe involved but we have all done it as well. Swimming is the most technical of all three sports and learning the proper skills is helpful. But in a tri you can swim anyway you want...I know folks that have done the doggie paddle...not competitve but they did it.

You can also start looking at what tri you want to do first. A smaller sprint with shorter distances is what I'd recommend. Getting the hang of transitions and how a tri works can be easier at a smaller event. You can post on your state's board and ask for suggestions for first tris. Also you can read old race reports from folks who did the tri last year to see how it was from a racing point of view.



rebelrunner - 2007-01-23 11:45 PM IF there's still room I'd love to join your group! Sounds like the support I need to stay motivated, and i can't wait for what I have to learn. About Me I'm 17 (very close to 18), a senior in highschool from Texas. I ran track and hurdled (and loved it) for a few years, have been active and athletic but not competitive. I run as often as I can between extra curriculars and my job as a waitress. I'm addicted to Bikram Yoga. I ride horses and Event (3 disciplines in that sport too, is this a pattern?) I have a gym membership, but it doesn't include a pool. While I felt brave to log in to this site after a reference from a friend, I must admit I've never been coached in the swimming, biking, or running aspect of this sport. I have no idea where to start, but I have a whole lot of enthusiasm for something new. Weight loss isn't a goal, but endurance is. I've had asthma since birth, which has been my personal excuse for not reaching many distances. I got a new bike for Christmas (for campus next year) but it has road tires and I'm excited to log the miles. I need guidance as to where to start. Funding is low, but my work ethic is high. I'd love to be able to run a 5K by May. I just have no clue where to start. Lauren

2007-01-24 7:45 AM
in reply to: #632158

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

For you new folks, I'd encourage you to use your training log to record your workouts. If you need help with that let us know and we can guide you.

In your training log you can do amazing things...track nutrition, workouts, send inspires to friends, keep track of equipement and when it needs replacing and see all that you have done. Sometimes I look back at what I did a year ago and see how I've improved or what I was doing back is fun. 


2007-01-24 8:10 AM
in reply to: #632158

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Farmington, MI
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
Kathy & all,
I skimmed all your posts and realized you were only looking for 2 more members and since I'll be the fourth... let me know if I can still join! I really want to have a woman mentor so I'm hoping this works for you all!

quick me:
I'm 29 and a newlywed (11/25/06) and we've just moved to the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan. I've been living in Japan for the previous 4ish years before moving back to the states for wedding, job, and going back to school (me to school again to get teaching certification, him to work).

This fall I ran my first marathon (Detroit) and though I struggled with ITB issues in the weeks before the race, I managed to finish (4:55:xx). It was a blast, but the training really took over my life and I think the intensity of running, running, running messed up my knee. SO- my 2007 goal is to "try a tri"! I've been a runner for 6 or 7 years but have been a strong swimmer my whole life and think focusing on more than one sport will be both fun and help strengthen my weak spots. I've signed up for a silly sounding "indoor triathalon" on Feb. 4th (20 min in the pool/20 min on the bike/20 min on the treadmill, competing for distance) to get me going and a "real" triathalon on July 29th, 3 days after my 30th birthday. Its a small women's only event and I'm totally psyched to do it!

My concerns are figuring out all the gear and transition stuff- I know how to do road races, but there seems to be so many more details in triathalons!!

Anyway, I hope I fit....
2007-01-24 9:42 AM
in reply to: #632158

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New user
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
What kind of equipment investments am I looking at? I have a bike, but I don't know anything about race attire or other big investments. Can I get some suggestions? Maybe you know of some discount sites or places that do resell for equipment?

I'll check on the pool. Thanks for the tips - it really helps to get started. I started to do my fitness logs and stuff yesterday, but could you tell me how to calculate % body fat?

Do you think I should start with a 5K? I've never done any kind of race, besides track. And competition days around the barn are no biggie, but it's a radical difference in preparation. Any tips? I'll hunt around for suggestions about races in my area.

Seeing all the snow and weather reports from ya'lls area is crazy! Bikram yoga is done in 105 degree studios and Texas summers are scorching, but it was 29 degrees this last week and a half and I'm absolutely embarassed to say I didn't work out anyway! Although the asthma is often hard to manage in extremely low temps, I have no problem with heat, haha!
2007-01-24 1:32 PM
in reply to: #632158

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

Jaclyn...sure join our group...more folks means more lively conversation and support. Welcome and I'll write more after work.

Here is an interesting article about strength training that my coach wrote.




2007-01-24 2:38 PM
in reply to: #665984

Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Open
Thanks gals for welcoming me to the group, I have to admit after reading alot of what you gals have accomplished already, I was up half the night worrying about whether I would ever reach that point. Then I realized, everybody has to start somewhere right?! So I just need to get over the fact that I may not be in the best of shape (I'm a couch to sprint tri kind of girl) and that it's not going to come or click all at once right? So I have a couple more questions for the group. What are some good snacks to eat before working out? I work out in the morning and I have heard differing (sp?) opinions on whether to eat breakfast or what to eat or when to eat so I thought I would ask that and the other question I have is what is the mileage that you do for swimming that would be sufficient for my survival in the open water. I think swimming in open water would be very different than swimming in a pool and while I am confident in my abilities swimming in a pool (grew up on a swim team) I'm not sure it will translate to the open water. Thoughts, suggestions, opionions??

2007-01-24 4:01 PM
in reply to: #632158

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

You want to see where I on my races under my pictures and look at my oldest tri report back in Sept. 2004. I was scared to even do that first race, afraid I'd finish last (almost did) but thrilled beyond words to finish my first tri.

We all start at different places but the amazing thing about BT is everyone is supportive for who you are and what you accomplish be it running your first mile ever as an adult or breaking 10:00 minute/miles or running a 5K under 25 minutes.

I have met in person so many great folks I met thru BT which makes each tri more fun as I have friends there who support and cheer for me.

The cool thing about becoming an athlete older in life is you can accomplish things you never dreamed you could. Honestly stuff I do now I could never dreamed/guessed/thought I could do 2 years ago. It is great fun to learn and grow and get faster to.

Dream big as often we limit ourselves for lack of belief in our possibilities! You will do amazing things this year...should be fun!


2007-01-24 4:01 PM
in reply to: #632158

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New user
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
Before my workouts I usually eat something small - just enough to make me forget about being hungry, haha. Water-rich food and protein, mainly fruit and peanut butter (which often go well together)

Half your body weight in ounces was what I heard the proper amount of water consumption ranges around.

Edited by rebelrunner 2007-01-24 4:03 PM
2007-01-24 7:07 PM
in reply to: #666799

Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
Thanks for the info, by the way I LOVE YOUR QUOTE!
2007-01-24 7:22 PM
in reply to: #632158

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

Hey Kathy, can you post a link or something to where we might find out HOW to do those exercises your coach listed?  I'm a DUMBELL when it comes to the free weight area in the gym and I'm not sure if I've ever even heard of a Turkish Get-Up or whatever it was (Turkish coffee, I get.) and I'm not sure if he's using 'standard' gym terminology so I'm not about to trouble the poor kid at the desk of the gym every morning (though I'm sure he'd probably know, and probably love to get a good laugh at me! he's a funny guy like that...)

For those of you requesting an equipment list, I started with:

  • good running sneakers, fit at a running store (essential)
  • my hybrid bike, tuned up at the bike shop, with road tires (aka, "slicks", gloves so my hands didn't go numb, and a gel seat pad so I didn't have to spend $$$ on bike shorts
  • my boring old swimsuit
  • eleventy gazillion different goggles, until I found a pair that didn't leak (turns out I needed a kids size!)
  • water, detour and power bars (the naturals are good)
  • a race belt, yankz, a sun visor, and sunscreen
  • lots and lots of patience with myself

And I didn't buy a tri suit.  I started off with a sports bra under my bathing suit, and pulled on a pair of shorts when I hit T1. 

Some say cheap, I like the word frugal


2007-01-24 8:02 PM
in reply to: #632158

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New user
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
why the gel seat pad for bike shorts comment? does it make a difference?

What's a champion chip?

In my looking for tri's, I found an indoor in April - do you think I should start here?

thanks for the quote compliment : )

Edited by rebelrunner 2007-01-24 8:36 PM

2007-01-24 8:42 PM
in reply to: #666659

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Open

joolsee - 2007-01-24 3:38 PM   What are some good snacks to eat before working out? I work out in the morning and I have heard differing (sp?) opinions on whether to eat breakfast or what to eatn  or when to eat

Depends how quickly you are going to workout after waking up. I have a pretty good stomach and can eat almost anything and go run 10-15 minutes later...most folks can't do that though. You need to rehydrate and get some good carbs in your body. Rule I hear is the sooner you will excercise after you eat the higher the glycemic you want to eat which means in gets into your blood stream faster so you can use it as like orange juice, yougurt, or things with sugar/refined food, bagel, english muffin, peanut butter is good. I don't eat sugar or refinded food so that isn't the way I go.

If you are working out less than  ann  hour to 90 minutes it probably doesn't matter as much as your body has stored enough glycogen (sugar avaliable for your muscles to use) to use for the workout. Longer runs and rides you need to fuel up more....if I ride or run 75 minutes or more I eat a bigger breakfast and let it settle more if time allows...up to an hour.


so I thought I would ask that and the other question I have is what is the mileage that you do for swimming that would be sufficient for my survival in the open water. I think swimming in open water would be very different than swimming in a pool and while I am confident in my abilities swimming in a pool (grew up on a swim team) I'm not sure it will translate to the open water. Thoughts, suggestions, opionions??

You are wise to consider this. How long will your open water swim (ows) be in the tri? Ideally you practice doing ows 1-2 times a week for a few weeks before the tri for the distance. Most sprints are 500-1000 yds. Honestly it was the hardest thing for me to get my mind around and feel comfortable doing. Practice is key and makes a huge difference. Your swim background is a HUGE advantage and will make you feel comfortable faster. There are pool swim tris often around here early season which makes for a great first tri.

2007-01-24 8:48 PM
in reply to: #666989

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

rebelrunner - 2007-01-24 9:02 PM why the gel seat pad for bike shorts comment? does it make a difference? What's a champion chip? In my looking for tri's, I found an indoor in April - do you think I should start here? thanks for the quote compliment : )


Yep with training you could do a tri in April. What are the distances?

I like your idea of doing a 5K first maybe one in a month or so?  

What kind of bike do you have? My kids don't use bike shorts and they are okay. See how it goes and then decide what to do. I love bike shorts but I ride lots....sometimes 3-4 hours and have a hard seat. Your bum in time gets used to it.

What you, helmet, swim suit, googles, running shoes, clothes to run in (great cheap place for wicking clothes is Target)...all the other stuff is extra.

Champion timing is a band you wear on your ankle that has a timing chip on they can record your time in each section of the tri.

2007-01-24 8:54 PM
in reply to: #666021

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full


Congrats on your wedding!

Nice job on the marathon...hope tri training gets rid of your injury issues as it excellant cross training.

Indoor tri via time is a great fun way to start training and get a hand of triathlons.

Transitions and all the equipement make tris unique and challenging. So much easier going to a road race with clothes and shoes on just add number and timing chip

Women events are fun...glad you have a plan and have selected a tri already..will be great! Having selected an event is great motivation to keep training but I doubt as a marathoner that is an issue for you.


2007-01-24 9:10 PM
in reply to: #632158

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

I'll see if I can get descriptions or find a link for strength...the one you mention is weird and I saw my coach do it..and a friend who uses my coach too told me she getsbuff guys in her gym to try and do it and most can't...she loves it.

For those of you deciding how to do your training, look at the training plan offered here on BT and see if one works well for you. There are other websites that have plans a google search. Really having a plan is best..many new triathletes tend to focus on what they are good at and ignore what is hard for them. Best advice I can give work on your weakness the most. If you can train swim/bike/run 3x a week each great, if not do each 2x a week and if you are say struggle running if you can do that a 3rd time a week even if it is just 10-15 minutes. I can help to..BT has a program that Ron can do to alter a training plan for you specifically....very cool.

My coach Will wrote an article lthat was in a NE multisport magazine with a simple 12 week training plan, I can email to any of you that would like one...good for those just starting in off the couch with very modest backgrounds. Don't post your email address here but send me a private message just to protect you.

If any of you are thinking of getting a coach I love mine...Will....his website is can send him an email at [email protected], tell him you are in my mentor group...he is s very supportive, encouraging and knows so much as an excercise phisiolgist (sp?).....I started with him as a beginner really and much of my success is do to his guiding me. You don't need a coach unless you want to have one. For me I saw it as a smart time management thing...use my time as wisely as possibles plus he helps me enjoy training and racing more.

2007-01-24 9:19 PM
in reply to: #632158

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New user
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
how does the number work in a tri?
how should I start working out in a pool if I've never done it before?
should i train in open water before I do a tri?
any suggestions for mp3 downloads for your workout?

2007-01-25 1:45 AM
in reply to: #667020

Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Open
Okay, now you have my mind racing again, first things first, pick a tri, actually I think I'm going to do a 5k first and then a tri. Once I nail that down then I will start logging my workouts and what not on my blog (this is my blog..right?) I REALLY appreciate everyone's input and advice, I've always wanted to compete in a tri but have been too afraid (mostly because I am overweight) but now that I have two little ones to be a role model for, I want them to see their mommy in shape and with a rockin' body! just kidding, I just want to be healthy!! I like all the support that is going on, it makes me want to try even harder to reach my goals. Thanks ladies and have a great night/day!

2007-01-25 6:49 AM
in reply to: #632158

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Hooksett, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
Hmm, my reply didn't show.

Julie, your training log is your blog.

I have a question about the blogs by the way. How the heck to you cross off the goals? Is there a feature? If so, since I just have the free membership, would I have this feature?

2007-01-25 8:32 AM
in reply to: #632158

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New user
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
I found a tri to do in April, which gives me enough time to get some coaching sessions both in the water and out. It's an indoor, which allows me to get through an unofficial and slightly modified tri for my first time since it's judged by how far you go in the amount of time, not in the time it takes to finish.

I think I'm too excited for my own good.
2007-01-25 10:17 AM
in reply to: #632158

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

My coach kindly sent me adobe files with the strength article in full (the on-line version was edited) and another file with pictures of how to do each of them. I have that plus the 12 week sprint training plan also in adobe file. It will be easier to just send you all three of them.

If you'd like them I can only email them to you, so send me a private message (click PM button below one of my posts) include your email address and I'll get it out to you by this weekend. Life is a bit hairy with kid stuff and dealing with some medical stuff I have going on so I'm running around alot so it may take a day or two to get it to you.

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