Other Resources Challenge Me! » They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III Rss Feed  
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2007-11-16 4:11 PM
in reply to: #1057542

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
geauxtri - 2007-11-17 8:21 AM
kaqphin - 2007-11-16 1:24 PM
geauxtri - 2007-11-17 6:26 AM

Wow! What a slow day today! No Beth (we miss Beth), no Cat (she's usually up by now - wake-up Cat!), Hector must be busy (of course it's not lunch for him yet), and no Spokes (did he choke on the bad air?)

Well, at least I won't have so much to catch up on later.

I'm worried my little boy is having too much fun at work today. Gosh, I hope he doesn't want to come back.

Im awake... but only temporarily.... I may have eaten a tub of gourmet cookies and cream ice cream in front of the tv last night...

At least the expensive gourmet tubs are small but I feel like I have a hang over today! Im trying to teach myself if I splurge its gotta be the GOOD stuff

It IS the weekend here after all !

Hey don't you have a mission today? Find a dress or blouse to go w/ skirt, for Wed night!!

Get movin' chic!

Oh, I just realized, she's offline. Maybe she's already begun her mission.Laughing

haha no such luck.. I went back to bed with a book.... now off for brekkie with GB THEN shopping I think... and a swim in there somewhere...  

2007-11-16 4:13 PM
in reply to: #1057653

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
geauxtri - 2007-11-16 4:10 PM

kns57 - 2007-11-16 3:05 PM
geauxtri - 2007-11-16 4:02 PM
kns57 - 2007-11-16 2:44 PM
geauxtri - 2007-11-16 2:54 PM

barqhead - 2007-11-16 1:49 PM Hi all. I'm waiting for all the guys to post their painted-toed feet! I'm trying to stay out of the kitchen. The junk food keeps calling my name even though I've told it to shut up numerous times. Little Debbie is a hussy.

I know what you're talkin' 'bout.... Ended up eating evil McD's today.  Though I have to say, afternot having had a burger in a few weeks, it was GOOD (last burger was 10/26 - I was so good)

My last beef burger was 32 years ago. My last turkey burger was 12 years ago. My last bocca burger was 2 days ago.

Daannggg, Kendra... So have you gone total vegan?  I don't think I could live without my beef.  I know the acids in beef aren't good for you, but.... well, I really don't have a "but", I know I shouldn't eat it.  oh... but it tastes so good.

I do like tofu, in hot-n-sour soup.

Not vegan, but octo-lacto vegetarian. Meaning I do eggs and dairy. I've basically been vegetarian since I was 18, with a break of about 8 years with poultry and fish because of my hubby's health. Don't miss the beef at all. My mother used to fight with me as a kid to get me to eat my meat.

Did you have a problem keeping your iron count up when you initially gave up meat.  I know there are veggies that can compensate, but I've heard of it taking the body a while to adjust.

Definitely couldn't give up my fish... It's been hard enough moving to a land locked state, much less having to give it all up together.  Cutting beef out of my diet would definitely help my chol.

Iron count, now that is a funny thing. As a kid I was always in and out of being anemic. Once I went vege I have only been anemic when I was preggers. So, I guess my body knew what it was doing when it decided that meat was a no no.
2007-11-16 4:26 PM
in reply to: #1056528

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Twin Cities
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III

Ah, vegetarianism... when I lived in GA I was ovo-lacto.  The first winter after I returned to the great white north, I literally craved beef... zinc...

I wish that my body did well (in the North) being vegetarian because I so very much dislike relying on killing another living being for my food.

On a lighter note, I will soon be heading out to meet up with friends to see the group "Celtic Woman" perform.  We start the evening at an Irish pub (with Guinness, of course), and then head out for the show.

Tomorrow AM I am taking a Chirunning clinic.  I look forward to learning about a less stressing way to run. 

2007-11-16 4:28 PM
in reply to: #1057664

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
Yoganerd - 2007-11-16 4:26 PM

Ah, vegetarianism... when I lived in GA I was ovo-lacto.  The first winter after I returned to the great white north, I literally craved beef... zinc...

I wish that my body did well (in the North) being vegetarian because I so very much dislike relying on killing another living being for my food.

On a lighter note, I will soon be heading out to meet up with friends to see the group "Celtic Woman" perform.  We start the evening at an Irish pub (with Guinness, of course), and then head out for the show.

Tomorrow AM I am taking a Chirunning clinic.  I look forward to learning about a less stressing way to run. 

I can't wait to hear what you have to say about the chi-running. I just picked up the book at the library and was looking into it.

Yeah, ovo-lacto is what I am. I always say octo-lacto. I guess I like the ct over the v.
2007-11-16 4:28 PM
in reply to: #1056528

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
Sounds like fun, Sharon. Feel free to pass on some cool chi tips to some of us "challenged" runners. I think my hubby just got home. Gonna go give him a squeeze!
2007-11-16 4:29 PM
in reply to: #1057654

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
kaqphin - 2007-11-16 4:11 PM

geauxtri - 2007-11-17 8:21 AM
kaqphin - 2007-11-16 1:24 PM
geauxtri - 2007-11-17 6:26 AM

Wow! What a slow day today! No Beth (we miss Beth), no Cat (she's usually up by now - wake-up Cat!), Hector must be busy (of course it's not lunch for him yet), and no Spokes (did he choke on the bad air?)

Well, at least I won't have so much to catch up on later.

I'm worried my little boy is having too much fun at work today. Gosh, I hope he doesn't want to come back.

Im awake... but only temporarily.... I may have eaten a tub of gourmet cookies and cream ice cream in front of the tv last night...

At least the expensive gourmet tubs are small but I feel like I have a hang over today! Im trying to teach myself if I splurge its gotta be the GOOD stuff

It IS the weekend here after all !

Hey don't you have a mission today? Find a dress or blouse to go w/ skirt, for Wed night!!

Get movin' chic!

Oh, I just realized, she's offline. Maybe she's already begun her mission.Laughing

haha no such luck.. I went back to bed with a book.... now off for brekkie with GB THEN shopping I think... and a swim in there somewhere...  

Have a great day Cat. Can't wait to hear what you end up buying.

2007-11-16 4:30 PM
in reply to: #1056528

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Twin Cities
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III

I'll give all of you an overview of Chirunning later this weekend.

Have a great Friday night, everyone! 

2007-11-16 4:31 PM
in reply to: #1056528

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
Beth and Dee, the Twisnibbins SmileyCentral.com
2007-11-16 4:57 PM
in reply to: #1057673

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
kns57 - 2007-11-16 5:31 PM

Beth and Dee, the Twisnibbins SmileyCentral.com

Hi hi hi! I'm hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..........................

Worked. Swam. Logged onto BT. Had a boatload of PMs. Answered PMs, and will probably end up doing another boatload of work to set up some team spreadsheets on Google this weekend. (Yes, it'll take time. But at least it'll mean I won't have yet another boatload of PMs again.)

2007-11-16 5:01 PM
in reply to: #1057673

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III

You guys type a lot.

There are a bunch of pages on the last thread that I never got to read.

And there are already 4 pages on THIS thread that I haven't read, either.

Nibbins notes anywhere?
2007-11-16 5:06 PM
in reply to: #1056528

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
No nibbins notes yet--not since page 1, think it was.

To the guys--just how creative can you get with santa hats?

2007-11-16 5:11 PM
in reply to: #1057308

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
sparco - 2007-11-16 2:54 PM

Aaaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhh!!! You're relentless! Let me see what I can do...and I'll work on some kind of 'foot' thing too...you'll all regret it...my feet are ugly...

Speaking of which...we have not seen ONE pic from Dee...so what gives? (changing the subject is a tried and true diversion tactic...)

Foot pics? Um. This team will do anything - if the reward is a pic. Of any type. LOL

Your diversionary tactics have been noted. Nice try. Let's see where it gets you.

Oh. Were you still waiting to see where it gets you? OK then.

What? You're still here?

2007-11-16 5:13 PM
in reply to: #1056528

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
I decided to preempt having to ask you'all about my evening snack and I'm having a lovely glass of wine with dinner.

To catch up...

Yes, Little Debby is a hussy, but I gave her the smackdown a while ago and she hasn't bothered me recently.

Sal, are you one of those people that has Little Debbie boxes under your front seat - the ones on Dr. Phil right before the intervention? You know we're here for you, right?

Give me some meat. I love me some meat. Yum. (No ladies, that's NOT what I mean. I heart steaks & burgers.)

Hi, Hector - I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting. Am I supposed to say that in green? I'm confused about the rules.

I've never seen Dee either...maybe she's really someone else?

2007-11-16 5:14 PM
in reply to: #1057436

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
kns57 - 2007-11-16 3:45 PM
Yes, Dee is very mysterious. I just checked the Poison Apple thread from last month. Several of us posted pictures and biographies that were essays. I can't locate Dee's. One mysterious gal!

Did you read every page?

2007-11-16 5:18 PM
in reply to: #1056528

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III

Amy's only 3 posts from a star...

Will she get a star before an avatar?


2007-11-16 5:21 PM
in reply to: #1057605

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
HCS5QA - 2007-11-16 4:50 PM

Hey guys, just checking in as usual. I will be leaving work early today.

Kendra: Hey good luck on your 1/2 mary coming up. We'll have something for you after the race, not sure of what though?

Max: Heels and painted toe nails? Sorry, your on your own on this one. LOL

Sparco: I agree if I did something like that before I would have been be shot. By the way I am married just don't have a wife around, she's in Texas. We may get togther, we may not, don't ask.

Seeing that I'm reading the thread backwards, I'm not sure what Sal did, or said, that might be grounds for using him for target practice.

I'm also not sure I want to know why Max is wearing heels and toenail polish.

Reading the thread backwards has proven to be very bizarre. LOL

2007-11-16 5:21 PM
in reply to: #1057630

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
kns57 - 2007-11-16 5:02 PM

Wow, I stole Hectors green on my previous post. LOL


2007-11-16 5:25 PM
in reply to: #1057713

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
enders_shadow - 2007-11-16 6:13 PM

I decided to preempt having to ask you'all about my evening snack and I'm having a lovely glass of wine with dinner.

To catch up...

Yes, Little Debby is a hussy, but I gave her the smackdown a while ago and she hasn't bothered me recently.

Sal, are you one of those people that has Little Debbie boxes under your front seat - the ones on Dr. Phil right before the intervention? You know we're here for you, right?

Give me some meat. I love me some meat. Yum. (No ladies, that's NOT what I mean. I heart steaks & burgers.)

Hi, Hector - I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting. Am I supposed to say that in green? I'm confused about the rules.

I've never seen Dee either...maybe she's really someone else?


After trying to figure out what's going on in NibbinsLand, I think I need an entire BOTTLE of wine. Maybe two.

Sal loves little Debbie? (Does his wife know?)

Where is that wine? LOL

2007-11-16 5:26 PM
in reply to: #1057707

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
givemashot - 2007-11-16 6:06 PM

No nibbins notes yet--not since page 1, think it was.

To the guys--just how creative can you get with santa hats?

Um. Very creative, I'd think!

2007-11-16 5:28 PM
in reply to: #1057719

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
geauxtri - 2007-11-16 6:18 PM

Amy's only 3 posts from a star...

Will she get a star before an avatar?


I had a star before I had an avatar.

But I more than made up for it. I had to wear a Twinkie for a month. Then, I changed avatars daily. Hourly, even. LOL

I think I'm happy with the POOL pic though.

2007-11-16 5:30 PM
in reply to: #1057713

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III

enders_shadow - 2007-11-16 3:13  Hi, Hector - I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting. Am I supposed to say that in green? I'm confused about the rules.   Kristen

Hey Kristen, yes all replies must be in green and you cannot talk on a new thread without pics being posted first. LOL.  


allteeth.gif (6KB - 6 downloads)

2007-11-16 5:36 PM
in reply to: #1057731

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
D001 - 2007-11-16 4:28 PM

geauxtri - 2007-11-16 6:18 PM

Amy's only 3 posts from a star...

Will she get a star before an avatar?


I had a star before I had an avatar.

But I more than made up for it. I had to wear a Twinkie for a month. Then, I changed avatars daily. Hourly, even. LOL

I think I'm happy with the POOL pic though.

I like the pool pic! Gearing up for next month already?
2007-11-16 5:37 PM
in reply to: #1056528

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
I wanna star....
2007-11-16 5:38 PM
in reply to: #1056528

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
Did I get one? (shamelessly posting to up my #'s...)
2007-11-16 5:38 PM
in reply to: #1057732

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) III
HCS5QA - 2007-11-16 6:30 PM

enders_shadow - 2007-11-16 3:13  Hi, Hector - I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting. Am I supposed to say that in green? I'm confused about the rules.   Kristen

Hey Kristen, yes all replies must be in green and you cannot talk on a new thread without pics being posted first. LOL.  

Well, I guess I owe you 2 pictures then. Here goes.


(Picture 14.jpg)

(Picture 12.jpg)

Picture 14.jpg (7KB - 5 downloads)
Picture 12.jpg (10KB - 6 downloads)
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