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2013-10-07 9:49 AM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Carol - I'll be in Southlake next June 5-8th. Plan on a bike ride!!!

Jared - congrats. Sounds like you're already done for. Doesn't take long. (I have 2 daughters myself). Steve speaks truth.

Pam - congrats on a crazy race. Hill repeats don't sound like fun.

2013-10-07 9:56 AM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Mike, I don't know if it helps, but I sure do sympathize. I've been there since my marathon fiasco in late February. Stress fracture, piriformis syndrome, arch issue, just seems like it's always something when it comes to running. I've tried PT, ditching the orthotics, rest, etc. Yesterday was truly the first run I've had since Jan/Feb timeframe that felt solid, and there was still some glute pain. Advice? I don't know for sure except to enjoy what you can do, when you can do it. It's all a gift. Letting go of some of the used to be's and want to be's -- even just for a time -- is hard but sometimes necessary, at least for a time. Personally, I'd be happy to just to be able to run 5 or 6 miles regularly without doing damage. Not sighing up for anything beyond a sprint or 5K for fun because I don't want to put myself in a position to push too far too fast. Once regular, easy 5 milers truly feel easy, I can look beyond that.
2013-10-07 10:01 AM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by Mike_D

Carol - I'll be in Southlake next June 5-8th. Plan on a bike ride!!!

You got it! We will make sure to have a couple good routes lined up. You'll have to slow down a bit though!
2013-10-07 10:08 AM
in reply to: squirt

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by squirt

Originally posted by Mike_D

Carol - I'll be in Southlake next June 5-8th. Plan on a bike ride!!!

You got it! We will make sure to have a couple good routes lined up. You'll have to slow down a bit though!

If all goes according to plan, that will be my last weekend of taper before my first HIM of 2014, so a nice easy ride is exactly what I'd want to do!
2013-10-07 2:09 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Congrats Jared! You're definitely in for it. Funny, When I had my first I could not believe they were making us take her home after only 2 days. Are they serious??? We had no idea what to do. The second one. We were like ... Can we go home yet? Yes, you learn a lot from the first.

So cool Jared! Now for the balance part of life!

Pam, that HM sounded crazy! Hill repeats??? Must have been brutal.

So I am officially going to sign up for IM Couer d'lene. why not??? I'm going to see if I can find the balance and not take too much away from the family. That means early mornings. Sneaking in rides during the day. Swimming when I can and not taking away all the weekends for training???

This will be my second full. wont be breaking any records but I just want to enjoy the training and the day...
2013-10-07 6:53 PM
in reply to: Mitchparadise

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Jared - Yes! So excited for your tiny addition! Avery, what a sweet name for a sweet little girl. And you definitely sound like a doting father and that makes my heart happy for her! Enjoy it all and keep on chuckling! I'll look you up on FB!

Mike - great pic! I wasn't in a band when I was younger, but I was a little rock-n-roll junky. Back when smoking was still kind of cool. I'm so sorry the physical issues are not clearing up for you and I hope you find ways to meet your goals without being too frustrated with yourself and the circumstance. Way to go getting through a product launch; that does create stress especially when you are in charge.

Carol - Glad you had a nice semi-solid feeling run and I want you to get better soon too! PTL that your insurance is picking up the bill for the house repairs. I sure love the little ways (or big in this case) He provides when least expected!

Mitch - It'll be super great to meet you! Will your family being coming along? You're welcome to stay at my house. Steve and his family are planning to tent in my yard, so I still have an extra room. But I totally understand if y'all would rather have your own space. I will hope you join us for Saturday dinner and Monday breakfast Pics of little Eva would be fantastic!

Jay - Yay for swimming improvements. I know when I was going to a coach he told me to put my head down more (and I really thought I was putting it down far) and it felt so awkward. I even asked him more than once if I was doing it right because I felt I was tucking my chin too much. He assured me I was not doing it wrong.

Pam - What a crazy race. I'm not sure I would have gone through with it once I saw what I was up against. I'm actually glad for you that your garmin was being stupid. If you could see how you were doing you might've pushed too hard. I guess I see a reason for everything, but way to tough it out. And you are so right about life being able to change in a moment. Car accidents are the thing that makes me the most nervous because they really impact the life of the people involved in so many ways.

Steve - I'm genuinely surprised to hear that IMLT isn't going to change things. Maybe they like the reputation of being a super hard core IM course. That's make you super hard core cause you are knowingly doing it again. Ha! Glad you resting, eating and getting fat. Such a great place to have permission to be at.

Life is moving along for me. Loving my new place. It has a wood burning stove and I scored some good wood over the weekend. The stove will burn 1-2 pieces of wood for 8-12 hrs heating the house up nicely. I'm just amazed and thankful. Picked an abundance of plums off a friends tree this weekend and now I'm trying to figure out what to do with them. I've never really canned and I don't have the supplies. I'm hoping I find something online tonight that will allow me to at least prevent them from going bad. Thankfully I have given away two grocery bags full, so I have less to worry about. My wrist is not healing like I expected it would. Having never dealt with real injuries I just expected it would be back to normal in a few days to a couple weeks at most. Not so much. PT is wondering if I need an MRI to see if anything is torn. I'm probably just a wimp and it will heal, but it sure does hurt when I try to do certain things. And I went for a nice 2.5 mile run yesterday. I'm moving back to a place where I look forward to it, but I'm still fighting the lazy bug. Oh, and I bought my first ever axe. I feel sorta hard core and woodsy. And yet I'm also an IM. I think backpacking, wood cutting, working at a hospital and being an IM athlete is a weird combination for some reason.

2013-10-07 9:35 PM
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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Samantha if it hurts it hurts, that means something is wrong. Did you get a splitting axe or a chopping axe... you cant split wood with a chopping axe and visa versa.

Sorry for the nagging legs, hope it works its way out, go slow to go fast.

Yay I will have company at CDA. To think at one point I was worried about the hills of CDA.

Pam probably take a few extra days to heal up before getting back into regular training after that brutal HM.

Ya they wanted to keep IMSG as the brutal IM, but then... it was too brutal and they dropped it. But they kept it for a few years. IMLT is pretty fixable, but they are not yet ready to do so until the numbers drop off significantly. Then $$ will dictate. They will have a hard time to recover from the race reports from this year. Polls say 66% of people who do IMs are not willing to hit one that is this difficult.

Edited by Baowolf 2013-10-07 9:38 PM
2013-10-07 9:43 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Steve - IMCDA is gonna be awesome with so many of y'all coming up. I am so excited about it. I guess I don't know what kind of axe I bought, but I think it's for splitting. It says it's a 3 1/2 pound single bit michigan. I bought an axe that looks like axes I've used before to split wood. I plan on getting all my wood pre-split and I needed an axe to make smaller pieces for kindling and such.
2013-10-08 10:37 AM
in reply to: anthalynn

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by anthalynn
Oh, and I bought my first ever axe. I feel sorta hard core and woodsy. And yet I'm also an IM. I think backpacking, wood cutting, working at a hospital and being an IM athlete is a weird combination for some reason.

Ha, you're cracking me up! An image sort of like this is forming:

Glad you are feeling drawn to run, and hoping for some relief for your wrist!

Another 4 mile run down this morning; so far so good. I've let home repairs derail my swimming (narrow window for lap swim). Today it's gate repair; then we move on to sheetrock repair and painting, then flooring options. Very grateful for my work from home job. No idea how we would manage all this otherwise.
2013-10-08 9:31 PM
in reply to: squirt

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Carol - that pic made me happy. I've always wished I grew up in the days where wood was the only source of heat and living really depended on doing rather than existing. So glad you got in 4 miles pain free; gotta start somewhere. I heard a story on the radio today about a lady who saw an add for oak flooring for $2.67/square foot, so she headed off to every home depot within driving distance. Bought enough to install oak floors in her entire house for around $250 before Home Depot realized their mistake. Apparently it usually sold for $60+/square foot. What a score, so I hope something like that works out for you!

Today was the first day I felt like my wrist was improving. Back to the doctor tomorrow after another round of PT and I'm curious to see what the outcome will be.
2013-10-09 4:14 AM
in reply to: anthalynn

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Carol - glad the running is coming back

Samantha - nice score on the floors! An axe? OK, everyone sing with me... "I'm a lumberjack, and I'm OK...."

Did some early AM biking today and it felt great. can feel the spark returning. My wife mentioned yesterday that I seemed to be tired much of the time lately, and wondered if it was due to my not working out as much. I think she was spot on, so I'm getting back at it. Will try to find some pool time tonight if possible, and do some speed walking tomorrow AM....

2013-10-09 1:04 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
I think a spark has been lit with the group; I'm noticing more people posting again and getting more active with training etc.

Pam: Congrats on finishing that race. Personally, I'm not a fan of loop courses and knowing I was looping to a big get props from me! Random thing...while I was at the gym today, I saw a car with a Ragnar 2012 sticker and thought of you.

Carol: Congrats on the run. Hopefully, you can stay pain free going forward.

Mike: I hope your injury get better soon. As I read your posts and sense frustration; I can't help but wonder if no one has been able to correctly diagnose what is going on with your hammy.

Samantha: Hope that wrist gets better soon. Thanks for the feedback on your experience with head position...I took it seriously!

Mitch: Are you sure you want to sign up for IMCDA now??

Jared: I must be computer illiterate; I tried to look you up on facebook and failed I found a Jared Hight that appears to be a rotund fellow...I assumed that wasn't you

Training has been going ok for me. I got in a hair over 9 miles yesterday at an average pace of 9:26 I did the same hilly course as last week and improved 15 seconds...things are slowly getting there. I actually had a kick at the end of my run..that was nice to see. Next week, double digit run. That will be the first time for that since 9/12 when I did my last HM. I decided to take a step back with my swimming and focus on my head positioning. I only did 250 yards today (5x50) but I want to get some good muscle memory with getting my head down in good position. I got some positive reinforcement when I did a rep in conjunction with another swimmer who is usually much faster and I was even with her for the 50 yards we did. Another shoulder pain like I usually get when I swim after lifting weights. Hopefully, one step backward will equal two steps forward as I get more comfortable swimming with my head down further than I'm used to.
2013-10-09 8:33 PM
in reply to: medeiros13

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Quick checkin. Wow, the group is doing great and I'm so happy that everyone seems to be on the right track. Me, I've been off track. Yes, I was sore and mentally off from my race of Sunday. Then I had a minor medical procedure Monday which left my body fatiqued for several days. I proposedly overslept today to see if I could begin to feel better. So hopefully, I'm gonna get my butt out there tomorrow morn early.

Oh, p.s. Carol, I spit on my computer screen when I saw that pix. Love it.
2013-10-09 8:34 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed

Edited by Pink Socks 2013-10-09 8:35 PM
2013-10-10 5:16 AM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Made it out there this morn and deliberately took a hilly route. Not blazingly fast but a workout. Felt like I got some of the zest back. Now I've got to find time to go run over the next two/three days with RL stuff. Have a great weekend everyone.
2013-10-10 7:34 AM
in reply to: anthalynn

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by anthalynn

I've always wished I grew up in the days where wood was the only source of heat and living really depended on doing rather than existing.

Samantha, I agree re: living by doing rather than existing. I just don't think we were meant to spend our lives in cubicles with artificial lighting and tethered to a computer screen. I think I'm more meant to be a forest ranger than an accountant sometimes.

Jay, so glad to see your training going so well. Awesome that you are going to hit your first double digit run next week! Keep up the good (and smart) work!

Mike, hope you can continue to move towards the right balance and more pep in your step!

Pam, knowing when to rest is a good thing. Glad you took some down time and feel better!

Steve, how is recovery?

Mitch, you're a nut but at least you know what you are likely in for. Love that you guys are doing CDA together!

RL has been challenging here as well, so having trouble fitting in anything other than runs and walks (and chores of course). Does hedge trimming work the same muscles as swimming? I'm hoping so.

2013-10-10 4:51 PM
in reply to: squirt

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Ya I'm here, following you guys. Not sure how the legs are doing. I have been walking some this week maxing out at 2.5 miles today with some mild aches and pains that pass.

So we have 3 for CDA 2014?
2013-10-11 7:13 AM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Glad you are resting up Steve. Now is the time before those back to back IM's in the summer!

Looking forward to running w/ a friend this morning. We'll see if I can make 5 miles. Coffee shop at the end should pull me along .
2013-10-11 6:31 PM
in reply to: squirt

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Another quick checkin. Steve, hope you feel spunkier soon. And by my count, yes, you, IronJim, and Mitch at IMCDA along with one incredible hostess.

Carol, hope the run went well.

My run this morn was awesome!!! I knew I was doing a non-sluggish pace but since my Garmin is temp lost, I was freewheeling it. Was happy when I mapped it out later today and realized I was 9 to 9:30 pace. It was short tho but still I was happy.

Tomorrow is a early day because hubby and I are volunteering for multiple assignments at a local tri. I don't know when I'm going to get my runs in cuz I will not be doing mileage before I leave the house at 5:30am. Then the whole family is committed to the Greek Food Festival tomorrow afternoon/evening. Hopefully I can get some time between the two.
2013-10-11 7:25 PM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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Murrieta Calif.
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed

Hi guys, how is everyone doing?!! I'm a definite for CDA, so very excited for that! My training is going well, not quite up to where I'd like it to be! Normally, I am up and out of bed everyday by 4-4:30 and lately I can not seem to get up earlier than 6 o'clock so missing out on prime training time!

Hoping to meet up with Mitch this Sunday to do the Santa Ana River Trail! It's a very cool paved trail that goes along a river bed and goes from inland LA to Huntington Beach and back, so relatively flat and about 60 miles total!

Tomorrow is Ironman Hawaii, which normally I am glued to my computer all day watching it but we have several kids football games tomorrow so I will just be getting updates on my phone!

Happy training everyone and have a great weekend!!


2013-10-11 8:37 PM
in reply to: ironjim

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Pam, so glad you had a super run! That's the kind that make it all seem right. Have fun volunteering tomorrow!

Jim, very nice that you and Mitch can train together! That trail sounds perfect. Staying out of the traffic to the extent possible = good!

Crazy day here. My friend, Marcy, who I met here on BT, came over for a 5 mile run this morning. We planned on a nice relaxing run ending at the local coffee shop. That all went great, but when we got back to the house, Katy the dog had dug out. She has NEVER been out off leash in the 7 years we have had her, so not at all street smart. We went into full search, post fliers, pass out cards to random strangers, and call animal control mode. I was so thankful Marcy was with me and willing to spend her day off to help. Turns out Katy ran across a very busy street and joined in the local high school football practice. Coaches tied her up to the fence so practice could continue, and a kind lady from the school office took her home and put her in her back yard. Animal control connected us up. So after several hours of search and worry, Katy is home safe.

2013-10-12 7:33 AM
in reply to: squirt

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Carol, I'm glad your dog was found safe and sound! Whether you have kids and furry kids or just the furry kind...they are a part of the family! How did your run go with Marcy before all of the missing pet situation happened? Hopefully it was painfree and enjoyable!

Pam: Nothing better than a good run; glad you had one the other day. I hope you enjoy volunteering today!

Jim: Nice to hear that you're training and helping Mitch get out of the house for a little while for some tranquility!

I'm spending a lot of time trying to figure out the best plan of action for training/dieting. I do know that I want to focus on running and swimming; I think I can pick up bike conditioning fairly quickly if I have a strong run base...if I'm wrong on this, please correct me Dietwise, I'm reaching out to my running friends who are doing Paleo to see how they fuel for longer runs....just brainstorming in hopes of creating something that works for me and my personal/fitness goals. I also found this interesting page on FB called Eat to Perform; they seem to be focused on Crossfit/Bodybuilders but I'm trying to see if I can apply some of that information into my dieting. The one thing I really like about them is they don't worry about bodyweight...they worry about performance and that's the mindset I'm trying to adopt. The last piece is trying to fit in Insanity with my run/swim/lifting program. My wife has been struggling with diet/exercise because she is having a tough semester. Unfortunately, she is a stress eater and losing bodyweight hasn't changed that. I feel like I need to kickstart her by doing it with her...just not sure how to do that and keep moving toward my goals at the same time.

For now, my kids have decided which activities they want to focus on. My daughter shocked us and has returned to gymnastics after leaving for two years. She loves it and its nice to see her getting better too! I get to watch her every Wed. nite! My son has decided soccer is going to be his main sport for awhile I'm happy he has a focus (and he's not bad at soccer either!) but it does make me sad. I played and coached football....I was hoping he'd go that way...even with the head injury issues...but I think soccer is a good choice for him. Our kids are a mix of mom/dad and Kiley doesn't really have a football mentality......and he has plenty of her in him! He wants to play indoor soccer this winter along with basketball and is trying out for travel soccer in the spring. I suspect he'll make it...then the question becomes does he want to get into ultra competitive soccer. We don't want that quite yet...let him enjoy the sport before it gets serious. Mike, does your daughter do competitive soccer? If so, I may have some questions soon.
2013-10-12 2:07 PM
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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Good run does not mean your bike will be good. I am a pretty good runner and a sucky cyclist. You will have some cardiovascular fitness, but not a great benefit to the bike from the run specifically. To get better on the bike you need to ride lots and lots and hard and lots and hills and lots and intervals and lots and lots. Run is way easier to build fitness and speed than bike. It will also be really hard to balance insanity with tri training. You are using some of the same muscles in the same day about different types of workouts.

Edited by Baowolf 2013-10-12 2:10 PM
2013-10-12 4:26 PM
in reply to: #4724810

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Feeling inspired by Kona, I went and did something crazy today....I actually ran, and it didn't hurt, and even a couple hours later, I still feel good. Mentally this is a huge leap forward for me. I'm still taking it real slow (6 min run, 3 min walk) but I'm moving pain free. Will continue building very slowly, but I'm more optimistic now than I have been in months.

The wife is asking me about Louisville next summer, and I told her We'd really need to talk about it, and make sure she & the kids understand what we'd all be in for. ??
2013-10-12 9:05 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Kona was pretty amazing. The woman ran a 2:50:00 ish marathon and ran faster than all but 2 of the men including the first place male finisher. She also set a world record. The men all swam 1:19 /100 M, biked 25-26.5 mph and ran 2:47 to 3:00 marathons for the top 10 Pros. The male winner lead on the run from around mile 15 on and as did the female winner. The 5th place guy is marying the 1st place woman next month. I vote to be one of their children if I get a doover.
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