Yanti they were supposed to keep me out of that other thread but they are falling down on the job. Punish them for me please.
Nobody's tried to keep me out of Tri Talk lately, either. Slackers.
Then again, I'm doing dumazz shyte which is worse than the worstest noob question in TT, so there you go.
Or I could just pull my leashes and chains out.
why would anyone want to keep you outta tri talk?
seriously. or are you joking? or maybe i missed something...ha
She starts fights worse than me on a couple of shots of tequilla.
Or like the Joe Nichols song goes " Tequilla makes her clothes fall off...."
I actually believe that song was written about me.
Now I don't actually know anyone named Joe, but it just hits a bit too close to home to be otherwise.
You really don't know anyone named Joe?
Heh. When I got really drunk, my clothes would start talking to me and I'd have to take them off to make the voices go away.
The same thing happens to my sister, so it's clearly genetic.
Only it didn't stop when I sobered up.
I actually do know two people named Joe now that I'm thinking about it. One was a boy from highschool, and one is probaly 75 and volunteers for my organization.
Neither *should* know about my affinity for public nudity...