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2007-06-28 5:24 AM
in reply to: #863702

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
JeanetteJ. - 2007-06-27 9:43 PM

I am reading my info and out of 2 thousand and two hundred people who paid money and signed up there were only one thousand Eight hundred and eighty two finishers. The average time was 1 hour 45 minutes and 54 seconds.
My time was 1 hour 51 minutes and 12 seconds.
I pushed myself very hard, I gave it 120%

Great work! You should be proud of your day!

How'd it feel to get back into it? Ready to do it again?

2007-06-29 6:09 AM
in reply to: #640246

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
So I rolled my bike into the shop, and the guy behind the counter just looked at me and said, "Oh, dude. Total tune-up?"

I'm without the road bike until Sunday. Should I feel blessed? Suddenly, I want to go for a ride.
2007-06-29 7:31 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
My condolences, Prof. I won't even touch anything on mine or it would end up exactly the same way. Maybe it's time to get out the old mountain bike and take a 4 hour trail ride for no particular reason other than it's really peaceful out there and you might race a deer? I much prefer that kind of biking, but I am way too slow that way to get much out of it training wise. Heck, I'm slow on the road bike, too. But I'm practicing standing up more in hopes it will be power building. And I've noticed I don't bike well on an empty stomach or after a long swim or run. Or when I'm tired from working really hard all day and running after the kiddos. So, since those factors are pretty much my life, and I can never find the time to bike when I'm well rested, full of good food, and not tired from the other sports, I guess I'll just be a slow biker. Which is fine, as I'm a slow swimmer and runner, too! I just have to build up now to be able to do 16-17 hours of continuous slow activity, and I'll be an ironman. Piece O Cake!

No seriously, I got my bike tuned up before my tri and it was tons faster, for awhile. Probably needs something adjusted again. Yeah, that's it. My bike is just slow, not me.......

I'd get the endless pool if I were you. Think of it this way, if you wait til you have kids you'll never get one. It takes $272,000 to raise one child, not including college!! So, tell your wife she can either make you a father, and you all can put all your money into that, or you can get the pool and stay the lean mean machine that you are and be stress free and not broke all the time! And then you can give lessons in it and charge $100 an hour! I'm not kidding, that's the going rate in Madison!
2007-06-29 10:02 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Mark once again you have caused jealousy in me. I am one of those people who plan to just tour around the world when I retire and not even own a home. You are already doing it, own 2 homes, and they pay you to!

Speaking of Monoco though, I have decided next June I am going to IM France regardless of whether I am racing or just watching. Its in Nice, and I can get a flight from Toronto to Paris for about $400 round trip. Then either drive a car or fly to Nice, as the flight is only $55. Then, depending on how much money/time I have, I would like to try to hit Italy and Greece.

Prof, get the pool. :P

Pene, like I said, pedaling is pedaling . Its all going to make you faster and stronger IMO. So if trail riding is fun, go do it ;)

Well for me, I actually have been riding the bike a lot more. The problem is, I don't have anyone to really ride with. Now London has a cycle club, but its a road tour club and you have to pay to join, and even they don't have a forum. There isn't any local clubs around here for people to chat on about biking.

So instead of complaining about it, I took a day out of my life and made one.

You can check it out at

The domain is new so give it a day or two before your local DNS is updated with it, but its there. Until that link works you can see it here as well

Anyway, I have lots of bugs with the site to still work out, and I am going to go take some pictures for the site today. Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe out there. No skinned knees or boo-boos.

Edited by Robb 2007-06-29 10:03 AM
2007-06-29 10:16 AM
in reply to: #865871

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

"Mark once again you have caused jealousy in me. I am one of those people who plan to just tour around the world when I retire and not even own a home. You are already doing it, own 2 homes, and they pay you to!"

The ironic thing is that I would really like to try life in the US or Canada but Satan won't hear of it!

"Speaking of Monoco though, I have decided next June I am going to IM France regardless of whether I am racing or just watching. Its in Nice, and I can get a flight from Toronto to Paris for about $400 round trip. Then either drive a car or fly to Nice, as the flight is only $55. Then, depending on how much money/time I have, I would like to try to hit Italy and Greece."

I have been thinknig about whether I do IM France in June next year. My boss has just done it for the second time this year and loves it. It sems like the right blend of civilisation and pain for a really good race and some spectacular scenery to boot (although I think you are quite used to that). If you fancy having a go, let me know and it may sway my commitment. The good thing is that it remains one of those IMs that you can virtually sign up to do on the day. Something about it being as hard as nails!

I have just had a look at your site. Top effort and best of luck with that.

No skinned knees with me or boo hoos, just absolute bloody apathy.

Must go running now. Time to knock off for the weekend!

PS It's 4.15pm! Shh, don't tell anyone!

2007-06-29 10:36 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Thats funny, I spent part of my honeymoon in Nice last fall and I jokingly told my brother-in-law that the only ironman I would ever do would be in Nice just because the french riviera is so fun. Although, i had one of the worst runs of my life in Nice. I set out to do a long run of about 10miles, asked the woman in the tourist office which road to take. It was hilly to say the least, hotter than I thought, longer than I thought, and I didnt have enough water. I had brought 2 eu with me which was a godsend, enough to buy a small bottle of water and catch the local bus back to home before I wilted completely. I got home an hour after I said i would with my husband worried sick. Dont you love those kind of runs?
That being said, it would be a beautiful course to do!

2007-06-29 11:55 AM
in reply to: #865939

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Greensboro, NC
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I have my first tri tomorrow.....a really nice, beginner friendly sprint distance :-)

Wish me luck.....hopefully I won't have to walk as much of the run as I think I might have to!
2007-06-30 5:11 AM
in reply to: #866090

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
androgenie - 2007-06-29 12:55 PM

I have my first tri tomorrow.....a really nice, beginner friendly sprint distance :-)

Wish me luck.....hopefully I won't have to walk as much of the run as I think I might have to!

Okay, good thoughts are heading your way -- enjoy the day, have fun, and tell us all about it on Sunday!
2007-06-30 5:19 AM
in reply to: #640246

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Okay, anyone else suddenly feeling the urge to roadtrip to Nice next summer?

You can't leave on Monday, though. If we do this thing, you have to commit to at least one good post-race day of sharing beers and stories by the sea.

Sounds good, doesn't it?
2007-06-30 8:39 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Nice is nice. Sorry bad little joke. Actually, I can't speak any French at all, even though I took one tri of it in college. Can speak German okay, though. And the French are snobs, according to my French professor. She said you must at least attempt to speak the language or they will completely ignore you. So, I put that country way down on the list of places to visit a long time ago. Plus I don't like snails or bloody meat.

I'll stick to IMMOO because it doesn't involve people backing out on me at the last minute. The thought of trying to do an IM all by myself in a country where I can't communicate scares the pants off me. I can just go to Madtown, do my thing and be home again to hug my kids and show them the finisher's medal But you all are welcome to come pass me up on the swim bike and run here in Cheese country--just wave at me and smile as you do! (plus I don't drink. not even after an IM, so I wouldn't be any fun).

Looking forward to your race report Casey! Sorry I didn't comment yesterday to wish you luck. Had one of those incredibly busy days fitting in Amish ladies who came from Iowa to see me and didn't have enough appointments reserved. The one lady finally went to Mexico for treatment because her body was completely exhausted after having 6 babies 10 months apart. The docs down there found 4 softball sized cysts on her ovaries, low thyroid and adrenal function and a lot of other problems and put her on birth control pills (against their religion). Her inlaws were so outraged that they told her she doesn't love her children and is unfit to care for them and took the kids away for awhile! She was so stressed from all that that her hair fell out by the handfuls and she got really skinny. She needed to talk and asked me to write her husband a note telling him what I found with her spine and overall condition so that she can come back again and he can try to explain to his parents that she really needed the chiropractic care and isn't just making it all up! Mercy! I'm sooooo glad I'm not Amish! Some times I feel like Obi Wan. (Help me, Obi Wan, you're my only hope). Well, it was a better day than the one where a 13 year old girl presented and was pregnant by her brother! I got the grand job of diagnosing the pregnancy, telling her mother, and then reporting the whole thing to the authorities so they could get some outside intervention and medical care! She is married now and still comes to see me. The trust these people put in me is amazing.
2007-06-30 11:06 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Hope the race went well androgenie!

And Pene you are coming to France :P  I was there last fall and they were plenty nice.  I stick out like a sore thumb due to not being 110lbs and in designer clothes, but I can get by in my Francais.  Canadian french and France french is a little different, but it helps to know generally what you are ordering for meals :D 

2007-06-30 11:23 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Okay, big guy, I'm open to the experience! Just thinking maybe you should actually go on a ride or two with me before committing to flying across the ocean with me When is it exactly? I do have a passport that I've never used, but got it when I bought one for my friend Tracy's birthday. She wanted to go meet her online Enland friends, who paid for her airline ticks and room/board, but she has limited funds, so I sprang for the passport. Figured they are good for 10 years and it would be a good affirmation to get one. She had a blast and did go to France to buy underwear and these hot black boots! But she was with friends who could order for her!
2007-06-30 3:57 PM
in reply to: #866980

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Greensboro, NC
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Ok, I'm hooked :-) I really don't know why I'm still awake....probably to tell you all that the race went well! Things happened (goggle issues mainly), and I did walk most of the run....but I finished in 2:03:54 (I think that's the exact finishing time). I did approx 18 min swim (wow weedy lake), 50 min bike, and 46 min run. So, here's to going faster next time )

Thanks for all of your support everyone! I have my next tri in a little over a week (Danskin Chicagoland), so now I know what to do and what not to do :-)
2007-06-30 4:15 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Well done Casey!! You have sooo much energy! I could not think of doing a tri and another one a week later! Wow! Write us up a race report, please. I'm glad you had fun! That's the single MOST important thing, I think.

Okay, so the thought of a group IM endeavor is starting to really grow on me. It's hard for me to imagine that it will really and truly come to fruition, but if you wonderful people are serious about I said, the main thing is to have some fun! Or at least an angel to come run up and save you at mile 20.

I even started reading the IM articles here on BT and bookmarked all the ones by Dara Wittenberg from T3 coaching. She does a step by step first IM article. Did you know you are supposed to check in TWO days prior??? And she has a step by step race day nutrition article for IM, and a HR in the heat get the picture. Good stuff! She sounds like she knows what she's talking about!
2007-06-30 5:30 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Been reading about Nice IM. Made me all emotional. It does sound really great. So, is it complete insanity to do Nice and IMMOO? They are 2.5 months apart. I don't want the pat answer of "anyone can do that". Uh, uh. I want more specifics on exactly how one feels after their first IM and how long a good recovery should be and if anyone ever does such a thing. I just don't want to miss out on being able to do an IM next year. Must sign up for MOO Sept. 10 and the registration info for Nice was in Francaise, so I'm not 100% sure about the deadlines there. It looked to me like you could sign up in April and get all your money refunded if you choose not to go? It also looked like you were supposed to sign up some money by December 2007?

I read the bike course info comment by a dude named Yves. Pretty specific info about which gear to shift into and when, although, that gear shifting stuff is still pretty much a mystery to me.

Mark--could you elaborate on why the Nice course is a tough one? Anyone know how it compares to the hills on MOO?

There's a loop for the swim where you go to shore, can drink and eat a gel that you carry in your wetsuit sleeve, and then go out for the second half of the swim. That sounded great to me.

And the marathon is 4 loops of a very flat course and you get a wrist band for each loop--must have 3 bands at the finish to qualify. (will have nightmares of losing wristbands now for the next 11 months!)

Looked like there are pretty ladies that show off their legs and underwear at the finish. Typical. I'm going to learn enough French to petition for DUDES at the finish line with no shirts!!! And speedos!!! Hey, some of the male athletes will dig that too!!

X-ing off the last part of June on my office calendar.........who's in?
2007-06-30 7:04 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

The job on the race!  And yes the run is hard after all of that!


IM France is June 22nd I think.  The only problem with it though, other than the distance from here, is there is a 16hr cut off instead of the 17hr of local event.

As for doing both, imo if you can do ONE, you should have no problem doing another a few months later.  Then again I have never done ONE so I can't say for sure :P 

2007-06-30 7:18 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Sorry I have been MIA, I was dealing with morning sickness and trying to determine if I should do the TRI today. I did. I will write my race report soon.
I want to send a shot out to Casey/ Androgenie. I started swimming with her and she made the day more bearable. I know I was not the only big girl out there kicking red bike. Thank you for your kindness and smiles. Here is a post I put on the Mn blog page. I wanted to share with you cause although you were not there physically, I know you were there in spirit cheering me on.

Hey team: It was great to see everyone today. My time was not what I wanted (second to last on the whole course) but the support was too much to comprehend. I am still not sure I am processing it. between the BT group and the YWCA staff I can not tell you how I feel (loved mostly). I was going to come over for ice cream at cold stone but after noddles and company with my mom and husband, it was time for a nap.
I was an amazing day that I am glad I do not have to do again for while.

My next races:
7-14 Charities Challenge at Lake Como,
7-21 YWCA Sympathy Swim for Chanel Swim( think about doing it swim for up to 5 hours, talk about endurance) (( wow they really have us trained at the YWCA to sell our agency!!!!)).
8-5 The sporting life 5k lake Calhoun (run)
8-18 Boston Scientific 10k lake Nokomis (run)
9-9 St. Paul Classic (bike 15 mile route)- belly pending (I am 7 weeks pregnant this was my babies for tri!)
9-22 Bolder Dash Lake Nokomis 5 or 10k belly pending
10-6 TCM 5k with YWCA youth

alot in one post.
take aways:" great race, love to connect with more BT peeps at upcoming events.
Quiana Big girl Tri-ing!!
2007-06-30 10:42 PM
in reply to: #867380

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Greensboro, NC
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Good job Quiana! I don't know if I would have been able to start, much less finish with morning sickness! You're my hero!
2007-07-01 5:37 AM
in reply to: #867263

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
androgenie - 2007-06-30 4:57 PM

Ok, I'm hooked :-) I really don't know why I'm still awake....probably to tell you all that the race went well! Things happened (goggle issues mainly), and I did walk most of the run....but I finished in 2:03:54 (I think that's the exact finishing time). I did approx 18 min swim (wow weedy lake), 50 min bike, and 46 min run. So, here's to going faster next time )

Thanks for all of your support everyone! I have my next tri in a little over a week (Danskin Chicagoland), so now I know what to do and what not to do :-)

Nice job. Welcome to the club.
2007-07-01 6:05 AM
in reply to: #867272

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-06-30 5:15 PM

Okay, so the thought of a group IM endeavor is starting to really grow on me. It's hard for me to imagine that it will really and truly come to fruition, but if you wonderful people are serious about this...........

I'm not serious. Seriously. It was just a passing thought, which has passed. But it was a nice one.
2007-07-01 6:09 AM
in reply to: #867380

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
BigGirlTri-ing - 2007-06-30 8:18 PM

My next races:
7-14 Charities Challenge at Lake Como,
7-21 YWCA Sympathy Swim for Chanel Swim( think about doing it swim for up to 5 hours, talk about endurance) (( wow they really have us trained at the YWCA to sell our agency!!!!)).
8-5 The sporting life 5k lake Calhoun (run)
8-18 Boston Scientific 10k lake Nokomis (run)
9-9 St. Paul Classic (bike 15 mile route)- belly pending (I am 7 weeks pregnant this was my babies for tri!)
9-22 Bolder Dash Lake Nokomis 5 or 10k belly pending
10-6 TCM 5k with YWCA youth


Seriously impressed with your calendar. Talk about will, desire and motivation!

2007-07-01 7:40 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Casey and Quiana, you ladies ROCK! I'm with Casey, when I was PG, the LAST thing in the world I would have thought of doing is a tri! Maybe a swim for fun with zero exertion, but I rather hobbled through Walmart and had to remember to quit waddling like a big duck when the baby finally arrived. It isn't your belly that will get in the way (well, maybe on the bike) it's your hips! They will eventually feel like they are splitting apart as the baby gets bigger and sits lower and your ligaments start to really stretch. Very common in early pregnancy to have midback issues as your ribs are spreading out to accommodate higher blood volume during pregnancy. Of course, with higher blood volume (and this happens to athletes, too--we get more blood volume with training intensely) you get anemic! So, follow your doc's guidelines for iron and vitamin intake to the letter and remind them that you are an athlete so your hemoglobin might be a bit low anyway. BUt I did watch a very pregnant athlete run the Bix 7! She was amazing! The course in Davenport goes right up Brady Hill, where my chiropractic college is and it isn't an easy hill! I'm doing it in a month. (yikes!)

Looks like I'll miss my July 4 tri. The kids' dad isn't coming. Figures. He has the last 3 or 4 years to take the kids and so when I go and register for something so I'm not sitting there alone worrying about them, he bails on me. Actually, I'm relieved as far as the kids go. I called him (which I NEVER do) and he actually hung up on Noah because Micah and Mose were sort of acting up as they wanted to talk to daddy too (because they haven't in well over a month or maybe 6 weeks). When I called back, he actually told me "if the kids are going to act up on the phone, don't even bother to call"! I assure you, I WON'T! We'll just make our own holiday plans from now on! I've got a little more anger/fire under my belly just a stirring in there now, so that will help my training!! Lemonade
2007-07-01 7:50 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Prof- Impressed really it is a bunch of running which is what is what I am going to start focusing on. I commited to run one 5k a month for the whole year so pregnant or not I can not give that up. Abijah needs to move everyday. I added some swimming blame the YWCA and some biking casue how often can you bike a capital city TRAFFIC FREE..? not often so my schudele is not intense just consistent.

Pene: So yeah you should think about coming over for the 7-21 the swim a thon, you do not have to swim for 5 hours, cause god know I am only doing a mile maybe a mile and half, but you can drive over from wisconsin, we can get our swim on, I will buy you a beer or two (please drink for me) and you sleep on your couch and head home in the morning. Really think about it.

Casey: they did not post my times before I left yesterday or I could not figure out where they were on the shelter post, is that were you got your times or did you find them on line? On the minneman page it says it will few days but my husband seems to think they were going to be in more than one place online although he did not make note of where. Anyway if you have any leads please let me know.
Good Luck in Chicago.
PS I was not morning sick, I think Abijah wanted to do the tri; The Tummy Monster as we like to call it is already manipulating mommy.
2007-07-01 7:53 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Pene: Bring the kids too. I can sleep 4 adult people on my floor. They would ahve a great time seeing mommy swim like a shark. BGT
2007-07-01 9:15 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

How cool! Is it a fundraiser? I'm always interested in those if it's reasonable. Let me know how to register? I suppose the kids can just stay in the bleachers and watch, or maybe just maybe grandma or Uncle Lance would come (he lives in Superior) as I'm from MN originally. Do you get breaks? I suppose there are limited spaces available? That's just a really good idea that all the Y's should do! Maybe you can give me some pointers with the swim, as mine is really not very good yet. I'm up to 1400 y in the open water, though. I don't take chances with that. If I'm feeling tired at 1000y and have to really push to get back to shore, I call it quits for the day as it would really stink to faint in the middle of the darn lake! So, because I've been doing all swim outdoors, I'm way behind on my mile a week committment I think. Will have to go add up the yardage. When did we start that challenge again? Are the folks doing that swim in the English Channel yet? I sincerely do not know how in the world they will do that!!!!!

Abijah will be a cute little shark or sharkette that runs like the wind and bikes like Lance Armstrong. He/she will have to come do tri's with my kids!! Noah can run an 8:46 mile now. He has way shorter legs than mine and can just go so fast on that treadmill! I can't beat him. Micah did almost 3 miles on it yesterday because we were all playing "ironman"! I had them be my ironmates and put them on water duty and change the music duty and get me a dry towel duty and I biked and they ran. Mose just ran "laps" from one room to the next. It worked pretty well for almost 2 hours, then Mose was tired so I quit. The plan was to put them to sleep and go back down for another hour, but I fell asleep and just stayed there! Oh well.

Putting July 21 on the books
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