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2007-01-19 10:38 AM
in reply to: #660557

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Allen, TX
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Great run Rocko! 6 miles in 45 min!!!!! Awesome! (Not to mention the extra points you get for going out in the rain!! LOL)

Keep it up!

2007-01-19 10:39 AM
in reply to: #660596

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Allen, TX
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL

I give you a lot of credit for getting up so a certified NON-morning person I don't think I'd have it in me to roll out of bed that early to train.

Hope your workout is great!

Edited by kriscrn 2007-01-19 10:40 AM
2007-01-19 11:11 AM
in reply to: #639509

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Nice week of workouts everyone....I am jealous of any one out there who can actually get out for a ride this weekend...but at the same time, most of YOUR football teams are not playing Sunday--so ride away in your warm, football-free climates.....i'll be in front of the tube, inside from the snow.

Frsully....the gel mfrs do advise to have the gels w/h20. I always do--in a run at an aid station, or with about a 1/4 bottle on the bike. If anything, I think it helps get the nutrients into your system faster, since you help dilute and dissolve them with the water. Second, it gets the taste out of your mouth.

It may take some time before you settle on a brand and flavor you like and works for you. Some brands will give you a better, faster kick--you can feel them recharge you. Some brands will make you get off course and into a toilet asap. Good luck and I hope the former for you.
2007-01-19 11:37 AM
in reply to: #639509

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Chicagoman---Hopefully your Bears play a little better than they did against the Packers in the last game....yeah, yeah I know where are the Packers?  We still beat you.  I hear ya on the outdoor rides, I'm waiting for spring! 
2007-01-19 2:27 PM
in reply to: #660760

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL

Now I am going to have to temper anything you say about training with the fact that you are a cheesehead. And here I was impressed by your half mary time.....hahahah!

Have a good one....

2007-01-19 2:33 PM
in reply to: #639509


Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
I guess I got a little ahead of myself. I did a 6 mile run and then did a 45 minute weight workout! Guess I got a little ahead of myself with writing. Sorry to disappoint! I wish I was that fast! This was a bad year for football in the state of Florida unless you are a Gator fan. Everyone else was awful (pro and college). Enjoy the spoils of playoff games and a potential Super Bowl!

2007-01-19 4:57 PM
in reply to: #639509

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Western North Carolina
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Gels make you go to the bathroom... ? Yikes! I am lactose intolerant and know my "balance" in this area. Should I stick with the true and tried Powerbar tomorrow? Or just take some TP
2007-01-19 5:02 PM
in reply to: #661221

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
What i mean is that you may experience stomach discomfort with some gels. I cannot do clif shots---they give me gas and thats the last thing I (or anyone within a respectable distance) needs when trying to run. I've heard of others with similar complaints about powergels. Some flavors are more offensive to people than others.

Its got nothing to do with lactose intolerance, etc.

The thing is a) they do work b) you have to find which one works for you and c) some will not---but dont give up.
2007-01-19 5:20 PM
in reply to: #639509

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL

ChicagoMan---my half mari time is so good because you have to run fast to stay warm in WI!    Actually, Chicago might have been colder this winter.  Have a beer for me in front of that tube this weekend....I swim an extra lap for you.

 Powergels are tricky....I start burping when I take some.  Powerbars are disgusting.  I do still take some works ok for me, but again it is individual.  I found last weekend that the jelly beans are really easy to handle both in taste and in side effects.  You could down a few at a time and don't have to worry about getting all sticky too.  Or I've heard the Clif shots are a little easier as well.  That is my next step.  So much info huh?  My stomache does get queesy when I run so I have avoided poweraids and gels, but seem to start to tolerate it more with more training. Good Luck this weekend! 

2007-01-19 7:23 PM
in reply to: #658708

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
yeah, everyone in my office is getting sick too. it's finally cold here in the NE. hey, great photo. what race is that?
2007-01-19 7:27 PM
in reply to: #658717

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Wow Greg...sorry to hear that! Hope things begin to get better, that's very tough. Here in the NE (New Jersey) we had our first snow of winter - well, guess it's time to bond with the trainer.

2007-01-19 7:30 PM
in reply to: #659312

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Let's talk, send me a PM...we'll get it working the way you want it...
2007-01-19 7:37 PM
in reply to: #659322

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Hey Judy - the training programs are quite generic (meaning they were not personally designed for one person) but do allow the flexibility to adjust the workouts throughout the week. Most have the structure of a "key workout" in each sport once per week. That "key workout" may be for strength, aero base building, endurance, technique or speed (and this depends on how close you are to the next race...) So, if you miss or change up one of the workouts and may be concerned that you're missing out on a "quality" session - let's talk and perhaps, you should just miss it all together and rest up for the next "quality" session or plan to add it in somewhere in your available training time.
2007-01-19 7:44 PM
in reply to: #659324

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Hey, what a great achievement to start off as a new swimmer. It's difficult when we're not from a swimming backgroud - I did not grow up swimming, nor was I on a swim team, etc., etc. so I know the feeling well. If your instructor/swim coach is worth his pay, he'll be very objective and assist you with no judgement. It takes time to get the stroke (it's very technical) so just be patient. If you want to discuss further, send me a PM. I have tons of information for new swimmers. Please keep us up-to-date on your progress. Sending many, many good vibes.
2007-01-19 7:50 PM
in reply to: #661026

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
The Patriots better cream the Colts....
2007-01-20 8:32 PM
in reply to: #661345

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Allen, TX
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
GO PATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-01-20 9:13 PM
in reply to: #639509

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Ames, Iowa
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
THANKS to all for the good vibes!! I made it through my first swim lesson, and the guy didn't laugh or anything!!! He actually said I had "POTENTIAL". uhhh, OK.... He gave me some really good skill drills, and lots of homework, so that will be great. I have another lesson in just over a week. Had a GREAT bike ride today. A bit too ice covered to ride outside, so was on my new Kurt's Kinetic trainer in my basement. AWESOME piece of equipment!! Really felt like I was out on the roads.
On another note: Texas Tech beat KANSAS in basketball today!! YIPPEE!!!
OH, I was reading past posts, and the idea of the "meet and greet" was a great one, as I would love to get to know all who are in this group better.
THANKS for the help on setting up my computer. I'll do my best to follow the directions, but no promises made here on my technical skills!!
Tomorrow I'll run about 10 miles, and hope to bike again (sounds like we have a blizzard coming, so I'll be inside again...drats...). Cheers to all!!!!!!
2007-01-20 11:46 PM
in reply to: #661320

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New user

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Thanks! It is last years Disney 1/2 Marathon.
2007-01-21 9:13 AM
in reply to: #662013

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL

ridenrundoc - 2007-01-20 9:13 PM THANKS to all for the good vibes!! I made it through my first swim lesson, and the guy didn't laugh or anything!!! He actually said I had "POTENTIAL". uhhh, OK.... He gave me some really good skill drills, and lots of homework, so that will be great. I have another lesson in just over a week. QUOTE]

 Ridenrundoc, congrats on your swim!  I had a swim workout with our local tri club this weekend and it was an eye opener as it was my second time out there since last season.  What was I thinking?  Snowing here today, might head into the gym to do a spin workout and watch the snow fall.  Plus there are some good games on today! Stay warm!

2007-01-21 10:31 AM
in reply to: #639509

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Hi everyone,

I am still here and have been working away at my tri plan. However, I am on the road in Seattle and haven't had time to enter all the data.

I will try to do so maybe this afternoon or tonight. I am learning a lot from your posts however so keep it up. You all are keeping me towing the mark...

2007-01-21 4:06 PM
in reply to: #639509

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Norcross, GA
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL

Just checking in...  I hope everyone is having a great training weekend.  I'm about to drive over to the gym to do a swim work out.  I'm not motivated to go since ATL is raining and coooold but I missed my swim workout last week so I better make it today.  I'm personally having a difficult time trying to fit all the training for my marathon in March and an Oly in April.  Wish we had 26 hours in our day.

 Have a good one!

2007-01-21 7:15 PM
in reply to: #639509

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Western North Carolina
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
I did it! 10K 2,500 ft in 1:45. The gel was about 100 yds too late. I got a hamstring cramp at 8mile mark, stretched... and changed my stride a little and then took it easy. The gel worked though, I couldn't have made it without.

Besides the cramp, what FUN! I have only done a couple of competive 5ks. This was so much better. Getting to know people, both at the start and on the road. I can't wait for the next race.
2007-01-21 7:43 PM
in reply to: #662639

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Chester, NY
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL

Congrats, that is awesome.  See now you can fine tune the gel thing as you train and race.  Take a nice hot soak and revel in your accomplishment.  Yea!   Julie

2007-01-21 10:11 PM
in reply to: #662639

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
nice job
2007-01-22 1:19 PM
in reply to: #639509


Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
folks, anyone know where I can get some really good Circuit training plans and stretching plans ?
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