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2007-06-08 11:37 AM
in reply to: #803897

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
Here's one.

How the heck did you get so effing fast Joe? Freaking Z3 run and your pushing 7:25 over 15miles? I'm happy if I can sprint a mile that fast. When did you start throwing interval training into your run training?

2007-06-08 12:22 PM
in reply to: #835984

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Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed

JChristoff - 2007-06-08 11:37 AM Here's one. How the heck did you get so effing fast Joe? Freaking Z3 run and your pushing 7:25 over 15miles? I'm happy if I can sprint a mile that fast. When did you start throwing interval training into your run training?
  The key is really to develop a solid base and comfort level in running before throwing in the speedwork.  There are a few misconceptions I think hurt people trying to get fast (and mistakes I have made in the past two):

1) Dont think getting fast happens overnight.  If you look at my logs, my journey back into fitness kind of started in early 05.  I had years of soccer and some running to back up the engine from the start, but with dedicated persistent base work I think anyone can get there.  I looked back since I started logging and there are about 1800 miles on these sticks since 05.

2) Fast doesnt mean always running fast.  When I started up again in 05, my habit of running everything the same pace to PR every day led to multiple injuries which mean downtime and one step forward, two back.  It is important that you develop a range of paces for runs.  I generally do training runs in the 6:30 to 8 range depending on distance on objective for the run.  Have objectives for every run too.  Run easy on easy days, do your longer distances at more reasonable paces.  Build your base and your gears.  It may sound counterintuitive to say running slow will help you run fast, but the lesser tempo runs (or HR) are actually more efficient at building you aerobically and teaching your body to process fuel better as well as being less damaging to your body.

3) Hydration is key.  I sweat a ton and can lose up to 6 pounds on a 90 minute run.  If you lose over 2% of body weight in water, performance drops drastically.  All of you probably dont sweat like freakshows like me, but find out what your body needs with fuel/gels etc. 

4) One long run a week.  Naturally, that is relative, but you can build up to a reasonable distance for you in a matter of months.  Even if you are doing a sprint or whatever, if you can work up to a ten miler a week, that base work will help no matter what you do.

5)  "Walking is for chumps".  Love this one- some folks are happy with running the whole way.  That is best case scenario obviously, but if your HR is through the roof or you are experiencing to labored a pace, you will/are blowing yourself up.  Thats ok if its a sprint day, but dont be afraid to experiment with walk breaks if you need em.

6) The mentality of running.  I am lucky cuz I love running and live in an area that is gorgeous scenery and big open spaces.  Find what makes it fun for you to put in the miles.  While you should go with and without, take the tunes with ya, run where others are running or where there is fun scenery.  And dont beat yourself up if it isnt going well.  This sport is about seeking improvement and should be a lifelong pursuit.  Just take it nice and easy, build miles reasonably and leave the speed work on the shelf until you feel solid (and even then use sparingly).  Heck, I PRed my 5k section of the sprint last week with very little speed work the past few months.


Dunno, just some thoughts to play with.  Yesterdays run was really no interval training, just an attempt at a negative split and on tired legs.  I have a workout partner who has only recently embraced running a wider band of times and purposes (long slow distance, recovery, tempo) and he has seen progress pretty quick.

2007-06-08 12:27 PM
in reply to: #803897

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
Do you have a running method that you use or lean towards? Resources?
2007-06-08 12:34 PM
in reply to: #836128

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Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed

JChristoff - 2007-06-08 12:27 PM Do you have a running method that you use or lean towards? Resources?

That I cant help with as I have always just run the way I do.  Have you looked at chi or pose running or whatver they call em?

2007-06-08 12:58 PM
in reply to: #803897

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
No never looked into them... I've never had issues with my form as well (ie shin splits, deep pain, etc.) Just a general question.

I know I need to run and bike lots to be fast. Just didn't know if you had a deeper focus into training intervals/sprints. I see you do mention them more often with your cycling but just being nosey.
2007-06-11 10:14 AM
in reply to: #803897

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
Good Monday to everyone. Updated my log with my race data. Check it out if you have time.

Here is the quick summary:
Swim: 13:10
T1: 3:02
Bike: 52:09
T2: 1:15
Run: 24:30
Total: 1:34:06

Place: 196/535

2007-06-11 1:26 PM
in reply to: #838798

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
Good work Justin. I wish I could swim like you.
2007-06-11 1:30 PM
in reply to: #803897

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
Thanks Jason...

I guess I am really hard on myself. My swim was with no wet-suit and looking at other people's logs I didn't do half bad.

Thanks for the support.
2007-06-11 1:34 PM
in reply to: #839275

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
Looks like Kristin is next with Grandma's Half on Saturday. Good luck Kristin.

I'm running a local 5K Saturday that is on the course I did my first 5K on and have PR'd on twice (2 different races use this course). I'm looking for my first PR since last August.
2007-06-11 2:17 PM
in reply to: #838798

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Extreme Veteran
Podunk County, MN
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
Congrats, Justin - did you feel good about how you did? Were you smiling all the way through?

I'll have to go check out your log/race report.
2007-06-11 8:20 PM
in reply to: #839400

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
kanders - 2007-06-11 3:17 PM

Congrats, Justin - did you feel good about how you did? Were you smiling all the way through?

I'll have to go check out your log/race report.

I am really torn. Except for the ride I felt like I did not do as well as I could eventhough I basically PR the entire race.

I know this sounds asinine but it is true. I felt great throughout the entire race. I was fueled and prepared for the event. My run I was slow through the trail portion because I didn't want to twist an ankle, my shoe came untied and I did not push myself until mile 2. During my swim I lost form and felt like I was struggling. I was not comfortable in the little chop in the water nor was I warmed up for what I feel is my most difficult leg of the race. I did not relax nor did I get the most out of my stroke.

The bike... I felt great. I passed a lot of people and felt like I had my legs with me. Not to be an a$$ but it felt great to pass people. I did not feel like I was mashing nor did I really blast through a lot of gears spinning my way to oblivion. RPM was mid 90s to high 80s. I know I can do better but I really feel I was at my peak of my current ability. Sure I could have probably cranked harder but in order to be prepared and not over extended for the run I was where I needed to be.

The major snag was my first transition. It took me 3:04 in the first transition without a wetsuit. I fussed with my shoes and shirt for way too long. The transitions are something that I should have practiced as you suggested in one of your Inspires and in a sprin these are the make or break you situations. I never realized it until now. If I cut out 1 minute I would have finished almost 5 places higher in total.

I don't know... am I being to critical or realistic about this event??? I know this was a great event for me but I feel like I could do much better than this. Thanks for your support. It really has helped me a lot and I can't express that enough.

** Thank you everyone for those messages... they really make me feel like someone is interested in my training and are there with me through this thing.... By the way... great ASSITAR**

2007-06-11 8:30 PM
in reply to: #803897

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
Justin, you never answered her question about smiling. Did you have any fun at all during your race?

It's really easy to be critical and just as easy to play the "would've, could've, should've" game. It looks like you've already identified areas to improve. You had a good race, don't be too hard on yourself.
2007-06-11 8:40 PM
in reply to: #803897

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
I know you couldn't tell by the picture on my log but it was a type of a smile I guess what do you think


smile.JPG (16KB - 35 downloads)
2007-06-12 10:04 PM
in reply to: #803897

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
My wife gave me my Father's Day gift today. She signed me up for the Toyota U.S. Open Triathlon - Olympic distance. She called me and asked what distance I wanted to do. The first thing I thought was Wow, this will be great. Second thought, was Oh %$^&%#, I'm signed up for that!

I've got time to train and now I've got a concrete goal. Time to look for a concrete training plan.
2007-06-13 7:10 AM
in reply to: #803897

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
Nice that your wife was thinking of you or does it mean that she wants you gone for 3-4 hours?

IMO, you have time to build up to the Oly distance. Your first sprint is 06/24 looking at your logs you have the base to do it without any issues. That gives you almost 3 months to build up to the Oly. No problem. Just get a good plan together and you will be fine. If you want to look at mine I can email it to you. I'm sure Joe has some good ideas too.

Best of luck with training.

Edited by JChristoff 2007-06-13 7:11 AM
2007-06-13 8:10 AM
in reply to: #803897

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
Thanks for the offer, Justin. Please email your plan. [email protected]

Like you said, I can do the distances and I have >16 weeks to train.

I hadn't vocalized an Olympic Tri distance this year as a goal. I was planning on doing that distance next year, but I can do it to finish the season off. I'm still wrapping my mind around it.

My son also drew a picture of a sidewalk, next to a road, next to water. Cause that's what I do - run on the sidewalk, ride on the road, and swim.

2007-06-14 7:16 AM
in reply to: #842239

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
KenD - 2007-06-13 9:10 AM

Thanks for the offer, Justin. Please email your plan. [email protected]

Like you said, I can do the distances and I have >16 weeks to train.

I hadn't vocalized an Olympic Tri distance this year as a goal. I was planning on doing that distance next year, but I can do it to finish the season off. I'm still wrapping my mind around it.

My son also drew a picture of a sidewalk, next to a road, next to water. Cause that's what I do - run on the sidewalk, ride on the road, and swim.

Sent my training plan. Sorry for the delay.

I still have issues wrapping my mind around the Olympic distance as well. I know how much the Sprint this weekend took out of me but now I have to double the distance of each leg of the race. Furtherest I have ever run was 10 miles, bike 30 mile and swam at once was 1,000yrds. I know that is over the Olympic distance but I never did all of them back to back. Should be really interesting to train for it.
2007-06-14 8:01 AM
in reply to: #803897

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
Justin, thanks for the training plan.

I need to schedule some family lake time. The kids love to swim at the beach and I can get in a long swim (without the repetition of the pool). If I bring a picnic lunch, it qualifies as family time.

I've started a list of things I need to get, research, or experiment with before then:
To get: race belt, Yankz shoelaces, wetsuit rental (maybe?)
Research: course for elevation changes, nutrition requirements
Experiment: nutrition requirements, flat tire changing

This is an ever changing list. If you can offer suggestions, please do so.
2007-06-14 8:02 AM
in reply to: #803897

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
Is anyone using the training plans available to Bronze or Silver BT members? If so, how is the plan? Is it worth it?
2007-06-14 11:41 AM
in reply to: #843808

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Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed

KenD - 2007-06-14 8:02 AM Is anyone using the training plans available to Bronze or Silver BT members? If so, how is the plan? Is it worth it?

I am using the bronze level IM plan.  It is good at giving me some structure vs just doing what I felt like in the past.

2007-06-14 2:38 PM
in reply to: #844310

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
jszat - 2007-06-14 12:41 PM

I am using the bronze level IM plan.  It is good at giving me some structure vs just doing what I felt like in the past.

Does it give you zones or RPE to follow? That is something I have been looking at in Friel's book and just was wondering if they have that built into the bronze plans.

2007-06-14 2:43 PM
in reply to: #844756

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Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed

JChristoff - 2007-06-14 2:38 PM
jszat - 2007-06-14 12:41 PM I am using the bronze level IM plan.  It is good at giving me some structure vs just doing what I felt like in the past.
Does it give you zones or RPE to follow? That is something I have been looking at in Friel's book and just was wondering if they have that built into the bronze plans.

Mine does have RPE built in though I sometimes ignore it.

2007-06-18 8:48 AM
in reply to: #844771

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Extreme Veteran
Podunk County, MN
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
Thanks for the well-wishes, everyone. I had a good time with my half-mary, and would definitely do it again - and best of all, I followed through on all of my race goals/intentions. I hydrated well, I didn't go out too fast, and I kept to a manageable pace that worked well for me. I also made a few mistakes, so I've got some things to chalk up as lessons learned.

I was pretty stiff yesterday, but I went for a short run this morning to loosen things up and I'm feeling pretty good now. Back to the tri training... although I think I may keep a long run going. I find that I really enjoy that 10 miles of solitude.

Who's got the next race? Anyone up this weekend?
2007-06-18 8:52 AM
in reply to: #803897

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
I think I'm next. My first tri on Sunday. A reverse with 5K run / 15 mile ride / 250m swim.
2007-06-18 9:56 AM
in reply to: #848332

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Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed

kanders - 2007-06-18 8:48 AM Thanks for the well-wishes, everyone. I had a good time with my half-mary, and would definitely do it again - and best of all, I followed through on all of my race goals/intentions. I hydrated well, I didn't go out too fast, and I kept to a manageable pace that worked well for me. I also made a few mistakes, so I've got some things to chalk up as lessons learned. I was pretty stiff yesterday, but I went for a short run this morning to loosen things up and I'm feeling pretty good now. Back to the tri training... although I think I may keep a long run going. I find that I really enjoy that 10 miles of solitude. Who's got the next race? Anyone up this weekend?

I have a HIM on Sunday.  Funny thing is it just kinda has creeped up on me.  I tell myself I am using it as a training race and easing back, but dont know if thats going to happen.  With swim improvements and flatter course I am hoping to improve in last years HIM PR.

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