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2011-04-21 1:33 PM
in reply to: #3456084

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Fort Riley, Kansas
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
trirun26 - 2011-04-20 8:43 AM

Jillian O

I hear and feel your pain about the hill training situation! I live in the swam flat land of South Florida where our only hills are bridges so I know the "rolling hills" will be the Himalayas for me ;-O...I am doing the best that I can to train.

I am planning on doing the half ironman in Clermont in June which is steamy hot and hilly in preparation...any interest in doing it?

Happy training!!




LOL, our only "hills" are bridges and overpasses as well. I am doing the 70.3 in Muncie Indiana in July, so that's going to be my only half, but Clermont does sound tempting, I wish I knew my recover time from half ironmans.

Edited by jillian_o 2011-04-21 1:34 PM

2011-04-21 3:50 PM
in reply to: #3142609

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread

Just got back from my appoint with the Doc.  He says I can ride an hour tonight high RPM's/low resistance.  If I feel good tomorrow I can run 30 minutes at a sloooooow pace.  If all goes well when I wake up Saturday morning, I can do a 2 hour bike ride.  Fingers are crossed.

I am praying that I can get back on my normal training schedule soon.  I am glad to have caught up on swimming, but I tried aqua jogging last night and did not enjoy it.  I don't want to have to do too much of that.

Please Lord no more flu and no more injuries. 

2011-04-21 6:35 PM
in reply to: #3458721

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Holland, Mich.
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
Hang in there!  I just started my 20-week plan last week, too, coming off an "ok" cross-country skiing race season and cyclocross in the fall.  Hopefully, you'll be pain free soon.  Stick to the grass on the runs.  Helps me a lot when I start falling apart.
2011-04-21 6:43 PM
in reply to: #3142609

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread

Fesslern & tsoule- Welcome to you by the way.


2011-04-22 6:25 AM
in reply to: #3142609

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread

So, I sent the following e-mail to a friend of mine last night, but I thought some of you might find it entertaining either because you are here on some level, or you've been here before. It's not to complain, to seek sympathy, or belabor a point. I was sending it to make her smile, yet share my frustration in a comical way, at the same time. You can determine for yourself whether or not you think I might have accomplished my goal.

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Wass up?

Just chillin' here. ...actually I am. I'm icing my Achilles tendon, so quite literally, there is a chill radiating up my leg that starts near my foot. Good times! My Achilles hasn't been terribly friendly to me lately. I'm not sure why though. I say nice things to it, I sing uplifting songs, I send it flowers. Truly, WTF does it want from me? Heck, just the other day, I'm trying to run righ, and it starts flaring up, and I say, "It's ok, I know you're there. I respect the heck out of you...I do. Would you like a rest? Perhaps a short walk?" So, I'm being all polite and everything right? Well, let's not pretend it cares because it just keeps on being a about the whole thing and continues to provide a dull pain.  Whatever. I'm thinking of breaking up with it. Did I type that outloud? Hey, Achilles, I was just kidding. I love you man! know...lighten up? Relax. Get better...(you f***er)...pardon my French.

Seriously though, I've been dealing with Achilles tendonitis. Did I ask for this? No. It came like an uninvited guest and not only brought a bag and toothbrush, but a whole freakin' suitcase, because it decided it was going to stay awhile. I've given hints, I've changed the locks...but nooo, it's still here.

I don't know, maybe I should offer it some tea or something.

I leave it messages on its answering machine. I say things like, "Hey tendonitis. Yeah, you, who the heck else is giving me so much stress right now? Would you kindly consider going to somebody else's body. Oh no, that's no good. Just go. I'll buy you a bus ticket. I understand Dover is nice this time of year."

Still...I get nothin'.


Ok, enough mindless shinanigans. Yes, I do have Achilles tendonitis. Yes, it sucks. No, I didn't e-mail to complain about. I was mostly trying to make you smile.

Peace, ~Sam

2011-04-22 7:10 AM
in reply to: #3142609

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Harrison, Oh
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread

LOL, good one, Sam!

I'm so sorry about your injury.  I feel your pain.  I ended up with a severe case of Plantar Fasciitis, well mine was actually Plantar Fasciosis, while training for IMFL last year (you might remember me *itching about it earlier in this thread).  I totally ignored it for months, could barely walk and my run training was seriously compromised for the race.

Luckily, although with a marathon time I'm not too proud of, I was still able to finish.  I will keep my fingers crossed that you are able to get through training with your injury as well.  Keep being nice to it; maybe it will eventually respond!!

Edited by marathongirl11 2011-04-22 7:12 AM

2011-04-22 8:26 AM
in reply to: #3459782

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Minneapolis, MN
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread


Thank you for the warm welcome! So far there are three of us with Tendinitis? Me, you and Nathan. 

Just keep moving forward guys!

127 days...

2011-04-22 11:01 AM
in reply to: #3142609

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread

Fesslern--welcome to the board.  I am sorry to hear you are dealing with the same ailment.  How long?  Do you care to tell what has helped and what has absolutely not helped?

My issues are going on two weeks now.  I got permission to ride on the trainer for an hour last night at low resisitence.  Felt good the whole time.  Iced it immediately after the ride.  Only slightly tendor while going up and down stairs so far this morning.  I'm a little nervous to try a slow jog tonight, but at the same time, I need to be training.

Sam--I don't know how you do it.  Have you attempted aqua jogging?  If so, does it help keep run fitness?

Have a Happy Easter everyone! I swear Easter and Halloween have to be dentists' favorite holidays.


2011-04-22 12:52 PM
in reply to: #3460809

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Minneapolis, MN
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread


Thanks for welcoming me to the board!

My Tibialis Posterior Tendinitis has been going on for about two weeks now. The doctor told me it is clearly an overuse issue. I showed him my training plan and told me if I don't ice after each run and take the needed rest day I have scheduled, my body will breakdown again.

My problems were that I needed to replace my shoes earlier, needed to ice more and when I am feeling really tight and the foam roller is just not getting out all the kinks=get a massage.

What has helped:

Icing 2-3 times a day for the past two weeks.

Staying off my foot for a week. Very light swim jogging. VERY DEPRESSING but I strongly believe if I did not do this, I would be in worse shape then I am.

Earlier this week I started to do strengthening exercises for the Tibialis Posterior area (right near Achilles). Standing single leg calf raises (3-4 sets) 18-20 reps. Twice a day 

Yesterday I have also been using two buckets-one hot, one cold. In the first bucket I put my foot in for two minutes, spell the alphabet out and then relieve my foot in cold water for two minutes. This helps stretch out my foot as well as strengthen the issue at hand.

What has not helped:

Not executing R.I.C.E = Rest.Ice.Compression.Elevation

Forgetting to ice my foot


Hope this helps. Happy Holidays! 

Edited by Fesslern 2011-04-22 12:59 PM
2011-04-22 2:12 PM
in reply to: #3142609

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
Sheesh. The walking wounded and our bags of tricks.  So it goes I suppose.
2011-04-22 3:47 PM
in reply to: #3142609

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
Slow day at the office so I snuck away and got in a 3000 yard swim.  I am getting excited about my slow jog tonight. 

2011-04-22 4:01 PM
in reply to: #3461407

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Minneapolis, MN
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread

Good luck! Let us know how it goes.

2011-04-22 6:31 PM
in reply to: #3142609

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Wellington, Florida
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
First OWS of the season...1.5miles, 53mins in Lake Peachtree, PTC Georgia!! Water temp 68.
2011-04-22 6:47 PM
in reply to: #3142609

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread

Cube! That's awesome. I'm very curious about how that's going to go for me when I take my newfound skills to the open water.

Good for you brutha'!

2011-04-22 8:01 PM
in reply to: #3142609

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread

MR. Golfpro- I just watched your P90X transformation video on your blog. HOLY SHMOLY DUDE! You really worked your a** off and made fantastic gains. That is amazing.

Inspiring stuff man.

And no....I don't live on the computer, but I have a lot of sit on my butt time since I'm frequently icing my Achilles. However, now that I've seen Thomas' video, I'm going to have to do crunches when my 20 minutes of icing is over.

2011-04-22 8:28 PM
in reply to: #3142609

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Wellington, Florida
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread

2011-04-22 8:41 PM
in reply to: #3142609

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New user
Springfield, IL
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread

Hi all! Had my first sprint tri of the year last weekend! It was perfect weather and it went really good overall. It was a pool swim, rolling hill bike, very hilly run (300/13/3.1) I did it in 1:14:24. That was good enough for 1st in my age group of 14 (well, the two girls in my age group that beat me got first and second overall.... freakin fast!)

The swim was a bit of a bummer because the people don't seed themselves correctly and they were stopping and walking in the pool in front of me! I was so mad by the time I got out that I really had to calm myself down to not waste energy. I managed a 5:44 swim for the 300 yds, but I know I could have done at least 5:30.

The bike went pretty good, no people problems anyway. My right quad was screamin at me the whole time and I felt like I should have been able to go faster, but couldn't. After looking over my bike after the race I saw that my brake pad on the back was leaning against the tire slightly and I wondered if that was what was slowing me down or if it was just my not-in-the-greatest-bike-shape-ness. Time for the bike was 41:33, 18.8mph.

The run was my best part because of all the hill training I'd done so far this year, the hills didn't hurt at all and I even passed a few people (boys included!) Run time 25:47, 8:19 pace.

Had a really fun time, but missed some of the locals that didn't show. Wondered if everyone was on vaca or something!?!


Happy training!


2011-04-23 6:02 AM
in reply to: #3142609

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread

Cube- I trust that link took me to the scene of the 'time' of your swim. Niiiice.

AshleighK- Way to go girl! Thanks for the report. I'm a race report junky and this was a good fix. Do you fill out the BT race report too? If not, you should consider it. It's good for reflection and reporting. I'm glad you had a solid run to hang your hat on. It's tough when two out of three disciplines are perceived to be 'bad' (even if they really aren't, but they just don't match your vision for success). It sounds like you kept it together mentally to finish strong.

Somthing I've discovered over my years first as strickly a runner, then as a trithlete: Few people seed themselves correctly regardless of the sport. Sometimes this is due to incorrectly gaging one's ability and other times it is due to disregard for the logic of the seeding concept and simply wanting to be up front for whatever reasons.

Regardless...great race, I'm sure you learned a lot. I'm sure we all learn something at every race we do. I know I do. Unfortunately, in my first race of the season, I often am re-learning and I walk away with a few, "Oh yeah's...". That's what early season racing is mostly about.

Yes, I'm icing again, why do you ask?

2011-04-23 8:19 AM
in reply to: #3461969

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West Palm Beach
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread


I hope 'Mr Achilles" decides to vacate STAT!!! You are certainly an awesome writter and I truly enjoy reading all your stuff. I hope you recover soon...stay strong ;-)


2011-04-23 8:22 AM
in reply to: #3459164

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West Palm Beach
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
jillian_o - 2011-04-21 2:33 PM
trirun26 - 2011-04-20 8:43 AM

Jillian O

I hear and feel your pain about the hill training situation! I live in the swam flat land of South Florida where our only hills are bridges so I know the "rolling hills" will be the Himalayas for me ;-O...I am doing the best that I can to train.

I am planning on doing the half ironman in Clermont in June which is steamy hot and hilly in preparation...any interest in doing it?

Happy training!!




LOL, our only "hills" are bridges and overpasses as well. I am doing the 70.3 in Muncie Indiana in July, so that's going to be my only half, but Clermont does sound tempting, I wish I knew my recover time from half ironmans.


Jillian o

I am sure Muncie 70.3 will be awesome and will give you great hill training! By the way I love your blog! Very inspirational.

Happy and safe training!


2011-04-23 3:58 PM
in reply to: #3142609

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Wellington, Florida
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
First real beatdown of the season today, 2hr 15min repetive brick. 4 bike segments, 3 runs, all at sprint race pace. Was able to click off 7:23's on the run but now heel is hurting a bit. Ice and roller now. Legs are dead. Good workout, first race in a week!!

2011-04-23 4:40 PM
in reply to: #3142609

Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
I want to incorporate branched-chain amino acids into my everyday diet and add to my recovery regimen.  I was considering taking a tablet in morning with my vitamins and then another following a w/o.  How are others using these?  Any certain type that is preferred?    
2011-04-23 7:59 PM
in reply to: #3142609

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Fort Riley, Kansas
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
Thanks Alicia! I have worked really hard, and can only hope that when I am in line for the swim start in Louisville that I belong there.
2011-04-24 10:38 PM
in reply to: #3142609

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Hagerstown and Muncie ,IN
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
A couple pages ago some people were taking about their travel days and when they would be checking in. Is there no Saturday check in or do I have to drive down another day early and spend another night's worth of money to check in on Friday?
2011-04-25 1:59 AM
in reply to: #3142609

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
I've been away from this thread for a while. I must have been trying to forget I signed up for this race :-)  I'm sorry to read that a few are experiencing some injuries.  I hope you're all back on your feet soon.  I go absolutely crazy when I can't train.
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