General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!! Rss Feed  
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2014-10-10 8:01 AM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

Originally posted by leatherneckpa 20 AP today to start the new week, and I am feeling freakin' AWESOME!! I renewed my CRAZY card this afternoon. I did my own indoor mini-triathlon today. (6AP) 4x25, 2x50, 2x100, 2x50, 4x25 = 600 yds in 13m 30s followed by (11AP) 24m on the Lifecycle for 8.6 miles followed by (3AP) 20m on the treadmill @ 4 mph for 1.3 miles.

Nice tri!

That is a lot of AP in one day!

2014-10-10 8:07 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

I am off on vacation to NM  for a week and a half. Wish me luck for getting in good exercise and paying attention to nutrition. I have never been and It should be awesome. At least a day of hiking in the mountains and a couple of days helping build an adobe house. Paired with baloon festitival, Santa Fe and Taos visits. I can't wait to see the fall aspens and the ancient dwellings.

Take care.

2014-10-10 11:48 AM
in reply to: DBGlobal

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Originally posted by DBGlobal
I did just complete my first century on the bike though. ..... if you'll have me, I'd love to join you guys again.

Of course we'll have you. Welcome back!
2014-10-10 11:49 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Originally posted by ceilidh

I am off on vacation to NM  for a week and a half. Wish me luck for getting in good exercise and paying attention to nutrition. I have never been and It should be awesome. At least a day of hiking in the mountains and a couple of days helping build an adobe house. Paired with baloon festitival, Santa Fe and Taos visits. I can't wait to see the fall aspens and the ancient dwellings.

Take care.

Where is the JEALOUS font?
2014-10-10 11:52 AM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

Originally posted by leatherneckpa
Originally posted by ceilidh

I am off on vacation to NM  for a week and a half. Wish me luck for getting in good exercise and paying attention to nutrition. I have never been and It should be awesome. At least a day of hiking in the mountains and a couple of days helping build an adobe house. Paired with baloon festitival, Santa Fe and Taos visits. I can't wait to see the fall aspens and the ancient dwellings.

Take care.

Where is the JEALOUS font?

2014-10-13 7:41 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Southwest Iowa
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

I have been working on my art and my music and my 60+ hour a week job and have done nothing but get completely out of shape, so I am back to the forum and going to go back to my daily workouts, even if they are only 30 minutes a day to get back into a routine.  I love morning workouts, but I am not sleeping much, so I don't really want to get up at 4:00 a.m. to workout and then shower and run out the door, but some days after 10-14 hours of being at the manufacturing plant, I just want to sit in my recliners and rest.  I am stressed, so I eat and drink too much.  I wish I hated chocolate and loved good fruits and vegetables, but I don't.

Back at the bike on the trainer tonight when I get home and maybe even the dreadmill after.  I have never been this overweight in my life and I hate it.



2014-10-13 9:19 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Sunday (on Monday) Update!

I took a mental health day from work yesteday, so I'm posting my update this morning.

I did a lot better getting my workouts in. Diet... not so much. I weighed in at 254 this morning, which is down from last week, so that's good.

Swim: With the childcare loss at Fogleman Y, I headed to Nuber Y to swim. They have an outdoor pool that they put a dome over in the winter. Well they were in the process of installing it so... I head to the Y in Olive Branch, MS. I lost so much time travelling that I only had 30ish mins to swim. I ground out 1200yds in 32:00.

Bike: GOOD week for my bike. Tuesday went out with limited time to "Hit it hard and fast" 5.7mi in 20:51 put me at a nice avg 16.5mph... ugh... I did have a monster headwind at one point. Managed to escape for the group ride on thurs. Ended up a little slow because 1) It got dark and I forgot my light, and 2) my eye protection was sunglasses . 14.1mi in 57:00 flat made it a low and slow 14.8mph. I also got out yesterday, but that doesn't count for last week... hehehe

Run: Only managed 2 short runs. Remember for Oct I am doing 1mi negative splits. Nov will be 2 miles... etc. On Monday I ran a 12:40 mile. My voice notifications were off, so I didn't get my .5mi split... bummer. On Wednesday I ran 6:41/6:02 for a 12:43mile.

I'm pushing my runs a bit, and trying to make sure I get some saddle time. I'm ordering a mag trainer this week, so even if I can't get out to bike, I can hook up after the kids are asleep and catch up on Walking Dead (I'm on episode 11 or 12...) Now If I can just keep myself away from the dang junk food... I'll be golden again.
2014-10-14 4:50 PM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Just returned from the ortho. My knee x-rays show "well-developed" arthritis. The suspicion is that the pain is from that. Cortisone injection today, resume training at whatever intensity I can sustain, and evaluate in three weeks. If not improved then we go to an MRI. We'll have to see. Right now the knee just feels "full", but not painful.

Oh yeah, and take my Tylenol before my runs now as well. He wants me to scale back my run training, concentrate on swims and bikes. Run once, maybe twice a week, max. Might make it tough to train for a 10 k only running once or twice a week.
2014-10-14 5:10 PM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Biking is ok.

Really it helped me out a lot in the past myself. I know I need to do it more. no reason I can't get on the bike trainer and do it. Plus I need to get into the habit so if my girl and I move I can set up the bike trainer again without her going hey you never used it.

2014-10-14 8:24 PM
in reply to: #5058504

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Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
I haven't been doing much endurance training lately. Been working out - but pushing heavy iron w HIIt cardio sessions.

Weight is about the same - but feel it is working well for bf% and recomp
2014-10-14 8:25 PM
in reply to: #5059937

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Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Did a 5 k in Maine Sunday and the rolling hills were brutal!

2014-10-14 9:51 PM
in reply to: #5059938

Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
I've been trying to get back into a routine lately. Weights MWF mornings, running MWF afternoon, trainer on TTh mornings. I'll start swimming sometime in the fall, I really don't care for swimming. The local triathlon club is having a meeting to recruit new members, I am going to go see what they have to say. Would be nice to have some training partners. They have a "tri-newbies" group too, so there would be some people around my same speeds. But mostly, it would help keep me motivated this winter.

Leather, when I was recovering from back surgery, I was doing water running in the deep end of the pool to minimize impact. It was surprisingly a great workout and supposedly the extra resistance of water makes you a stronger runner.
2014-10-15 10:59 PM
in reply to: #5059971

Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Got my workouts in today. Weights this morning; almost 4-mile run at lunch. My run went better than expected, I was feeling pretty good by the time I got to my turnaround for a 3 mile out and back, so I decided to go a bit further. Then when I did turn around, I picked up the pace a bit all the way back. Finished with a 9:59/mile average, which is pretty good for me.

Tomorrow is a trainer ride for me in the morning. I've got two sufferfest videos that I ride to (angels and revolver), but looking to add another in the 60 minute range. Does anybody else use those videos, and if so, any recommendations?
2014-10-19 11:45 PM
in reply to: #5060354

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Sunday Update!

Bear with me... I'm doing this from my phone I'm having to pull numbers from memory. I'm up just a bit to 255.5... That's 1lb I think. Diet sucks still, but training is getting better.

Swim: Wed was 1000yds in 26:00. It felt slow and sloppy, but it was normal time. Fri was 1500yds in 38:00. That session felt very good overall.

Bike: As I alluded to Monday, I managed a Sunday afternoon ride of 12.3 mi at about 15.5mph. I also managed a ride on Sat. I planned on 18-20 miles, but I ended up at 28.3. I only avg'd about 14.3, but I had a nasty headwind.

Run: Negative split 1 mile runs as planned on Mon (6:30/6:00), and We (5:30/5:00). Ended up walking with my girls on Friday.

Okay- I'm in the middle of more ASE testing. I have 4 recerts to take by the end of November, or I lose $$ at work. That being said, I'm altering my run plan. Starting today, I am going thru the C25K plan again. The main difference between this time and last time is that I'm not just shuffling through the run intervals.... I'm pushing hard through them. Also, I have a mag trainer that's supposed to show up this week. I will be able to do bike intervals. Hopefully between the intervals and upgrading my crankset I'll be over 17mph and pushing 18mph by Memphis in May next year.
2014-10-20 11:13 PM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
What a coincidence, I just started doing the same thing with the 5K-to-10K training plan. Today was day #1. 20 minute steady run w/5min wu and cd. Ran 2.3 miles at a 9:04/mi pace. I didn't know how long I could last, so I set 9:30/mi as my goal figuring that I would crap out about halfway. So that was a good surprise. Set a lot of PRs for pace on STRAVA too.

I decided to join the local tri club, but it sounds like they don't do a whole lot from now until January. They do a lot of group runs through winter, and group trainer rides on Saturdays. Hopefully this will keep me motivated through the winter, and help me push myself a bit too.
2014-10-21 5:22 PM
in reply to: DBGlobal

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
12 AP today, and sadly they are the only AP I earned this entire week. Cindy's been on vacation and I allowed her indifference to infect me. What I SHOULD have done is carried on as normal and hoped my motivation infected HER.

Came home from school, let the dogs out and changed into cycling gear. Tried to air up tires on the Quick, but the rear tube is popped. So I aired up and rode the Synapse for what is probably the first time this year. Lost over four minutes because of a train crossing the second set of tracks. Then threw the chain as I tried to get started again. Riding a road bike feels completely different from riding the Quick. Less than stellar performance, but I DID IT!

2014-10-22 7:39 PM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
No workout today. Wednesdays are my designated rest day because there's no time to workout before my WW's meeting. And I have to say that it was a great weigh-in tonight. The workouts are finally starting to pay off. I was down 5.6 pounds tonight! Even so, I'm pretty sure I'm still the heaviest on this group at 373.6 lbs. But that's still down 23 lbs from where I originally started.

We have a really exceptional WW's group on Wednesday nights, really open and sharing, very supportive. All of the long-timers know me and know that I hate to track my foods. But I LOVE to track my Activity Points (AP). I was asked to night what the difference is. Tracking activity points shows me what I have accomplished. Tracking my food intake feels like I am restricting/depriving/punishing myself for being fat. I know it's an odd way to think, but that's it in a nutshell.

There was an interesting idea tonight though that I am going to try to track this week. One of the group says she is fanatical about tracking her "Good Health Guidelines", making sure she gets her water, vitamins, healthy oils, etc each day. I can see that as a positive goalto work toward, so I'm going to try it this week.
2014-10-23 9:40 AM
in reply to: #5061315

Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Good job on the weight loss and the AP! I hear ya about tracking calories. I have finally given in though and just do it most of the time. Weight loss for me (at this point) is 100% diet, and so i need to track calories just to keep myself accountable. I find I make less bad choices if i have to record them, or days when i do make bad choices, I tend to go out and try to burn them off more. I feel like it is punishment too sometimes. but as i see my diet getting healthier and feel less crappy, or when skip donuts in the break room, I feel like that is a pretty big accomplishment for me.

The scale dropped below 270 today for the first time in quite a while. 268.4. I hope it continues its downward trend. Got my run in yesterday. Week 1 Day 2: 10 min run, 3 min tempo, 10 min run, 5min wu and cd. Just over 3.5 miles. Will try and get my trainer ride in tonight.
2014-10-23 8:04 PM
in reply to: DBGlobal

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
8AP tonight, 8AP for the week so far. The goal is to hit at least 50AP for this week.

Went in planning to swim 600 yds. Changed my mind in the middle and added another 100 yds. Lost count of laps and the watch says I actually did an extra 150 yds. 750 yds just happens to be the race distance for my first scheduled triathlon next May.
2014-10-23 8:11 PM
in reply to: DBGlobal

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Originally posted by DBGlobal I find I make less bad choices if i have to record them, or days when i do make bad choices, I tend to go out and try to burn them off more. I feel like it is punishment too sometimes. but as i see my diet getting healthier and feel less crappy, or when skip donuts in the break room, I feel like that is a pretty big accomplishment for me.

Yeah, I understand the need for tracking, I just haven't been able to make myself "enjoy" it. The 50 lbs I lost two summers ago was done without tracking,,,,,,? I'm trying to get into it in baby-steps. This week I am simply trying to track the WW's Good Health Guidelines items. I'm thinking I'll do that for a few weeks, until it becomes a habit. Then I'll add tracking my breakfasts, for a few weeks. Eventually I'll be tracking everything. We shall see.

Waiting for some extra money so I can go down to Lewisburg and get fitted for a pair of Hoka One One sneakers before I start trying to do the C25K. Sounds like you are off to a good start though.
2014-10-24 6:54 AM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

Originally posted by leatherneckpa
Originally posted by DBGlobal I find I make less bad choices if i have to record them, or days when i do make bad choices, I tend to go out and try to burn them off more. I feel like it is punishment too sometimes. but as i see my diet getting healthier and feel less crappy, or when skip donuts in the break room, I feel like that is a pretty big accomplishment for me.
Yeah, I understand the need for tracking, I just haven't been able to make myself "enjoy" it. The 50 lbs I lost two summers ago was done without tracking,,,,,,? I'm trying to get into it in baby-steps. This week I am simply trying to track the WW's Good Health Guidelines items. I'm thinking I'll do that for a few weeks, until it becomes a habit. Then I'll add tracking my breakfasts, for a few weeks. Eventually I'll be tracking everything. We shall see. Waiting for some extra money so I can go down to Lewisburg and get fitted for a pair of Hoka One One sneakers before I start trying to do the C25K. Sounds like you are off to a good start though.

It may be that if you track good heath points, you won't need to track all your food. I started logging my food on Calorie Count because it showed the vitamins and minerals as well as macronutrients. I wanted to make sure I was getting all my fiber, potassium and omega 3s.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE my Hoka's . Before my foot surgery, they were the only shoes that allowed me to run. They look clunky but they made me float!

2014-10-26 9:30 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Sunday Update:

Y'all are gonna kill me this week... 256.5. Up again. We planned our vacation around being able to bike in the exercise room, swim in the heated pool and run... That didn't work out at all. The exercise room was just that: a room. No equipment to be found. The heated pool was heated... about 5deg above ambient, which is to say... well... not heated . To top it off, I went off and left my running shoes right by the bed... And my back is still killing me. I think my saving grace is that we didn't eat out much at all. We've learned that it's a LOT cheaper to spend $200 on groceries and take some home with you than trying to eat out every meal. One thing that did happen is that even though I brought my BP and Diabetes meds with me... is that I completely forgot to take them. I also don't track my stuff like I should, but that's another story. We got home last night, and I had two 1/2" cubes of the fudge we bought (now THAT took willpower!) around 9 last night. I got up this morning and took my BP and Glucose at Amy's request since I had forgotten to take my meds and all that . My BP came back 164/98, which is pretty much what I expected. My Glucose, however came back at a whopping 106!! That's like... NORMAL! Even though I've not been eating quite right, something good is still happening...

Swim: 450yds @ race pace (~2:28/100), 8x25 breathing off-side, 2x50 kick drill on Monday
Bike: Nope
Run: 5min w/u, :60/:90 r/w intervals, cool down on Sun & Tue. I pushed a little too hard on Sun and felt the familiar pain on Soleus Muscle strain. Did a lot of icing and tennis ball massage on vacation.

While I was out of town, a package came in for me at work. Attaching a pic. This is going to up my game


Trainer.jpg (1350KB - 6 downloads)
2014-10-26 12:03 PM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
13AP today, 21 AP for the week so far, 29 needed to reach my goal.
Walked 3.8 miles in 1:11:36 for an average of 19:24 per mile.
Have to keep reminding myself that I am only in the base building phase for the remainder of this year. I mean, 19:24 isn't anything to brag about, but it's under an hour for a 5k, which is faster than my time at Blueman in 2012.

I took both Buddy (my calm, old man) and Samson (The Wild Child) with me on today's walk. Not only did the "idiot" want to chase every squirrel and bird, he was chasing leaves that blew across the road!

Key point, each mile got progressively faster. We really attacked my "Heart Attack Hill", felt great.
2014-10-26 1:06 PM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Just looked at my training log for October and I am NOT happy, 17/31 empty days already. Even if I manage a workout every remaining day of this month I will still be under 50%. UNSAT!

Little goal for October, achieve those daily workouts for the rest of the month.

Little goal for November, at least 20/30 days of workouts.
2014-10-27 3:27 PM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
6AP today, 27 AP for the week. I am unlikely to hit my 50AP goal before Wednesday. My weeks start on Wed since that is my WW's meeting and weigh-in.

Bonus Day at school. My lunch time duty today was to walk the halls. 2nd floor of the building is one big rectangle, a ready made track. 35 minutes later I had my workout in for the day.
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date : August 26, 2011
author : Nancy Clark
comments : 1
Research provides insight into struggles with shedding weight while training.
date : May 22, 2007
author : acbadger
comments : 0
Are you getting adequate rest after your workouts? Rest and over-training effects on weight loss, weight gain.
date : March 21, 2007
author : acbadger
comments : 2
Interval training for weight loss. Weight training for weight loss. These interval workouts can be done in 15 to 20 minutes and have huge caloric expenditures for those who are crunched for time.
date : November 27, 2005
author : Ontherun
comments : 0
For most age-group triathletes, getting the most out of there time for quality workouts can be daunting. Think outside the triangle to get a little more.
date : November 27, 2005
author : Rich Strauss
comments : 0
Tri clubs offer all of us, from beginner to advanced athlete, a venue in which we can realign our perspective of what “fast” and “far” are, pushing us to new and greater heights of performance.
date : February 13, 2005
author : JeremyLikness
comments : 9
Losing fat is not difficult. So why does this continue to be an elusive goal for so many people, who “struggle” just to lose a few inches?
date : September 19, 2004
author : Michael
comments : 0
I’m a C-L-Y-D-E-S-D-A-L-E! Many people in the sport know the division is there, but many of them think that it's a 'fat boys division.' So what constitutes a Clydesdale? Why even have this class?
date : September 3, 2004
author : Ron
comments : 0
What happens in your body when you eat, fast or workout?