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2011-06-26 7:50 PM
in reply to: #3553147

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

I did it!! I can’t believe that after all these months and all the hours and miles of training that I can finally call myself a triathlete!

So how did it feel? HARD! 

I had been obsessively checking the water temperature all week and it was just hovering around 77*. The sprint race which was the day before was wetsuit legal so I was feeling optimistic. I had not had the chance to do an open water swim practice before the race and I was really nervous about the swim. Everyone kept saying “oh, you’ll be fine in the wetsuit. You’ll just float and feel safe”. I was really depending on that. I got to transition, got body marked, and heard the announcement “The water is 78.5* this morning and this race is NOT wetsuit legal.” My heart sank. I seriously almost cried. I had depended on that. It was allowed to wear the wetsuit but you had to start at 8:00 in the last wave. Mine was supposed to go at 7:20. I was so nervous and anxious as it was, I didn’t want to wait another 40 minutes, be the last wave on the course, and worry my friends and family when I got out of the water 90 minutes after I told them to expect me. I decided to do a warmup swim, felt good in the water, and decided to go without the wetsuit.

My wave went off and I hung by the back to let everyone go ahead. I felt ok at first but then started to panic a little. It was just so dark and I was getting disoriented. The finish line looked SO FAR away and I didn’t know what I got myself into. I was having a really hard time breathing and was not even swimming---sort of flailing in a mix of side stroke, back stroke, doggy paddle…Then the under 29 male wave which started 5 minutes after mine came up on us and they were so aggressive. It was like being in a washing machine---kicking and grabbing and splashing everywhere. I flipped on my back and did backstroke but was still swallowing so much water. I was hyperventilating and just could not breathe. I looked around for a kayak….I really considered quitting for a few minutes. Then when that wave passed, I thought “ok Sarah. You can do this.” Even though it felt right then that I had never swam a stroke in my life I KNEW that I could swim. I took it slow, and started breathing every other stroke. All of a sudden, everything got better. I was calmer, relaxed, and actually enjoying myself. Before I knew it I had caught up with about 5 girls from my wave! Once I got my rhythm I felt like I could have kept going for much longer. I was thankful that I didn’t have to though! Even with my panicking, I finished the swim in 34 minutes.

I took my time in T1 and when I got on the bike my HR was 174! I was supposed to keep it below 170 on the bike but was having a hard time relaxing and getting it down. After the first climb/downhill it got under control but that’s when the problems started. I had swallowed so much water during the swim that it made me feel SO sick. The water was sloshing, I was so nauseous, and my stomach was clenching like someone was wringing my intestines. I really felt so awful which I was not expecting at all. I usually feel strongest on the bike. I finished the first loop in 45min but right when I started the 2nd loop I really thought I was going to throw up. I slowed down and started to unclip to get off the bike and do what I had to do, but then the feeling passed. Thank god. Instead of pushing it the 2nd loop I decided to take it easier and do everything I could possibly do to settle my stomach. I sipped my water and gaterade, ate a gel, and didn’t push too hard. It worked! By the last 20 minutes I felt back to normal. And the best part is that I kept my bike cadence at 87! I have been working really hard to average 90 but it’s so hard for me. Today I came pretty darn close and it definitely helped my run! Total Bike: 1:45.

Then the run! My legs actually felt pretty fresh! My calves were tight the first mile but loosened up. I walked through every water station and drank water and gaterade and dumped water on myself because it was getting hot! I wasn’t fast and had to walk on and off during the first 3 miles. Then, shockingly, the last 3 miles of the run was where I felt the best I did the entire day! I only had to walk through the water stations, and mile 5 was the only time the whole run I saw numbers under 10 min/mile. I finished the run in 1:10 which I am really happy with! I was expecting 1:15!

Total time: 3:35

I really am so proud of myself! I had some unanticipated problems (panicking in the water and feeling really bad on the bike) but I think I handled them really well.  I feel good about my future races because those things that slowed me down will get better with experience. My legs felt strong the whole race and I was able to control my heart rate on my bike and run. I could not be happier with my first triathlon experience! Here’s to many, many more!

2011-06-27 7:59 AM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
Nice Sarah!!! Great job!!

You put in the you reap the reward. Excelent job staying consistent with your training, overcoming injury, and staying focussed. Incredible drive!!

Couple of things that might help:
1. Try to do some more OWS'ing!!!! even if it's only a few times a year, get out and do it. It's really different than the pool. Maybe enter a couple of sprint tries just to do it. If you do a few OWS's you get comfy in the water, sufficient at sighting, used to seeing those bouys waaaaaaaaay out in the distance, and you can than take the work you did in the pool and throw down the good form and go.
2. I find it better to race without an HRM. After a race or two without it, I find perceived effort much better. I'm an anxious, worrier. If I look down and see what my nerves are doing to my HR it makes it worse. So I just go with how I feel.
3. Now that you are a "triathlete"!!! , a lot of these things will come easier for you. You'd be surprised how much time experience saves you in a race. Pay close attention to what went wrong and what went right in a race and you will start moving up the ranks of your age group quicker than you'd ever imagine.

You are AWESOME!!

2011-06-27 10:11 AM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
Posting here for accountability!

I've officially set my goal for the Racing HIM. I think it's lofty, but fair. My goal will be to come in under 5:30:00.
2011-06-27 1:36 PM
in reply to: #3568963

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Thanks Brian! Yeah, I know that I definitely need to get some OWS practice in. The problem was that there really aren't many places to do it in Pittsburgh and with all the rain we've had the rivers weren't safe. The weather has gotten better though and the Pittsburgh Triathlon Club does OWS every Friday night so I am definitely going to join in on those. I think that I just need to get comfortable in the water and that just comes with experience.

I think 5:30 is a great HIM goal for you and I bet you will even surprise yourself with what your final time is! I really can't wait to hear about it One thing that this race gave me is a whole new level of respect for longer races like HIM and IM. I know that it is all relative and obviously depends on training, but wow, I just could not imagine going any further than I did in my race!

2011-06-27 8:22 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED


   Amazing job!!!  I think that is a great time for a first oly tri, let alone your first tri ever.  That first OWS is what worries me the most too.  Ride the wave and look for another tri soon because the season will be over too soon.  What race did you do?


Brian - That is a very high goal, but I think you can do it.  You seem to have the determination, practice, and first hand knowledge to make it through.  I will be thinking about you.


I am going to try to find an oly tri in September to do.  I ran my first 3 miles today with absolutely no pain!  Unfortunately, my planned race is about a month away and I don't know if I can be ready by then.  I am thinking of warming up with a sprint or two first.  I have had a couple of fun rides on our local racing oval.  I have never been on it before.  It is very cool, but can be a bit boring at the same time.  I like riding on the banked turns.  My second time on it I averaged 18 mph on 13 miles, which I was happy with.  I was having fun keeping trying to keep pace with two guys from Pitt's racing team and another guy on a tt bike (I think it was the same as yours, Brian). 


Good luck all!!

2011-06-27 10:21 PM
in reply to: #3570146

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
mcommend - 2011-06-27 9:22 PM


   Amazing job!!!  I think that is a great time for a first oly tri, let alone your first tri ever.  That first OWS is what worries me the most too.  Ride the wave and look for another tri soon because the season will be over too soon.  What race did you do?


Brian - That is a very high goal, but I think you can do it.  You seem to have the determination, practice, and first hand knowledge to make it through.  I will be thinking about you.


I am going to try to find an oly tri in September to do.  I ran my first 3 miles today with absolutely no pain!  Unfortunately, my planned race is about a month away and I don't know if I can be ready by then.  I am thinking of warming up with a sprint or two first.  I have had a couple of fun rides on our local racing oval.  I have never been on it before.  It is very cool, but can be a bit boring at the same time.  I like riding on the banked turns.  My second time on it I averaged 18 mph on 13 miles, which I was happy with.  I was having fun keeping trying to keep pace with two guys from Pitt's racing team and another guy on a tt bike (I think it was the same as yours, Brian). 


Good luck all!!

I did the Philadelphia Olympic. You know you can always drop down to the sprint for Pittsburgh, that seems more attainable for such a short time away due to your injury. There is a sprint at the end of august up at presque isle Erie that im doing which might be a good one for you too....close to pgh, shorter distance and 2 months away.You really should look into joining the Pittsburgh tri club, its been amazing for me. They have lots of group rides for all different levels and its great not having to plan the route yourself. Also open water swims every week with lots of experienced people to help. I plan on going to those starting soon! Check out the forums on their website I think you'd really like it!

2011-06-28 8:38 AM
in reply to: #3570146

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
mcommend - 2011-06-27 8:22 PM


   Amazing job!!!  I think that is a great time for a first oly tri, let alone your first tri ever.  That first OWS is what worries me the most too.  Ride the wave and look for another tri soon because the season will be over too soon.  What race did you do?


Brian - That is a very high goal, but I think you can do it.  You seem to have the determination, practice, and first hand knowledge to make it through.  I will be thinking about you.


I am going to try to find an oly tri in September to do.  I ran my first 3 miles today with absolutely no pain!  Unfortunately, my planned race is about a month away and I don't know if I can be ready by then.  I am thinking of warming up with a sprint or two first.  I have had a couple of fun rides on our local racing oval.  I have never been on it before.  It is very cool, but can be a bit boring at the same time.  I like riding on the banked turns.  My second time on it I averaged 18 mph on 13 miles, which I was happy with.  I was having fun keeping trying to keep pace with two guys from Pitt's racing team and another guy on a tt bike (I think it was the same as yours, Brian). 


Good luck all!!

they are putting a velodrome up in Chicago along with a huge Cycling and concert venue campus. The CEO is on my team. When I bought my wheels I had to go through him for the team discount. He showed me the plans from the architect when I went to pick them up and invited me to try it out. They had the track already built and function while everything else is being finished. I haven't tried it yet, but looks like a blast!
2011-06-28 9:30 PM
in reply to: #3570262

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
sbux87 - 2011-06-27 11:21 PM
mcommend - 2011-06-27 9:22 PM


   Amazing job!!!  I think that is a great time for a first oly tri, let alone your first tri ever.  That first OWS is what worries me the most too.  Ride the wave and look for another tri soon because the season will be over too soon.  What race did you do?


Brian - That is a very high goal, but I think you can do it.  You seem to have the determination, practice, and first hand knowledge to make it through.  I will be thinking about you.


I am going to try to find an oly tri in September to do.  I ran my first 3 miles today with absolutely no pain!  Unfortunately, my planned race is about a month away and I don't know if I can be ready by then.  I am thinking of warming up with a sprint or two first.  I have had a couple of fun rides on our local racing oval.  I have never been on it before.  It is very cool, but can be a bit boring at the same time.  I like riding on the banked turns.  My second time on it I averaged 18 mph on 13 miles, which I was happy with.  I was having fun keeping trying to keep pace with two guys from Pitt's racing team and another guy on a tt bike (I think it was the same as yours, Brian). 


Good luck all!!

I did the Philadelphia Olympic. You know you can always drop down to the sprint for Pittsburgh, that seems more attainable for such a short time away due to your injury. There is a sprint at the end of august up at presque isle Erie that im doing which might be a good one for you too....close to pgh, shorter distance and 2 months away.You really should look into joining the Pittsburgh tri club, its been amazing for me. They have lots of group rides for all different levels and its great not having to plan the route yourself. Also open water swims every week with lots of experienced people to help. I plan on going to those starting soon! Check out the forums on their website I think you'd really like it!


After posting last night, I decided to do some searching and I think that I have decided to change my plans.  I have thought about dropping to the sprint in the Pittsburgh, but I I just have a strange mental block with that.  I have been planning to do the Presque Isle since last year.  I have heard that it's a great race, and my sister lives in Erie.  I think that my new plan is to do the Portage Lakes tri in Akron, OH.  The race isn't until Sept 18, so I will have another month and a half to train.  There's also a smaller women's only tri the day before that Erin might do, so we would make a weekend of it (plus there's a kid's tri for our oldest son).  I would then use the Preswue Isle and another (maybe the Baeirl YMCA tri that I did last year) as a warm up  for the big event.  I think that might be my plan for now....


I plan on joining the Pittsburgh Tri Club next year.  I have been so busy watching the kids, building a deck for my parents and staining my fence that it's easier to train on my time.  Especially with Erin working her new job.  But I do really want to join, especially for the OWS. 


Brian - I want to check out the velodrome here on Wednesdays.  I heard that is when the races are.  The greatest part is that we went as a family, and while Erin rode, I worked teaching the kids to ride without training wheels on the inside flat part.  We then switched places.  Made for a good family afternoon.

2011-06-29 7:52 AM
in reply to: #3572060

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
mcommend - 2011-06-28 9:30 PM

sbux87 - 2011-06-27 11:21 PM
mcommend - 2011-06-27 9:22 PM


   Amazing job!!!  I think that is a great time for a first oly tri, let alone your first tri ever.  That first OWS is what worries me the most too.  Ride the wave and look for another tri soon because the season will be over too soon.  What race did you do?


Brian - That is a very high goal, but I think you can do it.  You seem to have the determination, practice, and first hand knowledge to make it through.  I will be thinking about you.


I am going to try to find an oly tri in September to do.  I ran my first 3 miles today with absolutely no pain!  Unfortunately, my planned race is about a month away and I don't know if I can be ready by then.  I am thinking of warming up with a sprint or two first.  I have had a couple of fun rides on our local racing oval.  I have never been on it before.  It is very cool, but can be a bit boring at the same time.  I like riding on the banked turns.  My second time on it I averaged 18 mph on 13 miles, which I was happy with.  I was having fun keeping trying to keep pace with two guys from Pitt's racing team and another guy on a tt bike (I think it was the same as yours, Brian). 


Good luck all!!

I did the Philadelphia Olympic. You know you can always drop down to the sprint for Pittsburgh, that seems more attainable for such a short time away due to your injury. There is a sprint at the end of august up at presque isle Erie that im doing which might be a good one for you too....close to pgh, shorter distance and 2 months away.You really should look into joining the Pittsburgh tri club, its been amazing for me. They have lots of group rides for all different levels and its great not having to plan the route yourself. Also open water swims every week with lots of experienced people to help. I plan on going to those starting soon! Check out the forums on their website I think you'd really like it!


After posting last night, I decided to do some searching and I think that I have decided to change my plans.  I have thought about dropping to the sprint in the Pittsburgh, but I I just have a strange mental block with that.  I have been planning to do the Presque Isle since last year.  I have heard that it's a great race, and my sister lives in Erie.  I think that my new plan is to do the Portage Lakes tri in Akron, OH.  The race isn't until Sept 18, so I will have another month and a half to train.  There's also a smaller women's only tri the day before that Erin might do, so we would make a weekend of it (plus there's a kid's tri for our oldest son).  I would then use the Preswue Isle and another (maybe the Baeirl YMCA tri that I did last year) as a warm up  for the big event.  I think that might be my plan for now....


I plan on joining the Pittsburgh Tri Club next year.  I have been so busy watching the kids, building a deck for my parents and staining my fence that it's easier to train on my time.  Especially with Erin working her new job.  But I do really want to join, especially for the OWS. 


Brian - I want to check out the velodrome here on Wednesdays.  I heard that is when the races are.  The greatest part is that we went as a family, and while Erin rode, I worked teaching the kids to ride without training wheels on the inside flat part.  We then switched places.  Made for a good family afternoon.

You guys are really headed in the right direction with clubs! I really need to join a tri specific club. I'm a member of a cycling club, but I really only get the advantage from the sponsorship deals. I don't get any training benefit from it. I'm a member at Lifetime fitness and their cycling club and swimming club. I get a ton of training benefits from these. Although, if we didn't combine area club cycling clubs I wouldn't be going to their cycling rides on Sunday anymore. The bad part is, all the people I used to ride with from my area club all go on the intermediate rides and I don't get to ride with them anymore. But there are other people in the advance group that really challenge me now. Anne goes to the ride on sundays too. She did 42 miles last week with the intermediate group!! I'm proud of her for that!!
2011-07-03 5:50 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
Taper time!!!! I'm so happy I could throw a party!!!
2011-07-04 4:53 PM
in reply to: #3579313

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Meulen - 2011-07-03 6:50 PM Taper time!!!! I'm so happy I could throw a party!!!

HOORAY Brian! That is awesome--that means that the race is finally here  

Hopefully you handle the taper better than I do and enjoy it-- I know that I always feel so sluggish and slow and get SUPER irritable and grouchy. I feel bad for my poor friends and family when I'm tapering!

How do you feel? I KNOW that you are prepared, but are you getting excited and nervous yet?! I am for you

Hopefully everyone is having a nice long weekend. Today was a great day! I did a 60 mile ride and open water swim with a group of about 20 people from the Pittsburgh Triathlon Club. It was great---we rode about 30 miles up to a big state park, swam for a bit in the lake which was great practice for me with sighting and my anxiety not being able to see underwater. Then we rode back. I got my very first flat tire about 5 miles from the finish! Luckily I had such a great crew with me to help....shows me I need practice because I blew the C02 cartridge before I even got it on the tire! The group divided into 2---the 20mph crew and the 15mph. Now for you Brian, that's nothing but in Southwestern PA the hills are CRAZY--- in 58.25 miles we had 2,620 ft of elevation gain. Whew...! Here's a link to my ride

It was a great day--- there is no form of exercise I enjoy more than a good group ride. I was happy that I didn't get dropped :D in fact, I was near the front of the 'slow group'

Oh, and Happy Tour de France season! I am addicted this year now that I actually understand cycling and can appreciate how amazing these guys are! 60 miles for me at 15mph and I am spent!

2011-07-04 8:49 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
That sounds like a fun day Sarah! I'd be back in 15mph group with you. I just don't get to see that stuff around here. My 56 mile loop is 1500 elevation gain in the rolling hills of Illinois. Nothing much to talk about. The closest I get is when I'm mountain biking. Even then the ups and downs are short and steep, but often. I have to go up to Wisconsin for the serious climbing.

I feel like crap ! Like I should! Lol. I'm exhausted. Check my logs, I actually walked part of a run last week. I never do that! The rest will be much needed. I'm crabby and irritable but I just have some personal crap going on right now and I'm pretty sure I'd be that way anyway. No worries! The rest of the season is all fun for me after this. No more training for big peaks this year!
2011-07-07 9:31 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Brian - I know that you are ready to kick some serious !  I know that tapering is very difficult, but just think of that great big smile as you cross the finish line!  Finishing a HIM is one of my bucketlist items, and so I am so excited that you are reaching that goal.  I am shooting to finish a HIM on my 40th birthday in Wilimington, NC (the race is actually on my 40th in 2013).  Anyhow, I have a far way to reach that goal.  I am very excited for you with this one.  Is there a a way to track you during the race? 


Sarah - That sounds like an amazing ride and swim!  What park did you ride to?  Just wondering since we live in the same area.  Regardless, that's one hell of a ride and a swim!  The flat tire sucks, but I am getting quite use to them these days.  I think that I have had about 5 this season.  I now just carry extra of everything and make sure that I keep several in stock.  Also, amen about these crazy hills!  I know that I keep saying it, but there is no where to ride without major hills.  I have recently found the craziest hill to get to my house.  I don't think that a pic would do it justice, but it is seriously like climbing a mountain.  I can't imagine any human riding it, but I am sure it's been done.  I know that there's a race around here that involves riding the 12 craziest hills and riding to get to them.  I will have to find the site again.  A few of them are right by our house. 


Have fun and keep on racing!

2011-07-08 9:05 AM
in reply to: #3585821

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
mcommend - 2011-07-07 9:31 PM

Brian - I know that you are ready to kick some serious !  I know that tapering is very difficult, but just think of that great big smile as you cross the finish line!  Finishing a HIM is one of my bucketlist items, and so I am so excited that you are reaching that goal.  I am shooting to finish a HIM on my 40th birthday in Wilimington, NC (the race is actually on my 40th in 2013).  Anyhow, I have a far way to reach that goal.  I am very excited for you with this one.  Is there a a way to track you during the race? 


Sarah - That sounds like an amazing ride and swim!  What park did you ride to?  Just wondering since we live in the same area.  Regardless, that's one hell of a ride and a swim!  The flat tire sucks, but I am getting quite use to them these days.  I think that I have had about 5 this season.  I now just carry extra of everything and make sure that I keep several in stock.  Also, amen about these crazy hills!  I know that I keep saying it, but there is no where to ride without major hills.  I have recently found the craziest hill to get to my house.  I don't think that a pic would do it justice, but it is seriously like climbing a mountain.  I can't imagine any human riding it, but I am sure it's been done.  I know that there's a race around here that involves riding the 12 craziest hills and riding to get to them.  I will have to find the site again.  A few of them are right by our house. 


Have fun and keep on racing!

Thanks Michael! and btw....if you get in an Olympic this season you will be close enough to do an HIM next season IMO!

I'll check on the tracking, not sure
2011-07-08 9:31 AM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
I'm not sure how this works but looks like you can track me here
2011-07-10 8:45 PM
in reply to: #3586335

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Meulen - 2011-07-08 10:31 AM I'm not sure how this works but looks like you can track me here a lot for the link!  I will try to see if this will work next week.  Amazing that it's only 7 days away, but I'm sure that you are well aware of that fact.  Enjoy your week.  Will you be doing any workouts at all?  I think it would be too strange not to do anything, but I'm sure your body needs a good rest.  70.3 is quite the distance.  Have fun!!

2011-07-11 8:00 AM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Anne has been making fun of me when I say "I'm tapering" because she thinks I don't know how to rest! LOL The more I race the more I find resting too much leads me to lose fitness quickly. I have cramping issues constantly when I'm off form or not at peak fitness. I'm finding the traditional 2 week rest before a race too much. I'm using more of an active recovery. If you look at my logs you'll see how I've got a building set of peak weeks and then a "wind down". I'm still doing some pretty normal workouts the first week of taper. The second week will have a few days completely off. The workouts I do do will be short and or very easy just to stay in form. If I take it too easy I'm afraid I will get those cramping issues from not being used to the distances.

I was really excited Saturday! I worked with my swim coach for the last time before the race. He had me do some progressive 100's. The 5th one was a race start sprint and I clipped off a 1:31!!! I almost fell over and drown when he told me. I had no idea I'd been swimming that well!!
2011-07-11 9:58 PM
in reply to: #3589963

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Meulen - 2011-07-11 9:00 AM Michael, Anne has been making fun of me when I say "I'm tapering" because she thinks I don't know how to rest! LOL The more I race the more I find resting too much leads me to lose fitness quickly. I have cramping issues constantly when I'm off form or not at peak fitness. I'm finding the traditional 2 week rest before a race too much. I'm using more of an active recovery. If you look at my logs you'll see how I've got a building set of peak weeks and then a "wind down". I'm still doing some pretty normal workouts the first week of taper. The second week will have a few days completely off. The workouts I do do will be short and or very easy just to stay in form. If I take it too easy I'm afraid I will get those cramping issues from not being used to the distances. I was really excited Saturday! I worked with my swim coach for the last time before the race. He had me do some progressive 100's. The 5th one was a race start sprint and I clipped off a 1:31!!! I almost fell over and drown when he told me. I had no idea I'd been swimming that well!!


1:31 is amazing!!!  I didn't take you too much for one who would taper.  I do agree that I wouldn't be able to sit around and do nothing the week before a race.  I would feel so blahh that it would be hard to race. Just remember to have a lot of fun and embrace the moment.  I think this race of yours will throw my training into overdrive.

2011-07-16 10:32 AM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
Off to Racine!!! Full report Monday!!! Talk to you soon!
2011-07-16 6:02 PM
in reply to: #3599413

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
GOOD LUCK!!! I will be thinking about you and sending lots of positive thoughts your way! How exciting
2011-07-17 6:46 PM
in reply to: #3599728

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
Brian!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!! I checked your results and you did awesome I am so proud of you and can't wait to hear the whole race report!

2011-07-17 10:47 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
Thanks peeps!

I'll write a full report tomorrow. But, as much as I'm proud I finished I'm pretty disappointed. I really didn't even get close to my goal time. It was pretty tough for a lot of people. The heat index was over 100 today. Reguardless I didn't fell the heat effected me much today. I had a bad swim, and then I had stomach issues early in the bike. By the time I got to the run I couldn't take the bouncing and felt awful. It really took a lot to finish. To make things worse I had a friend pass away this week. I had to go to the wake after the race. I honestly didn't even want to be at the race today. The mental toughness was just not there. I guess I should just be happy I finished.
2011-07-17 11:53 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
You should be so happy today about finishing the race!!  Just think about how many people could not even come close to doing what you did today.  On the other hand, I am so sorry for your loss!  I cannot even imagine doing a HIM with that on your mind.  You need to be very proud of your accomplishment because it is very special and it did not come without a lot of work on your part.  I hope that you recover quickly...
2011-07-18 9:37 AM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
Race report is up. It was actually pretty hard to write. Thanks for all the support everyone.
2011-07-18 10:13 AM
in reply to: #3601445

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Brian, I know that you are not happy with your time based on what you did in training but given the circumstances you did AWESOME! Really, think about swam 1.2 miles (probably even further due to sighting issues), you biked 56 miles, and you ran 13.1....70.3 MILES you covered! The majority of people could not even do a single one of those things independently, let alone together! It must have been so tough with what was going on with your friend and I am so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine having to race under those conditions. This just goes to show once again how much of racing is mental. Physically you were capable of that 5:30 goal but mentally it just wasn't there that day because your mind was elsewhere. Don't worry, you will reach that goal and more next time! See if there is an Olympic race next month that you can do because given your fitness level right now I bet you would crush it!

The only other thing I wanted to mention is your stomach issues. That EXACT same thing happened to me and it is definitely from swallowing water! I kept taking in HUGE gulps of river water on the swim just because it was my first OWS ever and I was not really prepared---I would turn to breathe, someone would splash, and I was practically drinking the gross. Anyway, my stomach was a WRECK the whole bike ride---it was sloshing and cramping and I was so bloated that my shorts were cutting into my stomach. I felt so awful that my bike split (which normally is my strongest event) was my worst result of the day because I was ready to puke the whole time and just couldn't push it.

So congrats again---you finished a Half Ironman! That is incredible.

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