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2011-03-11 2:07 PM
in reply to: #3393087

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

akrenik - 2011-03-10 11:56 PM I was running in the dark and ran by the gutter drain thing and caught myself thinking "What if a creepy monster thing reached out and grabbed me?"  I had to laugh at myself. When do we grow up enough to stop believing in monsters?  hahahah


Hee Hee - that made me smile

2011-03-11 5:37 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Thanks for all the responses to swim week. It is most helpful. Here is what I've landed on for the week:

7.83 hours week 9 Swim Focus
Monday swim wu: 4x150, main: ladder 250, 200,..,50 x 2,cd 200, 2150 Total
March 14 run 4 miles @ 9:20 pace RPE 3
Tuesday bike 30 min, set of 4 x 4:00 in large chainring
swim wu: 400, main: 9 x 100 EBEH, cd: 3 x 50
Wednesday run 4 miles easy pace

Thursday swim wu: 300, main:4 x 500 RPE 4, cd: 2 x 50
bike 40 min continuous low effort
Friday swim wu: 200, main 12 x 100, cd: 200

Saturday run 3 mile@ 9:00 pace, easy
bike/swim 60 min continuous low-medium effort/30 min swim
Sunday bike 60 minutes outside if possible

I think that the plan is just too heavy on the swim for me. To go from 4,500 yards to 12,000 yards in one week in pushing more than I think is prudent in that I had sore shoulders last year from pushing too hard. I'll still be over 9,000 yards so I think this is a good compromise. I am not too worried about my swim leg in the HIM as my goal is 40 minutes and I did my 1000 TT today in 17:50 and was very comfortable with the pace.

I'm doing a 5 mile race tomorrow. It'll be a family affair as my wife, daughter, and her new boy friend will participate. No way am I letting the kids beat me.

Everyone have a good weekend.
2011-03-11 9:46 PM
in reply to: #3052895

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Running in a 10k tomorrow and have no idea what pace i can run! My 1:41:35 HM indicates that I can run 7:15 miles, but I'm gonna go for 7 and see if i can hold it.

As a side note, just a reminder for all trail runners to be careful! On a 12mi interval trail run two day ago, I was looking for tree roots and rocks on the ground and got clotheslined by a hanging tree branch! In the middle of the woods alone...pretty scary.  Luckily it got me in the top of the head more than the forehead, but still got knocked clean off my feet and everything was just spinning and fuzzy around for a while until i regained my composure.  Felt ok and finished my run (this was at mile 7), aside from some cuts and scrapes I'm all good (and doctor approved!)  Be careful though everyone!

2011-03-11 11:12 PM
in reply to: #3394636

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Huntington Beach
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
JG_GreenCoast - 2011-03-11 7:46 PM

Running in a 10k tomorrow and have no idea what pace i can run! My 1:41:35 HM indicates that I can run 7:15 miles, but I'm gonna go for 7 and see if i can hold it.

As a side note, just a reminder for all trail runners to be careful! On a 12mi interval trail run two day ago, I was looking for tree roots and rocks on the ground and got clotheslined by a hanging tree branch! In the middle of the woods alone...pretty scary.  Luckily it got me in the top of the head more than the forehead, but still got knocked clean off my feet and everything was just spinning and fuzzy around for a while until i regained my composure.  Felt ok and finished my run (this was at mile 7), aside from some cuts and scrapes I'm all good (and doctor approved!)  Be careful though everyone!

Oh crud!  Ouch.  Glad you are okay!  I was running in the dark last night and was busy watching the ground for uneven pavement and cracks. I never thought of watching for low branches. 

Good luck tomorrow!  Let us know how you do.  I wish I could do ONE mile at that pace. haha

2011-03-12 1:52 AM
in reply to: #3392294

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
I "returned" to tri after a 22yr ultra running break!!!  Being the obsessive we all are I concentrated on my weakest dis and went straight into 4 or 5 swims a week within 3 weeks was out with rotator cuff injury!!  Bottom line listen to advice but you know your body.
2011-03-12 1:56 AM
in reply to: #3392582

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
JoePetto - 2011-03-10 9:43 PM

popsracer - 2011-03-08 4:20 PM Kathy, here is the RPE scale. RPE Description 0 Complete Rest 1 Very Weak: light walking 2 Weak: strong walk, very slow run, easy conversation pace 3 Moderate:easy run, begin to sweat, but can hold conversation throughout 4 Somewhat Strong:still easy, sweating a bit more 5 6 7 Very Strong:breathing very labored, but can still maintain pace for some minutes without slowing. 8 9 Cannot hold effort for more than a minute or two 10 Extremely Strong (almost maximal)

I've been following the plan and the RPE scale works well for me on the ground, but not particularly well when doing longer distances in the pool.  Based on my lack of real ability as a swimmer, when I start to hit RPE 5 it feels like the wheels start to fall off - form gets worse as I push harder in an attempt for increased speed (which is ultimately not sustainable because I'm working too dang hard anyway).   If it is speed workout (i.e. sets of 100s or less), I can hang on pretty well.  But with the longer sets, I definitely struggle.

My inclination is just focus on form for long sets and see how long I can maintain my form. Anyone else have a similar situation or can recommend a different approach?

 Im in exactly the same position Joe.  I have one coached swim a week with my tri club when I try to do whatever the coach says.  On the days I swim alone I tend to split my swim into two halfs 1 half is a copy of the advice from the coach the other is a longer endurance swim where I just try to increase the distance I can swim.


2011-03-12 11:12 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

*knocks and pokes head in* Got room for one more?

I've just signed up for Steelhead on August 14-- both as a challenge and also as a replacement for the marathon I was intending to run for LIVESTRONG next weekend. I've been sidelined from running on land since January with peroneal tendonitis, but have been running in the water regularly and have just been cleared to start running again, s-l-o-w-l-y. (Feel free to check my logs if you're curious.) I've got a gait analysis on Monday (can't wait!), and plan to start the HIM plan shortly after that, though I'll be on Spring Break next week and thus might not be *quite* as meticulous in my training while I'm gone...Laughing

At any rate, this'll be my first HIM-- I've done four sprints and an Oly, and will do a couple of tune-up races beforehand as well. My goal is to get round the course healthy and happy, and I'd love to be able to check in with the group as I train.

Hope everyone's training is going well!

2011-03-12 11:51 AM
in reply to: #3052895

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

My 10K didn't go so hot today hah. least not as I had hoped.  I didn't feel very fresh and didnt train for this (and had put like 30mi or so in this week already before it).  Enough with the excuses, here are my splits:

1- 6:55, 2- 7:09, 3- 7:20, 4- 7:25, 5- 7:32, 6: 7:32

I was hoping to go out at 7 and just tough it out and hold it but no such luck.  I didn't really have it in the tank today.  It's completely different running a fun little 10K and an organized race.  I decided that since I left my ipod shuffle in my hotel room I would just try to run without.  I really did miss the music but its good to get used to it for HIM.  The music really shuts me up when I start complaining to myself.  

There were a bunch of things I did wrong, including just a handful of granola for breakfast.  Didn't bring any calories or anything and could have used some...the course just had water every mile or so.  Still, it was a nice time, and i need to learn how to have races not go my way! I got so spoiled by my first one going perfectly. 

2011-03-12 3:55 PM
in reply to: #3394908

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
JG_GreenCoast - 2011-03-12 11:51 AM

My 10K didn't go so hot today hah. least not as I had hoped.  I didn't feel very fresh and didnt train for this (and had put like 30mi or so in this week already before it).  Enough with the excuses, here are my splits:

1- 6:55, 2- 7:09, 3- 7:20, 4- 7:25, 5- 7:32, 6: 7:32

I was hoping to go out at 7 and just tough it out and hold it but no such luck.  I didn't really have it in the tank today.  It's completely different running a fun little 10K and an organized race.  I decided that since I left my ipod shuffle in my hotel room I would just try to run without.  I really did miss the music but its good to get used to it for HIM.  The music really shuts me up when I start complaining to myself.  

There were a bunch of things I did wrong, including just a handful of granola for breakfast.  Didn't bring any calories or anything and could have used some...the course just had water every mile or so.  Still, it was a nice time, and i need to learn how to have races not go my way! I got so spoiled by my first one going perfectly. 

A very good effort in deed. Way to go.

I had a 5 mile race and was 15 seconds under my time from two years ago. It was huge for me because this is the first time I beat one of my pre-cancer times. I am so thankful to be given this continued gift.
2011-03-12 6:55 PM
in reply to: #3394887

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Huntington Beach
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
wrkinprogress - 2011-03-12 9:12 AM

*knocks and pokes head in* Got room for one more?

I've just signed up for Steelhead on August 14-- both as a challenge and also as a replacement for the marathon I was intending to run for LIVESTRONG next weekend. I've been sidelined from running on land since January with peroneal tendonitis, but have been running in the water regularly and have just been cleared to start running again, s-l-o-w-l-y. (Feel free to check my logs if you're curious.) I've got a gait analysis on Monday (can't wait!), and plan to start the HIM plan shortly after that, though I'll be on Spring Break next week and thus might not be *quite* as meticulous in my training while I'm gone...Laughing

At any rate, this'll be my first HIM-- I've done four sprints and an Oly, and will do a couple of tune-up races beforehand as well. My goal is to get round the course healthy and happy, and I'd love to be able to check in with the group as I train.

Hope everyone's training is going well!

Come on in...the water is fine.  Laughing Welcome to the group.  A marathon injury is what got me in the pool and then on this wild ride of triathlons too.  My HIM is in 3 weeks and my goal is to get round the course...uh period.  Not sure sure I will do it happily.  haha

2011-03-12 6:57 PM
in reply to: #3394908

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Huntington Beach
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
JG_GreenCoast - 2011-03-12 9:51 AM

My 10K didn't go so hot today hah. least not as I had hoped.  I didn't feel very fresh and didnt train for this (and had put like 30mi or so in this week already before it).  Enough with the excuses, here are my splits:

1- 6:55, 2- 7:09, 3- 7:20, 4- 7:25, 5- 7:32, 6: 7:32

I was hoping to go out at 7 and just tough it out and hold it but no such luck.  I didn't really have it in the tank today.  It's completely different running a fun little 10K and an organized race.  I decided that since I left my ipod shuffle in my hotel room I would just try to run without.  I really did miss the music but its good to get used to it for HIM.  The music really shuts me up when I start complaining to myself.  

There were a bunch of things I did wrong, including just a handful of granola for breakfast.  Didn't bring any calories or anything and could have used some...the course just had water every mile or so.  Still, it was a nice time, and i need to learn how to have races not go my way! I got so spoiled by my first one going perfectly. 

Sorry it didn't go as you hoped, but still...dang that is fast!  One week of build before we begin to taper.  Just thinking about it gives me butterflies.  Can't believe our races are right around the corner.

2011-03-12 7:15 PM
in reply to: #3395184

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
akrenik - 2011-03-12 6:57 PM
JG_GreenCoast - 2011-03-12 9:51 AM

My 10K didn't go so hot today hah. least not as I had hoped.  I didn't feel very fresh and didnt train for this (and had put like 30mi or so in this week already before it).  Enough with the excuses, here are my splits:

1- 6:55, 2- 7:09, 3- 7:20, 4- 7:25, 5- 7:32, 6: 7:32

I was hoping to go out at 7 and just tough it out and hold it but no such luck.  I didn't really have it in the tank today.  It's completely different running a fun little 10K and an organized race.  I decided that since I left my ipod shuffle in my hotel room I would just try to run without.  I really did miss the music but its good to get used to it for HIM.  The music really shuts me up when I start complaining to myself.  

There were a bunch of things I did wrong, including just a handful of granola for breakfast.  Didn't bring any calories or anything and could have used some...the course just had water every mile or so.  Still, it was a nice time, and i need to learn how to have races not go my way! I got so spoiled by my first one going perfectly. 

Sorry it didn't go as you hoped, but still...dang that is fast!  One week of build before we begin to taper.  Just thinking about it gives me butterflies.  Can't believe our races are right around the corner.

It's really amazing...the time is definitely flying by.  You are doing HIM oceanside right?  My race is two weeks after yours, so what I'm doing is repeating weeks 6 and 5, with 5 coming up next for the second time.  So 20, 19, 18...6, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,1 

Next week will be 5, so I'm a little behind.  I'll need my running because i'm such a slow swimmer and biker!  

2011-03-13 9:37 AM
in reply to: #3395182

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
akrenik - 2011-03-12 6:55 PM
wrkinprogress - 2011-03-12 9:12 AM

*knocks and pokes head in* Got room for one more?

I've just signed up for Steelhead on August 14-- both as a challenge and also as a replacement for the marathon I was intending to run for LIVESTRONG next weekend. I've been sidelined from running on land since January with peroneal tendonitis, but have been running in the water regularly and have just been cleared to start running again, s-l-o-w-l-y. (Feel free to check my logs if you're curious.) I've got a gait analysis on Monday (can't wait!), and plan to start the HIM plan shortly after that, though I'll be on Spring Break next week and thus might not be *quite* as meticulous in my training while I'm gone...Laughing

At any rate, this'll be my first HIM-- I've done four sprints and an Oly, and will do a couple of tune-up races beforehand as well. My goal is to get round the course healthy and happy, and I'd love to be able to check in with the group as I train.

Hope everyone's training is going well!

Come on in...the water is fine.  Laughing Welcome to the group.  A marathon injury is what got me in the pool and then on this wild ride of triathlons too.  My HIM is in 3 weeks and my goal is to get round the course...uh period.  Not sure sure I will do it happily.  haha

GOOD LUCK! Sounds like you've been working hard-- I know you'll do it in style!

2011-03-13 8:22 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Oshkosh, WI
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

First time outside this year on the bike. It was sunny and warm-looking out, couldn't resist. However the sun quickly disappeared after we started and then didn't feel so warm. The temp? 37 degrees.  I dressed right, except for my feet. I pretty much had no feeling in them when we got back. It beats the trainer though and it feels great to get outside.

1hour 45 minutes, 28miles

Week 2 done! Yay!


2011-03-13 9:43 PM
in reply to: #3396084

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
wcocco - 2011-03-13 8:22 PM

First time outside this year on the bike. It was sunny and warm-looking out, couldn't resist. However the sun quickly disappeared after we started and then didn't feel so warm. The temp? 37 degrees.  I dressed right, except for my feet. I pretty much had no feeling in them when we got back. It beats the trainer though and it feels great to get outside.

1hour 45 minutes, 28miles

Week 2 done! Yay!


It is so good to be outside. Today was my first time out too but I did not fare as well as you. I've been on the trainer for two months and it just didn't translate as well as I thought it would fitnesswise on the road. I also had my first flat tire in over three years.
2011-03-13 9:45 PM
in reply to: #3052895

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Bike problems for me too today.  Did a bunch of bike maintenance and changed out saddles and like 5mi in to my ride my saddle rails came loose from the seat post, and I had to ride back standing up since I didn't put my bag back on with allen wrenches after I worked on my bike.  GRRRR.  Luckily I've gotten probably 500 miles outdoor in this year already/

2011-03-14 8:26 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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New user
Gallatin, TN
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Ok. Starting week 8. I had an ok 10k run yesterday, negative split and avg'd 10min miles. Ankle is sore, has been for a while, but seems like it is holding up for now. Nervous about the race, does this plan really get you ready? I am doing the work and I was really tired by the end of the day yesterday. Back in it this week with some long workouts. Anybody actually race on this plan? How did you do? Thanks in advance!
2011-03-14 10:14 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Extreme Veteran
Harbor City/Torrance/Carson
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Good luck with everyone's training!

@JC_GreenCoast: Man...  Are you flying on the run or what?  You have definitely made some HUGE strides (literally) on you run training.  Good luck with you HIM.  I bet you'll break the 6-hour mark

@popsracer:  Your hard core man!  Riding the trainer is not too exciting (I know how it feels) but we can really make it hurt if we want to.  It's great that you're still training after the cancer and good job on beating one of your pre-cancer race times!

As for me, last week was almost non-existent.  I had colds for 3 days but still trained a little through it.  I did the Desert tri which was my first race longer than a sprint.  I finished in 2:30:48 and I predicted a finish time of 2:30!!!  I think it was a decent race knowing that I was two weeks out of a "short" visit to the ER due to the bike crash and 5 days out of the stitches coming out.  I took my sweet time on the transitions too so I could have made a better time.  What really surprised me was how much faster I was on the bike.  On my first 4 sprints, my fastest bike split was 18.5 but on the one last weekend, I managed to do 21.1 on a road bike!  I was stoked.  Almost religiously following the program really helped as well as making it hurt on the trainer. 

Also, don't sweat it if you missed work outs.  We're suppose to because have to live life.  Just make the best out of each workout and always push yourself.

Go beginner half ironman training plan!!!

2011-03-14 10:29 AM
in reply to: #3392285

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

seansolsen - 2011-03-10 1:26 PM Just signed up for my first sprint next month with the goal to finish a HIM in sept. I have run marathons but haven't swam competitively, ever and if it weren't for surfing it would have been years since I did anything in the water worthy of calling exercise. Think I'm being a little optimistic with the HIM goal this year? I'm 30 and am probably in my best shape since high school football but still not sure if this is smart to try. Thanks for advice. Sean


Welcome, Sean! I am glad to hear you are doing a sprint first! Yes, a HIM is a very lofty goal for your first year in triathlons, but there are plenty of other triathletes here in this thread that are doing the same thing!
Being a surfer means you are at least comfortable in the water, which is a lot more than others can say when they start swimming, so it might not be as hard as you think building up your swim endurance. You can always re-evaluate your HIM goal after your sprint triathlon, but if you really want that HIM I think it is doable.

2011-03-14 10:30 AM
in reply to: #3394704

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

fifetriguy - 2011-03-12 1:52 AM I "returned" to tri after a 22yr ultra running break!!!  Being the obsessive we all are I concentrated on my weakest dis and went straight into 4 or 5 swims a week within 3 weeks was out with rotator cuff injury!!  Bottom line listen to advice but you know your body. many of us are like that. Thanks for sharing...I hope others HEAR and UNDERSTAND this and let it help them avoid falling victim to it themselves.

2011-03-14 10:31 AM
in reply to: #3394887

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
wrkinprogress - 2011-03-12 11:12 AM

*knocks and pokes head in* Got room for one more?

I've just signed up for Steelhead on August 14-- both as a challenge and also as a replacement for the marathon I was intending to run for LIVESTRONG next weekend. I've been sidelined from running on land since January with peroneal tendonitis, but have been running in the water regularly and have just been cleared to start running again, s-l-o-w-l-y. (Feel free to check my logs if you're curious.) I've got a gait analysis on Monday (can't wait!), and plan to start the HIM plan shortly after that, though I'll be on Spring Break next week and thus might not be *quite* as meticulous in my training while I'm gone...Laughing

At any rate, this'll be my first HIM-- I've done four sprints and an Oly, and will do a couple of tune-up races beforehand as well. My goal is to get round the course healthy and happy, and I'd love to be able to check in with the group as I train.

Hope everyone's training is going well!

Welcome! Glad to have you here! This is a great bunch of athletes in here...please keep us updated on how your training is going! And CONGRATS on taking on this new challenge!

2011-03-14 10:33 AM
in reply to: #3394908

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
JG_GreenCoast - 2011-03-12 11:51 AM

My 10K didn't go so hot today hah. least not as I had hoped.  I didn't feel very fresh and didnt train for this (and had put like 30mi or so in this week already before it).  Enough with the excuses, here are my splits:

1- 6:55, 2- 7:09, 3- 7:20, 4- 7:25, 5- 7:32, 6: 7:32

I was hoping to go out at 7 and just tough it out and hold it but no such luck.  I didn't really have it in the tank today.  It's completely different running a fun little 10K and an organized race.  I decided that since I left my ipod shuffle in my hotel room I would just try to run without.  I really did miss the music but its good to get used to it for HIM.  The music really shuts me up when I start complaining to myself.  

There were a bunch of things I did wrong, including just a handful of granola for breakfast.  Didn't bring any calories or anything and could have used some...the course just had water every mile or so.  Still, it was a nice time, and i need to learn how to have races not go my way! I got so spoiled by my first one going perfectly. 

You learn a LOT in the races that go wrong. Good for you for taking the time to ponder what went wrong so that you can be a smarter racer in the future.

2011-03-14 10:36 AM
in reply to: #3396518

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

bill2059 - 2011-03-14 8:26 AM Ok. Starting week 8. I had an ok 10k run yesterday, negative split and avg'd 10min miles. Ankle is sore, has been for a while, but seems like it is holding up for now. Nervous about the race, does this plan really get you ready? I am doing the work and I was really tired by the end of the day yesterday. Back in it this week with some long workouts. Anybody actually race on this plan? How did you do? Thanks in advance!

SO many people have used this plan successfully. SO many people. It WILL get you to the finish line if you follow the plan.

2011-03-14 12:53 PM
in reply to: #3396518

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
bill2059 - 2011-03-14 8:26 AM

Ok. Starting week 8. I had an ok 10k run yesterday, negative split and avg'd 10min miles. Ankle is sore, has been for a while, but seems like it is holding up for now. Nervous about the race, does this plan really get you ready? I am doing the work and I was really tired by the end of the day yesterday. Back in it this week with some long workouts. Anybody actually race on this plan? How did you do? Thanks in advance!

Yes. The plan will get you ready if you put in the work and keep consistent. I think the key for most is injury prevention as the workload is substantial. Keep your intensities reasonable. As you get more fit one has a tendency to start pushing paces beyond what they should.

This is my third time through the plan. I didn't hit my goal the first time because I was a bit weak on the run due to having to cut my training mileage because of achilles tendon issues. I fell victim to pushing paces beyond the reasonable levels. Second time, I was much more successful due to better pacing and a good run.
2011-03-14 4:14 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Starting week 4 (or 17 depending on how you look at it.). I have a question about the "race specific" training days for the swim. The long and speed days make sense, but I don't understand what makes the other workout "race-specific."
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