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2007-06-11 3:24 PM
in reply to: #835499

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Greensboro, NC
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
So, the MS 150 was awesome! I'm really sunburnt (I swear I put sunscreen on, but darn sweat!), and really sore, but incredibly happy! I ended up sprinting to the finish line....I can't wait to see the photos!

The best part? I got a finisher's medal! I didn't know that we were getting them! I crossed the finish line, started unclipping, and people told me to keep going to get my medal!!

I'll put more in my log later....but I had to give a shout out to some of my biggest supporters :-)

2007-06-11 5:56 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Jeanette--BREATHE! You will do fine. Just remember to laugh with the women and have fun! You still have lots of time to figure out which bike to use and practice some more runs. Sorry about your ears. Maybe have a doc look at them??

Androgenie--Can't wait to hear your full report! I have a Century over labor day and that is my next "A" race, so you know what my focus will be. I have some runs and aquathons, too, so I'll still be doing tri training. Give us all the little pointers you can on surviving long hours on the bike, please. Great job!!!!
2007-06-11 6:36 PM
in reply to: #839110

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-06-11 1:18 PM

My race report is done. My official time for a 440y/17m/5K was 2:08. It's lots better than I hoped for, as I had figured on between 2:15 and 2:30. The run surprised me at 36:38. I thought I was walking most of the way and staggering along, but my very best times on a 5K practice weren't much better and that was more perceived effort. I was just sort of out there having fun. The bike was also better than in practice at 1:11, but that is 14mph and very slow for the majority of racers out there. The swim was actually quite slow, but I'm okay with it as graduating to the open water was a lot to get used to--nerves and otherwise! So the good news is that I did better than I thought but the bad news is that I was dead last in my age group for regular sprint females and 74/77 for my division. I did beat out a couple athenas and was even a tiny bit faster than like 2 men. Of course, there were intermediate folks that finished after me, too. So at least I didn't perceive myself as fourth to the last or whatever.

The goal for my first race was to finish. In fact, that's one of my goals for every race I do. So don't knock your accomplishment!

And look at what you've learned. Sure, now you know how the swim/bike/run feels, but it's the other aspects (transition, nutrition, pacing) that will lead to dramatic time improvements at your next event. I'm looking forward to hearing about race #2!
2007-06-11 6:43 PM
in reply to: #839227

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
JeanetteJ. - 2007-06-11 2:08 PM

My race is in two weeks and I am a nervous woman. I am training but I am scared of the run and my bike isn't working right, I will get that fixed on wend. hopefully they won't charge me twice. I will use the road bike as a last resort but feel better on the mountain one.

My ear is still stuffy but not hurting and I havn't swam in two and a half weeks. That's my strength so I am not so nervous about that. I talked to a woman who has a trainer who asked the trainer if he thought it would be allright for me to do the tri and he said yes.
SO I plan on pacing myself a little slower ( I am allready slow on the run, so I will be super slow run 2 min and walk 30 seconds to a min depending on how I feel.) Plan the race and race the plan.
My friend who is helping me run was very encourging by saying that this is my first one and I have annother in Aug. I can get a base time and next time try and beat it on my next one. I know the course better in the second one as it is in Chicago. This one is somewhere where I have never been. Way Way out in the burbs, almost not considered the burbs of Chicago.
The first on is for women only so I feel a little better. It's also for a good cause.

I hope everyone has a great week!

Don't be surprised if you have a great race. Your body will be well rested, and the excitement of the day should propel you along.

I'm more impressed that you are listening to your body and not training hurt. Good, good, good. Wish I had that self-control.

2007-06-11 6:46 PM
in reply to: #839560

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
androgenie - 2007-06-11 4:24 PM

So, the MS 150 was awesome! I'm really sunburnt (I swear I put sunscreen on, but darn sweat!), and really sore, but incredibly happy! I ended up sprinting to the finish line....I can't wait to see the photos!

The best part? I got a finisher's medal! I didn't know that we were getting them! I crossed the finish line, started unclipping, and people told me to keep going to get my medal!!

I'll put more in my log later....but I had to give a shout out to some of my biggest supporters :-)

I cannot believe that you rode that distance. Wow. And you did it for charity.

Suddenly, I feel like a total slacker.

Nice job on an incredible achievement!
2007-06-12 12:16 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Thanks Prof! The post race euphoria ran out today and I realized that just finishing was okay, but I want to do better than that. Not beating myself up--I truly think it went as well as it could given my level of conditioning. Now I just have to figure out what in the world to do to raise that level!!!!????? Any suggestions? Other than "just do"?

I got out in the water again tonight. 700 yards to the rock and back, but jeepers, I'm still kinda tired I guess. It was sort of fun to hear some guys in a boat see me and say "there was a triathlon here yesterday". They watched me swim most of the way and I have to admit I felt sort of special. Most people in this world would never go swim across a lake at 8 pm by themselves for no particular reason other than they felt like it......well, the run and bike were out as my quadriceps were pretty sore yet today.

I did a dangerous thing...........I went to Barnes and Noble. I took cash, no checkbook, to limit myself. Otherwise I could have gone ballistic in there. Bookstores are better than sex for me. Was looking for the triathlon bible by Joel Friel. No luck. Out of print. Prof--you want to sell me your copy? Or are you one of the very few who trained without reading his book??

However, I DID find some treasures in there: The New York City Ballet Workout by Peter Martins, Mermaid Wisdom by Brenda Rosen, Working out, Working Within--the Tao of Inner Fitness Through Sports and Exercise by Jerry Lynch and Chungliang Al Huang, and PHOENIX RISING by Mary Summer Rain.

I had a chiropractic college classmate named Victor, who was a Ballet dancer and would literally pick me up to hug me. He was absolutely beautiful. And his partner the Concert Pianist thought so, too. Victor died of AIDS. I asked him to help me stick with this program--lend me a little spiritual support.....And then I went to the office to photo copy the gorgeous pictures of the ballet dancers demonstrating the moves so I can pin them to my office hall wall and actually do them between patients. Might as well do a few stretches and strength moves rather than obsessively checking my email.....figured if I call it "BALLET" I'll be more likely to actually stick with it with the anticipated reward of looking like a dancer.....eventually.

The Mermaid book has meditations for getting in touch with your inner mermaid. Hey, gaining fish or even dolphin consciousness hasn't been working so well. But a mermaid........well, that's just like catwoman in the water!!! Yep, I can work on getting THAT consciousness

The Tao book is for mental training and has some great affirmations and visualizations and stuff. It's recommended by the former head coach of the Chicago Bulls. I used to pray that Michael Jordan would come walking through my door one day needing an adjustment and I could go on the road with the Bulls and be their chiropractor. No such luck. I did manifest both the girls' and boys' high school basketball coaches for patients, though....guess I wasn't specific enough!

And Phoenix Rising was a book my mother had when I was a little girl. I was absolutely fascinated by it. She never read it to me (kind of deep for a tiny kid) and when I was old enough to read it myself, we moved and the book disappeared. Obviously, I never really got over my fascination.....can you blame me for buying it???

Sooooo, if you see some weird stuff lin my log like Fondu/ Coupe Passe, Standing Cabriole, Rond de Jambe, Degage Second Plie Releve, Tendu Front, Front Attitude Rotations, Arabesque Raises, The Nautilus, and Grand's just that Ballet stuff I'm doing

2007-06-12 12:33 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
OMG--I made the Sports page of the LaCrosse Tribune! That's me circled. Best pic I can come up with--didn't have anyone there to watch or take pics of me. The folks I knew there were all busy competing, too!


102_0485.bp.bmp (74KB - 24 downloads)
2007-06-12 12:48 PM
in reply to: #840986

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-06-12 1:33 PM

OMG--I made the Sports page of the LaCrosse Tribune! That's me circled. Best pic I can come up with--didn't have anyone there to watch or take pics of me. The folks I knew there were all busy competing, too!

Now this is unbelievable. First race out and she makes the front page of the paper? Sheesh.

(Yes, that's the sound of jealousy.)

I don't have the Friel book -- I think that's the Bible you referenced, and for a very basic reason -- the thing looked too difficult to figure out. I browsed it at the Barnes & Noble and it made my head hurt. However, it is THE book. If you can make sense of it, go for it. And then offer tutorials for the rest of us who have doctorates but would never be confused for real MDs.

2007-06-13 11:03 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Wow Pene thats nuts!  Congrats you are now pro!  Go take this to a sponsor and say, look at all the publicity I get, you should give me free stuff!
2007-06-13 12:36 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Hey Rob! What's up with you these days??? Computer deal going better??? Are you still sore from your tri? I am. Keep trying to make my body do stuff and it just does not want to! Well, I tried to get free stuff awhile back with those GPS deals. Don't think emailing the pic to the Taiwanese dude will get me anywhere........

Still waiting on Androgenie's detailed bike report!

Jeanette and Watergirl-- you both are up next, I believe. How are the nerves, ladies??

Mark--where are you these days?? Your life is a great adventure, and so very unlike any of ours--let us know what you had for breakfast. I'm sure even that is exciting!

Sean--if you are reading this--POST something! It's not nice to tease mother nature....(you are probably old enough to remember that commercial).

Have to go squeeze in four Amish ladies and kids who came 3 hours to see me from Iowa (they got the wrong day). Lunch over--back to work.
2007-06-13 12:48 PM
in reply to: #842807

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Greensboro, NC
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Here's what I put on my Livejournal account about the MS 150 :-)

It was just awesome! I really don't know how to put into words the whole experience. Saturday was really windy (as in 26 mile an hour headwind.....that was fun on the uphills!), and Sunday was really sunny. I learned which pair of my cycling shorts has better padding :-) I learned that my body sometimes needs salt (figured this out when some sweat dripped into my mouth and my first thought was "that tastes good....wait a minute, eww").

It was tough, both mentally and physically, but it was so much fun.

If you want to see some photos, check out the links below:

It was cool....people of all ages, sizes, and abilities. People with really old bikes, brand new bikes with tons of gear, tandems, recumbants, tandem recumbants, was really neat!

I've learned that I can maintain 18 mph on my bike on moderately flat terrain for an hour at a time :-) Plus, my team actually commented on how good I, good at a sport???? Wow.

I managed to sweat through my sunscreen, and now I have a really really bad burn on my left leg...bad enough that I got it checked out (the pain is worse than most of my tats combined, plus I'm nauseated from the pain) and my body is trying to fight of a sunburn related infection. I'll get pics of the burn :-)

I'm already signed up for next year, plus I'm looking at other charity bike treks this summer. Who's coming with for next year's MS 150? I'm already mapping out my fundraising plan :-)

2007-06-13 3:05 PM
in reply to: #842835

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
androgenie - 2007-06-13 1:48 PM

I learned which pair of my cycling shorts has better padding :-)

I learned that my body sometimes needs salt (figured this out when some sweat dripped into my mouth and my first thought was "that tastes good....wait a minute, eww").

I've learned that I can maintain 18 mph on my bike on moderately flat terrain for an hour at a time :-) Plus, my team actually commented on how good I, good at a sport???? Wow.

I hear you on the first two.

As for the last -- amazing how it feels when you realize you can do something, isn't it?

Way to go. I'm so very proud of your accomplishment. Not many people in the world would even try such a task, let alone complete it. I know I wouldn't have been up for it.

Applause applause applause.

Edited by prof40 2007-06-13 3:06 PM
2007-06-13 3:15 PM
in reply to: #843116

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Greensboro, NC
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Thanks Prof....I appreciate it.

Here's something else I've learned....sweatproof sunscreen doesn't last very long when you are really sweating....reapply reapply reapply so you don't have to take antibiotics for a really bad, potentially infected sunburn 2 weeks before your first tri :-P Reapply even if it dents your transition time!!
2007-06-13 5:34 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Androgenie--I'm so proud of you, too! I'm only doing a Century, and it's not until Labor Day, and I'm already fretting about it. So it does me a lot of good to hear you think it's fun, worth it, and you'd do it again in a heartbeat! I know people who do hundreds of miles each week and it's no big deal to them. But to me, those numbers just seem so unsurmountable! I need to change my mindset about it. Did you have lots of hills to contend with? How do your legs feel, muscle wise??? Interesting about the salt--hadn't considered that. I suppose it doesn't hurt to put a bag of chips or something in the bike backpack! Or get a big piece of beef jerky that you can shove in your mouth and chew on like a cow chewing cud!! Mmmm, better than gum!

Anyway, Congratulations! Better rest up before your tri now! And don't laugh, but I actually have been working on my tan in a tanning booth deal for awhile now because I burn so easily. I didn't fry for my tri, so that was worth it! But at best I only get a light brown-red "tan" with lots of stupid freckles on my shoulders. Do you have an aloe vera plant? I like those for burns! The Amish put butter on burns, but I wouldn't really recommend that.....Prof, you have a bunch of Amish where you are at??? Their horses sort of freak out about bikes! They've been giving me tons of strawberries----yumm! Good crop of them this year
2007-06-14 8:35 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Well, this is something interesting--my Velo club just sent out a message today that a woman from LaCrosse, Kris Voelker Riley, works for the MS Society and is trying to get an MS Ride near us organized! LaCrosse was just given a bronze level "bicycle friendly city" award. So, Androgenie, maybe your next ride will be in my neck of the woods, and you can shout to me to "reapply, reapply, reapply" in person! You DO look like you gained a little "attitude" on that team photo, btw! Good for you!! You deserve to have some attitude after that ride

So, next question--what kind of bike seat do you have? I just ordered a BiSaddle for my Step dad for Father's day, as he was eyeing my Easy Seat (an ischial seat) on my mountain bike. He has hemorrhoids and prostate issues (and maybe some other viagra-related issues) and not that any of that was caused by biking, but those seats just don't help any of those issues for men! And women don't exactly get a comfortable ride from the traditional saddle, either (I've read many reports of saddle soreness and one woman referred to it as "sore noo-noo syndrome"). So, I ordered a BiSaddle for my mom, too. And since I'm gonna be spending some serious time on my bike and not exactly sprinting for my Century and IM's, I ordered the super deluxe FOAM bisaddle for myself! As opposed to elastomer. Whatever. You can even go really fancy and get aluminum for the metal part as opposed to steel. I went with the cheaper steel. If I want to shave off a pound somewhere, I'd rather shave it off my butt! So you men without children that hope to have one someday--check out the BiSaddle!! Your wife will thank you!! (The police dudes on bikes have a lot of erectile and impotence issues and not very many children, so some of them are switching seats!)
2007-06-14 10:16 AM
in reply to: #843865

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Greensboro, NC
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
LaCrosse is close enough to me that I'd consider an MS ride in your area :-)

Anyhow, I just have the seat that my Specialized Dolce Vita came's not too bad, but the last 20 miles on the first day was pretty painful (the padding in my shorts was insufficient).

2007-06-15 10:30 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I am soo Nervous!!!!!!
I traveled and exercised and stilllll havnt fixed the bike. Today I will buy a gear shift cable, My frien said he would install it, I hope it will be good enough for the tri.

I need to rent a wet suit, however I am debating if I even need one. I am swimming in a pond and Lake Michigan feels good with no wetsuit, but will a wet suit help you go faster because of the bouyancy?

Flying with an ear problem was a big NO NO. I went to the doc before I flew, I hope it will heal the rest of the way on its own, After the tri I will go back again if need be.

I am most nervous about the run- I bought really nice running shoes that happened to be on sale but were still expensive so now my budget is tight.

8 days and I am running!! Biking at the gym!! Swimming in Lake Michigan last wend. and again this Sunday.

My nerves feel better after the swims and bikes. Reoccur after the runs.
2007-06-15 10:48 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

This last weekend I was by the lakefront early in the morning. There were MEN Very cute and handsome that were running and chanting songs. I thought oooh boot camp. Out here we have people who want to work out and be motivated by an instructor who is rough and tough Yet they are civilians. So I thought to myself why not keep pace but a few paces back as I am not part of this group and they probably paid for this. We Were chanting songs where you repeat what the instructor sings and its funny men stuff. But the rears and the strong arms were sweeeeet.
Great motivation!!!
Were going along and all of a sudden the instructor yells halt! Looks at me and says do you want to be conscripted into the army?

OOPS Well they werent civilians they were in training. They didn't have uniforms just tshirts and shorts.

Drop and give me 20!!!!

So all the Men did pushups just for me.


Well I guess I owe them a cold beer.

That was the most entertaining mile and a half I ever ran.
2007-06-15 1:02 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Oh Jeanette, only an innocent such as yourself would find such a situation! I can just see you bouncing merrily along behind a group of soldiers, singing/chanting and distracting the hell out of the poor chaps (cuz you are female and irresistible!). Heck, I would have taken them up on the offer to join up! (As long as I get to sleep in the barracks with the GUYS!!!!!) {Bad, bad, bad Phoenix--keep your fantasies private for God's sake--have SOME humility!}

Androgenie--guess what little can o worms I just opened with one simple little post on my velo group??? Now I'm being recruited by Kris from the MS society to do THIS year's ride in Wisconsin from Waukesha to Madison with a stop in Whitewater in the middle. It's August 4-5. Yikes!!!!!! Do I do it, or not????? That's only like a month and a half away, and 30 miles on the bike is the most I'm up for currently in one day.......How much training before hand did you do? Did you actually do 75 in one day, or more like 50 something in practice????

Yesterday I went a little nuts. I did bike-swim with group and NO wetsuit-and a 5 mile run and then danced wildly for an hour to some new TRANCE music I got!!! That's like 4 hours of activity, not including the shopping (8 pairs of pants for $99 including one pair that had original tag of $118 and was marked down to $12! Aren't you all impressed?). Then I got back on the bike this morning. Now I'm a tad bit sore.........

Jeanette--I did no wetsuit yesterday 800 y in the OW and I was SLOW!!! Much slower than with a suit. All the other ball busters went with their wetsuits even though air temps were 94 degrees! I just didn't want to ROAST. But it was more than a minute per 100 yards MORE without the suit! You'll have to try it both ways and do the math to see, then figure how much time you will take to pry off the suit in transition. But personally, I'm going with the suit next time. It was SCARY. My legs want to sink. But I did it!!

And now for some good news: {drum roll, please} my caliper reading says I'm at 20.7% body fat, not the 32% my stupid scale has me at!!! Yeah!!!!! I think I'll strive for 15% by IM 2008. Hey, can't hurt to dream, right!!

And there's a kayak-bike-run in the area like 10 miles from me at the Kickapoo Dam. It's called the Dam Tri, of course. The MS 150 here is the Best Dam Bike tour, too! Maybe it's a sign......hmmmm, how full can my dance card BE for one summer!!! Might have to try a kayak jaunt first. I grew up canoeing, but not in a canoe by myself... SEAN---you did a kayak race, right? Any hints?? How many practices would you suggest I do before September??? Or should I try to find a partner?? I ran with a guy last night who does that race--or rather, I was on the track at the same time and came panting up behind him and SCARED him as he thought I was a big panting DOG! Ha! Made me feel REAL good about my running! Well, he was nice enough and talked to me a bit.......and my arms didn't go numb from anxiety about running with another human being!

MALPH--where the heck are ya? Busy with your lady trainer friend, I bet Good for you, but send us a line to let us know you are alive!!!

Mark--still not talking to us? I promise not to bite your head off!!! Scout's honor!! (that would be BOY scout for me, of course!)

BGT--Hey girl! Where are you? Is Minneman THIS weekend?

Kanders--nice avie of your skinny butt! What are you up to these days?

Watergirl---how's it going? Hope you are resting up a bit before the big day!!

Robb--busy fighting off the tri ladies these days?? Make em mud wrestle for you--winner gets a DATE with you!!

Helen--how's your daughter at mud wrestling???? lol Gotta tease you guys a bit--no harm intended

CMCKEE--good luck with your surgery! Can't wait to hear about your first race, but rest up a bunch, first!! Will you do a DU first or try a tri?

PROF-- fearless leader! How's it going? What's your next adventure? Do you have the summer off? What DO you teach, anyway? Curiosity killed the catwoman/mermaid in training
2007-06-15 3:39 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I am here, I will write more later. But no Minnie Man this weekend it is 6/30. However, my frist OWS was suppose to be this weekend,. however, I got in a car accident and now I can not get out to the site.
need to rest.
2007-06-15 5:14 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Oh my, Quiana, are you really okay??? Be sure to get your neck looked at and treated. You'll need it to be loose for the tri!! Being carless is almost worse than being offline for awhile! Rest up and heal up!

2007-06-15 9:40 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Ok Im starting the countdown... I just realized how long I have been preparing for this race, almost 6 months! I started in January just getting back into shape, joined this website, annd then started seriously training 12 weeks ago. I think I was more anxious last week, now I just want the race to start! I feel like its been a really good 6 months though, I learned a lot about myself physically and mentally. I thought that after 5 years of doing these races, I would have learned all those things by now! But of course not, you can ALWAYS learn something new. This will be the longest physical challenge I have ever done in one stint, although the Hood to Coast relay probably is harder because its over 24 hours. Ill let y'all know how it went on Sunday!
2007-06-16 7:00 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
okay so here my deal:
1. I got T-boned yesterday, neither of us was going to fast, she was coasting through red, and I had just started to excelrate on a green. she hit my driver side door. I have no srapes, cuts or brusies. I was able to drive my car the 1 mile home and park it. The insrurance company towed it away, I am not sure if they will total it out due to damage to the axel or just suck the door back out.
2. When the police came I did not request an ambulance cause that cost money. And I did not think i needed it, no blood, no iar bag deplomnet. I also felt so bad for the lady, she was very caring she prayed with me and followed me home to make sure I was okay.
3. As for pain, I have some on my left side, neck, shoulder and lower back. I feel like it will go away with time, HOWEVER everyone is saying I should go see a doctor. I feel like if I did not go yesterday, I can not go today.If I go today, I am also worried people will think I am only going to doctor to get pain meds or money. I also do not want to purden this nice lady with more insurance stuff.

SO here is the top secret part, I am five weeks pregnant. I called my obgyn before I called my husband. They made a note in my chart and told me to go the 911 room if I had cramping or bleeding. I came home and rested for 8 hours and have had no issues so far.
remeber regurdless of the accident something could still go wrong, so please do not tell a soul.

so what should I do- choices are:
1. go to the doctor, you need to protect your neck and back
2. Yes to #1 and you need to protect your baby
3. The pain will go away, calm down, relax and RICE!
4. write in vote:

thanks for your help BGT/ Quiana
2007-06-16 8:01 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Quiana, I'm so glad for you! Maybe I'm just super hormonal today, but you made me cry!!! Being a parent is so HUGE! I learned just how much I can love another human when I had my first. It is so much bigger than even the love you have for a spouse. And that was pretty deep, too. It almost was the end of me when I finally had the courage to say "no more" and file for divorce. I didn't think my heart could ever love again! And the love for a child is so much deeper even than that. You can't divorce your kids. It's a lifetime bond. And beyond. So, you already know what to do--you find yourself a doctor and protect that baby! Now I am completely biased here, but I would go see a colleague of mine in that area--she is a board certified Pediatric and Pregnancy Chiropractor, like myself. She is a mother, and knows the Cranio-sacral technique, which is very gentle and will help balance your pelvis and low back where the nerves are for your female organs. I fell once and had a miscarriage from that. I'm not kidding. It happens for the Amish all the time that way. I'll email her info to you. NOW LISTEN: YOU ARE NOT TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THAT LADY OR HER INSURANCE. YOU ARE TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF!!! And people come to me WEEKS, MONTHS OR even YEARS after car accidents and then we have to reopen the case. If you are injured, you have every right to care. However, medical docs only have pain meds for you, and that would not be the best thing right now!!! Chiropractic is a drug-free option and very safe if you have someone who knows what they are doing! BUT X-RAYS are OUT right now! NOT good for that baby at this point and could kill it. So, NO ONE x-rays you and you tell them why! Unless your life depends on it, and then that will be a choice you and your husband will have to make together. It doesn't sound that serious, though. Just remember the law of physics--for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. You just took a serious force to the side of your body. And it whiplashed back in the opposite direction, guaranteed. So, go get it looked at! Pronto!

P.S. I'm talking plain film x-rays, not an ultrasound. That's okay, but I still am really conservative with ultrasound, too. And it's too early to get a heartbeat with a doppler fetoscope. Have to be 10 weeks or beyond for that. I'd get a heartbeat just as soon as it is possible, though and bring your husband! It is one of those moments you will never forget when you hear that little "gallop" of a heartbeat together!
2007-06-16 10:45 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I dont like to give medical advice over the internet, but I will say that its not too late to see anyone. I will say that going to the ER over the weekend can be a maddening excursion so if you dont feel that bad, and you are icing and stretching, you could wait until Monday to see your normal provider or a chiropractor as Pene recommended. There really isnt much the ER can do if its a minor injury. Otherwise- Im sooo sorry this happened but I am sooo happy for your pregnancy! Congrats; the good thing is the baby is so small right now, the accident was no more than a spash inside and it really should be well protected by its little sac.
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