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2010-11-27 2:38 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Just signed up for the NYC marathon lottery.  I won't know until mid March.  A friend is trying to talk me into a HIM next year but I said no because of the kids.  John told me to do it but I still think I am going to hold off a year or so.  I have to say I am hooked on the longer distances!  I knew I would be though!

2010-11-29 8:32 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Meggan - that is very cool you are trying to get into the NYC marathon.  Do you know how many spots they are filling with the lottery?  I've always wondered what the odds are for those things.  Wife and I would really like to do the Chicago Marathon one of these days.

Well, I am finally back to normal (or close enough).  Spent the weekend running errands and putting up all the xmas decorations.  I hadn't been working out yet as I wanted to make sure I was back to 100% and figured this was a good time to let my knee rest.  Being so busy the past few days really wore me out and I passed out early last night and am still pretty tired today, but I feel like I am back in the normal swing of things and plan on getting a run in today.

I packed on a few pounds this week.  After being sick and not eating for a few days I think I made up for it the end of the week eating out almost every day.  Just didn't have the energy to shop and cook at home after cooking the entire thanksgiving meal.  Time to get that weight back down under 200 (at 204 today, which is nearly as bad as I thought it would be). 

Hope everyone had a good weekend (holiday or not). 
2010-11-29 1:27 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Well the 5k was a bust since it was pouring down rain when I woke up on Thanksgiving morning.  It started raining on Wednesday and didn't stop.  It was actually sleeting a little on Thanksgiving and turned into snow later in the day.  So needless to say I didn't run.  Most of it was through grass and mud and it just wasn't worth it to us to be wet and potentially hurt.  

The photo shoots were great.  I did a huge group, inside, which I have never done on Friday and then on Sunday I ventured to downtown St. Louis for a shoot at Union Station.  They went great!
If you ever want to see my stuff check out my photography blog...  or my family blog is

Overall I had a great 5 days off of work and was productive, got all of our christmas stuff up and a lot of shopping done, but no workouts in.  Need to get going and dig deep to keep myself working out with the winter approaching!

2010-11-29 5:14 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Holy moly has this been a long, crazy weekend!  FINALLY back to Milwaukee, but I still haven't been home since I have class tonight.  I came straight to school from the airport, and Ryan took the bus back to our place.  I've eaten WAY too much this weekend.  I thought it would be easier to control, but when my meals aren't planned out, I have no control, and I ended up just trying to portion what I thought was a decent size meal instead of knowing for sure how many calories I was eating.  Then, even though I brought healthy snacks, we found ourselves getting really hungry at the airports, and I've never realized how few healthy choices there are at airports!  But I'm not going to weigh myself again 'til next week to give me time to recover.  I'm not super worried about it though.

The wedding was absolutely beautiful, too!  Only 20 people were there, so it was very intimate, right on the beach, and really fun.  I promise to post pictures soon.  The dress fit pretty well, but I didn't anticipate how tight it would be when I sat down, so eating dinner proved to be difficult!  Other than that, everything was great.  I got all my scheduled workouts in, too (despite how darn hot it was!), so I'm happy with that. 

Funny side story:  it was our job to pick up the wedding cake on Saturday, so we drove to Naples to get it, and the person right in front of us was picking up a cake for his daughter who had just raced Clearwater 70.3, and I think finished like 43rd or something for women.  It was a HUGE M-dot cake!  Apparently, she had qualified and done very well, so they were celebrating.  It was awesome, and really pumped me up for wanting to do one.  And I definitely want a cake like that to celebrate my first 70.3 finish! 
2010-12-02 12:22 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
*chirp chirp*

It's been quiet in here.  What's going on with everybody?
2010-12-02 3:57 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I had been busy at work this week.  Our secretary's mom passed away on Friday so she was out until yesterday.  Just busy around here. 

I have also been a crazy woman!  I need to run and I need to run more!  I told my husband that yesterday and he did not disagree with me.  I think I have proven that running keeps me sane. 

This weekend is Joe's 4th birthday.  I still can't believe he is going to be 4.  We are taking him to an indoor waterpark on Saturday.  Some of our family is coming too.  Then we are just having family over for dinner and cake Saturday night.  He is so excited.  I need to start decorating his superhero cake tonight! 

And tomorrow is our 5th anniversary so we took the day off.  We are doing family pictures in the afternoon and then refinancing our house.  John and I are going to dinner at our favorite Italian place (where we went on our first date!) and then going Christmas shopping for the boys. 

I am really looking forward to the weekend.

2010-12-02 4:21 PM
in reply to: #3233941

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
yes, I've been busy too, lot's going on at the office, teaching 2 bootcamps a week, and I have taken up the task of leading and organizing the 1/2 marathon training for a group of people I run with and doing the "First Half" Half Marathon in February.  We started hill training last night:-)

I'm running tonight, tomorrow I'm working from home and then heading to have my hair done, Saturday is bootcamp and then I think I get to have a nice quiet afternoon at home by myself, so maybe I'll think about getting the tree up and doing some decorating...or I'll be a lump, I'll decide on Saturday, but it is nice to have options.  Sunday morning is my long run, and then who knows what...

2010-12-02 5:50 PM
in reply to: #3234492

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
corstan - 2010-12-02 4:21 PM yes, I've been busy too, lot's going on at the office, teaching 2 bootcamps a week, and I have taken up the task of leading and organizing the 1/2 marathon training for a group of people I run with and doing the "First Half" Half Marathon in February.  We started hill training last night:-)

I'm running tonight, tomorrow I'm working from home and then heading to have my hair done, Saturday is bootcamp and then I think I get to have a nice quiet afternoon at home by myself, so maybe I'll think about getting the tree up and doing some decorating...or I'll be a lump, I'll decide on Saturday, but it is nice to have options.  Sunday morning is my long run, and then who knows what...

That is great about the 1/2 marathon training group!  What is up with the bootcamp?  Where are you teaching? 
2010-12-02 5:52 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I know I have not really talked about the marathon on here since running it.  Thanksgiving week is typically one of the busiest weeks of the year for me at the office so I have been going nonstop at work.  Anyway, I have done a few blog posts if you want to check them out...
2010-12-02 6:24 PM
in reply to: #3234602

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2010-12-02 3:50 PM
corstan - 2010-12-02 4:21 PM yes, I've been busy too, lot's going on at the office, teaching 2 bootcamps a week, and I have taken up the task of leading and organizing the 1/2 marathon training for a group of people I run with and doing the "First Half" Half Marathon in February.  We started hill training last night:-)

I'm running tonight, tomorrow I'm working from home and then heading to have my hair done, Saturday is bootcamp and then I think I get to have a nice quiet afternoon at home by myself, so maybe I'll think about getting the tree up and doing some decorating...or I'll be a lump, I'll decide on Saturday, but it is nice to have options.  Sunday morning is my long run, and then who knows what...

That is great about the 1/2 marathon training group!  What is up with the bootcamp?  Where are you teaching? 

I find volunteering for things like organizing my 1/2 marathon training group good motivation to keep doing it, leading means I have to show up:-)

I started teaching bootcamp again just recently as a kind of test period to see if I could start fitting it into my life more and possibly transitioning out of my office job eventually.  I have been in contact with all the people I used to teach over the past months and they are unhappy with the bootcamps they have tried since mine, and have been begging me to do somthing, so I am and I have a lot of others who are interested as well, so we'll see.  Next year could be very interesting!
2010-12-02 10:08 PM
in reply to: #3234606

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2010-12-02 3:52 PM I know I have not really talked about the marathon on here since running it.  Thanksgiving week is typically one of the busiest weeks of the year for me at the office so I have been going nonstop at work.  Anyway, I have done a few blog posts if you want to check them out...

I had a read through your blog and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  I love that you have so many people supporting you in your life and seeing all that you have accomplished.  I am going to be looking to you for support when I start training for my full in January....I try not to think about it too much, but sometimes I do and I freak myself out thinking about those really long runs!

2010-12-03 5:23 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Sandra, I am so excited for you to be doing bootcamp again.  I know you missed teaching it and I am glad an opportunity has come up.  I hope it all works out for you. 
2010-12-04 2:30 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Sandra - Keep us posted on how the boot camp thing goes!  I'm so happy that you're going back to it!

Meggan - Thanks so much for the shout-out in your blog!  I'm honestly lucky to have gotten to participate in part of the journey with you.  You have worked so hard, on top of staying involved with your family, and that is just awesome.  You've inspired me to try for a marathon in 2012! 

So, today was my first day of EVER running in the snow!  We got a couple of inches last night.  I knew the day would come when I would have to HTFU and do a snow fun, and today was as good a day as any.  Ryan bought me some fleece lined running gear for Xmas and gave it to me last night for my run today because I've been wearing his winter running stuff! 

Ryan was going to buy me a treadmill for Xmas, but it's funny, now that I've been running outside all the time (I used to always run on a treadmill), I actually prefer running outside.  When we went to try out the treadmills, it just felt awkward.  I wasn't comfortable on one, and I decided I really don't think I could put in more than like 4-5 miles on one without killing my shins.  SO, because I'm planning on quitting this darn job after the new year, we decided not to buy a treadmill because I'll have more daylight to train in after this semester is over.  PLUS, the gym at our school is FINALLY finished, so if I do need a quick treadmill run mid-week (since that's when my short runs are for my HM training plan), I can hop on one right in our law school.  Winter running, here I come!

Lastly, EXAMS ARE HERE!  Boo.  The next two weeks for me will be INSANE, so I hope you guys can help keep me motivated to get my workouts in.  Now, I'm off to work on my Labor Law exam...
2010-12-05 6:47 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Been studying all day, but wanted to take a break to show some pictures of the wedding!  The first one is me and Ryan; the second is me with the bride and her sister; the last is me with the bride's baby (my niece!) Claire!  She is the sweetest baby ever, so I had to share!




wedding4bt.jpg (33KB - 13 downloads)
wedding2bt.jpg (31KB - 15 downloads)
wedding3bt.jpg (38KB - 11 downloads)
2010-12-06 7:14 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Hey everyone!  Sorry I've been so absent recently.  I have a lot going on in my life these days, with work, training, personal relationships, family life, a personal life, and trying to fit some sleep in there that I haven't been able to keep up with any of you, and I'm sorry for that!  I will be better, I promise.  When work settles down, I will definitely have a chance to be on here more, and we can keep motivating each other!  

Sorry for the short message.  Just wanted to check in so that you guys know that I'm ok, and you are all amazing.  I do read all the messages when they come to my Blackberry, and every time I get one, it's a little kick in the rear, because seeing what you guys have all been able to manage to do and the lives you maintain make me realize that it is possible, and that I have nothing on my plate compared to most!  Thanks, guys! 
2010-12-06 8:00 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Just like Pete, I am back too. 

I got hit with back to back weeks of illness.  This past week was a lot of fever (got up to the 103s before I started taking meds) and clogged sinuses.  Sat was my first day without fever and Sun was the first day I got out of the house.  I am still lacking the energy right now, but I am feeling better.  Like Pete, I was reading but just didn't have the energy to chat.  I am back at work today and hope I will be 100% here soon.  I am going to give it a few more days before I start the training again.  I will be checking in on everyone though.

Dec for me is always my hardest month for training, but I will just take it day by day and get them in when I can.  I am not going to stress over it.  I started the year around the 218 mark and today I am 202.  So, I've got to be happy with that and if I can just maintain that and start next year under 205 then I will be way ahead of where I was this year. 

Erica - you look great!

Sandra - good to hear you're still involved in the boot camps.  I know it means a lot to you and for you to find a way to make it work is good news.

Happy Monday!

2010-12-06 8:44 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Hey all!  Things in my life have been hectic too!  I just love and hate this time of year.  Soooo busy, but love seeing all my friends and family.  I have not been working out and I hate that, but I have to be okay with that for right now.  I did run this morning so that is a plus.  I am so ready for my hubby to be back to normal hours so we can work out together!  He got a new job so starting Jan.1 he will hopefully be switching to his new department and be able to work out again!

Sandra-that is awesome about teaching boot camp again!

Erica-that dress looked great on you!  All that hard work paid off!
2010-12-06 7:20 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I have been winging my workouts for the past 2 weeks and I don't enjoy it.  I am going to run the 10 mile run in March for the third year.  I WILL get under 1:40 this year.  I am going to follow a half marathon plan to train for it.  I am going to kinda start it tomorrow.  I think I have 16 weeks to go and the plan is 18 weeks.  I have the first week but I have to get my book back from a friend and won't have it until Friday.  I am going to start week 1 and will adjust when I have the whole plan to look at.  I can't imaging jumping to week 3 will be a problem! 

As you can see, I have not been running all that much and it has really been affecting my mood.  Gotta get back at it!

Edited by Mrschach 2010-12-07 6:29 PM
2010-12-09 7:45 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I have been struggling with my motivation to get back into the workouts.  It is tough after being out for 2+ weeks.  I planned on a light run yesterday but just didn't force myself out the door when I got home.  That is going to change today.


There, I said it.  Now I need y'alls help to hold me to it. 

So has anyone been thinking yet about their new years resolutions? 

I haven't yet, but I have been thinking about mine for this past year.  This year mine was to never take a soda in a to go cup when leaving a restaurant (doesn't include drive thrus).  It was for those places when you eat inside.  I used to always fill up the cup on my way out of the store to take with me, but this year I now throw it out before I leave (I only allow myself to take it with me if I fill it up with water).  I figured I am saving myself several hundred calories each time I do that.  At the beginning of the year I really had to think about it and force myself to do it, but now I don't even give it a second thought.  I just drink what I need and then throw it away before leaving.  I am really proud I stuck with that this year and is something I will continue.

Edited by chichitao 2010-12-09 7:46 AM
2010-12-09 7:53 AM
in reply to: #3242417

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Alright, Tim, if you go for a run, I'll get out for my swim, even though the weather is less than great...  We got about 12" of snow this week, so it's been TOUGH.  But I've managed to go when I have been able to.  Even though I haven't been around much, I will check in on you tomorrow.  Get out there and do it.  You'll thank yourself, and you'll get back into it

Alright, folks, I am going to need your guys' support for the next 3 months.  This morning, I signed up for a 30k run.  My buddy told me to do it, and so I looked into it, and was on the fence.  Last night, I talked to my coaches about it, and they just kinda laughed and said in 3 months, there is no problem to do it.  Turns out that one of them is going to do it, as well.  She gave me her training plan and everything.  But you guys are going to have to help me out with the motivation.  I am nervous about it.  REALLY nervous.  30k is FAR!  I mean, I'm no Meggan    I need you guys to hold me to my plan, and keep me going.  You've already done so much for me thus far.  Just this one more favour, I promise   
2010-12-09 11:10 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
So it seems like I have not missed much as everyone has also been busy.  

Erica - Nice job on staying committed to the whole dress situation!  I am sure it was a great feeling wearing the dress at the wedding.  That M-dot cake sounds good.  Maybe after you finish your race you can overnight us all a piece.

T1 - That really sucks getting sick twice.  Hope you are feeling better and able to get back in the swing of things.  Good idea with the soda.  Maybe you should just quit drinking it all together - baby steps right -haha

Meggan-  I have known so many people who stop running completely after they complete a marathon so that is great that you still have the bug.  I haven't had a chance to check out your blog yet but it is on my to-do-list.

Pete - Congrats on signing up for the 30K!!  I don't see any 30K races in Chicago.  That is a nice distance.  That group really seems to be working out for you.

Sandra - Glad to see you doing the boot camps again.  I am sure that will help a ton for the marathon this spring.  Have you decided on a training plan yet?  Runners World did an article this current issue featuring the Hanson Brother training plan.  Kind of different but I was thinking about trying it.  Longest run is 16 miles.

Debbie - Too bad about the 5K.  I ended up doing the same thing because of the weather.  It did turn out to be a nice day with not having to run around all morning.

I have also been struggling with motivation the past few weeks.  I seem to do great at start of week and then the littlest thing will set me back and I go into a 2-3 day slump of no working out.  Hopefully I can get back in the swing of things.  The weather sucks lately and makes it tough.

My bike handle bar setup turned into an Ebay fiasco as the guy didn't pack it well and one of the Shimano shifters fell off and out of the box and was missing.  He gave me a $20 credit but now I have to go buy shifters.  The whole reason I bought this was becasue it was such a great deal!!! AGHGHGH  I also did have to buy a stem threaded to threadless adapter and a new stem since the new handle bars were bigger than my current setup.  It looks good and I am learning a lot about bikes.  The next challenge is to change out my bottom bracket cartridge since it is making a knocking noise.

Hope everyone has a great week and great workouts!!

2010-12-09 11:42 AM
in reply to: #3242417

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
T1, I know you will do your run now, the embarrassment of not doing it after posting it so BIG and BRIGHT for us would be too great!  You know you will thank yourself when you are done.  I haven't thought about any resolutions, but will give it some thought.

Last night I did not want to do my hill training, we had torrential downpours all day and I was feeling sluggish, I almost had a few people convinced we should ditch and go drink martini's instead.  But the rain stopped and we all decided we had better go.  I gave everything I had on those hills, that I pretty much nothing left and ended up running/walking the 2km back to our cars.  But I got it done.  I was going to run tonight as well, but decided last night that my legs need a rest and will instead take the dog out for a good walk if the weather cooperates.

Pete, good for you signing up for the 30K.  It's good that you know someone else doing the race, it will keep you motivated if you train together.  And yes we will be hear to help motivate you and keep you on track with training.

T2, I haven't worked out my training plan for the marathon yet, but I have assembled a rag tag bunch of people who are also doing their first full marathon and we all plan on training together(a few are also doing the 1/2 I'm doing in February, so we are already maintaining and building our base.  I booked my xmas vacay days yesterday, so I'll sit down and put together a program then for us to start in January over the holidays. I'll check out that training program, I think I may just have that issue lying about somewhere in the house.

2010-12-09 11:43 AM
in reply to: #3237535

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Erica, you look great in that dress, all that hard work really paid off!
2010-12-09 1:18 PM
in reply to: #3242425

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
LockOut - 2010-12-09 7:53 AM Alright, Tim, if you go for a run, I'll get out for my swim, even though the weather is less than great...  We got about 12" of snow this week, so it's been TOUGH.  But I've managed to go when I have been able to.  Even though I haven't been around much, I will check in on you tomorrow.  Get out there and do it.  You'll thank yourself, and you'll get back into it

Alright, folks, I am going to need your guys' support for the next 3 months.  This morning, I signed up for a 30k run.  My buddy told me to do it, and so I looked into it, and was on the fence.  Last night, I talked to my coaches about it, and they just kinda laughed and said in 3 months, there is no problem to do it.  Turns out that one of them is going to do it, as well.  She gave me her training plan and everything.  But you guys are going to have to help me out with the motivation.  I am nervous about it.  REALLY nervous.  30k is FAR!  I mean, I'm no Meggan    I need you guys to hold me to my plan, and keep me going.  You've already done so much for me thus far.  Just this one more favour, I promise   

I will annoy encourage and inspire you!!   That is awesome!  When is the race?
2010-12-09 1:21 PM
in reply to: #3242888

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
tmoran80 - 2010-12-09 11:10 AM

Meggan-  I have known so many people who stop running completely after they complete a marathon so that is great that you still have the bug.  I haven't had a chance to check out your blog yet but it is on my to-do-list.

Hope everyone has a great week and great workouts!!

I don't have much of a choice with this running thing.  Sandra said something to me in an inspire last week and she was 100% right...."You really are so much happier since our early days in this group!"  I feel like something is missing in myself when I am not running on a regular basis! 
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