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2007-07-06 1:19 PM
in reply to: #874569

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Great job on the ride. I'm ready to get out on mine this weekend as well - s'posed to be hot and windy.

2007-07-06 3:09 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
When I ride I usually have my front gear in middle and back gear in middle unless I am trying to keep up the girls I ride with (usually the case) then I put it in CATCH UP gear which is smaller until I catch up then I gear back down. I don't know the terminology.

I really learned how to do the gears when I go on hills (only a couple of really hard ones). I like the going down the best. I actually think the hill climb is easier than my flat rides.

Do any of you strenght train? When do you fit it in and how many times a week? I was thinking of starting after my 7/14 sprint tri.

8 more days and counting!!
2007-07-06 3:41 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
I strength train during the off season. Just core work during the race season but I may change that after my sit down tomorrow with my new coach.

Eric J
2007-07-06 3:47 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Richmond, VA
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
I was getting a class called Xtreme Xertion once a week that hit all the major muscle groups, plus had tons of pushups, crunches, etc but now my schedule is shifting with adding in the cycling and swimming.  I have a couple pairs of free weights and I think I'll keep working on my arms in the evenings. 
2007-07-07 2:18 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
During this volume build strength and core is in on Swim days 2 x per week!!

Great job Batt-- little everyday

Tour coverage starts today on VERSUS!! Hope everyone watches - scandles aside they are fantastic to watch!!

Biking Rules!!! LOL coming from a Bike addict


2007-07-08 12:17 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Richmond, VA
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

ugh we don't get Versus so enjoy it for me Michelle.

Ran my 7 today and felt great.  Have 5 for tomorrow but no real plan...better get one huh? LOL

2007-07-08 8:54 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
How do you guys deal with support from family? My wife "thinks" she supports my training and competition lifestyle but my perception is that she tolerates it. There is a BIG difference.

Yesterday I cancelled my initial sit down with my new coach as my Wife actually got upset with me going at 4:30 for the half hour sit down. I asked her to go with me and then we could walk around town shopping and do dinner but it was clear she was not happy.

So I cancelled and we ended up doing the same thing sans the visit to the coach. As it turned out the sit down would have interrupted none of the "timeline". We talked about it over dinner and she can't understand why I need training help....

Its very frustrating.....

Eric J

Edited by Courage 2007-07-08 8:55 AM
2007-07-08 11:06 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Richmond, VA
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

same here I think my husband tolerates it.  I actually get the impression that he's waiting for this "phase" to end.  It didn't help either when everyone let's him know how inconvenienced he'll be by my marathon training.  I try really hard not to let this be true but as the runs get longer, I know it will happen.  I do my long run Sat morning before he's usually up.  I do a couple shorter runs on the TM while he's at work. 

I've been real hush, hush about the whole tri thing b/c I don't want him to anticpate mroe work for him.  He will be there rooting me on for my first M and I know he will  be so proud of me but I"m sure he won't be thrilled when I do it again LOL


2007-07-08 11:43 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Hey troops... as someone who's getting divorced... these are signs - you can't ignore - my 2 cents talk about it... we had other issues (depression, alcohol, husband turning 50 (mid life thing) but my role in the deal was escape into workout world - hope everything would go away. He did... with someone else (after 22 years) Kinda heavy stuff for the forum - but it is a reality of some people and the lifestyle choices. I'm having fun dating - going to worlds - my training partners never let me quit, my husband left me right before my big "A" race qualifer for worlds - I think he hoped I would fail, to prove a point. Don't not talk about it - and let your spouses know how important it is to you...

2007-07-09 7:57 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
I had a decent training weekend and am looking forward to this last week before my easy taper week before the NYC Triathlon. I was able to use my aero bars for most of the ride during Saturday's brick - the squirrelly feeling is quickly diminishing, and I am getting more adept at getting in and out of aero position.

Sunday's open water swim also went decently. I have gotten over my initial mental issues with sticking my face in murky water, so I can focus on my stroke. I do have a swim question for any of you swim experts: how much do you force with your arm muscles when you stroke? I have been using the Total Immersion method, and they seem to focus on body roll and core strength for propulsion. However, my husband was watching my stroke and says I need to be more forceful when stroking with my arms and upper body. I am going to give that a try during tomorrow's swim session, but thought I would put that out there to the group.

I can't really offer advice or relate to the discussion re: non-supportive spouses. My husband and I train together a lot. He is faster than I am, so it does not always work to go at the same pace. Our frustrations come from me feeling like he is pushing the pace too fast, and him feeling like I am going too slow. We have a happy medium for running, but biking is proving more difficult. I do second Michelle's recommendation that you definitely need to air any issues - keeping them under wraps only puts distance between you.
2007-07-09 9:53 AM
in reply to: #876114

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Support from family? I'm married with no kids so that makes things a bit easier. My spouse has never had a problem with me spending $ on a coach. For a while, it bothered her that I was spending time with a female - until I broke the news that the coach 'isn't into guys'.

I feel like my spouse has been a bit neutral on things. She doesn't really support me much, but isn't down on me for doing the training/racing lifestyle. I too think she's waiting for this phase to end.

For IM training my coach had the four of us doing the event and all of our significant others meet together to get everyone on the same page with respect to what to expet. I've gotten my SO on board a bit more as she can be another set of eyes to see if I'm getting skinny/run down, etc.

Bottom line: I discuss all events/plans/costs with my spouse and she's OK with it, not too supportive, but definitely not against it.


Swim arm comments: My coach is TI trained and always stressed a relaxed arm as it entered the water so that's what I practice. The way I practice it is by 'swimming quiet' where I swim as silently as possible - that's tough to do with a tense shoulders/arms.

2007-07-09 11:13 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Thanks, Leapdog! My husband and I both have been following TI and working on the drills, but I have bought into it more so than he has. That may be because he is a more natural swimmer than I am. Hearing reaffirmation of a relaxed arm, I may stick with my style and work more on my body roll. I am hoping to dig up the dough for a TI workshop in the offseason. Have you attended one?
2007-07-09 11:22 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

Swim - I was swimming quiet till the age group swim winner from 1/2 IM St. Criox - told me to relax but take a more agressive pull - it did work and I've gotten faster - still focused on roll and core but hard pulling. I was more bothered by all the other swimmers - not sure how to get over that. I felt I needed to sight more in murky water, that also helped to slow down the overall pace for me.


2007-07-09 11:51 AM
in reply to: #818033

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
I'm with Michelle on a strong pull. I try to enter quietly but use core/back muscles for the pull (sorry I can't name 'em). Arm is still relaxed upon entry.

I don't swim quiet in a race, just in practice. Races are for makin' some noise!
2007-07-09 12:23 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
this is very helpful. I will try to keep my relaxed arm on entry with a strong pull. I do aim to "swim quiet", but am less successful the more tired I get! Do any of you use paddles at all in training? I wonder if they would help me get a better sense of the pulling sensation . .

Have to say I am looking forward to really focusing on TI drills in the off season. I am still doing them, but with upcoming races I believe I need to work on swim endurance right now.

Another of my (many) issues is with breathing. I am so used to breathing whenever I want to when running and cycling that rhythmic breathing is not coming easy to me. I get out of breath and need to take breaks to catch my breath more than I feel I should. I am hoping with practice that will improve. I do have my name on the list for private swim lessons at the Rec Center where I swim, so hopefully that will also help.
2007-07-09 1:06 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Definately work on the body rolling. A swimming drill you can practice is kicking on your side 10 times(kick) then switching to the other side (one arm extended near ear and other by your side, your head is slightly out of the water) for a 50 yd s or so. Then do a regular swim to see if you can tell the difference.

If you have access to pattles they can also help with movement of arms underwater while also strengthening the tricep muscles. They also help you focus on the end part of your stroke. If you don't do it correctly the pattle can come off. Make sure you start out with small ones at first.

Let me know if it helps.

I bought new biking shoes!! The ones I had were so tight and uncomfortable (had them prior to babies). Now I have the Cannandale Carve made with carbon (Lady said they are light). I like being able to walk around without slipping and the velco tighteners.


2007-07-09 1:17 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Richmond, VA
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

went for my second practice swim today and I felt like CRAP.  I think I swam better.  It felt more fluid and faster but after 20 min, I felt like crap.  Got out of the water feeling lightheaded and dizzy, I shook the water out of my ears but didn't feel good for a while.  Once I got home, I ate some strawberries and graham crackers and that seemed to help.  What's up?? 

I know with cycling if you get tired you can coast, running you can walk, what do you do in swimming, short of stopping, I don't know how to swim but one speed.  I don't know if it's the speed/HR or if it's the breathing but please advise 


2007-07-09 1:20 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Oh yeah. breathing. Try breathing left side for two strokes and then right side for two strokes. Work your way up to breathing every 3rd stroke. It will get easier and you will get into a rhythm.


2007-07-09 1:22 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Sounds like a little BONK - I always take a Gu gel before swimming and hydrate during the workout w/ sports drink and after w/ protein shake... should DU it 4 U.

Fueling is huge - in multi-sport - getting to understand and know that bonking feel - you may have been depleted from the previous workouts or adult beverages from the weekend!! LOL
2007-07-09 2:09 PM
in reply to: #877601

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

Lightheaded or dizzy? It sounds like you drank some pool water!

Once you 'get it' you'll be able to swim more than one speed. Coach called it proper balance. It took me a few months of swim training and practice until I felt like I could go forever. Swimming should really be relaxing, not strenuous.

Breathing? I pretty much breathe whenever I want when training. In the pool we practice breathing ever 2, 3, 4, 5, and even up to 7 strokes. When I'm doing strenuous swims (repeats in the pool or races) I breathe on either side, but ever 2 strokes. I need more air just like when I'm running faster or I'll get light headed.

BTW this group doesn't allow coasting or walking!
2007-07-09 2:11 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
What alot of people don't get is that you need to fuel BEFORE you think you need to. While on my bike I will gel according to time or mileage depending on how hard I'm going. A Gu (I use Hammer mostly-one of our sponsors charges us cost), will last 3 hard miles but I push longer sometimes.

Critical also is that you fuel with the hard stuff early, ie: Cliff bars, Power bars etc..., and later the gel and liquid when its harder for your system to assimilate the hard food....

Another counter intuitive measure that works is to NOT eat anything inside of an hour and a half or so to training. If you can't get in that full bowl of cereal and fruit 2 hours before then hydrate and when you are within 10 minutes of your training start time down your fuel drink of preference and a gel or 2. That way your insulin doesn't spike and crash before you start....

That last one courtesy of the Coach Emperor Joe Friel....

Eric J

2007-07-09 3:32 PM
in reply to: #877715

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

I agree with you with respect to fueling before you realize it to use gel/liquid on the bike. I plan to employ the strategy you describe in my long distance training and ultimately in my IM.

I'm a Hammer product user (Perpetuem, Gels, Recoverite). The literature Hammer put together describes why eating most anything within 3 hrs prior to your event help you, but can definitely hurt you. Sounds like the writers are on the same page as Friel.
2007-07-09 9:55 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Richmond, VA
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

thanks for the advice earlier people!!  It's funny b/c I had eaten a regular breakfast about 90 min before heading out.  And I did only swim for 20 min, but I told dh that I felt like I bonked.  I ended up taking an hour nap and that combined with the food and a well deserved shower, finally perked me up.

Good thing b/c I had a hot as hell 5k race tonight.  95 temp, 103 w/heat index, it sucked but first mile was 7:48 which was awesome for me.  Ended up with 27:26 which isn't a true PR but a definate PR since all my ITBS troubles.  Best part was I came it 2 secs ahead of my running buddy.  This race will repeat the next 2 monday nights so hopefully I can come up with a true PR by the end. 


2007-07-10 7:44 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Hi all. I watched my TI Freestyle Made Easy DVD last night for the first time in a while. I also watched it straight through for the first time since getting in back in March. I think I need to focus more on zipper drills to get my arm stroke down. I have been doing mostly switch drills to work on body roll, but I think an emphasis on zipper drills will help. So, off I go to the pool tonight to work on this!
2007-07-11 9:47 AM
in reply to: #818033

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Been kinda quiet around here lately. Are you all busy working or what?

I'm fueling up for a long weekend training effort on Sunday: 2 mi swim/80 mi bike/8 mi run on Sunday will get me a step closer to IM.

Weather in MN cooled off a bit. I hope it's headed your way.
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