BT Development Mentor Program Archives » jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes! Rss Feed  
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2008-01-10 7:53 PM
in reply to: #1148473

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - OPEN
Thanks. I am looking forward to it, if I could get over my sickness and injuries to train for it!!!

2008-01-10 8:02 PM
in reply to: #1090400

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - OPEN - taking on a few more

Is the group still open?  If so, I would love to join.

Story: I took a tri class in grad school for fun and stress relief, and found that I slowly became more and more addicted to the sport.  This will be my third tri season, and I’m REALLY looking forward to pushing myself a bit more than I have in the past.  I’m not exactly an athlete…I didn’t do sports in high school, but did swim when I was in intermediate school.  

Family Status: Not married, but I am dating a triathlete.  I look forward to getting two kittens here in a couple of months.

Strengths/Weaknesses: I suppose that my strength is swimming.  I love cycling…but I need to focus more on working hard rather than cruising all of the time.  Running is by far my worst discipline of the three.  Oddly enough, I don’t hate it as much I used to…but I definitely need motivation when it comes to going for a run.

Current training: Right now, I’m on the BT winter maintenance-bike focus plan.  From there, I’ll go into a HIM training plan.

2008 Races: A couple of local sprints, Vineman 70.3, Soma Half, and maybe the Honolulu marathon...I’m not too sure about that one.

This week’s goals:

Swim: 6,000 yards
Bike: 4h 45min
Run: 16mi

2008-01-10 11:42 PM
in reply to: #1090400

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - OPEN - taking on a few more

Hi naners, welcome to the group!

Here is another nutrition related question I have:

What do you find yourself eating as a healthy snack, do you have any recipe you use for it?

Here is something simple I came up with: I take a handful of raw nuts (e.g., almonds, wall nuts, pine nuts, etc.), and rinse in tap water. After draining all the water (as much as possible), I use a bag (or two - depending on the quantity and personal taste) of Splenda (or sweat & low) and mix the nuts with it. In some cases I put a bit of salt as well. Then, I spread the nuts on a pan and roast it in the oven for 15 min. at 350 degrees. After letting it cool down, I indulge myself with it next to a cup of coffee...

I'd be more than happy to learn a new recipe from you guys...

2008-01-11 12:40 AM
in reply to: #1149228

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - OPEN - taking on a few more

Welcome Naners!

Looks like you've been doing some great training - and have some really good goals lined up for this year!  Looks like you've got some good goals picked out for the challenge next week with triOK's group. 

Where do you live in HI?  I'm going on a 1.5 week trip in June to Poipu, since I haven't been Kauai since I was a baby.

2008-01-11 8:11 AM
in reply to: #1149642

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - OPEN - taking on a few more
Is there still room for one more. I joined another group a while back but it does not seem to be as informational or active as this one. I have been doing tri's for a few years, but I am by no means an expert. I have made plenty of mistakes along the way that might help some. I do not come from a running, biking or swimming background, which means that I have ample room for improvement in each area (read here that I am slow, but improving). Let me know and then I can share more.

2008-01-11 11:04 AM
in reply to: #1149839

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - OPEN - taking on a few more

gatjr33 - Welcome aboard!

There's nothing wrong with being slow!  But I did find that the more I got out and exercised, the faster I got, even if I didn't do speed work.  Especially with running - as my mileage base has gotten bigger, I find I can run faster.

2008-01-11 12:46 PM
in reply to: #1149642

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - OPEN - taking on a few more

Thanks for the welcome .

Jesswah, I live on Oahu (in Kailua).  There are actually a couple of BTers on Kauai.  They seem to love it!  I haven't been there since I before hurricane Iniki hit (1990-ish?). 

Ronen, that recipe sounds amazing!!  I don't cook many of my snacks.  For a healthy snack, I find myself eating simple (and comparatively boring) stuff like veggies and hummus, fruit, almonds or oatmeal.  I really need to branch out!  Do you have any more of those type of recipes?    

2008-01-11 12:52 PM
in reply to: #1090400

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - OPEN - taking on a few more
Welcome naners and gatjr33. I just joined the group too, and everyone in the group has been awesome. Let's kick some a$$ next week!!!

Edited by Dream Chaser 2008-01-11 12:52 PM
2008-01-11 1:32 PM
in reply to: #1150260

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - OPEN - taking on a few more
Yes, that is one of the things that I would like to know more about. Your running base has got to be huge and I would like to know how the increase in your running mileage helped to increase your speed and/or if you regularly do speed work. Anyway, we can get into that latter. Let me offer up some information and catch up with the group.
2008-01-11 1:32 PM
in reply to: #1150548

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - OPEN - taking on a few more
Thanks for the welcome. I look forward to getting involved.
2008-01-11 1:33 PM
in reply to: #1150548

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - OPEN - taking on a few more

Dream Chaser - 2008-01-11 7:52 AM Welcome naners and gatjr33. I just joined the group too, and everyone in the group has been awesome. Let's kick some a$$ next week!!!

Sounds like a plan  to me!  I have to make a correction, though.  In my original post, I thought that I was giving my goals for this week .  Next weeks' goals will be significantly smaller for me becasue I'm going on vacation. 

2008-01-11 2:10 PM
in reply to: #1150536

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - OPEN - taking on a few more
naners - 2008-01-11 10:46 AM

Ronen, that recipe sounds amazing!! I don't cook many of my snacks. For a healthy snack, I find myself eating simple (and comparatively boring) stuff like veggies and hummus, fruit, almonds or oatmeal. I really need to branch out! Do you have any more of those type of recipes?

Unfortunately, not. I am constantly looking for snacks that I can eat without worries about calories, carbs and fat... It is even more challenging for me, as I am not a big fan of vegetables nor fruits - but I am working on it as part of my changed lifestyle...

Wouldn't it be great if pizza (and I mean a whole lot of it), would be considered as a healthy food? or, French fries would be considered as a healthy snack? I guess I am day dreaming again...

BTW: naners,

What's on your avatar? Looks delicious to me

Edited by Ronen 2008-01-11 2:13 PM
2008-01-11 3:27 PM
in reply to: #1150260

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - OPEN - taking on a few more
Background: I am still relatively new to tri's starting just 4 years ago. It is truly addicting. I am a former football/basketball player with no background in biking, running or swimming. I started out like many probably do with a local sprint. I am a BOP’r but improving.

Funny Story: Thinking I was in pretty good shape, I decided I would do a local sprint tri. I was hoping to get in a good workout, and after all, I had done a few laps in the pool earlier in the week. I had not swam in years and was never a real swimmer. I just about died (figuratively) after finishing the .5 mile swim. The swim was the hardest thing I had done in a very long time. I was pretty close to being the last out of the water. I was exhausted when I arrived at my....15 year old mountain bike. I hit the course a bit waterlogged and lightheaded. The good news is that I was not being passed much. The bad news was that it was a tough 12 miles, and I was close to last. Upon finishing the bike, I took off on noodle legs and finished the race truly exhausted. It was not a great experience. I was doing it for fun, for exercise and to see what it was like. I was under prepared, made several mistakes, was truly humbled and was...hooked for life. I learned a lot that day.

I share the story above for two reasons. This is what got me started, and if I can do it, so can anybody else. Here is the rest.

Race History: I still consider myself a novice at tri's/racing. There is so much to learn at every level, and everybody has different ideas about training and what works for them. I have completed a number of marathons (I think 5), several sprints and Olympic distance tri's, several 70.3 tri's (6) and two IM's (IMUSA).

More about me: I am a Clydesdale and likely will be forever (6'4" - 235 currently). Weight is a constant battle for me. I generally get unfocused around the end of the race season, which is around Sept/Oct in New England and throughout the holidays. Around this time of year, I try to refocus and find some motivation. I have not posted much on this site, but I lurk often. I have learned a lot.
2008-01-11 3:33 PM
in reply to: #1150260

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - OPEN - taking on a few more goals for 2008.

Jan - March: Lose weight & improve fitness through base training
April: Olympic tri, 1/2 marathon
May: 1/2 marathon
June: Mooseman 70.3 & Tupperlake 70.3
July: IMUSA - Lake Placid
August: Timberman
September: Olympic, 1/2 marathon
October: Island marathon (???) - always plan to run it, but never have

Plans: I follow the BeIronFit by Don Fink (I think). It is a 30 week plan divided into three 10 week segments (base, build, peak) in building towards IMUSA, which means I sort of follow this plan, but often shoot from the hip (read here that I do what I feel like doing). Not always the best approach.
2008-01-11 3:52 PM
in reply to: #1149642

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - OPEN - taking on a few more
Sorry for the barrage of messages…just trying to catch up.

I believe what I have not shared is my strengths and weaknesses and my goals for the week of 1/14. Here goes.

S/W’s: I am lacking speed pretty much in all areas. As I have mentioned previously, I just started swimming a few years back, as I did riding. If I have a strength, it would be in running. I can cover long distances, but I would like to learn how to run faster and smoother. Also, you can be a good runner in tri’s, but if you are not a good swimmer and rider, you are generally toast by the time the run portion comes along. Don’t ask me how I know? Carrying extra weight is certainly effecting my speed as well.

Goals for week of 1/14:

Swim 2 hours 4,000 yards
Run 3 hours 20 miles
Bike 5 hours 85 miles
Weight/Core 2 hours
Total 12 hours

Please let me know if I need to provide anything else.
2008-01-11 6:17 PM
in reply to: #1151100

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - OPEN - taking on a few more
Welcome to the group! I will see you at Tupper Lake for sure!! There are quite a few people on this site from ROchester that will be there...

2008-01-11 11:40 PM
in reply to: #1090400


Subject: RE: jesswah's group - OPEN - taking on a few more
Hi you have room for one more?

My name is Andrea. I'm a 27 year old high school teacher. I have played sports all my life including college soccer. I took some time off from playing and started coaching volleyball but decided I needed more. I started running last January to lose a few pounds and got hooked. I ran my first half marathon in May and joined TEAM in Training and completed my first full marathon in October. It did a number on my knees so I have decided to take on triathlon. I have done a few sprint tri's and now am working towards a HIM the last weekend of June. A few coworkers and I have joined together to help push eachother.

Currently I am using a training guide from the Triathlete Magazine's Week-by Week Guide. I'm putting in about 7 hours a week for base training and have a pretty good mixture of all three. I'm a vegetarian so I would like to make sure I get the proper nutrition during the next few months of training.

In 2008 I plan to do 2 sprints, 1 olympic, and 1 HIM.

My goal is to drop about 10-12 pounds before the HIM.

It would be great to get some extra help and support: )
2008-01-12 8:19 AM
in reply to: #1090400

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - OPEN - taking on a few more

1/14 Goals

  • Biking          60 miles
  • Running      14 miles
  • Swimming 600 yards
2008-01-12 10:20 AM
in reply to: #1151712

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - OPEN - taking on a few more

TortugaGirl - You're in!!  Welcome!

That sounds like a great plan for 2008. 

2008-01-12 4:32 PM
in reply to: #1090400

New user

New Jersey
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - OPEN - taking on a few more
Is there room for 1 more?
2008-01-12 6:38 PM
in reply to: #1151942


Subject: RE: jesswah's group - OPEN - taking on a few more
Goal for week of 1/'s based on time for me right now...not distance (except for swim)

Swim: 4,600 yds
Bike: 2 hours 45 min
Run: 2 hours 15 min

It doesn't look like as much when I list it like this! I may need to pick it up next week depending on how things go: )


2008-01-12 6:47 PM
in reply to: #1090400


Subject: RE: jesswah's group - OPEN - taking on a few more
If people are still intersted in Whey Protien shake is one...

I use the vanilla Pure Whey Protien Isolate (I get it at Super Supplements)
Blend 1/2 scoop WPI with a banana or a handful of blueberries, orange juice (not too much), almond milk (or whatever kind of milk you drink), 2 tbs of wheat germ. I make about 10 ounces and take it 1-2 times a day. If I want something sweet...sometimes a add a small spoonful of cocoa powder: )

Typically I work out in the moring so this is "breakfast" for me at times. I have taken it about 45 minutes before runs but usually take a few sips before a workout and then finish it when I get done with the workout.

Enjoy: )
2008-01-12 9:49 PM
in reply to: #1090400

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - OPEN - taking on a few more

I'd like to update mine to just time as well.  The forcast is looking like snow next weekend.  If so, my biking may be on a stationary..

  • Biking      4 1/2 hours
  • Running         3 hours
  • Swimming   1/2 hour
2008-01-13 1:26 PM
in reply to: #1152623

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - OPEN - taking on a few more
Welcome to the new folks!! GO GIANTS!!!!!
2008-01-13 5:05 PM
in reply to: #1090400

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - OPEN - taking on a few more

Hello groupo! Sorry for being a bit MIA. My work has been quite hectic and all of the PT and doctors appointments are throwing me for a loop.

It appears I need to post some goals for the week. Here goes:

Swim - 2 hours

Run - 2 hours

Bike - 4 hours

Total - 8 hours

I hope that everyone is training well and welcome to the new members of the group.


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