BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training Rss Feed  
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2012-02-15 12:16 PM
in reply to: #4048362

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

dwpiggott - 2012-02-15 7:54 AM Left - Thanks for the tip on myfitnesspal, just signed up. I have been logging cals on BT, but this seems easier to use. I am at 250 (from a high of 275 3-yrs ago) and want to get down to 215 this year. Between work, school (working on my masters), migrain head aches, and winter blues, my workouts have consisted mainly of walking the dog 2x per day for 1.3 miles each. I have targeted Sunday 2/19 to begin my 10k training for the 5/3 Riverbank run in May. I hope to be down to 230 for the race.


I enjoy looking at the breakdown of what I eat as well.  I am a vegetarian and I think I have been light on the protein.  I have been adding alot of beans and yogurt to increase the protein in my diet.  

I have the App on my phone and I scan the barcode on the foods I eat and get the nutrition information right there.  It can get annoying to those around you as you scan everything before you eat it.


Good luck and we will have to get together for a long run or a ride in the spring.

2012-02-16 10:36 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

Hey all!
Got on the bike last night for 30mins.  Power readings show I am not 100% (which I knew) but definitely on the mend.  Going to swim at lunch and try out the 910xt.  Watched the first of the 2 videos of the TI stuff and have decided that I can either try that or follow my swim coach.  For know I am going with my swim coach as it is working for me.  What I need now is speed and a bit more endurance.  500m's is now a warm-up and doing it isn't a big deal plus much of what TI teaches I am doing short of the hand entry. 

If you haven't seen it there has been a couple of threads about actually using a "sloppy" entry, basically extend completely before entering water.  May give that a try also.

Question:  Preferred tire pressure?

2012-02-16 11:58 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed
I went to the PT. I have osteoarthritis in my left knee and my left patella is out of place (actually they both are). I was out of alignment and have too much strength in my medial quads. So, I am going to work with him for a month on balance and strengthening. I have been told not to run for a while and to never work through the pain. He said I can bike, but not for a week. So, looks like a concentration on swimming! In the end, I'm lucky because it's not a surgical situation and I am sure a lot of you can relate to the fact that nothing makes you want to train more than being told you can't. 
2012-02-16 12:38 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

Preferred tire pressure- 115 on the rear, 110 on the front.

Got a 6 mile indoor track run in this morning then bailed on my short swim.  Will add it back this weekend, or not.

I did use TI to get from no swim to where I am now, but I feel like I need to get some speed.  I can do about 2min/100 in a race up to OLY distance.  It would be nice to tick that down to about 1:50.  I have seen it posted that most people who do TI have to get some further coaching to get to the next level.  I have procrastinated about getting a coach.  I am sure there is a lot more time to make up on my bike.  Let us know how the 910xt performs in the pool.


2012-02-16 8:12 PM
in reply to: #4050942

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

Bailsworth - 2012-02-16 11:58 AM I went to the PT. I have osteoarthritis in my left knee and my left patella is out of place (actually they both are). I was out of alignment and have too much strength in my medial quads. So, I am going to work with him for a month on balance and strengthening. I have been told not to run for a while and to never work through the pain. He said I can bike, but not for a week. So, looks like a concentration on swimming! In the end, I'm lucky because it's not a surgical situation and I am sure a lot of you can relate to the fact that nothing makes you want to train more than being told you can't. 

That last sentence is very true.  Swimming is better than nothing and riding in a week!  Keep updating us on how it is going.

2012-02-17 6:14 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

Hey all!

As for my own question I usually go for 120psi in my tires.

Tried the 910xt in swim mode yesterday and epic failure.  It recorded everything as Rest.  I may have been pushing the wrong button to start so will hopefully try again today.  Put in another 30mins on the bike last night and it felt okay.

Rob - I am about the same speed.  I can swim a 100 in 1:40 but can't sustain that and am thinking it may just be endurance.  I have a swim video session coming up in early March and am hoping to get some ideas for improvements.

2012-02-17 7:13 AM
in reply to: #4052266

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Kansas City
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

My oldest boy heads to kindergarten next year, and we had a meeting with the school yesterday afternoon, so I set up my first real rest day around it.  I didn't swim, run, ride, lift, or play basketball.  It felt good.  Too good.  I slept through my alarm this morning and missed my swim.  I stressed for about 6 minutes before I realized I probably needed the rest more than the swim.  I'll try to make that up tomorrow morning, if not, I'll just go a little longer in the pool on Sunday.

Gary,  your 910xt may not have failed.  It just wants you to swim more.  It knows that if it keeps hiding your data, you're just going to keep swimming until you figure it out.  You'll hit some weird combo of buttons in about a month and all of your data will reappear, you'll drop some inappropriate language, and then giggle.


2012-02-17 11:21 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

My birthday is coming up in a few months and I am trying to decide what I should buy for my wife to give me.  It will definately be a Tri related gift.  I do want a new Tri shirt and need some running shorts, but I can give those ideas to my folks and in-laws.  I am thinking I would like to upgrade from my Forerunner 205 to a 910xt or 310xt. 


Please someone convince me that I do not need the lap swim function of the 910xt.  I actually like couning laps.  I am somewhat of an idiot savante with math, so the numbers thing occupies my mind and gets me through the workout.  Anyone see any good deals, or rebates on the 310xt?

I am in the middle of a 5 night work weekend.  Going to venture outside tomorrow noon for 4 miles. I have gotten pretty wimpy with the cold and have done all of my runs inside on the 12 lap/mile track at my gym, but I feel the need to get out and see the fresh fallen snow up close.

Hope all is well.

Edited by leftrunner 2012-02-17 11:21 PM
2012-02-18 8:19 AM
in reply to: #3257002

Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed
Tire pressure: I dont know. 115 I think.

I have a 310xt and think its fine for what I do. I only swim at masters practice and the coach always posts the total yards. If I count laps and miss one or two or overcount I don't worry about it. I've used it on a couple of ows and put it in a Baggie under my cap. That being said, I haven't paid attention to any sales. But I do think that's a great present. And I'm impressed w garmin's repair/ return policy. I cracked the face of mine and they ended up sending me a new one.

Bailsworth - sucks. I am so sorry to hear that. Good luck w recovery.

Heading out for a run in a little bit. Hope everyone gets to enjoy a three day weekend!
2012-02-18 9:02 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

Hey all!

Ran 5k yesterday and while it was a bit more push for the pace than normal I made it okay.  I am so tired of this cold but I think today is the day I am done with it.  Unfortunately it is pouring cats and dogs outside and even running is out (lightning going off fairly close).  So trainer day here in a little while.

As for the 910xt I was hoping to get the swim stuff going yesterday but that didn't happen.  So it looks like Monday instead. As for needing the swim stuff I can count laps but looking more towards capturing avgs, etc.  Remembering counts and start times on longer sets seems to be a bit of a challenge for me (I guess I am only getting the idiot part of idiot savant).

On a side note my ipod shuffle finally died, just picked up a ipod Nano on ebay.  Don't really know the difference but if it will play music in my truck it should be fine.

2012-02-19 1:42 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

Hey all ... got back into town late last night from a weeks worth of skiing in Salt Lake City, Ut.  I ski the best right now than I've ever skied and know it's due to the training and conditioning from this past year's efforts.  That stated ... I am sooo glad to be back home and get back to training.  My first race for the year is 3 weeks away and I can hardly wait.

2012-02-19 1:58 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed
bailsworth- sorry to hear you can't bike or run but you are right that there's nothing more motivating than being told you can't do something. Hopefully the next few weeks will fly by and you'll be back at it. And maybe you'll be a dolphin by then with all the swimming you'll be doing- ;-).

Rob- I love my 910xt but to be totally honest I probably didn't need anything near as complex. Now I'm not a big data guru but so far the only thing I use it for in the water is keeping track of yards swam. I have it set to show stroke counts, stroke rates, time/100m and all sorts of other things that I haven't looked at even one time after leaving the pool. I knew that when I got the watch but it was a gift from dh and he is a gadget person. He likes to have the latest and greatest when he gets something so that's what he gets for me when he gives me a gift. I am not sure I'll ever use the watch to it's full potential though.
It all just depends on your wants and needs. I think I would have been sublimely happy with the 310 and would never have missed the swim functions of the 910. Like I said though, I'm not a data guru and I don't ever plan to do long distance races so my training is on a totally different level than lots of people.

Tire Pressure- usually 115-120 psi. No reason why though. Just was told to keep it there.

2012-02-20 9:03 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

Hey all!
 Had a great 10k run last night from home.  Took a different route and even put a little speed in (well speed for me) and ended up with a great time.  Felt good but later I could tell I had pushed.  Over the cold and ready to get back at it. 

Had originally planned to take today and tomorrow off for Mardi Gras but since the kids are off the entire week DW is taking today and tomorrow off and I am taking Tues and Friday off and taking the kids to an LSU baseball game on Weds.  Friday is Cirque du Soleil's Quidam on Friday, DW has always wanted to see this and I got great seats.

Swim and bike today - hoping the 910xt works in the swim.  I am mainly using it to track avg rates.  I tend to get into a rut (speed and distance wise) and use this kinda thing to push myself.

Dorm - sounds like you had a great time!

2012-02-21 9:36 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

Hey all!
Got my 910xt to work in the pool.  Not 100% but Garmin is hoping a master reset will fix it.  Good data but it seems my non-flip turns adds an extra stroke or two to the count.  One thing I need to do is build my swim endurance.  I did a 550 yard swim, then 550 with the paddles (they work my arms pretty good), then another 550 free.  I could see my times slowly increasing on the last laps.  Started in the 1:50/100yd and ended in the 2:02/100 yrds.  The paddles are killers but I need to improve and some long swims are coming.

Taking today off from work, everyone enjoy Mardi Gras!

2012-02-21 10:23 AM
in reply to: #3257002

Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed
Paddles are killer and really let me know when my form starts slipping because they get HARD!

Yesterday ended up being a trainer ride since it was sleeting all day. And today I once again had big morning plans but it was still sleeting and my kids were up sick lots last night and excuses excuses I slept in. And today I may get in a short TM run but have a second interview (hooray) so I'm not going to have much free time. And I have to go home early to meet the waching machine repair person. Yes, its one of those fun days. Have a great week all!
2012-02-21 11:12 AM
in reply to: #4058201

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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

elizabethk - 2012-02-21 11:23 AM And today I once again had big morning plans but it was still sleeting and my kids were up sick lots last night and excuses excuses I slept in. And today I may get in a short TM run but have a second interview (hooray) so I'm not going to have much free time. And I have to go home early to meet the waching machine repair person. Yes, its one of those fun days. Have a great week all!

Yes ... and today my wife has a hair appt, the dog ate my homework, last night my shoe came untied .... just kidding.

On the paddles - I have started to use these as well.  I'd been warned to ease into using these, and not overdo it from the start as these will make your arms-shoulders sore from the extra work.  My question - what do you look for when using these to improve technique?  I've noticed hand placement is key; i.e. entry angle, how my hand is rotated-pointing during the stroke and other, will make subtle directional changes and changes in pitch.  So what do you look for when using these?  Is it as basic as if I maintain good 'alignment' and body pitch, that my stroke is OK?

2012-02-21 4:03 PM
in reply to: #4058309

Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed
Dorm57 - 2012-02-21 11:12 AM

elizabethk - 2012-02-21 11:23 AM And today I once again had big morning plans but it was still sleeting and my kids were up sick lots last night and excuses excuses I slept in. And today I may get in a short TM run but have a second interview (hooray) so I'm not going to have much free time. And I have to go home early to meet the waching machine repair person. Yes, its one of those fun days. Have a great week all!

Yes ... and today my wife has a hair appt, the dog ate my homework, last night my shoe came untied .... just kidding.

On the paddles - I have started to use these as well.  I'd been warned to ease into using these, and not overdo it from the start as these will make your arms-shoulders sore from the extra work.  My question - what do you look for when using these to improve technique?  I've noticed hand placement is key; i.e. entry angle, how my hand is rotated-pointing during the stroke and other, will make subtle directional changes and changes in pitch.  So what do you look for when using these?  Is it as basic as if I maintain good 'alignment' and body pitch, that my stroke is OK?

So funny, Dorm.

Yes I think that it is as basic as you think. When my form starts slipping and I'm using paddles I can always feel my hands slipping through the water and not catching it correctly.

Random question for Gary and Shelley since you both live in LA: What do I wear to a mardi gras party? Its a party of my running group and spouses, about 20 total at someone's home.

Edited by elizabethk 2012-02-21 4:04 PM
2012-02-21 4:45 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

Dorm, the paddles I have only have a single finger loop (middle finger). If my form is off the paddled will slip.  I am looking for a smooth water entry, extension then a good catch with a solid pull.  When I do it wrong the paddles will slide off my hand.

Snuck a 500 meter swim in today but forgot my watch so no sense of how long it took.

Elizabeth - Shelly can give a better answer as most of the ones I go to its pretty much casual with beads.  There are formal Mardi gras gowns but it doesn't sound like that type of party.  Stick with black and gold or purple and gold with lots of beads and you will probably be okay.  But follow what Shelly says.

IMPORTANT QUESTION: What brand helmet do you wear and why?  Any favorite helmet?  Do need answers to these and will explain later.

2012-02-21 6:29 PM
in reply to: #4059242

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed
GaryRM - 2012-02-21 4:45 PM

IMPORTANT QUESTION: What brand helmet do you wear and why?  Any favorite helmet?  Do need answers to these and will explain later.


For my everyday helmet, I don't even know what brand it is.  I went to Performance bikes or Nashbar and picked up one on sale I thought looked cool.  My aero helmet is a Rudy Project which I got cheap on a year end clearance sale last year.  Forget to pick up a Giro Advantage during the year end sales this year. 

2012-02-21 10:05 PM
in reply to: #4059103

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed
elizabethk - 2012-02-21 4:03 PM

Yes I think that it is as basic as you think. When my form starts slipping and I'm using paddles I can always feel my hands slipping through the water and not catching it correctly.

Random question for Gary and Shelley since you both live in LA: What do I wear to a mardi gras party? Its a party of my running group and spouses, about 20 total at someone's home.

It really would depend on the type of party and whose giving it. It sounds pretty casual to me so I'd probably wear capris with a Mardi GRAS t-shirt. Crazy Mardi GRAS hats, masks and beads are usually worn around these parts as well. Anything bright, shiny and purple, green or gold. Not sure though if other areas do the same. Sorry I didnt see this sooner.
Hope you have/ had a god time.

2012-02-23 9:28 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

I ran 9 miles this morning.  I was planning on swimming at 11, but I am totally drained from the run and the fact that I woke up at 2am.  I think I need the sleep more than the 1850 yards.  Good night all.

2012-02-23 9:30 AM
in reply to: #3257002

Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed
Shelly - Thanks for the party advice

Helmet: I wear a Giro, dont know what kind. Its a mountain bike helmet. I wore it a few times with the visor on it and my friends quickly ridiculed me into getting rid of the visor for road riding. I'm partial to Bell helmets though, just becuase when I was about 16 I had a horrible mountain bike crash and split my helmet almost in two. I sent it back to bell and they sent me a new helmet and a certificate that said, "Saved by the Bell." Yes, I am that cheesy. I thought it was funny.
2012-02-23 9:31 AM
in reply to: #4062162

Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed
leftrunner - 2012-02-23 9:28 AM

I ran 9 miles this morning.  I was planning on swimming at 11, but I am totally drained from the run and the fact that I woke up at 2am.  I think I need the sleep more than the 1850 yards.  Good night all.

2012-02-23 1:05 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

Hey all!

Having fun with the 910xt.  Swim portion is working pretty well now.  Only issue was on my last set today it missed two turns and counted four lengths as two so ended up swimming an extra 50 yards.  Got 1.5 hours on the trainer last night but unfortunately the PT is on the blink.  Hoping its just new batteries in the hub.  Running is going well also with another 6+mile run tonight.

Thanks for the helmet info, if you haven't reported in please do.

Took the kids to an LSU baseball game yesterday.  Lots of fun.  Taking tomorrow off.

Left - good idea on the sleep, listening to your body is always the way to go.

2012-02-23 1:45 PM
in reply to: #4062791

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed
GaryRM - 2012-02-23 2:05 PM

Hey all!

Having fun with the 910xt.  Swim portion is working pretty well now.  Only issue was on my last set today it missed two turns and counted four lengths as two so ended up swimming an extra 50 yards.  Got 1.5 hours on the trainer last night but unfortunately the PT is on the blink.  Hoping its just new batteries in the hub.  Running is going well also with another 6+mile run tonight.

Thanks for the helmet info, if you haven't reported in please do.

Took the kids to an LSU baseball game yesterday.  Lots of fun.  Taking tomorrow off.

Left - good idea on the sleep, listening to your body is always the way to go.



It is still my hardest thing to do.  I feel guilty if I miss 30min of swimming 15 weeks before a race.  But I just slept for 5 hours and I work 10pm-7am tonight, so probably the right decision.

Helmet- Giro, something or another.  My wife threatened to not cheer for me if I ever wore a "dorky" (her word) aero helmet.  

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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training Rss Feed  
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