BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2011-08-30 6:40 PM
in reply to: #3666541

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
That is SO AWESOME!!! Really really great job. I think the races that don't go perfectly and that you really struggle through are the ones to be the most proud of. You didn't quit and you finished something amazing. I'm proud of you! Oh, and happy birthday Laughing

2011-08-30 8:46 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
That is a great race, Anne!  Just think about how few people in the world (including me) have ever completed what you did!  I learned last weekend how tough open water swims can be, and you did twice the distance.  I am very impressed with your run, that is my second least favorite part.  Congratulations and Happy Birthday!!
2011-08-30 10:02 PM
in reply to: #3256125


Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
Thanks guys!! Brian you are awesome too!!!! Thanks for all your help this year!! Thanks also Sarah and Michael!! If I can get over my fear of crazy OW swimming I just may go for an Oly distance again!! I used to be a swimmer, a pool swimmer, and thought that would be one of the easier parts of the race for me, I was wrong!! I have a ton of work to do for next year!! Congrats on all of your races as well!!
2011-10-17 12:44 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
Just checking in.......everyone doing ok?
2011-10-27 9:24 PM
in reply to: #3726878

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Hi Brian - it's great of you to check in.  Things have been crazy and we had been taking a bit of a break from training, but we have begun to get back into the swing of things.  Our son just started 1st grade, so we had been trying to get him into a routine.  Erin had run her first 10k, and our one son also ran his first race at age 3.  Our youngest finsihed 2nd in a sprint and the other had a very sad day because he got sick the day before the race.  In general, it has been a fun time. 


  How has everything been going for you and Anne?  Did you enter any other races?  I hope all is well..

2011-10-28 8:38 AM
in reply to: #3741650

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
mcommend - 2011-10-27 9:24 PM

Hi Brian - it's great of you to check in.  Things have been crazy and we had been taking a bit of a break from training, but we have begun to get back into the swing of things.  Our son just started 1st grade, so we had been trying to get him into a routine.  Erin had run her first 10k, and our one son also ran his first race at age 3.  Our youngest finsihed 2nd in a sprint and the other had a very sad day because he got sick the day before the race.  In general, it has been a fun time. 


  How has everything been going for you and Anne?  Did you enter any other races?  I hope all is well..

things ok here. No races anymore this year. Maybe a turkey trot, but I don't know since we are cooking at our house this thanksgiving. I'm still training but really in maintainence mode. I'll be starting building phase in computrainer classes next week though. Focus this season will be bike/swim. Anne's ok too, but had some heart issues and is laying off training right now. It's probably nothing but better to check it out first.

Glad to hear you guys stuck with it. It's great you're getting the kids involved too. That's gotta be fun for them. There's always another race, although it sucks being sick. Kids always feel like it's the end of the world. Ironic, cuz they have the most time!

Good luck with everything, you know how to contact me if you need anything.

2011-11-28 10:13 PM
in reply to: #3741973

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
Please keep us updated on Anne.  We hope that it is nothing, but the heart is nothing to play around with.  Erin is now dealing with a pinched nerve in her neck and I still can't get rid of my shin splints (over a year now) but we are still swimming and biking. That is keeping me going.  What are you planning on for next year?  Is there an IM in your immediate future?  Take care...
2011-12-01 8:17 AM
in reply to: #3918368

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
mcommend - 2011-11-28 10:13 PM

Please keep us updated on Anne.  We hope that it is nothing, but the heart is nothing to play around with.  Erin is now dealing with a pinched nerve in her neck and I still can't get rid of my shin splints (over a year now) but we are still swimming and biking. That is keeping me going.  What are you planning on for next year?  Is there an IM in your immediate future?  Take care...

Anne's doing fine. I really think it was just stress. Insurance co. denied her tests, so she's still trying to get the work done the doctor ordered. What a PITA!!

Work has gotten REALLY busy for me. So I'm not sure what I'll do. Definitely won't have time for an IM.

I hope you guys work through those injuries soon. LMK if I can help with anything.
2011-12-22 7:40 AM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
I just wanted to say how great of a group you all were this year. It was truly an honor to be part of. I hope you all have had a great year and I hope 2012 is even better!

Happy Holidays everyone!!
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