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2007-01-16 6:03 PM
in reply to: #656841

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
OMG - you're running outside in that weather??? I'm such a California wuss, I won't even run outside here and it's only 30°F in the morning. I'll think warm, warm thoughts for you this week to help melt some of that snow.

Good luck with your events this weekend!

2007-01-16 8:13 PM
in reply to: #656986

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Reston, VA
Gold member
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Kaci ,

I love the picture of you little one in a back pack! My little bug only lasted for about 10 minutes in that thing before he wanted to get out!

2007-01-17 10:52 AM
in reply to: #657111

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Thanks Zoya!

Yeah, sometimes he just doesn't want to be in the backpack too. We did a 7 mile hike out to the end of Point Reyes on Thanksgiving and half way through he decided he had had enough of the backpack. So lucky mom got to carry him all the way back!! But for the most part I think he likes the backpack because it means we're outside.

How old is you little one?

2007-01-17 11:17 AM
in reply to: #657706

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Reston, VA
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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Mine is 18 months old. Very strong willed and vocal. His name is Alex, he only wants to do what he wants to do. He thinks he is BIG ;-)
2007-01-18 6:48 AM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Hi Girls-

Swam 3100 yards this morning. I was feeling sorry for myself driving in the sleet and then freezing my stuff off trying to get in the YMCA and then I thought about you Cathy and got over it---at least I am not running in the snow

I am getting fitted for a road bike today hopefully I will not embaress myself too bad hahaha

Have a great day

2007-01-18 8:23 AM
in reply to: #641608

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Good morning! 

Heather - did you photoshop your picture?    cool!  Good luck with the bike stuff....I'm quite sure you won't embarrass yourself.  Just don't wear underwear under bike shorts and you'll be fine! 

How is everyone doing? 

One thing I realized that I neglected to mention when we were talking about running and cadence is that if you are having trouble getting the number higher, shorten your steps....that will help. 

Have a great day!

2007-01-18 8:26 AM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
No I did not photoshop the pic that is just me at my desk

Have a great day thanks for the underwear tip LOL (even though chaffing is not funny at all!)

2007-01-18 9:34 AM
in reply to: #658938

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Reston, VA
Gold member
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
How is everyone doing? I ate couple donuts for breakfast (someone brought them to my office). Usually I'm trying to have more nutritious breakfast, but what can one do?

I will probably take a day off from working out today. I have a happy hour to go to. My local triathlon club is having a get together. It is exciting to meet people you only talk to in forums. Kind of like you guys!

2007-01-18 10:17 AM
in reply to: #658929

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Reston, VA
Gold member
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
And what's wrong with wearing underwear under your bike shorts?
2007-01-18 10:54 AM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Wait... I know I've been sick... but did I read that correctly--No undies??!! I'm learning so much these days

Still sick... starting to feel like I might be on the mend. This bug kicked my butt.
2007-01-18 10:59 AM
in reply to: #658938

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
countregirl - 2007-01-18 8:26 AM

No I did not photoshop the pic that is just me at my desk

Have a great day thanks for the underwear tip LOL (even though chaffing is not funny at all!)


Nice-- I wish I looked that good at my desk! I'll get you gals a picture of me soon (I'll wait until the red nose and the black circles under my eyes goes away)

2007-01-18 12:00 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Sorry Heather....your picture looked very similar to the one with the green shirt and I thought you just colored in the shirt black!

One of the best investments you can make is a GOOD pair of bike shorts!  It makes all the difference.  Or a good pair of tri shorts - better for racing than bike shorts. 

NO UNDERWEAR under these shorts!  You sweat, the underwear gets sweaty, you get chafing and you are uncomfortable for days   I'm glad we talked about this topic! 

2007-01-18 7:47 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
So I went to get fitted for the bike today and the guys were really nice. The bike will work for now but it is not perfect. I did not understand ANY of the reasoning... but we got to the point where it seemed comfy. He said it is a little small for me....but he turned the handlebars around and may put a different longer thingy that the handlebars go on. I loved the TREK 1500 it was $949...on sale. He thinks this loaner bike will work for is a friend who loaned it to me....he now says he wants to sell it....UGHHHHH I am spending about $160 to make it work (pedals, saddle, tune up, longer cables, labor).....anyhow the guy was FABULOUS and made me really comfortable. So I will try to to make this one work if I can. I really cannot drop another 1000 on a bike right now.

I continue to be amazed by the cost of equiptment for this sport---WOW it is alot.

Anyhow hope you all had a good day

2007-01-18 8:32 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Heather, It sounds like you did well for $160. Def a lot better than $950+. I have a lot of research to do before I find the right one. You're right this is an expensive sport.

Zoya, I usually eat a nutritious b'fast too. Last weekend we went to Bojangles and I ate a bacon, egg and cheese biscuit. It was so good!

Melissa, I hope you feel better soon!

Cathy, Good luck on your races this weekend. What do you wear in such cold weather?

Is it a good idea to run some races (5k or a 10k) before doing a tri?







2007-01-19 9:17 AM
in reply to: #660132

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Columbia, MO
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
countregirl - 2007-01-18 7:47 PM So I went to get fitted for the bike today and the guys were really nice. The bike will work for now but it is not perfect. I did not understand ANY of the reasoning... but we got to the point where it seemed comfy. He said it is a little small for me....but he turned the handlebars around and may put a different longer thingy that the handlebars go on. I loved the TREK 1500 it was $949...on sale. He thinks this loaner bike will work for is a friend who loaned it to me....he now says he wants to sell it....UGHHHHH I am spending about $160 to make it work (pedals, saddle, tune up, longer cables, labor).....anyhow the guy was FABULOUS and made me really comfortable. So I will try to to make this one work if I can. I really cannot drop another 1000 on a bike right now. I continue to be amazed by the cost of equiptment for this sport---WOW it is alot. Anyhow hope you all had a good day Heather
How much is he wanting to sell it for? Since it's already fitted to you, maybe you could pick it up for a lot less than new?
2007-01-19 9:17 AM
in reply to: #660132

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Columbia, MO
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Dang happy fingers! double post, sorry

Edited by bsjracing 2007-01-19 9:18 AM

2007-01-19 10:31 AM
in reply to: #660161

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Heather - does this person want to sell the bike soon?  Bike fittings are cool, unless the bike needs a lot of replacement pieces to make it fit!  LOL!  But yeah, $160 for all that isn't bad.  And the piece that connects the handlebars to the bike is called a stem.  I need the shortest stubbiest ones they can find usually!  And good thought from Brad on potentially buying it yourself.....if the price is right! 

lialog - 2007-01-18 7:32 PM Cathy, Good luck on your races this weekend. What do you wear in such cold weather?

Is it a good idea to run some races (5k or a 10k) before doing a tri?

Thanks!  Tomorrow is a duathlon.  They say the roads are 90+% snowpacked.  So I'll be riding my piece of crap mountain bike.  And the running trails have deep snow in some areas.  Should be a REALLY interesting race.  I think I just want to survive this one!  Oh, and it is supposed to snow starting tomorrow morning.  For that one I'll wear tri shorts with running tights (I think), long sleeve shirt, and my biking jacket which is windproof. 

Sunday is a 5mile run.  Running tights, 2 shirts.  Assuming it will be 30-40 degrees.  Oh and gloves and a hat or ear thing that looks like a headband. 

I'm sure that after tomorrow, I'll have stories to tell!

Yes, this CAN be an expensive sport, though it doesn't have to be.  My husband is FRUGAL when it comes to his training and racing stuff.  He got a used Trek last year for $250, waits until shoes go on sale and then buys a few pairs, and keeps the gadgets to a minimum.  So it can be done.....






2007-01-19 11:27 AM
in reply to: #641608

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Forgot to answer the other question!  oops. 

My personal opinion, yes it's a good idea to do a 5K.....not necessary, but at least you get the race feel, and know how you do under pressure! 

2007-01-19 11:37 AM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Hi Cathy

Yes he wants to sell the used bike but for $900......and the guy at the bike shop's point was that if I was gonna spend that much I should get something new that is PERFECT for me.....he really was not being a pushy sale at all just trying to make sense I think.....

Oh and BTW are you freakin kiddin me riding and running in snow!!!! I get cold when it is 40 degrees here you ROCK I want to hear about this!!!! Make hubby take a pic so we can see the terrain. Be careful on that mountain bike...and good luck

2007-01-19 3:11 PM
in reply to: #660759

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

countregirl - 2007-01-19 10:37 AM Yes he wants to sell the used bike but for $900......and the guy at the bike shop's point was that if I was gonna spend that much I should get something new that is PERFECT for me.....he really was not being a pushy sale at all just trying to make sense I think..... Oh and BTW are you freakin kiddin me riding and running in snow!!!! I get cold when it is 40 degrees here you ROCK I want to hear about this!!!! Make hubby take a pic so we can see the terrain. Be careful on that mountain bike...and good luck

Yeah, that does make sense....because you could get a very nice new bike that is totally your size for the same price.  How long do you have use of it?

Yeah, the races should be a riot.  The Du tomorrow....the race director said to plan on the first 1.5 mile run taking about the time it would be to run 2.5 miles!  And that we should definitely ride mtn bikes!  Maybe no one will show up......

2007-01-20 3:54 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

I did a race report.  Holy cow.  It was crazy.

Hope you all are having a great weekend (with no snow!)

2007-01-20 6:38 PM
in reply to: #661813

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Oh Cathy---

So sorry you fell poor thing

you are my new hero!!!!!!

I know all about falling off of the bikes! I have had lots of falls, but never on ICE

I helped time a mountian bike race today it was really FUN! Next year I will race in it

2007-01-21 8:33 AM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Cathy, Great job! Sorry you fell, I hope you're okay. I give you a lot of credit to race in those conditions. Even though the conditions were tough it sounds like you had fun. What are yaktrax? Are those like snowshoes? GL with your race today. I hope everything goes well for you. I'll be cheering you on from inside my nice warm home.



2007-01-21 1:10 PM
in reply to: #662168

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Reston, VA
Gold member
Subject: SNOW

we have snow!!! Only two inches expected but it is coming down pretty hard. You know what it means here in DC Metro area? It means life is on hold... No one can drive in snow conditions here. The school buses will not go on time tomorrow if they go at all. People from Western and Northern states make a lot of fun of us on snow days, we freak out!!!!!!!!

It will be many, many years before I attempt to bike in a snow. I actually do not need any ice to fall on my butt ;-)


Edited by zschaller 2007-01-21 1:12 PM
2007-01-22 11:17 AM
in reply to: #641608

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Hey all!  How's it going?  OK, it is 1/22/07.....anyone have plans for the week?  How are the workouts going?  Are you having issues with any of the sports?  This is my big week, then next week is a recovery week.  Are you familiar with periodization?  (that is where you build your training for 2-3 weeks, then take a recovery week with less hours, then repeat the process). 

These are Yaktrax:  They help with stability in the snow or ice and you attach them to your shoes. 

I ran the 5mile race yesterday in the snow.  It was cold and windy and very snowy.  BUT there MIGHT be a light at the end of the tunnel for this week....we might hit 50 degrees!  LOL!  This is the craziest winter. 


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