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2013-08-11 7:28 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Wow, I come to check in and I see nothing but epic rides. You guys are killing it. Id love to post some of the same, but Ive just been too busy with work and family to get that much distance in. Ive got my first Olympic coming up next Sunday and while I'm not really concerned about finishing, I know my recent lack of training will have a bit of an effect.

Dirk, glad there were no vehicles coming at you. Ive been in this exact same position and I kept my comments as clean as I could given my anger at the time. You have to love it when someone has to fly by you just to jam on the brakes and turn, cutting you off.

Ive got a new pair of tri shoes showing up today so Im going to get in a nice ride/run brick. The bouys for the swim course are set up at the lake as well so I may have to head out and swim a few loops.

Cheers all. I try and check in a bit more often, work should be slowing down soon.

One more thing for any Hockey fans here that live near Boston. My police team will be playing Boston PD on Sept. 29th at the TD Garden. Not sure of the exact time, but I think it will be in the afternoon. They may be selling tickets for charity, for anyone wanting to go.

2013-08-11 7:42 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Man, that is a long a@@ ride! I'm ready for a nap just reading the distance, great work Tony!
2013-08-11 9:14 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by DirkP

Sounds like a great ride Tony!  And it was probably a really good idea to get that quick, short run in too.  That can help you mentally at IM to know that you've been able to run on very tired legs.  When it comes to race day you'll have your nutrition dialed in and you'll be full recovered from all of the extreme volume you have been carrying for a while.   You should feel much better.

Something else I hope you have been practicing; IM pacing/effort on the bike.  When you get done with your rides you should feel pretty much like being able to go out and mow the grass, etc.  Sure you should have some tired legs but you shouldn't feel that your effort has killed your day and you need to sleep for an hour or so.  I believe that is somewhat how I had a bad ride in Muncie a few weeks ago.  I had been training for Rev3 in early September and was planning to work hard on the bike through Muncie and then pace down for Rev 3.  When race day in Muncie came, and I knew I wasn't racing Rev3 again this year, I was completely unprepared mentally to ride slow enough to have a great race in all three disciplines.  Just some thoughts.


As many of you know, I rode my first century yesterday.  I actually rode 104.95 miles in 5:06:53 but the pic on FB shows a little shorter distance but I had forgotten to change my field from running to biking on my watch.  I remembered to change it after riding a little over .6 miles, not that it's a big deal after riding that far but it did slow my pace a bit.

My ride was over to Brenda's neck of the woods but I stopped short of her home, as she tells me, but I don't know exactly where she lives.  The course was mostly east to west and back and the weather conditions were very cooperative with nearly no wind at all and cool temps.

I also stopped short of getting the IMWI bike course elevation change by only 400 feet which seemed pretty good.  I felt like I could have run off the bike and I would like to have done so but I am trying to be more cognoscente of my family right now.  I also don't feel that I set myself up to run off the bike well either, but that wasn't part of the plan anyway.  I took in just under 1000 calories over the ride and had no issues with energy levels.  But I did want off the saddle after about 90 miles.

I had only a couple of issues on the ride.  I developed a intermittent squeak in the front wheel after about 45 miles that seemed to go away after I had stopped for a couple of minutes at the turn around point at 53 miles.  It only came back after about 70 miles and was far more intermittent from then on.

My second issue was when some clown decided to turn in front of me with his pick up truck and trailer.  I was moving about 21 MPH at the time and had to swerve around the back of his trailer and into the oncoming lane.  Ther was traffic coming at me but it was a in the distance and there was no issue with my maneuvering. Had there been something closer I could have taken the ditch and hopefully been able to handle the bike through the shallow ditch.  Of course this would have landed me in the clowns yard and he would have heard more than he already heard as I rode by, which was only a few words in line with "idiot" and "moron." 

All in all it was a great ride and a great first century.  I am considering another next weekend to build a little better fitness prior to the winter maintenance cycle.

Dirk I was pretty tired when I got off the bike but once I got the running shoes on I felt pretty good other than being hungry. I definitely should have eaten more or ate something before the run however I could have run more then the 2.2 miles I did so that was a very good sign. Aside from being tired afterwards I really didn't feel that bad yesterday. I felt much better after I was able to sit down and eat. My legs felt alright just the normal fatigue you'd expect.

I think on both my century rides so far I've done a good job of pacing myself. I've been able to get off the bike and run and not feel like I'm going to die. I've not been hammering but it's not been a leisurely pace either. I think I've got a good handle on where my effort needs to be. Yesterday was really good in that sense especially with the wind. I didn't fight it I just rode at the most comfortable pace that I could. I actually feel pretty good today and I am probably going to swim and maybe even run. If that doesn't workout I will definitely get a short run in today. So no real ill affects from yesterday.

You did a great job on your century yesterday. That is an awesome pace for that distance and even more impressive if you were that close in elevation to the actual Wisconsin course. The fact that you felt could enough to run and felt good enough to do other things following the ride shows you are well ahead of the game when you actually start your IM training. All the work now is just continuing to increase the base that you've already built up. I'm also glad to hear that your alright and that it wasn't anything worse with that truck. Those situations on the rode can be scary at times.

I had a guy yesterday pass a truck with a trailor on a double line heading east while I was riding west. There was no shoulder and he was coming out of a curve. There was no shoulder either. Thankfully I was far enough ahead where I saw what was unfolding and was able to slow down and could have stopped to get out of the way if I needed to. I just can't understand what these people are thinking when they do stuff like that.
2013-08-11 11:51 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Well I guess I may be the 1st person KICKED out of the Junkies, So sorry to disppoint ya'll. Just a quick recap, Jen did GREAT!

Just a quick recap and I'll post a reace report later.

Swim, I was in the 1st wave. I thought I was relaxed but obvioulsy I was NOT. It took me 34 minutes holding on to pilings etc etc to finish. It was 500 meters wim 500 meter run and 500 meter swim again, the run was easy. Jen started 12 minutes behind me and finished when I did. It took a deep soul searching to get back in teh water the 2nd time. Instead of getting out in the current and letting it carry me down, I wanted to stay close to shore and was fighting the eddies (back current). I knew it was there from fishing but I just had to be able to stand if needed. I was 2nd to last of al the men.

Biking was ok, since this was my 1st Oly, I wasn't sure how to pace the bike so I tried to keep the cadence up. i rode in the big gear most of the time but the slower big gears. We had 1 fairly steep but short down hill and and I was going down a girl in front of me was braking????? and a car was behind her and I couldn't pass. The major mishap was when we were crossing a wooden bridge, it had a steel post in front of it to keep 4 wheelers off I guess, but again this lady really slowed down and it was a slight down hill so I was trying to pass her, just before I got to the post I saw bikes coming from the other direction that were not in the race, so i slammed on brakes, I could actually smell rubber burning from the brakes and thank goodness my body hit the post and not my bike, the bike flipped around like it wanted to keep going. Once I got clipped back in and tested the bike I was again riding. The rest of the ride was uneventful. I was only passed by 1 person and he was 28 but again, the fast folks were gone. Averaged 18.9 mph.

The run started and wife was going to pace me, that didn't work, I started at a 8mm pace according to her gps but a lady fell and banged her face pretty bad so Pam stopped to help her (I didn't see it) and Pam wasn't keeping up. I was having a decent run (again all the fast folks were already finished by now) but no one passed me until mile 5, then I lost it, I started getting chills ( I can't figure that out) as it was HOT outside and not cold, I would guess 85 degrees but that is just a guess. I really do not remember mile 5 until I saw the finish at all. At mile 5, the gates opened and everyone passed me, the last mile was run/walk or walk/run, problaby 15mm. 8.40 mm overall

Edited by KWDreamun 2013-08-11 11:53 AM
2013-08-11 12:04 PM
in reply to: 0

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED

Good lord Karl... Here I was thinking you did awesome. You finished and there were people out there that did not finish. Looks like there may be nutrition issues there? How did you feel after the race?

I was so happy to make it to the starting line that I honestly felt like it was the first time my mind was quiet in days... all I had to do was focus on moving forward.

Race recap posted:

Chattahoochee Oly 2013

Edited by jenbmosley 2013-08-11 12:05 PM
2013-08-11 2:02 PM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Jen congrats on finishing and doing so well yesterday. Thanks for posting your RR.

Karl congrats on finishing and like I said I knew you could do it. Don't worry about the swim the most important thing is that you got through it and you know you can do the distance in a race. It'll only get better from here on out. Sounds like you had a great bike leg even with you getting held up and that little mishap. You also sounds like you had a pretty solid run. Look forward to reading the RR and nobody is kicking anyone out of the Junkies!

2013-08-11 3:16 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Vero, congrats! That is as good as it gets. I am so proud for you!!!

Tony, great ride, you are gonna have fun in a few weeks!!!

Jen, again congrats! AND NICE SEEING YOU AGAIN!
2013-08-11 8:04 PM
in reply to: JeffY

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED

Originally posted by JeffY If you are completely unpracticed at taking nutrition then I would be careful about taking gels. I would lean more toward taking in carbs in liquid form. Just 1 bottle of prepared 'nutrition' during the bike is probably all you should need. You can handle more calories during the race if you are going at a more relaxed pace. So if you are going to be putting in your best effort (doesn't matter how slow, it's the effort that matters) then you should lean more towards liquid, but if you are going to be taking it rather easy (say 15% below threshold?) then you can probably handle a couple of gels. Have fun!


You are so right about nutrition. I saw many people fall apart yesterday on the Olympic Distance Tri yesterday. After bonking on a half marathon, I now prepare my own nutrition for race day with whatever is my training nutrition and just look for water on the route. I believe I can carry this methodology into HIM training-- I'll wait for official advice on that in the coming months.

2013-08-11 8:08 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED

Originally posted by strikyr Jen congrats on finishing and doing so well yesterday. Thanks for posting your RR. Karl congrats on finishing and like I said I knew you could do it. Don't worry about the swim the most important thing is that you got through it and you know you can do the distance in a race. It'll only get better from here on out. Sounds like you had a great bike leg even with you getting held up and that little mishap. You also sounds like you had a pretty solid run. Look forward to reading the RR and nobody is kicking anyone out of the Junkies!

Karl - How many tri's have you done thus far? I totally agree with Tony, it will onyl get better.

Tony - Congrats on that insane and epic ride!

2013-08-12 12:03 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Karl, you finished bro... seems to me like your bike and run are good. Work on that swimming bro.

I've got the chills before in hot weather... it pretty much means your body is bonking. Did you feel weak or light headed? Were you watching HR? You may have had your HR up too high for too long... especially on that swim, it sounds like you had some anxiety and exhausted a lot of energy on the swim... but like I said, you finished! I'll take it! Not many people can finish an Oly!
2013-08-12 12:10 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

I took first place female!!!!!

I took 5th overall!!!!

(The field is small but the local competition is fierce and fast.)

Holy crap!!!!!

I don't have the "official" results, yet.  

I did worse than the past couple of years.  The course was exactly the same.  Everyone's times were worse this year.  My swim was the swim from hell!  Worst swim....EVER!!!!!  Goggles leaked during my warm up 50.  I tried to fix them in the 30 seconds before my heat.  They leaked during the first 50 of the race.  I tried to fix them.  It didn't work so I decided to do backstroke for 400 yards.  I'm pleased with my backstroke, though.  I was very comfortable, steady and straight.  My husband said it looked great.  I'm just slow because I don't practice it for sets of 400 yards.  I'm glad it's part of my swimming "toolbox" though.

I was pissed off (and rested) after my swim.  The bike went great.  The run went, surprisingly, well.  I haven't done any speedwork since before my stress fracture.  I managed to hold onto a sub 8 min/mile pace average.  My foot is sore this evening but I think it's ok.

I'm pleased as punch! Laughing

2013-08-12 12:39 AM
in reply to: 0

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED


Karl, that is the kind of race to be most proud of. You toughed your way through some difficult obstacles and still finished.

Jen, good job on your race. It sounds like you had a great ride. Better than 19 mph average over 25 miles and you were chatting with folks along the way, too? Very nice.

Way to go Tracy! First place female and top 5 overall is awesome ! What race were you doing?




Edited by JonnyVero 2013-08-12 12:40 AM
2013-08-12 4:48 AM
in reply to: RunningYogini

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by RunningYogini

I took first place female!!!!!

I took 5th overall!!!!

(The field is small but the local competition is fierce and fast.)

Holy crap!!!!!

I don't have the "official" results, yet.  

I did worse than the past couple of years.  The course was exactly the same.  Everyone's times were worse this year.  My swim was the swim from hell!  Worst swim....EVER!!!!!  Goggles leaked during my warm up 50.  I tried to fix them in the 30 seconds before my heat.  They leaked during the first 50 of the race.  I tried to fix them.  It didn't work so I decided to do backstroke for 400 yards.  I'm pleased with my backstroke, though.  I was very comfortable, steady and straight.  My husband said it looked great.  I'm just slow because I don't practice it for sets of 400 yards.  I'm glad it's part of my swimming "toolbox" though.

I was pissed off (and rested) after my swim.  The bike went great.  The run went, surprisingly, well.  I haven't done any speedwork since before my stress fracture.  I managed to hold onto a sub 8 min/mile pace average.  My foot is sore this evening but I think it's ok.

I'm pleased as punch! Laughing

Holy cow Batwoman!!  5th place OA?!?!?!  Killed it!!  And you killed it on your back so to speak.  That's not even funny!  If I were to do backstroke during a race they would probably pull me from the water thinking I was drowning.


2013-08-12 4:53 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED

Originally posted by KWDreamun Well I guess I may be the 1st person KICKED out of the Junkies, So sorry to disppoint ya'll. Just a quick recap, Jen did GREAT! Just a quick recap and I'll post a reace report later. Swim, I was in the 1st wave. I thought I was relaxed but obvioulsy I was NOT. It took me 34 minutes holding on to pilings etc etc to finish. It was 500 meters wim 500 meter run and 500 meter swim again, the run was easy. Jen started 12 minutes behind me and finished when I did. It took a deep soul searching to get back in teh water the 2nd time. Instead of getting out in the current and letting it carry me down, I wanted to stay close to shore and was fighting the eddies (back current). I knew it was there from fishing but I just had to be able to stand if needed. I was 2nd to last of al the men. Biking was ok, since this was my 1st Oly, I wasn't sure how to pace the bike so I tried to keep the cadence up. i rode in the big gear most of the time but the slower big gears. We had 1 fairly steep but short down hill and and I was going down a girl in front of me was braking????? and a car was behind her and I couldn't pass. The major mishap was when we were crossing a wooden bridge, it had a steel post in front of it to keep 4 wheelers off I guess, but again this lady really slowed down and it was a slight down hill so I was trying to pass her, just before I got to the post I saw bikes coming from the other direction that were not in the race, so i slammed on brakes, I could actually smell rubber burning from the brakes and thank goodness my body hit the post and not my bike, the bike flipped around like it wanted to keep going. Once I got clipped back in and tested the bike I was again riding. The rest of the ride was uneventful. I was only passed by 1 person and he was 28 but again, the fast folks were gone. Averaged 18.9 mph. The run started and wife was going to pace me, that didn't work, I started at a 8mm pace according to her gps but a lady fell and banged her face pretty bad so Pam stopped to help her (I didn't see it) and Pam wasn't keeping up. I was having a decent run (again all the fast folks were already finished by now) but no one passed me until mile 5, then I lost it, I started getting chills ( I can't figure that out) as it was HOT outside and not cold, I would guess 85 degrees but that is just a guess. I really do not remember mile 5 until I saw the finish at all. At mile 5, the gates opened and everyone passed me, the last mile was run/walk or walk/run, problaby 15mm. 8.40 mm overall

Settling things in your mind is most likely what you need to try to do for swimming.  Don't allow the swim to get into your head.  And, I supoose I could be right here, you're swimming to hard at the start of the race.  Many athletes get hung up in the hype of the race and don't maintain a slow even, comfortable effort.  Something I tell most of the athletes that I speak to around here is; "If you think you're swimming slow enough, SLOW DOWN!!!  You're swimming too fast!!"  If you can think about this during a race you're likely to find that you'll have a far better swim and a far better experience for the rest of the day.

I don't have time to comment more but I'll do so later.

Congrats on your first Oly!!

2013-08-12 6:22 AM
in reply to: RunningYogini

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by RunningYogini

I took first place female!!!!!

I took 5th overall!!!!

(The field is small but the local competition is fierce and fast.)

Holy crap!!!!!

I don't have the "official" results, yet.  

I did worse than the past couple of years.  The course was exactly the same.  Everyone's times were worse this year.  My swim was the swim from hell!  Worst swim....EVER!!!!!  Goggles leaked during my warm up 50.  I tried to fix them in the 30 seconds before my heat.  They leaked during the first 50 of the race.  I tried to fix them.  It didn't work so I decided to do backstroke for 400 yards.  I'm pleased with my backstroke, though.  I was very comfortable, steady and straight.  My husband said it looked great.  I'm just slow because I don't practice it for sets of 400 yards.  I'm glad it's part of my swimming "toolbox" though.

I was pissed off (and rested) after my swim.  The bike went great.  The run went, surprisingly, well.  I haven't done any speedwork since before my stress fracture.  I managed to hold onto a sub 8 min/mile pace average.  My foot is sore this evening but I think it's ok.

I'm pleased as punch! Laughing

Wow! You rock, excellent and what a great way to manage when you had trouble. I get lost when I swim backstroke in open water.

2013-08-12 6:24 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Karl and Jen, great races this weekend! Karl I hate that you feel bad about your swim. Concentrate on the parts you did well and how far you've come.

2013-08-12 7:20 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Tracy, congrats!!!!!!!!!!!! Can hardly wait for a race report.

I am pleased in that I was hoping for under a 3:15 race time and I got 2:49.34. My race report is up if ya'll have insomnia, I don't know how to link to it.

Edited by KWDreamun 2013-08-12 7:23 AM
2013-08-12 8:32 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

My race went fine. I had a PR which is surprising because I had my
slowest swim and run ever at this distance so I'm not real jacked up
about a PR - it's just racing on a tri bike vs road bike.

I probably shouldn't write about it today because I am so sore all over
and my heel is way worse than it ever was to start with so I'm pretty
cranky right now LOL! But here is my race report:

And of course I wouldn't be me if I made it through a race without a bike malfunction!

2013-08-12 8:32 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Tracy you killed it this weekend, 5th overall is fantastic. You always seem to rock it even when you don't think you will. I have to say the 400 yard backstroke is very impressive. There is no way I could have gotten away with ever doing that in a race. Congrats on a great race and looking forward to the RR.

Karl that's great time for your first Oly, congrats again and like everyone else is saying keep working on that swim. The hardest thing to do is to learn to be calm and relaxed. As much as swimming is physical it really is just as much mental. I go through the same thing at times and to be honest I've really been working on getting myself mentally prepared for the IM swim. I know I can physically do the distance now it's just a matter of me keeping that thought in my head, remaing calm and relaxed and just slowly swimming it. If I can do that I'll be fine.
2013-08-12 8:35 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Dina congrats on the PR and I would not be down or upset about the swim especially since this was sort of a last minute decision to doing this race. I'd say you did pretty darn good considering that. Looking forward to reading the RR.
2013-08-12 12:45 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Karl and Jen, way to go this weekend. Good motivation for my first Oly next Sunday.

Tracy wow you killed it, and you were even able to hot dog a bit and do it back stoke,

Sounds like everyone had a great weekend of racing/training. I was able to get out and run a 5k with my daughter in the stroller on Saturday. She just turned 1 and seemed to enjoy it. Never said a whole lot, but there were no tears, lol. I was suprised that my pace wasn't really slowed at all by the stroller. I didn't really do any hills, just a couple of long slight grades where I had to work a little but harder than usual, but the flats and downhill sections were great.

Yesterday I was able to get out and use my new tri shoes. Rode 48k and did about 80% of the race route for this Sunday. Total cross wind the entire time. Really hoping for a bit of a different wind direction or no wind at all for the race. Oh well I live on the ocean, what can I do I guess but hope. I was able to brick the ride with a 4k run at a pretty good pace. Feeling pretty good about the upcoming race and I think I have a 50/50 shot at getting under 2:30. Any pointers anyone, especially on nutrition. I was planning on two gels during the bike and another during the run. One bottle of water on the bike with a Nuun tab. I dont really do well with Gatorade going from the bike to the run. What does everyone elses plan look like.

2013-08-12 1:19 PM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
BidDaddy, drink waht you are used to but don't listen to me on food. I ate nothing and did GREAT until mile 5. I took food, I just forgot to eat it. Now saying tht I have real problems eating if I going all out, I tend to have gi issues if I eat and then relly hammer the run. If I bonk and i did, at least I had no stomach

Good Luck this weekend and enjoy it and looking forward to your race report. What is the temp going to be... Oh yea keep in it Farenheit, miles
2013-08-12 1:34 PM
in reply to: RunningYogini

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by RunningYogini

I took first place female!!!!!

I took 5th overall!!!!

Wow, I'm impressed!
2013-08-12 1:48 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by KWDreamun

BidDaddy, drink waht you are used to but don't listen to me on food. I ate nothing and did GREAT until mile 5. I took food, I just forgot to eat it. Now saying tht I have real problems eating if I going all out, I tend to have gi issues if I eat and then relly hammer the run. If I bonk and i did, at least I had no stomach

Good Luck this weekend and enjoy it and looking forward to your race report. What is the temp going to be... Oh yea keep in it Farenheit, miles

Right now they are calling for temps around 70-72F, might be just a little cooler at race time. Water temps are pretty much the exact same as that.
2013-08-12 3:13 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Karl, those chills are the first step in the progression towards heatstroke. When you experience that you aren't yet in physical danger, but you will most definitely be performing poorly.
I don't know if it was simply warmer than you are used to training in or if you were dehydrated. You can overheat when the temps are just too hot for you to properly cool, and you can overheat when you are dehydrated so you can't produce enough sweat to cool at any temperature.

I wouldn't call it a 'nutrition' problem, but it could have been a drinking problem. Did you take in fluids during the race? If so, how much and when?

And I am thinking you are right about it being very difficult to eat when racing. In an Oly distance race, the pace might be a little too hard to eat depending on a number of personal factors. But with temps in the 80s you should have been drinking a lot (mostly on the bike).
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