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2008-01-21 12:46 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.

What's on for this week gang??  Where is everyone??  I think we need to try to work on our communication within our mentor group!  Let's try to set a goal of at least 2 forum posts each this week, and then inspiring everyone on your "team" at least 3Xs this week.  This will help us all with accountability, consistency and keep it FUN!! 

I have finished my strength workout and 15 min. run, so I am done for the day...just a swim tomorrow.  Feeling much better now-almost back to normal.  How is everyone else doing/feeling??? 

2008-01-21 5:00 PM
in reply to: #1168017

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.

Here's my week:

Monday         Tuesday        Wednesday         Thursday       Friday           Saturday

25" run          45" swim        30" run                 Day off!         40" run          60" bike

35" bike                               45" bike                                     30" swim        strength


My goal for the week is to follow the details of the plan as closely as possible, and to get all of the scheduled swimming in.  (With maybe an extra swim on Sat.)  Also, if Rebecca has lost her cough by next weekend, we're going to start work on getting her off the training wheels. 

2008-01-21 8:31 PM
in reply to: #1098772

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.
I was set back by a bout of food poisoning yesterday. It was just like being extremely spinning, running to the john every five minutes.....I think it was about the worst I've ever felt in my life. I'm still reeling a bit today (slightly dizzy and very dehyrdrated feeling)...but this SHOULD be it for illnesses this year! For crying out loud, just when I get started, something comes along and nails me.

Hoping tomorrow has me waking up 100%!!

I like the idea of a commitment to posting and to the group (Inspires). Otherwise, what really is the point? I don't think Mimi is solely responsible for posting Inspires. It's always nice to hear from everyone else as well (jacsuza, you have been very good about this also! - Thanks!)

It seems that several of our members have already fallen off the radar, though!

In any case, HAPPY TRAINING!! Spring is coming!!
2008-01-21 8:42 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.

So, I'm thinking I'm going to open the group up to a few more...3 more...for an even 10.   I had wanted to keep it smaller, because I was afraid I couldn't keep up with the inspires, but I think it'll be, I've had a few requests to add a few more people to keep things a flowin'...

2008-01-21 9:16 PM
in reply to: #1168818

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-There's room for ONE more!! going, going...GONE. We're FULL.

Krakatoa - 2008-01-21 7:31 PM I like the idea of a commitment to posting and to the group (Inspires). Otherwise, what really is the point? I don't think Mimi is solely responsible for posting Inspires. It's always nice to hear from everyone else as well (jacsuza, you have been very good about this also! - Thanks!) It seems that several of our members have already fallen off the radar, though! In any case, HAPPY TRAINING!! Spring is coming!!

Thanks -- you've been great about stopping by as well!  Hope that you're feeling better.  That happened to me last month -- I was working on a 2 mile/day challenge and got really sick mid-month.  You'll bounce back!

2008-01-22 3:37 AM
in reply to: #1098772

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 3 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!
Bump! A rare opportunity and opening in Mimir98's group! Mentoring with Mimi is like partying with a ROCKSTAR, so who's in??!!

We love Mimi!!

2008-01-22 7:42 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Effect Snow Country
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 3 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!
Sorry, been away from the computer....

My first run since the marathon was yesterday, surprisingly quick although it didn't feel like it. It felt poopy, but turned out it was a nice pace. I seriously never know who is lacing up the shoes, somedays she's speedy and other days she stinks!

Then I did a wt workout, I've added some powerband stuff for swimming, but I'm not sure I've figured out how to do it correctly. Some of the problem is that the amount of space I need give the bands I have access to is pretty large and the gym isn't that roomy, and of course, some of is that I'm just a big dork who shouldn't be given large rubber bands to play with. No one was injured in my attempts!

I also did a fairly hard swim today, trying to build my strength back in this. My arms are toast!

Do you all find that inspiring? I didnt' think so. How about I drove to the pool in a snow storm to do it? Risking my life for a workout, that's inspiring, isn't it.

Krakatoa-you don't give me confidence about my trip to Korea with food poisoining stories!! Stop telling me this stuff, I'm already afraid of kimchi.
2008-01-22 7:56 AM
in reply to: #1116564

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group OPEN

PICK ME! I WANT IT BAD! I'm posting currently in another group, and I won't quit there- but it is not very active and I must admit that I have been lurking over here in your group!! I'm going to go cut and paste my opening post over there here now-- pick me! pick me! I am all about stirring it up and both finding and giving support and challenges and I promise I will post a lot.  I am totally new to triathlons.

Where are you in south Florida? We vacation on the West coast every year-- only 2 months and counting till we leave!

2008-01-22 7:58 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 3 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!

USERNAME: aquinn NAME: Amy

STORY: My name is Amy. I have never done a tri. I bike, I run, I don't sink......

I have been running for several years (one full, several half marathons and other smaller stuff) I bought a road bike in 2005, and love to ride (the farthest I've done is a Half Century Ride), but finding time to get in a nice ride can be a challenge, especially when I am training for a longer run, and feel I must run run run. I do have a trainer for my bike-- gotta set it back up! I only started swimming in the pool about a year ago. I have not done too much of it, but considering where I started (could not keep my face down in the water), I've come a long way. I can do a half mile, which takes me a long 45 minutes with stopping to rest (it's totally mental) and have done no open water swimming except for recreational. I am an attorney and work for the state.

Family Status: Married with 2 boys- 8 and 6. Just turned 37 on Friday.

Current Training: After doing an 11 mile leg of a full marathon relay, and then two half marathons this summer and fall, I sorta dropped out of the heavier training and got a bit sluggy. And then with the holidays, and travel for work, etc, all of my clothes feel tight and I feel flabby. How does that happen so FAST?? I do still run, do a cool class at the gym 2 times a week with 30 of minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of weights/abs/strength, try to hop into the pool one morning a week, and vary among the cardio machines and my treadmill. I also started working with a trainer about once a month in May-- at first I did not think it was helping but I shaved quite a bit of time off my half times from previous years, and that felt great.
Haven't seen her since early November-- due back in on Sunday, though! I live in Lake Placid, NY, home of the Lake Placid Iron Man. Here, if you run a half or even a full, you ain't nothin', baby. We have a lot of extreme athletes and some are pretty cocky, which is a turn-off and intimidating when you want to break into the sport. Yuck. We have a mini- tri series on Monday nights in the summer- I've done the bike and the run and found a swimmer to swim for me on the few times I've done it. This morning at the gym, our instructor- also a close friend-- challenged us to sign up for the Tin Man (which she has done several times), or the half-Tin Man Sprint in Tupper Lake this June. And sign up for the sprint I did. Bring it on! I live 30 miles from Tupper Lake-- both here and there, it's very hilly. Very hilly. Did I say hilly?
In the winter, it's very snowy and cold here- I don't mind outdoor running in the cold, but bike and swim will be inside for quite some time. For fun, I like to ski- both downhill and cross country- though my boys only like to downhill, so I end up doing that more-- also got a pair of new snow shoes for my birthday.
2008 races: Tin Man Sprint Distance-- June 29, 2008. That's my only plan at this point, but I'd love to fill it in straight through the fall and stay busy and focused. I thought I was ready for another full marathon, but truthfully once I started doing more than only running, I think I'm in better all-around shape, so a tri plan seems better.

weightloss: I would say I am about 7-10 pounds over where I should be ideally. I'd love to firm up and lean out-- and LOOK 10 pounds lighter. I don't care what I weigh, if I look lean and fit. Did I mention that I love to cook and am sort of a foodie? Okay, really a foodie. Who collects cookbooks? and my husband owns a restaurant? Can you guess why I always struggle with those extra pounds? I am 5' 5" and hover around 153 pounds. That being said, I love healthy foods and love to eat and cook healthy foods just as much as I love things to cook and eat things like Mushroom Lasgna with Bechamel or Butternut Squash, Sage and Goat Cheese Lasagna with Hazelnut Brown Butter Sauce (two of my latest recipes).

My biggest challenge will be the swim. I feel like I could drag myself through the race tomorrow (I think??) but the training and the race for me will be about getting in top shape and finishing proud and strong (by my standards). I am a little nervous about the swim, but I am ready to PULL myself out of my comfort level and face this challenge-- with your help! I have no training plan, having only signed up this morning- and did not even know I would do it when I woke up today--- so I am ready for any and all suggestions. Looking forward to an active and supportive group. Thanks for considering me!


Since posting that 3 weeks ago, I've had two swim lessons with my trainer (plus a few great swims on my own practicing/using her advice) and I can feel such a difference already! (sadly, also in my's pretty lifeless-- any suggestions ? ) I'm happy already to be back on a training schedule= when I did my marathon, I loved working on a program and sticking to it.

 I'm still a few weeks out from Week One of my 20 week Oly training program, which I will soon import into my calendar/log.  And though I am pretty pumped up looking at it, of course I have questions....  For these weeks, I am just going to stay at the week one levels- this will be my first week of that, as I just got my trainer hooked up last week. But I forgot how much I love it! It's cold and snowy here till about, so most of my miles bike-wise will be logged inside.

 And in others news----- I think my sister and I have decided to put in for the NYC Mary in November (registration's still a ways off) and we want to run for Fred's Team- one of the NYC Mary charities, so we will be raising at least $100 each per mile.  All you have to do is read the web postings on this race and this cause and you are ready to run it TOMORROW (WELL, not physically ) I have done one marathon and said when I did it- -my next one will be NYC before I am 40. I came close to training for one last summer, but decided to do an 11 mile leg of relay and 2 1/2's instead. So I am feeling READY!

Edited by aquinn 2008-01-22 8:03 AM
2008-01-22 8:11 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 3 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!
PS- I like the idea of commiting to posts and inspires. It helps me stay focused and psyched.
2008-01-22 10:50 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 3 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!
YES!!  Amy, you're in   I have no time right now...but wanted to WELCOME YOU!!  I will get back to you soon, I promise!!!!!

2008-01-22 12:18 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Effect Snow Country
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 2 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!
Hair advice....

mine is always a mess from swimming, but there are some tricks that help limit the damage. One thing is to wet your hair with tap water pretty thoroughly. Your hair will absorb that water and not have much ability to absorb much pool water. You can do the same thing with conditioner too, soaking your damp hair with conditioner before you swim. The conditioner will make your hair slippery though, and your cap will slide around.

2008-01-22 1:43 PM
in reply to: #1169177

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 3 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!
k_hase - 2008-01-22 10:42 PM

I'm just a big dork who shouldn't be given large rubber bands to play with.


Krakatoa-you don't give me confidence about my trip to Korea with food poisoining stories!! Stop telling me this stuff, I'm already afraid of kimchi.

2008-01-22 1:48 PM
in reply to: #1098772

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 2 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!

Welcome to the group! I'm sort of new, too. I did a couple of Sprint Tri's two years ago but did so badly in them I'm not sure I even want to count them. I plan on kicking butt this time, training PROPERLY, and actually giving a damn this time.

Hair Advice: If you ever watched the FRIENDS episode where they go to Barbados or something for Ross' s conference, you may remember the opposite, and quite spectacular, effect that humidity had on Monica's hair. Winter is usually pretty dry depending on the type of heating you use in your home, and the chlorine will enhance those effects.......I borrow my wife's Pantene Spray On Lite Conditioner this time of year and it works really well.

Again, welcome, and looking forward to your posts!


Edited by Krakatoa 2008-01-22 1:50 PM
2008-01-22 2:48 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 2 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!
Okay- I'm going swimming at 5, and I am going to wet and condition my hair. Will report in later. Wish me luck (cause frankly, my hair is important to me shallow, if you must. Kiss
2008-01-22 5:13 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 2 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!

Hey guys - sorry for the disappearing act. I have been putting in 16-18 hrs for the past week and that hasn't left me time to check in......and I have to admit.....not much time to train either. Things aren't looking much better for the next week or so but I did get a little more motivation to MAKE it happen.  I am officially registered for my OLY in April! Woo-hoo! I am so pumped! I am also so scared! The way things are shaping up work wise right now has me scared about getting in the necessary time to finish this distance! I don't think I will have a problem with the bike and the run will be a struggle but definitely doable.......I gotta get some swim time in though and I really want to get some instruction to make me more efficient. I will be happy to just finish but ......I heard something today that relates ....this was from an interior designer who was asking my opinion on how a finish would look and I started to reply with "It won't look terrible" before she stopped me and said "We don't want ("It won't look terrible" - we do want - Wow! That looks amazing!"

So - I don't want to just finish, I want to say "Wow - I did great! I really surprised myself!"  

Anyway - thanks to all of you for checkin in on me even though I appeared to be ignoring you - I wasn't really.

Woo-Hoo! Woo-Hoo! Woo-Hoo!...........still can't believe I am really registered! I gotta go now - I gotta run or bike or swim or something!!

2008-01-22 6:45 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 2 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!

Hi All-

 Just had a nice swim. Nothing earth shattering= was very slow and I think it was about 1000 but I was not really counting as much as I was concentrating on form-- my entry, working on pull a little bit (but really focusing on entry), a relaxed kick and above all, relaxed breathing. Got kicked in the head for the first time too (pool was crowded) but that's just a sign of things to come for a triathlete.  My trainer was at the pool and said my entry (previously looking much like a slap) was much, much better- and now I really have to work on the pull. I've got an issue with my right hand not coming straight down when I pull- it's coming out, she said, and I can feel it doing some sort of wiggling wavy thing as it comes through the water.  Hopefully strength will help that? This middle of the pack runner has not much arm strength....  The breathing felt pretty good- it's hard for me to get rhythmic with it sometimes- unlike running where i am very zen- and can go not fast but FOREVER and give my breathing not one thought.

 Anyway, I'm happy to be here and thanks for letting me in. 

Might I say that I did not know it snows in Korea, guess I never gave it too much thought. What an ugly American I am!  And your travel adventures make me GREEN WITH ENVY!

2008-01-22 7:02 PM
in reply to: #1170706

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 2 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!
aquinn - 2008-01-22 7:45 PM

Might I say that I did not know it snows in Korea, guess I never gave it too much thought. What an ugly American I am!  And your travel adventures make me GREEN WITH ENVY!

I totally didn't know it snowed there either!  So I put a watered down conditioner on my DRY hair before I swim, then throw the cap it goes, I often don't get to shower for many, many hours after swimming, so I throw a hat on and just let it work it's magic.   But really, my hair lacks luster.  Oh well. 

I am excited TNT registered for a race!!!!!  YOu do need to get in some swim time.  Anyway you can cut back on work just a smidge??    I mean, priorities man!!  I, too, am doing my season opener in April (St. Anthony's Oly), so we'll be training together!! 

When you work on swimming y'all, it's good to focus on just one thing per workout.  You probably know that though.  I am currently trying to tweak my coach showed me the light, but it's not shining too brightly yet.  Must.have.patience.   I am working on a 2-beat kick, right leg kicking when right arm is pulling!  goes totally against my grain, and 35 years of swimming   However, once I get it down, I am hoping to gain just a smidge of speed, but more efficiency.  Will keep you posted!!!

Amy, the arm strength will come the more you swim...and while you're at it, get down and give me 20 pushups.  Really...try just getting down on the floor 3 times during your day and do some pushups.  Start with what you can, and add on as you get better.  Do em every other day.  Pretty soon, you'll be so buff you're competition will think you're wearing arm floaties. 

Ok, I gotta go watch The Biggest Loser and figure out how to program my Tanita scale.  I have a most busy day tomorrow, but will try to check in on everyone.  Carry on

2008-01-22 7:37 PM
in reply to: #1098772

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 2 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!
It gets downright cold here. There used to be LOTS of snow (as in feet), but nowadays it's just a few inches here and there. I think industrialization of the peninsula, not to mention in China from where the weather blows in, have caused a decline in snowfall. Most of the ski resorts here rely on man-made snow. Kind of sad. Even since we got here in '96, it's declined. I remember several big snowfalls, almost a foot one time, that closed our school for a couple of days. We haven't had a 'snow day' in three years now!! Urgh.

Summer here is very hot and humid...we do get heavy monsoon rais over the summer, but we're always vacationing back home when these things hit.

Little geography lesson for the day.
2008-01-22 10:14 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 2 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!

Hey everyone!  Wow..I knew I had slowed down but I am totally behind the times.  Two new peeps!!! That's great!  Welcome.

I actually had a great week last week as far as workouts go...that is if you don't count the fact that I didn't do any strength training.  My cushy tummy is telling me it's missing something.  My swim got interupted this morning and I made the most of it by switching to strength training and I'm sure my abs will share there joy with me tomorrow.

For the week I have the following left:

Wed/ S-1900     Thurs/ R 30 (probably an elliptical)    Fri/ B45   Sat/ Off    Sun/ Bike 1 hr

Since my swim got interuptted today I did a run tonight with mixed results.  Coach told me Z1/Z2 and go to Z3 for 30 seconds a couple times with recovery.  Z2 will always mean I will push it to the top of the zone and my legs could feel it near the end.  I even put my calves in a ice bath to help reduce the inflamation.  It was definitely more than I've been doing and I enjoyed it but I'm scared to push too hard since I don't have any more recovery time...therefore Thursday's run will probably be an elliptical.

As for the rest of life outside of's keeping me busy.   I'm a little scarcer than I'd like to be because I'm trying to get Grandpa set up in a nursing home and seeing what he qualifies for and going through all his papers is stressing me out.  So be patient with me.  I will definitely try and stop by here twice a week and will stop by your blogs at least twice a week.  The third may be a stretch for me right now but rest assured I'll be watching and giving you what for, for missed workouts.

Well that's all for me.

2008-01-22 10:18 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 2 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!

Oh and Amy...I MUST have that lasagna recipe.  That sounds devine!!!    PLEASE!

I'm a foodie at heart but I take the easy way.  I work for Marriott and use to plan all the conventions and parties etc... so I got exposed to the good stuff.  I can still remember the first time I had melt in your mouth filet mignon.  Mmmmm...  Let's just say I can appreciate it even if I don't cook it very often.

2008-01-23 6:03 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 2 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!
Hi Mimi

I would like to join your group.

My name is Hans and I live in Denmark. 41 years old, living together with Jette, 2 kids, 7 and 10. Been on BT since early 2007.

I had zero fitness in 2005, started out with running. Did a ½ marathon 6 month later and a full marathon in April 2006 (Hamburg). Early 2007, I figured out that I needed to start with triathlon. Did run a marathon in April 2007 (Hamburg again) and completed my first triathlon in June. Started out with an Olympic distance, it was the national championship (and I wasn’t last). Learned a lot in my first tri and did 2 sprints and a ¼ Ironman during the summer.

This year I’m focused on the ½ Ironman distance and that is were you, Mimi, are getting into the picture. I’m registered for the Florida 70.3 in May.

Greetings from Denmark
Hans Eriksen

2008-01-23 6:08 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 2 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!
HI HANS!!!!  Welcome.  It would appear as if you like to GO LONG   No fitness right to a 1/2 mary!  We are happy to have you   And how cool I'll get to meet you in May at Disney.  Hop on, say hello to your fellow groupies, and I'll follow up more later.  This week is proving challenging.  Anyway, good to have ya!!!
2008-01-23 7:23 AM
in reply to: #1171043

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 2 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!
tri-chic - 2008-01-22 10:18 PM

Oh and Amy...I MUST have that lasagna recipe.  That sounds devine!!!    PLEASE!

I'm a foodie at heart but I take the easy way.  I work for Marriott and use to plan all the conventions and parties etc... so I got exposed to the good stuff.  I can still remember the first time I had melt in your mouth filet mignon.  Mmmmm...  Let's just say I can appreciate it even if I don't cook it very often.


Kelly- whoops that was my typo- the butternut squash one is actually ravioli made from wonton wrappers (easy and delicious) and the mushroom/bechamel is lasagna- also incredibly good. Let me know if you want either or both and I will PM them to you!

2008-01-23 9:12 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-Opening up for 2 more....BUT YOU GOTTA WANT IT!!

The ravioli might be over my skill level but I'll give it a shot. Hubby is FINALLY done with hunting season so I might actually cook one of these days.  Send me both.



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