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2010-12-17 2:52 PM
in reply to: #3252217

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-12-17 9:55 AM Woohoo is right Erica, way to go!  Enjoy the time off and all the baking.  My wife will be doing the same thing this weekend.  Speaking of my wife, I am going to brag on her.  She sent me this email this morning.  I am very proud of her.  She tracks all her workouts on paper and this is what she has done through today this year...

I have run 582.39 miles
I have gone to 109 body pump classes
I have gone to 28 spin classes
I have gone to 15 pilates classes
I have gone to 9 body attack classes
I have gone to 6 yoga/yogalates classes
I have taken 58 days off (12 of those were "sick" days)
I am currently 5.4 lbs lighter than I was at the begining of 2010

Nice job MrsTim!!  Did you ask her what her plan is for 2011?

2010-12-17 2:53 PM
in reply to: #3252171

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
SoccerGK - 2010-12-17 9:23 AM SEMESTER IS DONE! WOOHOO!!!

I got a workout in this morning, too.  It felt super good cuz I haven't had time to workout since Monday.  Boo.  I'm going to pick up an extra bike ride this weekend to make up for it.

And I get to do all my Xmas baking this weekend, which is my favorite thing to do around this time of year!  Since I'm not going to see my big Italian family this Xmas (we're celebrating with Ryan's family this year), I'm going to be brave and attempt to make some Italian cookies that usually my aunt is in charge of making, along with all the kinds I always make.  I think I have like 11-12 different kinds I'm baking starting tonight/tomorrow.  Should be fun!

Thanks to everybody for sticking with me for this semester.  I really appreciate it!

Nice!  Now you can enjoy the holidays!  Enjoy yourself baking!!  We are heading to the inlaws tomorrow to make cookies.  I hate making this cookie and I don't even like them! 
2010-12-17 2:58 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
She doesn't really have a plan.  Even this year, the goal was to just lose some weight (she is 4'11 116 now).  She goes to classes or runs almost every day of the week.  Way more dedicated than I am.  I know she would like to get down to 110.  She got motivated to look it all up when I told her I was shooting for 400 running miles.  She blew my 400 out of the water! 

But I am proud of what I have done this year too.  Much more consistent with my workouts.  At the end of the year I am going to post my 2010 vs 2009 tri sport hours and distances for comparison. 
2010-12-18 8:24 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
How are we all doing on the every day challenge this week?

I am 5 for 5 and am planning a run this afternoon.

Who wants to see how long we can keep it going?
2010-12-18 9:01 AM
in reply to: #3253184

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-12-18 6:24 AM How are we all doing on the every day challenge this week?

I am 5 for 5 and am planning a run this afternoon.

Who wants to see how long we can keep it going?

I started the challenge on Wednesday and so far 3 for 3 and I'm up and ready for my long run this morning!
2010-12-18 9:21 AM
in reply to: #3253184

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-12-18 8:24 AM How are we all doing on the every day challenge this week?

I am 5 for 5 and am planning a run this afternoon.

Who wants to see how long we can keep it going?

I am doing, well, good!!  I just started a new lifting plan so I mapped out the next two weeks on paper.  My next rest day is scheduled for the 26th but we will see what happens next week!

2010-12-20 8:43 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
So how was the weekend?  It's that busy time of year for everyone.  I ate terribly.  Wife is doing tons of baking and I am the official taste tester.  Had a family lunch yesterday with several more tons of food.  I am ready to have a few days of nothing but veggies and no sweets! 

Last week I ended the week with a run, PT session, and another run and the knee was pretty sore.  So I took yesterday off and it is feeling better today.  Have another PT session today and I plan on heading to the gym afterwards and hop on the elliptical.  Gotta burn some of this excess weight off.  Was at 205.6 today.  I am still on pace for hitting the 400 running miles.

Oh yeah, and tomorrow is the first day of winter and we are supposed to hit a record high of 82!  Ridiculous!  But I hope to get the bike outside and enjoy it while I can.

Hope everyone has a good week.

Edited by chichitao 2010-12-20 8:44 AM
2010-12-20 8:54 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I am going to pass on the secret family recipe for the simplest and most requested cookie recipe my wife makes.  It has been a hit where ever we go.  I love these things and can eat them forever.  I guess you will have to like peanut butter and not be allergic though.

Buy 1 package of the Betty Crocker peanut butter cookie mix in a bag.  Mix it up according to directions and make the dough balls like normal.  Instead of putting them on a cookie sheet, use a mini muffin pan and drop one ball in each muffin hole.  Bake according to directions.  Buy a bag of miniature peanut butter cups and unwrap them.  When the cookies are done, place one cup into each cookie pressing it down into the cookie so the top of the cup is even with the top of the cookie.  Do this with each cookie and then let it sit in the pan until cool, then remove (they will break apart if pulled out warm).  That is it.  Crazy easy and super delicious.  Enjoy!
2010-12-20 10:17 AM
in reply to: #3254675

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-12-20 6:54 AM I am going to pass on the secret family recipe for the simplest and most requested cookie recipe my wife makes.  It has been a hit where ever we go.  I love these things and can eat them forever.  I guess you will have to like peanut butter and not be allergic though.

Buy 1 package of the Betty Crocker peanut butter cookie mix in a bag.  Mix it up according to directions and make the dough balls like normal.  Instead of putting them on a cookie sheet, use a mini muffin pan and drop one ball in each muffin hole.  Bake according to directions.  Buy a bag of miniature peanut butter cups and unwrap them.  When the cookies are done, place one cup into each cookie pressing it down into the cookie so the top of the cup is even with the top of the cookie.  Do this with each cookie and then let it sit in the pan until cool, then remove (they will break apart if pulled out warm).  That is it.  Crazy easy and super delicious.  Enjoy!

These sound dangerous!  and incredibly yummy!!
2010-12-20 10:30 AM
in reply to: #3254651

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I also had a very busy weekend.  Friday I worked from home which allowed me to go to my daughter's run clinic, it was their last one of the year, and do a nice 5.5KM run and a nice yoga session afterwards.  It was very chilly and we were supposed to go to a runner's christmas party that evening, but I fell asleep at 7:30pm, woke up at 9pm and went to bed...exciting Friday night and I missed a good party.  I did my long run on Saturday morning and that night was another runner's xmas party, this one was a martini party, I was DD, so no drinks for me, but there was soooooo much decadent food there, cheeses, desserts and stomach still hates me.   Sunday morning was yet another runner's get together, with  about 30 of us going out for brunch, I ate fairly light for the most part and although I did hit the dessert table, I only took bite size portions of a few desserts and only dipped a couple of things in the chocolate fountain....mmmmmm.  The rest of sunday was spent basically being a lump, aside from taking the dog out for a short walk.

I hit 1104 KM's on my Saturday run,  the latest challenge issued by a fellow runner is to make 1125 for year end, I'll hit that easy, I'm tempted to up it to 1150KM, that number just astounds me, if you had asked me just a few short years ago if I would run 10KM in a year I would have laughed and thought you were crazy!
3 more days of work, including today, and I'll be off till next year!! 
2010-12-20 10:46 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
It has been a crazy week!  I just hate being sick and was finally starting to feel better on Thursday and then Thursday night my daughter woke up with it.  She couldn't breathe and had a terribly high temp.  The sitter said she could come while I went to the dr.  I was going to see another ENT for some spot on my tongue that has been bothering.  He ended up doing a biopsy right there and the stupid dr. cut out the wrong spot!!!  So needless to say I have been pretty upset about it all weekend.  It happened friday morning.  So I went to pick up Nora and we both just lounged on the couch.  I haven't been able to eat much this weekend and without much energy I have not been working out.  Nora's fever finally broke last night and my mouth is starting to feel a bit better, but still really hard to eat. 

I did sign up for a st. patty's day run, so my training starts next week.  We are leaving for Chicago on Wed. evening for the holiday and won't be home until the 28th.  I am hoping to get a few runs in with my girlfriend at her gym.  I told her she needed to make me go with her and she is on top of it. 

I feel like I have come far this year with tracking workouts and such and don't want to end the year on a bad note.  So I am determined to get at least 6 workouts in before the end of the year.  That is all I can do right now.

2010-12-21 7:40 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I am a little bummed after my PT session yesterday.  I am afraid I might not make my 400mi mark.  Last week I did a run, PT session, run, all in back to back days and my knee was pretty sore.  I took Sun off and went back to PT on Mon.  She is concerned that I am doing a little too much and not easing back into it enough.  She only wants me running 2x a week which puts me at 4 runs left for the year.  I have almost 18mi left to make it and that would put my runs at 4.5mi each, way longer than she wants me doing right now. 

So, I am not sure what I am going to do.  Maybe squeeze in an extra run if the knee is feeling ok? 

On a good note, weather is supposed to be 82-84 today so I came into work early so I can get off early and go for a nice bike ride.  Wanted to make sure and have plenty of day light. 

Happy Tuesday!
2010-12-21 9:07 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
And we have gone to the archives!!

Nothing new to report around here.  Just in full holiday mode.  I just told my dad I am taking off the entire week of Christmas next year.  I am sitting here thinking of everything I could be doing with the kids.  We are taking them to see Toy Story on Ice Thursday night and I cannot wait!
2010-12-21 1:32 PM
in reply to: #3255801

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Sorry to hear about that Tim.  I wouldn't worry about the 400 mile mark for this year unless you plan on retiring from working out this year.  In my opinion the overall goal of what we are doing is to stay healthy.  You might make your 400 mile goal but at what cost?  Not being able to recover fully for next year would really suck and you might be miserable.  Just my 2 cents.  What about maybe getting some short runs in and some walks each evening or something to get your mileage in?

chichitao - 2010-12-21 7:40 AM I am a little bummed after my PT session yesterday.  I am afraid I might not make my 400mi mark.  Last week I did a run, PT session, run, all in back to back days and my knee was pretty sore.  I took Sun off and went back to PT on Mon.  She is concerned that I am doing a little too much and not easing back into it enough.  She only wants me running 2x a week which puts me at 4 runs left for the year.  I have almost 18mi left to make it and that would put my runs at 4.5mi each, way longer than she wants me doing right now. 

So, I am not sure what I am going to do.  Maybe squeeze in an extra run if the knee is feeling ok? 

On a good note, weather is supposed to be 82-84 today so I came into work early so I can get off early and go for a nice bike ride.  Wanted to make sure and have plenty of day light. 

Happy Tuesday!
2010-12-21 1:43 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

I have had two great workout this past week.  My six miler on Sunday was so nice to get outside.  I have been running in the gym on the treadmill or indoor track and I have been dreading it.  I normally don't mind running in the cold but this year I have just been avoiding it.  Sunday I finally got fed up and just did it.  The temps were 12 degrees with a Real Feel of around 9.  I actually really enjoyed it since it was a sunny day.  I think I have gotten over my cold running mental block.

Today I also had a great swim.  T1 - I have officially given up on the AquaSphere goggles.  I cannot get them to NOT leak!!  No matter what they always start leaking about 400-500 yards in and my workout is ruined.  This is my 3rd pair and I have had it.  Someone put on the review that they are like a bad relationship.  You want to make it work but just keep going back and getting abused-haha.  Well I am divorcing them.  Today I said screw it and used my old Speedo goggles.  I have been cutting my workouts short the past two months b/c of frustration but today I was about 2000 Yards in and felt great with NO LEAKS.  Ended up swimming 2800 and then went home and speed shoveled 6 inches of snow from the driveway before work!

Hope everyone has a great week!

2010-12-21 3:13 PM
in reply to: #3255801

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-12-21 7:40 AM I am a little bummed after my PT session yesterday.  I am afraid I might not make my 400mi mark.  Last week I did a run, PT session, run, all in back to back days and my knee was pretty sore.  I took Sun off and went back to PT on Mon.  She is concerned that I am doing a little too much and not easing back into it enough.  She only wants me running 2x a week which puts me at 4 runs left for the year.  I have almost 18mi left to make it and that would put my runs at 4.5mi each, way longer than she wants me doing right now. 

So, I am not sure what I am going to do.  Maybe squeeze in an extra run if the knee is feeling ok? 

On a good note, weather is supposed to be 82-84 today so I came into work early so I can get off early and go for a nice bike ride.  Wanted to make sure and have plenty of day light. 

Happy Tuesday!

I know the feeling!  It is not worth risking further injury though!

2010-12-21 3:16 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
T2 - sorry the goggles didn't work out for you.  I do have to push them on my face pretty hard to begin with but then I am good after that.  I don't wear them in the pool though, only in races.  Maybe the chlorine eats them up a bit.  I wear speedos in the pool b/c I don't need to sight. 

And you are right about the knee and not prolonging the injury just to reach 400.  I've got a run planned for Wed so I'll just do it and see where I stand after that. 
2010-12-21 3:25 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Just in case anyone didn't know how great this website, and the developers Ron and Mike, are...I got this message from them today:


As the holidays come upon us, we would like to let you know how much we appreciate the time and effort you've spent as a mentor this past year. Being a mentor here is an ongoing act of generosity and service and one that can sometimes make the difference between a new person giving up or continuing on the path to a fit, healthy lifestyle. As a mentor you have done some real good for others.

By way of appreciation we have upgraded your current membership to Gold and extended it by six months.

Wishing you fitness, health and happiness 2011:

Ron Shea and Mike 'marmadaddy' Mullane

I wasn't expecting that at all and had never even heard of them doing that for mentors.  In my book, that is pretty darn awesome and I want to thank you all for allowing me to be a part of this group this year.  If Meggan and Sandra hadn't convinced me to do it I never would have.  It has been a blast and I hope we all came away with some things we learned this year.  I know you all have taught me a lot and I am proud of you all.

2010-12-21 8:40 PM
in reply to: #3256688

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-12-21 3:25 PM Just in case anyone didn't know how great this website, and the developers Ron and Mike, are...I got this message from them today:


As the holidays come upon us, we would like to let you know how much we appreciate the time and effort you've spent as a mentor this past year. Being a mentor here is an ongoing act of generosity and service and one that can sometimes make the difference between a new person giving up or continuing on the path to a fit, healthy lifestyle. As a mentor you have done some real good for others.

By way of appreciation we have upgraded your current membership to Gold and extended it by six months.

Wishing you fitness, health and happiness 2011:

Ron Shea and Mike 'marmadaddy' Mullane

I wasn't expecting that at all and had never even heard of them doing that for mentors.  In my book, that is pretty darn awesome and I want to thank you all for allowing me to be a part of this group this year.  If Meggan and Sandra hadn't convinced me to do it I never would have.  It has been a blast and I hope we all came away with some things we learned this year.  I know you all have taught me a lot and I am proud of you all.


Peer pressure at its finest my friend!  Thanks for the past year Tim!
2010-12-22 6:11 AM
in reply to: #3254675

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-12-20 8:54 AM I am going to pass on the secret family recipe for the simplest and most requested cookie recipe my wife makes.  It has been a hit where ever we go.  I love these things and can eat them forever.  I guess you will have to like peanut butter and not be allergic though.

Buy 1 package of the Betty Crocker peanut butter cookie mix in a bag.  Mix it up according to directions and make the dough balls like normal.  Instead of putting them on a cookie sheet, use a mini muffin pan and drop one ball in each muffin hole.  Bake according to directions.  Buy a bag of miniature peanut butter cups and unwrap them.  When the cookies are done, place one cup into each cookie pressing it down into the cookie so the top of the cup is even with the top of the cookie.  Do this with each cookie and then let it sit in the pan until cool, then remove (they will break apart if pulled out warm).  That is it.  Crazy easy and super delicious.  Enjoy!

I will not be making them EVER!!!  My sister's best friend makes a crazy amount of cookies every year.  I think this year she made 30 different kinds and she gives out tins to people.  I left mine at work on Monday because we have plenty of junk here at home.  I opened it up yesterday and found 2 of these gems.  Oh my god!!  I might have to bust open my parent's tin today and hope they have some of them too.
2010-12-22 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I've been baking nonstop for the last few days, and I've now accumulated the following: peanut butter cookies, sugar cookies, chocolate chip cookies, gingerbread cookies, lemon knots, shortbread cookies, spritz cookies, biscotti, and peanut butter squares.  We have 6 big tupperwares full of cookies, then some ziploc bags on top of that.  I like making cookies to give to friends and family this time of year, so we spent about 70 dollars on baking stuff, which is not bad since we have like 60 people to give cookies to, plus trays for our family events.  Less than a dollar per person when it adds up, and I'm okay with that!  Plus, it's fun.

And yes, I've gained some weight back from all the baking...  the only downfall of the holidays!

T1 - Super awesome that you guys got upgraded, but I'm so mad about it, too!  I was going to upgrade Ryan's account TONIGHT as part of his Xmas gift!  Then he just told me last night about it.  So now I have to come up with another Xmas gift for him, and we're celebrating together TOMORROW!  Ohhhhh great.

Any goals for this holiday season?  Mine is to just keep working out!  I won't be able to bike next week at all since we'll be visiting family, but I'm hoping to get 4-5 runs in at least, plus a couple of hikes. 


2010-12-22 9:20 AM
in reply to: #3257332

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
SoccerGK - 2010-12-22 9:02 AM I've been baking nonstop for the last few days, and I've now accumulated the following: peanut butter cookies, sugar cookies, chocolate chip cookies, gingerbread cookies, lemon knots, shortbread cookies, spritz cookies, biscotti, and peanut butter squares.  We have 6 big tupperwares full of cookies, then some ziploc bags on top of that.  I like making cookies to give to friends and family this time of year, so we spent about 70 dollars on baking stuff, which is not bad since we have like 60 people to give cookies to, plus trays for our family events.  Less than a dollar per person when it adds up, and I'm okay with that!  Plus, it's fun.

And yes, I've gained some weight back from all the baking...  the only downfall of the holidays!

T1 - Super awesome that you guys got upgraded, but I'm so mad about it, too!  I was going to upgrade Ryan's account TONIGHT as part of his Xmas gift!  Then he just told me last night about it.  So now I have to come up with another Xmas gift for him, and we're celebrating together TOMORROW!  Ohhhhh great.

Any goals for this holiday season?  Mine is to just keep working out!  I won't be able to bike next week at all since we'll be visiting family, but I'm hoping to get 4-5 runs in at least, plus a couple of hikes. 


What are lemon knots?  We make Italian knots with my MIL and I hate making them and I also hate the cookies.

Did I miss somewhere over the past few months that Ryan is on here too?  I did not know that.
2010-12-22 9:39 AM
in reply to: #3257359

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2010-12-22 9:20 AM
SoccerGK - 2010-12-22 9:02 AM I've been baking nonstop for the last few days, and I've now accumulated the following: peanut butter cookies, sugar cookies, chocolate chip cookies, gingerbread cookies, lemon knots, shortbread cookies, spritz cookies, biscotti, and peanut butter squares.  We have 6 big tupperwares full of cookies, then some ziploc bags on top of that.  I like making cookies to give to friends and family this time of year, so we spent about 70 dollars on baking stuff, which is not bad since we have like 60 people to give cookies to, plus trays for our family events.  Less than a dollar per person when it adds up, and I'm okay with that!  Plus, it's fun.

And yes, I've gained some weight back from all the baking...  the only downfall of the holidays!

T1 - Super awesome that you guys got upgraded, but I'm so mad about it, too!  I was going to upgrade Ryan's account TONIGHT as part of his Xmas gift!  Then he just told me last night about it.  So now I have to come up with another Xmas gift for him, and we're celebrating together TOMORROW!  Ohhhhh great.

Any goals for this holiday season?  Mine is to just keep working out!  I won't be able to bike next week at all since we'll be visiting family, but I'm hoping to get 4-5 runs in at least, plus a couple of hikes. 


What are lemon knots?  We make Italian knots with my MIL and I hate making them and I also hate the cookies.

Did I miss somewhere over the past few months that Ryan is on here too?  I did not know that.

Lemon knots are my fave!  They're really just a basic cookie (butter, flour, sugar) with lots of lemon flavoring and then tied to look like a knot before they're baked.  Then there's a lemon icing that you put on top.  Hard to describe since this is my first time ever making them.  They didn't turn out exactly how my aunt makes them, but darn it, I gave it my best!  I'll just blame it on only beng 75% Italian... ha.

Yup, Ryan's username here is menglo!  He's the one who started me on here since he thought it would be good for me to track my workouts.  Which is kind of a bummer right now because I always want to post to ask for gift ideas, but he could check any thread at any time! 
2010-12-22 9:52 AM
in reply to: #3257384

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
SoccerGK - 2010-12-22 9:39 AM
Mrschach - 2010-12-22 9:20 AM
SoccerGK - 2010-12-22 9:02 AM I've been baking nonstop for the last few days, and I've now accumulated the following: peanut butter cookies, sugar cookies, chocolate chip cookies, gingerbread cookies, lemon knots, shortbread cookies, spritz cookies, biscotti, and peanut butter squares.  We have 6 big tupperwares full of cookies, then some ziploc bags on top of that.  I like making cookies to give to friends and family this time of year, so we spent about 70 dollars on baking stuff, which is not bad since we have like 60 people to give cookies to, plus trays for our family events.  Less than a dollar per person when it adds up, and I'm okay with that!  Plus, it's fun.

And yes, I've gained some weight back from all the baking...  the only downfall of the holidays!

T1 - Super awesome that you guys got upgraded, but I'm so mad about it, too!  I was going to upgrade Ryan's account TONIGHT as part of his Xmas gift!  Then he just told me last night about it.  So now I have to come up with another Xmas gift for him, and we're celebrating together TOMORROW!  Ohhhhh great.

Any goals for this holiday season?  Mine is to just keep working out!  I won't be able to bike next week at all since we'll be visiting family, but I'm hoping to get 4-5 runs in at least, plus a couple of hikes. 


What are lemon knots?  We make Italian knots with my MIL and I hate making them and I also hate the cookies.

Did I miss somewhere over the past few months that Ryan is on here too?  I did not know that.

Lemon knots are my fave!  They're really just a basic cookie (butter, flour, sugar) with lots of lemon flavoring and then tied to look like a knot before they're baked.  Then there's a lemon icing that you put on top.  Hard to describe since this is my first time ever making them.  They didn't turn out exactly how my aunt makes them, but darn it, I gave it my best!  I'll just blame it on only beng 75% Italian... ha.

Yup, Ryan's username here is menglo!  He's the one who started me on here since he thought it would be good for me to track my workouts.  Which is kind of a bummer right now because I always want to post to ask for gift ideas, but he could check any thread at any time! 

I would like those knots!  Our knots are the same but with just plain old vanilla extract and not a lot of it.  They are iced with just powdered sugar/milk mixture.  Blah!!!  It was not fun making them this year.  Next year my husband and the boys will be staying home because my boys will never sit there and make the darn cookies like my MIL thinks they should.
2010-12-22 11:24 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I am close to being all cookie'd out.  With all the desserts and cookies I have been eating, I can't believe I haven't put on more weight. 

My goal right now is to just be consistent with my workouts.  Try to get something in almost every day.  Brought some workouts clothes to run in after work today.  Tomorrow I am donating blood after work, so no workout, but plan to get something easy in on Fri and Sat. 

I am seriously contemplating doing a HIM next year.  I can get some training tips from T2.  There is a series here called the Texas Tri Series where you start the season on April 17th with a mini sprint, do 2 more sprints, 1 oly, then finish the year in Oct with a HIM.  I have plenty of time to decide.
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