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2008-01-17 9:37 AM
in reply to: #1161320

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
kleinrider - 2008-01-17 8:17 AM
Congrats...  Your swim has been GREAT!!!   You can follow your new plan if it works well for you.  I heard about a website called "swimming community", where you can put in the distance you are shooting for then they will create a swim workout for you everyday, but i think you need to go on everyday to get the workout. 

Feel free to do drills, drills are always a great idea.  Normally you can do drills before the actually workout begins.   If there is ever a day where you want to just hop in the pool and just swim, then do it.  Every workout doesn't have to be the structred thing.

One thing you may want to think about is swimming 1000 yards/meters as a time trial.  First do a warm up set.  Then swim 1000 yards/meters without stopping, and time yourself.  Then a month later do it again, and see how you improved.  You need a baseline to see how much you have improved.  You would do this time trial every month.

Thanks for all the suggestions about the swim. I'll check out the website you recommended as well. I've never thought about doing a time trial. I'll have to try it and see how I improve.

I don't feel like my swims have been great. I said to Jessica that I feel like I'm slow in the water. It's my weakest area so I have been trying to put lots of time there becuase it's the only way to learn.

The past 2 times at the pool I have timed how long it took me to complete the workout. The time actually seems faster than I am going with the small breaks, but 2 times this week I was only a minute apart.

Thanks again!!!

2008-01-17 11:22 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
I am pretty sure that I added all of you as my friends ... but will go in an check to make sure I haven't done something wrong. 
2008-01-17 11:25 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
Alright I just re-did it ... hopefully it worked this time ... let me know if you can see my log now
2008-01-17 12:12 PM
in reply to: #1161876

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

msjmac - 2008-01-17 12:25 PM Alright I just re-did it ... hopefully it worked this time ... let me know if you can see my log now

Still can't see your log... you may want to email (private message) "Ron" is the creator of this website, i am sure he'll be able to help you... 


2008-01-17 1:51 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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New user
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

Before I email "Ron" let me make sure I am not doing anything stupid.

Click Control Panel ... then "Edit your traning sessions" ... then go to the Friends tab an type in your user names?  Is that right?

 I can see your avatars in my blog spot on my Training Log ... weird. 

2008-01-17 2:12 PM
in reply to: #1162254

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
msjmac - 2008-01-17 2:51 PM

Before I email "Ron" let me make sure I am not doing anything stupid.

Click Control Panel ... then "Edit your traning sessions" ... then go to the Friends tab an type in your user names?  Is that right?

 I can see your avatars in my blog spot on my Training Log ... weird. 

After you click on the control panel, do you have the box checked for "friends list" on the privacy's the first page once you hit control panel.

2008-01-17 2:15 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
Jennie, I just got into your logs. Looks like you figured it out!

I have been sitting here for a while just reading articles. The kids are napping and the house is super quiet. I can't believe what time it is and I haven't gotten anything done. This is an addicting website!!!
2008-01-17 3:14 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

Yeah, I'm appaulled at how many hours I must spend "checking in".  I think the world might stop if I don't. 

BTW, doc said I have tendonitis.  4-6 weeks of PT. 

2008-01-18 8:26 AM
in reply to: #1162489

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
jniekrasz - 2008-01-17 4:14 PM

Yeah, I'm appaulled at how many hours I must spend "checking in".  I think the world might stop if I don't. 

BTW, doc said I have tendonitis.  4-6 weeks of PT. 

Good luck with the PT!!! I'm glad the doc was able to determine what was wrong. You'll be running again in no time.

I had some knee pain last week so I started stretching my IT band better and the pain went away. Then yesterday I had some shin pain at the beginning of my run. It went away but then they were sore afterwards. I haven't had shin problems since high school...AHH!!! I was actually on crutches 2X for stress fractures in my tibia. I then went through 1 year of college
basketball and 4 years of college volleyball without any problems. I'm hoping ice and stretching will help.
2008-01-18 10:19 AM
in reply to: #1163508

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full


good luck with the shins.... i've had shin splints in the past and they kill.... ice and rest..

2008-01-20 8:46 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
I hope you all had a great weekend. I have a few questions.

What's the goal for RPMs when riding on the trainer? Is there a range? I have always tried to keep it at 90.

I have a recovery week coming up. The training plan I have just decreases the time for all three areas. Is it important to just decrease the time and keep the same intensity? Or decrease both the time and intensity?

Also, when do I need to start thinking about brick workouts? Once I start them, how often?

2008-01-21 2:27 PM
in reply to: #1167100

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

erjewels32 - 2008-01-20 9:46 PM I hope you all had a great weekend. I have a few questions. What's the goal for RPMs when riding on the trainer? Is there a range? I have always tried to keep it at 90. I have a recovery week coming up. The training plan I have just decreases the time for all three areas. Is it important to just decrease the time and keep the same intensity? Or decrease both the time and intensity? Also, when do I need to start thinking about brick workouts? Once I start them, how often?


You want to stay in the 90 range, some workout sets you may need to go in the 100 range and sometimes even 110's and other workouts you may be in the 60-70 range cause the gear you are pushing you can only do 60-70, but yes over all 90 is the area you want to be in...

Recovery week... This is the short answer.  If your workouts are low intensity, then your recovery workouts will be low intensity... High intensity, then your recovery workouts are high...  I would assume most of your stuff is low right now... You are in "base building" mode.. as you race gets closer your workouts will get harder... make sense??


2008-01-23 7:05 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
How is everyone feeling with their training???     I hope to set up my trainer this weekend.  I can't wait.. i love the trainer. 
2008-01-23 8:30 AM
in reply to: #1171242

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
John, enjoy the ride on the trainer this weekend. I am so happy we decided to get one. It's really nice to put on some music and go! I hope to start the Spinervals soon. Hey, what races are you signed up for this year?

So far, I'm happy with my training. I really love working out all the time and want to get better. It's really helping me that I have a plan. I have been trying to follow it, but I am behind on the bike recommendations. I have to focus on increasing my time on the trainer.

Now that I started this Sports Metric Program it's messing up the plan a bit. This is only 6 weeks and will make me stronger so I'll move things around for a few weeks and then I'll get back to what I was doing before. I really felt like I was in a rhythm before and now I'm back to trying to figure out when I'll get things in.

I was so nervous about learning how to swim, but I think I've surprised myself somehwhat. I am taking a break on the swim plan I am following this week and I'll get back to where I was next week. I feel like I have no idea if I have any good techniques, but I'm completing the yardages.

Do you ever feel that you like training more than the races? I've only done one race and loved it, but I was so nervous before it started. I don't like that feeling. I guess maybe that's part of the fun??!!!

Have a great day everyone!!!
2008-01-24 6:59 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
Anybody else notice that on days that they have a really good workout the rest of the day goes well. Today work and my workout were both awesome. I really think there is a direct corelation to the two. Anyone else feel this way?
2008-01-25 7:13 AM
in reply to: #1171400

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

erjewels32 - 2008-01-23 8:30 AM  Do you ever feel that you like training more than the races? I've only done one race and loved it, but I was so nervous before it started. I don't like that feeling. I guess maybe that's part of the fun??!!! Have a great day everyone!!!

I'm just the opposite.  I LOVE to race.  I like being up early, I like the nervousness.  It cracks me up that at the start my HR is 109 just standing.  I love finding my pace and picking off one person after the next.  My competitive nature finds a temporary outlet.  After that, it's relagated to trying to beat myself during training, which is cool but not nearly as satisfying. 

That said, I can't go too long without training.  It isn't good for my attitude or sleep.  Or my husband's.

2008-01-25 7:14 AM
in reply to: #1174987

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

Its Only Money - 2008-01-24 6:59 PM Anybody else notice that on days that they have a really good workout the rest of the day goes well. Today work and my workout were both awesome. I really think there is a direct corelation to the two. Anyone else feel this way?

Couldn't agree more!  It's also hard for me to shake off a bad workout too.  But, the effort was put in and the physical benefits are there so generally I can bag those quickly too and move on.  There's always another one tomorrow!

Glad to hear you had a great day! 

2008-01-25 8:18 AM
in reply to: #1174987

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
Its Only Money - 2008-01-24 7:59 PM

Anybody else notice that on days that they have a really good workout the rest of the day goes well. Today work and my workout were both awesome. I really think there is a direct corelation to the two. Anyone else feel this way?

I definatly agree with you. There are a few times a week that I get up early for a workout and I love it. Sounds like you found a time of day that really works well for you!!!
2008-01-25 8:21 AM
in reply to: #1175410

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
jniekrasz - 2008-01-25 8:13 AM

erjewels32 - 2008-01-23 8:30 AM  Do you ever feel that you like training more than the races? I've only done one race and loved it, but I was so nervous before it started. I don't like that feeling. I guess maybe that's part of the fun??!!! Have a great day everyone!!!

I'm just the opposite.  I LOVE to race.  I like being up early, I like the nervousness.  It cracks me up that at the start my HR is 109 just standing.  I love finding my pace and picking off one person after the next.  My competitive nature finds a temporary outlet.  After that, it's relagated to trying to beat myself during training, which is cool but not nearly as satisfying. 

That said, I can't go too long without training.  It isn't good for my attitude or sleep.  Or my husband's.

I'll let you know how I feel after my race in May!!! I hope I will say the same thing.
2008-01-25 10:55 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
My workouts were going pretty good but my new semester just started for my PhD program and all of my classes are at night which eats up my free time available to train. I'm really trying to keep doing something physical every day so that I don't backslide too much. After I get into the groove of the new semester, I will be able to start logging some better training times. My university has a good recreation center with a pool so I will be able to get in some swimming. Last year I was unable to get in much swim training and it mentally defeated me from registering for my race. This year will be different.
2008-01-25 1:36 PM
in reply to: #1175883

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
merrymound - 2008-01-25 11:55 AM

My workouts were going pretty good but my new semester just started for my PhD program and all of my classes are at night which eats up my free time available to train. I'm really trying to keep doing something physical every day so that I don't backslide too much. After I get into the groove of the new semester, I will be able to start logging some better training times. My university has a good recreation center with a pool so I will be able to get in some swimming. Last year I was unable to get in much swim training and it mentally defeated me from registering for my race. This year will be different.

Josh, good luck starting the next semester of school! What are you getting your PhD in? Almost done the program? Before you know it you'll be in a groove and everything will fall into place.

2008-01-28 6:55 AM
in reply to: #1175883

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

merrymound - 2008-01-25 11:55 AM My workouts were going pretty good but my new semester just started for my PhD program and all of my classes are at night which eats up my free time available to train. I'm really trying to keep doing something physical every day so that I don't backslide too much. After I get into the groove of the new semester, I will be able to start logging some better training times. My university has a good recreation center with a pool so I will be able to get in some swimming. Last year I was unable to get in much swim training and it mentally defeated me from registering for my race. This year will be different.

Best of luck to you...  I am sure you'll back to your training in no time..

2008-01-28 3:07 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
Anyone want to do a bike challenge or a swim challenge for next month?  Not sure how to set it up but maybe we could have a friendly competition? 
2008-01-28 6:28 PM
in reply to: #1180268

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
What exactly are you proposing? I could be up for tha kind of challenge.
2008-01-28 6:57 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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New user
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
I could be up for some sort of challenge!
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