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2014-10-21 7:08 AM
in reply to: Stuartap

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED

Where is everyone? I haven't had time to post lately but enjoy reading what everyone else is up to. Hope everyone is having a great week.

2014-10-22 8:44 AM
in reply to: Catwoman

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
Originally posted by Catwoman

Where is everyone? I haven't had time to post lately but enjoy reading what everyone else is up to. Hope everyone is having a great week.

I went to FL to bring my grandmother down for the winter - I'm back though! HEH yep, two FL trips in 2 weeks

now no vacation until the end of January

I joined the weekly swim clinic that I did last year. Not sure I'll get much out of it other than forcing me into the pool so I'll take it!

Fall is in full swing here in NE and I got home from the airport yesterday around 3 - so I went for a ride because I WANTED to, not because I HAD to, and it was awesome

Have a good day all!
2014-10-22 3:08 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
I started my "no-shave-November" beard and mustache a little early. Since, at age 43, I have not quite made it through puberty, it is pretty sparse coming in. I don't think it will last through Arizona. Too worried about hydrodyanamic and aerodynamic drag...... My wife and daughter aren't big fans either. I'm not sure that my 17 year old son has even noticed.

Training is chugging right along. I had another battle with the water type of morning. I wasn't particularly happy with the swim and my times were off but I realized that even my "off" times are better than I was swimming a couple years ago. Sometimes looking at the big picture helps with perspective. I would be disappointed if I swam like this on race morning but it is likely that it would still be an ok swim.

I have worked more in the last two weeks than I would like. A lot of overnight shifts where I have been up all night. That sure messes with recovery and training the next day. Bought another lottery ticket yesterday as part of the early retirement plan.
2014-10-23 3:24 PM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
I decided that the Hoka Cliftons were not going to work so I ordered another pair of Bondis plus a pair of Rapa Nuis. That makes three pairs of Hokas that I am wearing around the house to decide which pair to keep. You have to love Zappos.

I have done the last two IMs in Saucony Kinvaras but I think my current bout of PF is going to necessitate running in Hokas on race day.
2014-10-23 3:38 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED

I took a day off from work.. Came home from my appointments in Houston and fell asleep on the couch for 1.5 hours. So much for cleaning the house and completing the rest of the in town errands. Now it's time to put the bike back on the trainer and get to work. Staying up and watching the World Series is interfering with my need for sleep. I'm still not sure how Jason does his job and trains like he does.

Edited by Catwoman 2014-10-23 4:22 PM
2014-10-23 6:21 PM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED

Originally posted by wannabefaster I decided that the Hoka Cliftons were not going to work so I ordered another pair of Bondis plus a pair of Rapa Nuis. That makes three pairs of Hokas that I am wearing around the house to decide which pair to keep. You have to love Zappos. I have done the last two IMs in Saucony Kinvaras but I think my current bout of PF is going to necessitate running in Hokas on race day.

I did Eagleman run in Hokas......they were the only thing that didn't destroy me on that run.   The Cliftons did not work for me either. I'm thinking about getting a pair of the Huakas and seeing how they feel.

We have had some great weather here. Hope it holds up through early Nov. for the folks doing IMFL

2014-10-24 9:51 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
Jason I will do the No Shave November but will wait until next week to start. I will have a nice beard by the end of the month.

I went on a long ride yesterday, almost 50 miles and felt pretty good afterwards. This morning the legs were felling a bit tight so I went for a quick 20 miles after lunch and I feel a lot better. Then just before dinner I get an email that my LBS is doing their anniversary ride tomorrow. I will ride with the advanced group which is the longest of the three rides and it pushes me pretty hard to keep pace.

Not sure how I am going to feel tomorrow afternoon but the wife has already told me she has a 'Honey Do' list ready for the rest of the weekend.

Anybody have interesting plans for the weekend?

2014-10-25 5:10 AM
in reply to: Stuartap

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
Originally posted by Stuartap

  • Anybody have interesting plans for the weekend?

    back to the fitter this morning. since it's a 2.5 hour drive it's a project :/ Pretty sure I'm walking out of there with a Dash saddle.....
    2014-10-25 12:13 PM
    in reply to: Stuartap

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    ann arbor, michigan
    Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
    Originally posted by Stuartap

    Anybody have interesting plans for the weekend?

    I don't know if you would call it interesting or stupid, but I am about 1/3 of the way through 5.5 hours on the trainer.

    Rene is doing the same thing in Texas. Misery loves company. Even if it is half way across the country.
    2014-10-25 12:49 PM
    in reply to: wannabefaster

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    South Alabama
    Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED

    55 miles of "just riding" on the bike followed by a short run. Cool morning and it felt great to be outside.

    Halloween costume party tonight put on by one of the guys on my tri team and his wife. Looks like there should be a big crowd. Doesn't start until 8:00pm so I'll need to get a nap in this afternoon to stay up that late.

    2014-10-25 3:54 PM
    in reply to: slornow

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    Extreme Veteran
    Silicon Valley
    Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
    So I did the LBS Anniversary ride today. It was raining when I left the house and I think that scared off all but the serious riders. No beginner or intermediate rides, just the one group. For the first half of the ride it was a good pace but comfortable. When we made the turn four guys decided to push it. I could only hang with them for a few miles. I would guess they were about 2 MPH faster than me.

    A couple of times there was a second breakaway group which I was in. Then on the last 6 mile straightaway back into town the group kinda broke up and everybody pushed at their own pace. The four guys took off and one other was with them for a while. I was all by myself behind that group. Jen, the store owner and multiple ironman finisher tried to run me down. She caught me just at the last hill where I dropped her again.

    Actually she is the one that talked me into to giving triathlons a try.

    We ended up just over 41 miles. They are talking about making this a regular Saturday morning ride which would be great. I have four guys that would be my goal.

    Now to tackle the list of Honey Do's for my wife.

    Everybody enjoy the rest of the weekend. For those spending 5.5 hours on a trainer, just do anything and it will be more enjoyable than that!

    2014-10-26 3:43 PM
    in reply to: Stuartap

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    ann arbor, michigan
    Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
    I only lasted 5 hours. And the last 3 were miserable.

    Ran at 5 AM today. I'm really enjoying the early morning runs. I could definitely feel the last two days of training in my legs. This was the kind of run that was going to really get uncomfortable at 18 miles. Fortunately I didn't have to go that far. I'm always visualizing how it would feel if a training session was actually during a race. It helps to get in touch with race suffering. And make no mistake, no matter how fast or slow you are, there will come a point during an IM where you will suffer. It is good to have a plan on how you are going to deal with it

    One more week of heavy training and then things will lighten up. I don't want the taper to be too long. I really feel like I lose some sharpness if I sit around too much.

    I'm also starting to look at next season. Going to plan it out to maximize fun..... While embracing some of that suffering.
    2014-10-27 8:53 AM
    in reply to: wannabefaster

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    Simsbury, Connecticut
    Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
    Originally posted by wannabefaster

    I only lasted 5 hours. And the last 3 were miserable.

    Ran at 5 AM today. I'm really enjoying the early morning runs. I could definitely feel the last two days of training in my legs. This was the kind of run that was going to really get uncomfortable at 18 miles. Fortunately I didn't have to go that far. I'm always visualizing how it would feel if a training session was actually during a race. It helps to get in touch with race suffering. And make no mistake, no matter how fast or slow you are, there will come a point during an IM where you will suffer. It is good to have a plan on how you are going to deal with it

    One more week of heavy training and then things will lighten up. I don't want the taper to be too long. I really feel like I lose some sharpness if I sit around too much.

    I'm also starting to look at next season. Going to plan it out to maximize fun..... While embracing some of that suffering.

    IMMT is STILL open for general reg (I can't believe it but it is). I vote you come do that one!!

    Well, as predicted I bought a dash saddle.
    Stage 9 (in red - I actually love the color)

    wish me luck!

    2014-10-27 1:32 PM
    in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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    South Alabama
    Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED

    Randee-very nice....those are cool saddles.

    2014-10-28 9:33 AM
    in reply to: slornow

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    South Alabama
    Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED

    Anyone got any big plans for the "off season." Marathon? Half Marathon? Big work on swim bike or run? 

    2014-10-28 10:48 AM
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    Extreme Veteran
    Silicon Valley
    Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
    Originally posted by slornow

    Anyone got any big plans for the "off season." Marathon? Half Marathon? Big work on swim bike or run? 

    Off Season. What's an off season?

    I don't have any races planned but I do have several objectives for the winter:

    1. Get to my goal weight. Just a few more pounds.
    2. Get my 18+ mile ride I use as a make shift time trial to over 20 mph.
    3. Get at least 3 days a week running.

    Nothing earth shattering but that's what I need to do to start off the spring ready to rock. For me, #3 is the key.

    Edited by Stuartap 2014-10-28 10:50 AM

    2014-10-28 11:46 AM
    in reply to: slornow

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    ann arbor, michigan
    Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
    Originally posted by slornow

    Anyone got any big plans for the "off season." Marathon? Half Marathon? Big work on swim bike or run? 

    I have wanted to run a sub 3 marathon for awhile now but have never put in the big mileage needed to do it. Did a 3:04 a couple years ago and I think I have the capability if I train right. But, I'm not getting any younger so I had better get on it sooner than later. If I can heal up this PF after IMAZ I am planning on running a lot this winter to try to break 3:00 in the Spring.

    Right now if you told me I had a stress fracture in my calcaneus I would believe you. Gotta make it 2.5 more weeks and then I am going to shut down the running for close to a month or do pool running to keep the fitness up. May not be the smartest thing I have ever done but I am planning on continuing to grit my teeth and run through race day. I'll keep you posted on how that goes......
    2014-10-28 1:28 PM
    in reply to: wannabefaster

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    South Alabama
    Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED

    Jason-a month or so of pool running may require some pretty strong medication.

    2014-10-28 5:50 PM
    in reply to: slornow

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    Extreme Veteran
    Collierville, Tennessee
    Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
    Jason-I agree with randy, a month of swim workouts with no running would definitely put me on medication!

    I'm just now back to the normal, I got my butt kicked by some sickness the past week. Had a sore throat, then a crazy high fever for a day, and now I'm on the backside of a cough. It's irritating more than anything. No real workouts for me, did a short bike and run lately, that's about it. Now I'm heading into exam week at my school, which is going to be hellaciously busy.
    As far as the off season go, I am doing a half marathon the 2nd week of December and I'd love to PR, which means sub-1:39. I think I've got that in me, so I'm looking forward to that.
    2014-10-28 8:50 PM
    in reply to: WoodrowCall

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    Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED

    Plans for the off season:

    1. I plan to drink beer and sit on my couch for a few weeks after AZ

    No other plans at the moment. 

    2014-10-28 9:05 PM
    in reply to: Catwoman

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    South Alabama
    Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED

    Originally posted by Catwoman

    Plans for the off season:

    1. I plan to drink beer and sit on my couch for a few weeks after AZ

    No other plans at the moment. 

    Party at Rene's beer!

    2014-10-29 5:00 AM
    in reply to: slornow

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    Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED

    Yes, there will be a party at my house. The last time I had beer is when Randy and I were in Milwaukee for AG Nationals.

    2014-10-29 6:26 AM
    in reply to: Catwoman

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    ann arbor, michigan
    Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
    I just realized that I woke up this morning and my foot isn't killing me. Best it has felt in weeks. Of course I have a medium-length run this evening so we will see how it feels after that. It sure is nice to be walking around at work with out having to brace myself for every step.

    Rene and I are down to the last week of really big work before a two week taper. Just need to get through this next weekend. I also need to give the bike a once over in preparation for dropping it off for tri bike transport. Things are starting to get "real" with regards to this race happening. It always seems a little abstract that I am actually going to have to race long distance right up until the very end. Not sure if the light at the end of the tunnel is open air or a train......

    Another off season activity; one of the guys I work with climbs in an indoor climbing gym 3-4 days per week. He has been bugging me for a year to come climb with him but there has been no time. I think I would like to do some rock climbing a couple days per week as cross training and just for fun. The cool thing is that the gym is about seven miles from my house. I figure I can get in a nice run going to the gym. I'll be all warmed up, climb for an hour or so, and then my buddy can drop me off at my house afterwards. I guess I'll have to make sure he is on board with that but I think I can get him to buy in so he can have another person to climb with.
    2014-10-29 7:45 AM
    in reply to: Catwoman

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    South Alabama
    Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED

    Originally posted by Catwoman

    The last time I had beer is when Randy and I were in Milwaukee for AG Nationals.


    2014-10-29 8:23 AM
    in reply to: Catwoman

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    Simsbury, Connecticut
    Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
    Originally posted by Catwoman

    Yes, there will be a party at my house. The last time I had beer is when Randy and I were in Milwaukee for AG Nationals.

    Mentor party would be neat

    But I'm thinking more like VEGAS. :D
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