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2008-06-01 8:56 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
I'm embarrassed to was only 400...but i guess since i was only doing 25 at a time a couple months ago it is definite improvement.

2008-06-01 9:00 PM
in reply to: #1437252

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Findlay, OH
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Why would you be embarred! The longer the race goes the more spread out and less hectic it becomes. The 1st 100/200 are the most "fun/painful" lol Still a great job. WHat were your other splits?
2008-06-01 9:07 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed


The bike was right about 42 min for the 13 miles....that's about average for me....the run was just over 27 for the 5k which is slow for me...had some problems with one foot that wasn't all that serious but I'm doing a 1/2M next Sunday in the Black Hills so didn't want to push that.   And you are right when I hit shore I pretty much felt like I had won....and just enjoyed the rest.    Considering twice this week I got stuck in my wetsuit by zipping some of the material in it at the top...once it took two people about 15 min to get me out....I'm not sure if I was more relieved to hit shore....or more relieved when I felt my wetsuit pop open knowing I was going to get out of it unassisted!!!

 You were one that told me to just get in and do it and I appreciate's okay to tell me "don't be a wuss."  I can handle it and I know you were thinking it when I was trying to get out of it earlier in the week.

 So what's up next for is the leg healing??

2008-06-01 9:28 PM
in reply to: #1437278

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Findlay, OH
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
aber4 - 2008-06-01 10:07 PM


The bike was right about 42 min for the 13 miles....that's about average for me....the run was just over 27 for the 5k which is slow for me...had some problems with one foot that wasn't all that serious but I'm doing a 1/2M next Sunday in the Black Hills so didn't want to push that.   And you are right when I hit shore I pretty much felt like I had won....and just enjoyed the rest.    Considering twice this week I got stuck in my wetsuit by zipping some of the material in it at the top...once it took two people about 15 min to get me out....I'm not sure if I was more relieved to hit shore....or more relieved when I felt my wetsuit pop open knowing I was going to get out of it unassisted!!!

 You were one that told me to just get in and do it and I appreciate's okay to tell me "don't be a wuss."  I can handle it and I know you were thinking it when I was trying to get out of it earlier in the week.

 So what's up next for is the leg healing??

Good Idea on slowing down with a 1/2 mara coming up. My wife has the same problem with the wetsuit, she starts going nuts and makes it worse LOL. IF you dont use bodyglide I would go buy some tomorrow. I would hardly say you were being a "wuss" but with all your training you were ready to do, you just had to be reminded that you put in all the time and it was ready to see where you are at.
As for me I am SUPER motivated now after my 70.3 fl I'm showing some real improvement. (eg my 1st race last year 22mile bike did 15mphavg, last week 20mphavg over 56miles. in the run 1st race 9:30mm last week with no running for 9 weeks prior able to do 11mm.) The running is still very slow to come back and I still have pain but not much I can do about it. All my running is on trails or grass for better cushining. Not sure how IMKY will go but I can't wait to see how my mind/body will react!
2008-06-01 9:40 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed


That is some serious progress in a year...too bad you had you set back.  You're doing the full IM??? 

2008-06-01 9:43 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Irvine, California
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Grats Alan, Jo, and Leticia!!!  (And anyone else I missed!

Way to do our group proud. 

2008-06-01 9:44 PM
in reply to: #1437338

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Findlay, OH
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
aber4 - 2008-06-01 10:40 PM


That is some serious progress in a year...too bad you had you set back.  You're doing the full IM??? 


Doint IMKY Aug 31st. In 2 weeks doing our local race that started this whole obsession!lol Any more tri's planned for you?
2008-06-01 9:46 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed


Just online looking for something now...what about the rest of the group???  What else do you have planned? 

2008-06-02 5:24 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Where did you do your tri, what state? You did great conquering the swim!!! That had me freaked out too. It really helped that I went out to the lake last week with a bunch of BTA forumites and practiced in my new wetsuit. I am new to swimming and wetsuits. On the Michigan forum, (part of US groups and training) of BTA, there are always people that want to help. Hopefully whatever state you are in has the same representation on BTA. You really should check it out. I think I would've had the same issues if it wasn't for them. My swim was about 400yds too and I thought it went really fast. I have never been able to swim more than 150yds in the pool without stopping so I was so impressed with my endurance yesterday. The next one will be a lot easier for you. You KNOW you can do it!!!

Edited by jogo 2008-06-02 5:26 AM
2008-06-02 10:59 AM
in reply to: #1437278

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Great job in pushing through the resistance, Alan. Resistance is futile -- when it comes to doing tris, I believe, IMHO. They are so contagious. So you have a  1/2 mary next week. Wow. Will you taper this week?


We also have an IM in our midst, huh? Back in Ohio. I checked for sprints back in that area over July 4th time period as we'll be in southern Indiana visiting family -- none that will probably work out though. 

As far as upcoming races -- I am doing the women's Danskin at Disneyland on June 15 (Elizabeth will be there, too). I can't wait to meet her. I love this BT site -- very cool peeps.

Have a great day/week everyone. I'm having a tough time getting motivated today.:-( There will be days like this. And, this too shall pass. Two of my favorite platitudes, but they work. 

2008-06-03 4:21 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Tampa, FL
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Yay Alan!!!! Great job! 

 Disneyland tri will be hear soon, good luck girls!!

 I have a 10k this Saturday...and I've been very bad about my training.  Probably two weeks since I've been in the pool or on the bike.  Almost a week since i've done any running.  The end of the school year and moving have made things very crazy!! Oh well, next week starts my two month summer vacation! Which means lots of time to train and travel to tris! Have a great week training everyone!



2008-06-04 9:51 AM
in reply to: #1108061

Albuquerque, NM
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Hi to all you tri OK die hards! Good to hear how everyone is doing. I've been quietly training without blogging. I've got my first tri on Sunday. I am flying out to Austin to do the Danskin. Les will be doing it we will get to meet

I am not nervous about the actual run bike swim part...more of the all the logistics...flying with my bike, reassembling it, setting up transition...and the transitions themselves. But, I am trying to interpret my energy as excitement of the unknown, rather than become anxious. Its all for fun, so why would I want negativity to creep in. So unnecessary.

As this first tri nears, I look back on the past 6 years of my life and it is unbelievable that I've achieved what I have even up to this point. I've had some pretty dark years in my struggle with mental illness and alcoholism. Today I am healthy and sober and now physically fit. I am my own team survivor (Danskin has that designation for cancer survivors) don't have to have had cancer to be a survivor.

Cheers, y'all (and thanks for letting me share )

2008-06-04 9:57 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed


Go Julia!  I think that is a great story and I agree to many of us it is about conquering things that are far removed from the triathlon itself.

I felt the same way before my first tri...not as much thought about the race as all of the logistics of transitions, etc. and I didn't have to fly so I can't imagine what that adds to it.

Have a great time and we'll be waiting for the report! 

2008-06-04 11:36 AM
in reply to: #1444210

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

I second Alan's congrats to you Julia. Thanks for sharing your story and rock it in Austin. How cool some of us are getting to meet each other, too! Maybe you and Les could get a photo together and post it?? Just a suggestion. I'll be rooting you on and ready to call you a Triathlete as well as survivor. :-)

Go, go, go to you and Les and Alan (are you running this weekend?) and who ever else is swim, bike and/or running this weekend. Group hug.


2008-06-06 12:49 AM
in reply to: #1108061

Albuquerque, NM
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Thanks for all the support, Alan and Lynn. Will post my race report and share with you again. Good luck to all who are racing this weekend.

2008-06-06 5:21 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Julia, with all the obstacles that you have overcome, the tri will be a tremendous satisfaction. Just finishing my first tri, I can't even explain the euphoria over the accomplishment. I haven't come off my little cloud yet. Good luck this weekend and know that you have a lot of people with you in spirit, cheering you on. Above all have fun and enjoy, you've earned it!!!!!!!

2008-06-09 12:33 AM
in reply to: #1108061

Albuquerque, NM
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
I am a triathlete! It was a great experience! Les and I had dinner the night before and it was so great to meet her in person. Thanks for all the support on the site. I will post my race report and hopefully pics tomorrow.

2008-06-16 5:10 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
MamaJ-I just read your race report-way to go!!! You did awesome! You finished great overall and in your age group. You should be very proud of yourself!! Way to go on the run! Your times were great!

YOU ARE A TRIATHLETE!! Be proud of how far you've come to come this far! jo
2008-08-15 10:46 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

OMG!  You guys are still here!  Once I heard the group closed, I haven't checked back since the end of April!

I'm glad everyone's keeping in touch and I'll be sure to check back more often now.

- Lora

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