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2010-12-27 10:24 AM
in reply to: #3262515

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-12-27 7:34 AM I love christmas and this time of year, but is it wrong that I am totally ready for January?  Wife and I don't do gifts but we still managed to spend too much on food, charity, birthdays, and just taking advantage of some great sales to get things we needed.  I am tired of crowded stores and roads.  I am tired of all the food and going to parties and being social. 

Not only did we have all the christmas food, yesterday was my nephew's 18th bday so we did a big meal, cake, etc.  I know I should not be eating like I am but I am struggling with my self control right now.  We've got so much left over ham I already made a casserole with some and I am going to make some soup with part of it as well.  I think we are just going to be using it to make chef salads for dinner all week (I am missing my veggies!)!  The cookies are all just about gone, finally. 

Fri is also my bday, and my family is treating me at a steakhouse.  So more being social and more food, but after that I am done.  I am ready to get back to healthy eating and a normal schedule.  I have the triathlon itch again and am ready to begin my training (even if the knee won't let me run right now).  Wife is buying me some swim lessons for my bday.  It is a 6 week (2 classes a week) stroke and efficiency clinic.  A buddy went through it and loved it and said it improved his time a lot.  They break your stroke down and build you back up again from scratch.  They video tape you above and below water and really work on refining your stroke.  I am a self taught swimmer, so I think this will be really good for me to get some professional expertise.

Wife and I decided on two new years resolutions (actually just January resolutions but figured it was better to start with that).  For the month of Jan we are cutting out all sweets and will only allow ourselves to eat out once a week while at work and once a week when not working.

Sorry for the little rant.  I am back at work today, but hard to get much done as people are still on vacation and in holiday mode.  Did I mention I am ready for January?!

Happy Monday!

Good plan Tim!  The sweets is a good one for me too! 

2010-12-28 7:53 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
So how do I store a wetsuit?
2010-12-28 9:00 AM
in reply to: #3263996

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2010-12-28 7:53 AM So how do I store a wetsuit?

Get the fattest/widest coat hanger you can get and hang it up normally.  The thinner hangers will stretch/damage the neoprene.  I found mine at bed, bath, and beyond.  Try to keep it separate from your normal clothes if you can so you don't damage it and away from sunlight.
2010-12-28 9:21 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
The knee is still acting up a bit so I decided to stop all workouts this week to get it rested.  I've got a PT session today and that will be it for me until Jan.  I really have to get this knee figured out.  I am afraid my 2011 triathlon plans really depend on that.  So, below is my 2009 tri sport stats compared to 2010.  I am really happy with my improvement in all 3 sports.  Anyone else want to post theirs?

2009 totals
Bike:48h 45m 06s  - 831.18 Mi
Run:55h 09m 41s  - 347.55 Mi
Swim:11h 30m 55s  - 35036.39 Yd

2010 totals
Bike:80h 03m 19s  - 1367.82 Mi
Run:58h 13m 55s  - 383.76 Mi
Swim:13h 34m 31s  - 43814.89 Yd

Bike improved the most with 536 more miles (63% increase) and 31 more hours (65% increase).
Run improved by 36 miles (10% increase) and 3 hours (5% increase).
Swim improved by 8800 yards or 5 miles (25% increase) and 2 hours (17% increase).

So, 2010 in conclusion...I really focused on improving the bike and feel like I did just that.  My bike goal was 1200mi so I am very happy.  I am also very happy with the run, considering I did not run much once the knee issue popped up.  I definitely ran faster this year.  Same for the swim, I improved my distance by quite a bit but the time increase was not as great.  Not bad for not swimming after Aug 6th this year!

Can you tell I like to play with numbers!?
2010-12-28 9:43 AM
in reply to: #3264183

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-12-28 9:21 AM The knee is still acting up a bit so I decided to stop all workouts this week to get it rested.  I've got a PT session today and that will be it for me until Jan.  I really have to get this knee figured out.  I am afraid my 2011 triathlon plans really depend on that.  So, below is my 2009 tri sport stats compared to 2010.  I am really happy with my improvement in all 3 sports.  Anyone else want to post theirs?

2009 totals
Bike:48h 45m 06s  - 831.18 Mi
Run:55h 09m 41s  - 347.55 Mi
Swim:11h 30m 55s  - 35036.39 Yd

2010 totals
Bike:80h 03m 19s  - 1367.82 Mi
Run:58h 13m 55s  - 383.76 Mi
Swim:13h 34m 31s  - 43814.89 Yd

Bike improved the most with 536 more miles (63% increase) and 31 more hours (65% increase).
Run improved by 36 miles (10% increase) and 3 hours (5% increase).
Swim improved by 8800 yards or 5 miles (25% increase) and 2 hours (17% increase).

So, 2010 in conclusion...I really focused on improving the bike and feel like I did just that.  My bike goal was 1200mi so I am very happy.  I am also very happy with the run, considering I did not run much once the knee issue popped up.  I definitely ran faster this year.  Same for the swim, I improved my distance by quite a bit but the time increase was not as great.  Not bad for not swimming after Aug 6th this year!

Can you tell I like to play with numbers!?

Nice job this year!  I was trying to calculate time vs distance and then realized you already did!  I like my numbers too.  I have nothing to compare it to because I started logging November of 2009.
2010-12-28 9:47 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Tim - I hope you get that knee figured out.   I know that it can be frustrating but I think you are doing the right thing just taking some time off.  Did you ever consider pool running until you can get it resolved?

I have mentally been getting ready for this week as my marathon training starts and have had 3 good workouts the past three days.  I need to get back into full gear here.  I have a few more workouts left but this is where I am at so far:

2009 totals
Bike:5h 55m 11s  - 112.07 Mi
Run:149h 33m 43s  - 954.3 Mi
Swim:4h 44m 00s  - 20,250 Yd


2010 totals
Bike:90h 14m 00s  - 1576.81 Mi
Run:71h 03m 22s  - 454.97 Mi
Swim:88h 02m 10s  - 203,597 Yd

2009 included my marathon training and then triathlon training for November/December.  It really is interesting to look at the numbers.  I really focused on my swimming and that is reflected in my yards.  This year I really need to spend more time on the bike.  My running numbers will be easily over 1000 miles for 2011 with the marathon and HIM training.  Overall I think my swimming will drop a little and my bike and run will go up to even my training out - or at least thats the goal.   If I can pull off this marathon with the HIM and stay healthy I think mentally I will be ready for IMWI in 2012.

Edited by tmoran80 2010-12-28 9:50 AM

2010-12-28 11:11 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
T2, those are some great numbers.  I don't doubt it one bit you can up those next year.  Sounds like you have the right idea though with cutting back on the swimming and really focusing on the other two.  I have read several articles that say that most of your training should be on the bike, next is the run, then the least on swimming since that is the order of the amount of time you'll generally spend on them during a race.

And for some reason, pool running never even crossed my mind.  I really need to start doing that as it seems everything, even walking is bothering it.  Thanks

Edited by chichitao 2010-12-28 2:25 PM
2010-12-29 8:41 AM
in reply to: #3264427

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Hey guys, sorry I have been completely MIA for the past couple of days/a week and a half.  Christmastime is SUPER busy for me, since I moved away, when I come home, EVERYONE wants to see me, and this is the first time, basically, that I have been on a computer since the 16th...  I've missed you guys!!!  Sounds like you have all been busy along with me, but you guys are better at coming on here I guess!  So much to catch up on that I can't even start to try to comment on anything that was said over the last week and a half!

So Christmas, as usual, was good to me, in terms of a lot of delicious food, and not much training.  I am in the same boat as you, Tim...  January turns a new leaf, and I am back on the bandwagon.  I have found out about this new diet that I am going to try for the month of January to see how it goes.  It's apparently super boring food (basically veggies, protein and legumes), but it's easy, and has great results...  We'll see  how it works out.  I am scared to get back to Montreal and step on a scale.  I haven't done that since coming home, and the number is going to be sky high.  I, like most people, lose all self control at Christmas.  It hasn't been friendly this year, either.  

So funny story about Christmas.  Every year for the past 4 or 5 years, my mom has has a theme to her presents for the whole family.  Some are good (consumables, so things like tickets, lessons and the like), and some have not been great (underwear).  This year, with me getting into tris, and my sister getting a new house with her bf, we convinced my mom to go with the theme of "sh*t people actually want".  It was a huge hit, and we all actually got what we wanted!  I got winter running stuff, since I really need to start running a bunch if I want to do my 30K in March!  From extended family, I also got a wetsuit and a new saddle for my bike, so I am really excited for next year!!!  I'm glad we've decided to keep this going, so that we can all share with each others' successes next year, because it sounds like there are going to be a lot of them to share, with all the HIMs and marathons going around!

Just wanted to pop in and say hi, though.  Have to get back to entertaining my new years crowd for the day.  Tomorrow, I am driving to Buffalo to watch the World Junior Hockey Tournament (best hockey tournament outside of the Olympics) with a friend.  I am super excited.  I love this tournament.  And I only find it mildly depressing to realize that these kids are 6 years younger than I am at the oldest, and they are already better at something than I ever will be at anything!  Can't wait!  

Glad to hear everyone has been having a happy and relatively safe holidays, and if I can't check in again before, happy new year to you all!!! 
2010-12-29 8:55 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Pete, sounds like a great xmas and some awesome gifts!  Enjoy!

I am jealous you get to go the hockey tournament.  I would love to get to watch some of it, but we don't get that kind of stuff on TV down here.  The Stars top pick is the goalie for USA.  We've also got 2 defensemen on Sweden.  Have a great time!  Go USA! Tongue out
2010-12-29 2:32 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Pete...have fun with the new stuff!!

Anyone have plans for NYE?  Or your birthday Tim?

John is working 2-11 Friday and then 7-3 on Saturday.  I have nothing going on since it is just me and the boys.  I called my MIL and invited ourselves there for dinner Friday evening.  They will have my niece and nephew at some point in the evening and then overnight so the boys can play with their cousins.  We will be home by 9 at the latest to get the boys in bed.  My original plan before I invited ourselves there was to order sushi and enjoy that and some wine after the kids were in bed.  Depending on what we have for dinner, that may still be the plan.  I am bringing the menu with me in case I decide to order something on the way home. 

John and I have dinner plans with his brother and wife on New Years Day then.

2010-12-29 6:05 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Wife and I are driving up to the Fort Worth area tomorrow to spend time with my parents until Sat.  For the past 2 years they have been living with my brother and his 2 kids up near Philly, but they are down for a few weeks so we will get to see them.  They are treating us to a nice steakhouse for NYE but that is about it.  Nothing too crazy here.  Probably be in bed by 1205a!

2010-12-30 6:03 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I think I am going to start counting the squats I do on a daily basis to pick up these stupid nerf gun darts/bullets.  I am ready to kill my husband for thinking it was a great idea for all three of them to get nerf guns for Christmas.  I am finding them everywhere!  As soon as I get them all cleaned up, they decide to have another battle.
2010-12-30 6:06 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Here are my totals for the year...

Bike:22h 45m 05s  - 137.11 Mi
Run:174h 22m 38s  - 962.79 Mi
Swim:6h 57m 02s  - 20606.17 Yd

I will run either 5 or 6 tomorrow so that will bump up some.  I am still kinda bummed I did not hit 1000.   I am very pleased with the running since this was the first year I really logged and trained.

Any ideas for logging my bike when I ride the trainer?  This past year I just logged it as hours but then my bike time and distance is off.  I will get out more on my bike this year!!  And the swim...where do I even start.  Swimming bores me.  I swam so much as a kid/teen that I hate getting in the pool and swimming.  I did SheRox tri in August and the last time I had been in the pool was April! 
2010-12-30 7:47 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
New Years plans for me...  I'm currently at my family's condo in Collingwood, which is the ski hill that is closest to Toronto.  I have a few friends from university up, and my girlfriend is coming up today, along with a friend of hers.  Going to a small bar for dinner and a party.

Meggan, I have no idea how to log the miles on the trainer.  Everyone tells me that the mileage given on your bike comp is not even comparable to the actual real mileage that you biked, so it's kinda pointless.  I would probably say that the best way to do it would be to estimate how fast you normally would go, and just multiply that by the time...  That is my suggestion, at least...

I am not going to post my totals on here, because I don't really feel that they are representative of my training this year (and I haven't really logged EVERYTHING...), but I feel that I had a very successful training year.  As expected, my swim and run still need a lot of work done, but they are gradually getting better.  I am very happy with my recent runs, as they are getting easier, faster, and I am enjoying them much more.  I hope to keep that up.  For the beginning of this year, I am going to focus on my swim, so that I can improve that to get up in line with my other events.  I am going to focus on these two events, and miss bike workouts first if I feel a burn out coming on.  I am extremely happy with where my bike fitness is, and want to maintain it, but I know that I can get better at the swim and the run much faster than I can at the bike.  

So that is my goal for the beginning of 2011.  As I set up my race schedule in January, and figure out when I am doing what, that will change, but I think it's a good starting point.  Can't wait to get back at it!  I've been slacking over Christmas, and need to get back into the rhythm quick, as my club really ups the intensity in January to get ready for the race season!  

Hope everyone has a good day! 
2010-12-30 8:17 AM
in reply to: #3267597

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
LockOut - 2010-12-30 7:47 AM
Meggan, I have no idea how to log the miles on the trainer.  Everyone tells me that the mileage given on your bike comp is not even comparable to the actual real mileage that you biked, so it's kinda pointless.  I would probably say that the best way to do it would be to estimate how fast you normally would go, and just multiply that by the time...  That is my suggestion, at least...

Hope everyone has a good day! 

I just looked on the log.  There is a "bike trainer" under the sports section.  I am going to log it that way next year.
2010-12-30 8:20 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Wow, you guys have all been busy!  Sorry I haven't been around for a while.  Since I'm out of school for break, sometimes it's hard to voluntarily be on the laptop.  I'm on it so often during the semester that it's really nice that I haven't even looked at one for the last week!

I will post my yearly totals tomorrow after my long run.  I should be over 50 again this month!  Super cool.  Then when my training really starts, I should be well above that every month.

I have not been watching my calorie intake at all lately, but I'm not super worried about it.  I will be frightened when I get back on the scale when we get home!

Speaking of which, we spent the 23rd-27th with Ryan's family, and on the 27th drove all the way down to Springfield to my parents' house, where we're at now through Saturday.  Maybe I'm mean, but I'm over the family visiting time and ready to get back to our place.  

I did get to play in the indoor soccer tournament in Springfield this week, and it was TONS of fun.  My team took 2nd place!  Should have taken first, but the other team was playing so dirty, and the referee (who happened to be my high school coach...yuck) let them get away with murder.  I have bruises all over my legs from them kicking me!  I didn't play goalie though...I figure those days are over because of my back.  But I did feel VERY good running around on the field, so it was nice to see some results from all my training.

Lastly, I also got the biggest compliment I've EVER received.  I've never been in REALLY good shape before, but always in shape enough to be a good soccer player.  Well, at the tournament this week, one of my former teammates was like "Erica, you're not even tired!  You're in better shape than all of us!  You're killing it out there!"  She asked about my half-marathon training, and I told her that I'd run over 7.5 miles that day, and she was floored that I'd run that much and then come out to play soccer.   It made me feel really good that the girl who was ALWAYS in awesome shape said that to me.  Yay!

I hope you all have relaxing NYEs and days.  Like Meggan and T1, ours will also be simple...once we figure out what we're doing!  T1 - Bed at 12:05am is pretty much a given! 

2010-12-30 9:35 AM
in reply to: #3267500

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2010-12-30 4:06 AM Here are my totals for the year...

Bike:22h 45m 05s  - 137.11 Mi
Run:174h 22m 38s  - 962.79 Mi
Swim:6h 57m 02s  - 20606.17 Yd

I will run either 5 or 6 tomorrow so that will bump up some.  I am still kinda bummed I did not hit 1000.   I am very pleased with the running since this was the first year I really logged and trained.

Any ideas for logging my bike when I ride the trainer?  This past year I just logged it as hours but then my bike time and distance is off.  I will get out more on my bike this year!!  And the swim...where do I even start.  Swimming bores me.  I swam so much as a kid/teen that I hate getting in the pool and swimming.  I did SheRox tri in August and the last time I had been in the pool was April! 

I have a Bike speed/cadence sensor on my bike, it is an option add on that works with the Garmin.  Allowing you to see your mileage/time on the trainer.  the pod sensor is attached to your pedal and the pod to your wheel.  It's easy to set up and I find a worthwhile investment.
2010-12-31 9:45 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

It has been an eventful year for all of us, filled with personal successes. I want to wish you all a Prosperous, Healthy 2011 filled with lots of love.  Happy New Year!!

2010-12-31 3:17 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

I always just guestimate my mileage on the trainer.  Based on the workout I put my time in and then guess what my average speed would have been then I hit calculate and get my miles.  I know it is not exact butit gives me a ball park figure for reference.

I ended the year today with a great workout today.  Got a good 2000Y swim, 4 mile speed workout (6 x 400M w/ WU/CD) and my round the word core workout.  I think mentally I have know for the past few months that this week was when my training would start and I have felt great.

Meggan - I hear you on the Nerf darts.  Josi bought Evan the Nerf Stampede which is basically an automatic machine gun haha.  Its crazy the stuff that is out now!!  Darts are all over the house.Yell

Tonight we are going to Josi's friends for New Years with the kids. 

When we built our house 6 years ago a bunch of neighbors started a tradition where they make a protable bar with a red wagon and go door to door and do shots with each neighbor.  Needless to say it isn't pretty by the end of the night!!  so thats always something to look forawrd to.

Hope everyone has a safe and happy New Years!!!

2011-01-01 6:43 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Tim...sorry I missed it yesterday.  I hope you had a fabulous birthday!!
2011-01-02 8:52 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I am back from my short trip.  Birthday was nice.  The big 33. 

My back on the wagon starts tomorrow for me.   I am afraid to see what the beginning weight will be.  Today will be spent getting lots of healthy foods from the store and packing up all the xmas decorations.

I still can't do any lower body workouts for 2 more weeks, but am planning on hitting the gym a few times a week and doing some upper body work.  Will also see if I can talk myself into going swimming in my local outdoor pool.

Happy new year!

2011-01-02 3:52 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Hey all!  Sorry I have been MIA.  It sounds like everyone has had a great holiday and new year!  I wish you all nothing but the best.

I have been under the weather since i left for chicago on the 23rd.  It has been nothing but sickness for me which stinks.  I have had a fever and got a terrible sinus infection that has turned into an ear infection and today is the first day I have been out of bed in a while.  I hate starting the new year like this.  I am so bummed b/c I haven't been on here and missed joining a mentoring group for the rest of the winter.  At least I have you all!

I need to look at my totals and see where i am at.  I am a little disappointed with how I did this year workout wise, but 2011 is going to be better.  A friend got me a book called "Run like a Mother" and I just read the first chapter and i can't to start training again!  I start on Tuesday. 

Hope you all have avoided sickness and can't wait to cheer everyone on in 2011.
2011-01-03 8:11 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Ulgh, back at work, not happy with the scale and super sick.  This is NOT a good way to start the year.  I can't wait to get back into training mode...  Hopefully I can go for a spin on Wednesday morning!

Happy 2011, everyone! 
2011-01-03 8:22 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Just wanted to share a quote I read last night...

There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something you will do it only when circumstances permit. When you are committed to do something, you accept no excuses...only results."
~Kenneth Blanchard

So whatever you want to do this year...lose weight, save money, pay off debt, run a race, go on vacation, exercise, be happy, get a new job...whatever it is COMMIT!!!
2011-01-03 11:28 AM
in reply to: #3273695

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2011-01-03 8:22 AM Just wanted to share a quote I read last night...

There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something you will do it only when circumstances permit. When you are committed to do something, you accept no excuses...only results."
~Kenneth Blanchard

So whatever you want to do this year...lose weight, save money, pay off debt, run a race, go on vacation, exercise, be happy, get a new job...whatever it is COMMIT!!!

I really like that quote!!!!!

And I found a new mentor group!  yea!  Will be keeping up with you all though!

Edited by debbiereid06 2011-01-03 11:54 AM
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