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2011-08-14 8:46 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
I also wanted to ask how Anne did in the race....

2011-08-14 9:00 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
Michael. 1:08 is strong, I can't deny that. I'm totally stoked I laid down that time while I was sick!

I was 1:09 last year. So I know my training is paying off. I bestowed years time b a minute while I was sick. My swim was better and my run wasbetter. My bike wasa little slower but that could have been the wind. I know I'm a lot faster than last year and what I'm capable of. One of these days things are going together for me.

Anne did great too! She was top 25 in her AG. She also broke 30 minutes in the 5k which is a PR for her!
2011-08-14 9:28 PM
in reply to: #3643407

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Meulen - 2011-08-14 10:00 PM Michael. 1:08 is strong, I can't deny that. I'm totally stoked I laid down that time while I was sick! I was 1:09 last year. So I know my training is paying off. I bestowed years time b a minute while I was sick. My swim was better and my run wasbetter. My bike wasa little slower but that could have been the wind. I know I'm a lot faster than last year and what I'm capable of. One of these days things are going together for me. Anne did great too! She was top 25 in her AG. She also broke 30 minutes in the 5k which is a PR for her!


Tell Anne congrats from Erin and I!  Someday you will hit that perfect day when it all clicks for you!  At least you did do better than last year.  There are always so many variables coming into play in a tri...

2011-08-15 7:11 AM
in reply to: #3643441

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
Woohoo!! Congrats to both of you 1:08 is AMAZING! Like Michael said, I can't wait for you to have the perfect day that you've been waiting for, it will be awesome.
2011-08-15 7:46 AM
in reply to: #3643631

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
sbux87 - 2011-08-15 7:11 AM

Woohoo!! Congrats to both of you 1:08 is AMAZING! Like Michael said, I can't wait for you to have the perfect day that you've been waiting for, it will be awesome.

Thanks Sarah!

I need to race more or that perfect day won't come. My mountain bike friends always used to tease me about my bad luck on race days too. But that day won't come on 3 races a year!! lol I don't think I'm going to do Cedar Point, but I may try to find a few more local races. If I can't find any I'm going to start training for Racine again next year and include some early races. I would LOVE to qualify for the National Championship in Vegas!! Big goal!! I'll see how it goes!
2011-08-15 8:58 AM
in reply to: #3643677

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Awesome goal!! I definitely think you can do it.

I'm not doing Cedar Point this year (no way would I be ready! well, physically I think I could be ready but mentally I'm not there yet)....I'm definitely doing it next year though. It most likely will not be a pretty race though because I'm most likely going to be 'training through' it  on my way to Ironman Arizona and it's going to be more of a big training weekend than an A race.

2011-08-15 11:24 AM
in reply to: #3643792

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
sbux87 - 2011-08-15 8:58 AM

Awesome goal!! I definitely think you can do it.

I'm not doing Cedar Point this year (no way would I be ready! well, physically I think I could be ready but mentally I'm not there yet)....I'm definitely doing it next year though. It most likely will not be a pretty race though because I'm most likely going to be 'training through' it  on my way to Ironman Arizona and it's going to be more of a big training weekend than an A race.

I think you'll be surprised with it as a train through race. I've got a friend that did 4 HIM's this year training for IM Wisconsin. He murdered Racine with a 4:59 HIM as a train through race!!!!! Racine had a race temp of 110 degree Heat index!!
2011-08-15 12:19 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
I can't believe I forgot to mention this! In the race this weekend Anne and I got to start in the same wave. She was less than 30 seconds behind me out of the water. She was also racked only 3 spots down from me! So when I was leaving T1 she was coming in. We got to give each other a high 5 as we passed! Those race moments are priceless!!!! Thanks hun!
2011-08-16 7:29 AM
in reply to: #3644231

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
That's awesome! I'm single right now but I should have "triathlon" as a required interest so that I can have fun moments like that! Or else just brainwash whoever I start dating into loving it as much as I do Tongue out
2011-08-16 7:41 AM
in reply to: #3645261

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
sbux87 - 2011-08-16 7:29 AM

That's awesome! I'm single right now but I should have "triathlon" as a required interest so that I can have fun moments like that! Or else just brainwash whoever I start dating into loving it as much as I do Tongue out

yeah, I'm lucky Anne took up my interest after she watched me do a few races. I'm soooooo happy she did! There is very little time in a day as it is after work. If we didn't train together, I'd probably only see her a couple times a week!!!!
2011-08-24 2:31 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
So I am all set for my tri this weekend, but I checked the race website and I am not listed as a registered racer, and the race is sold out!  I have a confirmation sheet and paid for the race, but I am still worried that I am driving 2 hours and staying overnight for nothing.  I emailed the director but do not know how reliable he/she is with replying.  Any suggestions?

2011-08-24 4:32 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
You've done mostly all you can. Search the website for a phone number if you can. Otherwise, go down there and check in as early as you can and get it straightened out. If you have a confirmation and bring it with for proof I doubt they will say you can't race regardless of what the mistake was.

Good luck Michael!!
2011-08-24 6:35 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Mission accomplished!!  Well, not y me, but I am supposedly registered now.  There was no numbers at all on the site, but Erin became quite the investigator and tracked down the race director through a series of websites and links.  In the end, she called and straightened it out.  I still have to take the confirmation sheet to the race but she said that it will be worked out.


Now all I have to do is race!  Just checked the weather and it is supposed to be nice now.  Originally they were expecting thunderstorms, but now it is supposed to be in the low 70's.  I am excited to try my first ow swim, and I am doing this one without a wetsuit.  The biking and running are both flat, so that will also be to my benefit.  My bike workouts have been going very well and I have really settled into my bike.  Depending on winds, I have been averaging around 19/20mph on my 15 mile rides.  Running will definitely be my week spot, but oh well.  I will post up the reports when I come home Saturday night. 

2011-08-25 7:27 AM
in reply to: #3657810

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Good luck at the race!!!!!!!

I have some bad news...I won't be racing. My grandma had a stroke last night and is not doing very well. I can't leave my family right now and I am in no mental state to race. I'm really bummed because I was looking forward to doing this one but it just was not meant to be.

I can't wait to hear about your race though! Swim/bike/run extra fast for me!!

2011-08-25 4:03 PM
in reply to: #3658333

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
sbux87 - 2011-08-25 7:27 AM

Good luck at the race!!!!!!!

I have some bad news...I won't be racing. My grandma had a stroke last night and is not doing very well. I can't leave my family right now and I am in no mental state to race. I'm really bummed because I was looking forward to doing this one but it just was not meant to be.

I can't wait to hear about your race though! Swim/bike/run extra fast for me!!

Sorry to hear about your grandma Sarah. Sending some prayers your way!
2011-08-25 7:12 PM
in reply to: #3659719

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Family is definitely more important than racing.  Or prayers will be your family during this time.

I have my race number, packing my bags, and starting to get that racing feeling.  I will update after the race....

2011-08-27 9:13 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

What an incredible day!  I know that this is not up there with the results that you have seen.  My first OW swim had it's ups and downs.  I am happy with the time, and it ranked up in the top quarter of the race,but it did not feel very comfortable at the time. It was very disorienting and just felt strange. 

I also accomplished all three of my goals!  I finished in under 1:30 (1:28), finished overall in the top half, and finished with an average bike speed of over 20 mph.  I have been smiles all day since the race, and even more so as I enjoy some beer while watching the Steelers win  

It was great to get back in the saddle and see the hard work pay off.  The bike was so much fun because I passed people from the two heats in front of me, but I was never passed.  I will attempt to paste the link to the race result that I posted.  Thanks for all of the help and advice over the past many months!!


2011-08-27 9:30 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
Great work Michael! Congrats!! You'll find a 20mph+ bike will put you well into the upper ranks of the bike in most races. Hard work paid off, enjoy it!!!

We are stating downtown right now. Anne is doing her first oly in the morning!
2011-08-27 9:49 PM
in reply to: #3662391

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Meulen - 2011-08-27 10:30 PM Great work Michael! Congrats!! You'll find a 20mph+ bike will put you well into the upper ranks of the bike in most races. Hard work paid off, enjoy it!!! We are stating downtown right now. Anne is doing her first oly in the morning!


Tell her good luck from Erin and I!! That will be a great accomplishment for her!  Make sure you let us know how the race goes...

2011-08-28 7:49 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Brian - I hope that Anne had a successful race this morning.

I have a quick question for the few that have survived this forum.  What kinds of pedals and shoes do you use?  I would like to work on my transitions and the first step is to look at my shoes and pedals.  I have currently been using SPD's.  My shoes have been mostly comfortable, but I would like to try going sockless next season.  I guess that my second question is do you wear special tri running shoes or just regular shoes?  If you wear regular running shoes, how did you begin the process of going sockless? It's never too early to start looking at gear for next year....

2011-08-28 8:39 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
Anne did great today. I'm so proud of her for finishing this distance. I'm going to try and convince her to come on and fill in the details.

Ok....pedals and shoes. Now, bare in mind these are only my opinions. Everyone seems to have different preferences with this.

On road and tri bikes I prefer SPD SL pedals. Shimano has a great line of products for these. Since I have multiple bikes I can buy different level of the same style pedals that fit my single pair of shoes. On road and tri bikes I could run any pedal out there. It doesn't really matter to me. It's not technical like mountain biking where I need a pedal that I can easily get in and out of but still stay in when I lay down the power. I just prefer shimanos line and options.

This year I didn't wear socks on the bike for short distance racing. Most cycling shoes are designed so you can get away with this. Sidi has a nice sock liner but are pricey.

I wear tri specific run shoes from zoot. I really like their line. Some of them even come with speed laces. I go sockless for anything 10k and under. More than that and I need the extra comfort of socks. When I started going sockless I did it in conjunction with breaking in the new shoes. I just did a couple short runs and I was fine after that. I did get a blisterthe first time though. Slots have a sockliner and the pearl Izumi shoes are seamless inside. But like with the cyclin shoes, you can almost get away with going sockless with most shoes.

Does that help?

2011-08-29 7:34 AM
in reply to: #3663165

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

awesome job everyone on your races!!

for pedals, I agree with Brian...I have shimanos and they are great. I have a pair of shimano tri shoes that I love. They just have one velcro strap so they are really fast to get on and off. Also, they are made to wear sock-less, they have a nice cushiony liner and are really comfortable. They also have a little slit at the bottom for water to go out so if your feet are wet from the swim the water will roll out and you won't have soggy feet the whole ride!

For shoes, I wear Newtons which are also are cushiony and made to be worn without socks. I have never ran more than 6 miles in them but I've never had problems with blisters. These shoes take a little bit of time to get used to anyway, since they are very light and not very supportive, and really promote mid-foot striking because they have a little raised section right on the ball of the foot that sort of pushes you forward. They are not racing flats though---you can train in them. You have to start out slow to get used to them and avoid injuries and just work them into the week with short runs and progressively build. In Pittsburgh only Mojo Running and Multisport (formerly Second Sole) sells them. I highly recommend them!

2011-08-29 7:11 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
Thanks for the responses.  I was actually looking at a pair of Shimano tri shoes at Performance Bike.  I know I will not be buying anything right away, but just wanted to start looking.  As for running, I am not sure what shoe I will be using next, but will probably end up in another pair of Brooks.  Erin just bought the Newton's tonight at Mojo.  She has been wanting them for a long time, but they are not for me.  I need something with some more support to help out with my leg issues.  I am going to be resting them now anyhow, so I will have some time to research shoes. 
2011-08-30 6:02 PM
in reply to: #3256125


Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
Hi everyone! Sorry I am never on the board much. I am not online even half as much as Brian!! Anyhow, I finished my first international distance on Sunday doing the Chicago Triathlon. My time was 3:40:18. Not the best, but I am just so happy I made the distance. For the most part I had a blast once I got out if the water. I thought of myself as a strong swimmer till Sunday. The water was choppy and there was a good current that for the most part we had to swim against. Now that I am out of the water I can laugh about and also learn from the mistakes I made in the water. Panicking when I started going against the current, wind and catching a boatlod of waves to the face to name one. I ended up hanging on the end of a lifeguard boat for quite a few minutes, let go, thought I had my head together ended up hanging on another one for about 30 seconds then just got mad at the water then put my head down and swam like I should have minus swimming out toward the middle of the lake and then over correcting that situation and swimming straight into the harbor wall!!! That just felt humiliating!! When I was finally swimming straight and could hang with a group of swimmers it was like playing football in the water!! I know people get kicked but to have someone grab the top of your shoulder and pull you back sucks!! Oh well.... Swim was over I made it alive so from that point I was sure I'd finish but wasn't to worried about time since I knew I blew it in the swim. The bike went straight into a strong headwind up Lakeshore Drive but the way back the wind was at my back. I thought the bike part was just fun!! It was really fun when I saw Brian at the end if the bike leg with my sister and her husband cheering me on!! They followed me as I went into T2 and it was nice to have encouragement at that point. My stomach was very painful here probably from all the water and air I swallowed in the lake and Gatorade and water I drank on the bike. I thought the run was going to be terrible. Somehow I settled into the run tho, very slowly at first, only ran about 1/2 mile then walked about 1/4 mile then finally just started running and stayed comfortable till the end!! That was the part that surprised me the most!! I was just having fun running, even the last mile!! By mile 6 I was sort of sad the race was gonna be over and also so anxious and excited to meet Brian, my sister and brother in law at the finish!! It was a great day!! Brian was such a big help and I FIISHED a distance I thought I'd never do!!
2011-08-30 6:24 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
You're sooooooo Awesome hunny!!!

Happy birthday!
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