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2011-03-29 3:02 PM
in reply to: #3418843

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
trainforacure - 2011-03-28 7:35 PM

Hello everyone,

New to this thread. Training for Steelhead and maybe a second one after that one.  I was last year's last person to make cutoff.  It was hilarious! I was already hurt in my calf and was walking.  I had 1.5 miles to go.  I asked the course marshal how much time I had left.  He said "oh! you got 20 minutes; you'll be fine." "Dude!!! I'm limping here--what part of this is not clear to you?! LOL.  It was the most painful 1.5 miles I've ever ran/dragged.  But dang it, I got the medal and the car sticker.  And I also biked past a 310xt on the side of the road.  Didn't want to stop and slow down--yeah, right.

This year, with better training, a chiro that will keep my temperamental left calf in check and more running experience, I'm guessing I'll PR it. Laughing Unfortunately due to family issues I wasn't able to start training in Jan/Feb.  Just started on the 15th.  I'm doing the 20 wks program focusing on running. But my swim mojo is still there; distance wise not speed.

Good luck to everyone this season!

Welcome! Love your story!!

2011-03-29 3:03 PM
in reply to: #3419217

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

ingleshteechur - 2011-03-29 6:50 AM Good morning!  New to this thread, hoping to spend some time checking out everybody's logs.  My first HIM will be IM Boise 70.3 on June 11.  I have been training since Jan 1 and loving every minute.  Longest swim up to date is 1.5 miles (all swimming is in open water), longest bike 3 hours and longest run 10 miles.  I feel like I'm on track...I'd love anyone to check out my logs and give any input as to where I could improve.  Looking forward to learning along with everyone else!

You are kicking BUTT, girl! You are going to have a fantastic race!

2011-03-29 3:06 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
You guys are so active in this thread, I can't keep up sometimes! I love seeing all of you achieve more and more fitness!
2011-03-29 4:33 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

I can only laugh :-)


Just got in from a 38 degree, 25 minute, 7 mile ride. I'd finally had enough of winter and said the hell with it. It was my first real ride on my bike other than the trainer, and my first ride in over a month due to knee rehab.


It kicked my butt big time. I had snot everywhere, drool flowing from both sides of my mouth, and was absolutely dead tired......after.....did I mention.....a whopping 25 minutes - LOL At least my legs felt good :-)


Looks like I'm starting from scratch! 20 weeks until Steelhead so I'll be good, but I just thought it was pretty funny how fast I lost my cardio.

2011-03-29 6:56 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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WTH? This isn't coral. It's corn!
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Thanks Dina for the information!
2011-03-29 6:59 PM
in reply to: #3419217

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WTH? This isn't coral. It's corn!
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

ingleshteechur - 2011-03-29 7:50 AM  (all swimming is in open water), !

Aaaawwww! you are so lucky! Your log looks awesome! Welcome Laughing

2011-03-29 9:39 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Thanks for the great welcome and encouragement! Looking forward to learning from everyone here!
2011-03-30 11:24 AM
in reply to: #3420625

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
trainforacure - 2011-03-29 6:59 PM

ingleshteechur - 2011-03-29 7:50 AM  (all swimming is in open water), !

Aaaawwww! you are so lucky! Your log looks awesome! Welcome Laughing

Should I also mention that the lake I swim in is a natural fed spring...water temp is 67-70 degrees year round! My first swim in January the air temp was 9 degrees but the water was lovely!

2011-03-30 12:09 PM
in reply to: #3418871

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
trainforacure - 2011-03-28 7:53 PM
wrkinprogress - 2011-03-28 5:24 PM

Go Us indeed! I did 2050 in the pool this morning (accidentally misread some of the directions, oops), followed by 1:30 pool running. Not sure if that counts as a brick, but it's the first time I've made it for a SWIM in a while, so I count it as a victory!

Way to rock the Monday, people!

what exactly is running in the pool? with your nice shoes or barefoot? I just started walking/running and I'm trying to prevent the same injury I had last year when I just started in the sport. So, for my first 2 base months, I'll be using a treadmill and not run outside. So, is there really a benefit of running in pool? thx

Pool running is its own brand of strangeness: I use a buoyancy belt and a bungee cord, attach myself to the side of the pool in the deep end, and run against that resistance in the water for however long I'm there. No shoes. Sometimes I do intervals, sometimes LSD...and a whole lot of HTFU sometimes because there's no music to distract me! I've found it hugely helpful for rehabbing a tendon injury for 3 months this winter-- since I've been able to add real running distance (slowly) to my training, I've noticed my cardio effort feels a LOT easier than it did. I know that last year, the woman who won the Chicago Marathon (sorry, I've forgotten her name) did almost all her training leading up to the race in the pool because of an injury-- so yeah, I think pool running can be beneficial!

PS: YAY for another Steelhead trainee! You go, girl!

Edited by wrkinprogress 2011-03-30 12:13 PM
2011-03-30 12:12 PM
in reply to: #3420460

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
DV 1 - 2011-03-29 4:33 PM

I can only laugh :-)


Just got in from a 38 degree, 25 minute, 7 mile ride. I'd finally had enough of winter and said the hell with it. It was my first real ride on my bike other than the trainer, and my first ride in over a month due to knee rehab.


It kicked my butt big time. I had snot everywhere, drool flowing from both sides of my mouth, and was absolutely dead tired......after.....did I mention.....a whopping 25 minutes - LOL At least my legs felt good :-)


Looks like I'm starting from scratch! 20 weeks until Steelhead so I'll be good, but I just thought it was pretty funny how fast I lost my cardio.

Some days are like that-- but WAY TO GO in getting outside and doing it! Yeah, the first few runs and rides are gonna feel a bit off, but I bet your cardio will come back pretty quickly once you gradually build up your training. You'll be kicking butt by the time Steelhead comes around-- go you!

2011-03-30 12:50 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Wow, I'm really bad at following a plan!

Monday I was supposed to swim, but I ended up skipping it because I got invited to a friend's house for dinner (which I biked to, so at least I got a little "training" in?).  Tuesday was supposed to be an hour bike followed by another swim; I was going to do everything at the gym but ended up only having time for the bike workout and not the swim.  This morning, I went to the gym but lifted instead of doing tri stuff.  I'll probably do the scheduled run tonight, but again skip the swim.

Maybe I'm just avoiding swimming?  I'll probably do (some of) them over the weekend.  I tend to like swimming on Fridays and Sundays anyways; something about swimming on those days relaxes me, plus it tends to be quieter at the pool so I don't have to share lanes or anything.

Do you guys usually do your workouts on the days it says, or do you tend to switch things around?  The only training plan I've actually followed was the FIRST marathon training plan... but it just give 3 runs you do a week, with instructions that you can do them in any order, with a non-running day in between, and cross train the other days, with one day of rest a week.  So it was very free-flowing!

2011-03-30 2:17 PM
in reply to: #3421802

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
yogachic - 2011-03-30 12:50 PM

Wow, I'm really bad at following a plan!

Monday I was supposed to swim, but I ended up skipping it because I got invited to a friend's house for dinner (which I biked to, so at least I got a little "training" in?).  Tuesday was supposed to be an hour bike followed by another swim; I was going to do everything at the gym but ended up only having time for the bike workout and not the swim.  This morning, I went to the gym but lifted instead of doing tri stuff.  I'll probably do the scheduled run tonight, but again skip the swim.

Maybe I'm just avoiding swimming?  I'll probably do (some of) them over the weekend.  I tend to like swimming on Fridays and Sundays anyways; something about swimming on those days relaxes me, plus it tends to be quieter at the pool so I don't have to share lanes or anything.

Do you guys usually do your workouts on the days it says, or do you tend to switch things around?  The only training plan I've actually followed was the FIRST marathon training plan... but it just give 3 runs you do a week, with instructions that you can do them in any order, with a non-running day in between, and cross train the other days, with one day of rest a week.  So it was very free-flowing!

I think the plan has some inherent flexibility which allows for some of the workouts to be moved around or possibly skipped.  However, not all the workouts are of necessarily the same value or purpose.  You need to consider why the workout was planned and sequenced.  For example, if you are in base building or a sport specific week, the endurance and speed sessions are created and sequenced to address certain specific aspects of your training.  If you feel that your endurance or speed is where it needs to be in a specific sport, then by all means skipping the workout might be prudent.  If you want to extert less effort on a specific workout due to injury, fatigue or time constraints, then just dial things back.  I would not recommend though that doing multiple speed or endurance workouts back to back.

As you get further into the plan, I think you will develop a better sense of the rhythms of each week's workouts and you can mold the plan somewhat to your needs.  That said, if you don't stick to the plan for some period of time, you may have difficulty in undertstanding certain of the very important holistic aspects of the plan (e.g., build, exertion, recovery, rest, etc.)

As for your swimming issues, one of the best parts of the plan is that it takes the guess work out of training and forces you practice all three sports equally.  Your reluctance/inability to schedule swims won't improve your swimming - so my thought is just hit the pool!!!


2011-03-30 3:40 PM
in reply to: #3421802

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Huntington Beach
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
yogachic - 2011-03-30 10:50 AM

Wow, I'm really bad at following a plan!

Monday I was supposed to swim, but I ended up skipping it because I got invited to a friend's house for dinner (which I biked to, so at least I got a little "training" in?).  Tuesday was supposed to be an hour bike followed by another swim; I was going to do everything at the gym but ended up only having time for the bike workout and not the swim.  This morning, I went to the gym but lifted instead of doing tri stuff.  I'll probably do the scheduled run tonight, but again skip the swim.

Maybe I'm just avoiding swimming?  I'll probably do (some of) them over the weekend.  I tend to like swimming on Fridays and Sundays anyways; something about swimming on those days relaxes me, plus it tends to be quieter at the pool so I don't have to share lanes or anything.

Do you guys usually do your workouts on the days it says, or do you tend to switch things around?  The only training plan I've actually followed was the FIRST marathon training plan... but it just give 3 runs you do a week, with instructions that you can do them in any order, with a non-running day in between, and cross train the other days, with one day of rest a week.  So it was very free-flowing!

It was a rare week if I followed the plan in the exact order.  I switched the workouts to fit in with my work,   

2011-03-30 3:44 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Huntington Beach
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Three days to go...did I mention I have THREE days to go?!    I have been so proud of myself keeping calm and telling myself it is no big deal.  HA!  It is a big deal.  I am so excited/nervous! 


Question: I have heard that some people start really hydrating a few days before.  Should I be drinking gatorade and water now?  Can our bodies really store it up?

And did I mention I have 3 days?  Surprised haha

2011-03-30 4:01 PM
in reply to: #3421802

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
yogachic - 2011-03-30 12:50 PM

Wow, I'm really bad at following a plan!

Monday I was supposed to swim, but I ended up skipping it because I got invited to a friend's house for dinner (which I biked to, so at least I got a little "training" in?).  Tuesday was supposed to be an hour bike followed by another swim; I was going to do everything at the gym but ended up only having time for the bike workout and not the swim.  This morning, I went to the gym but lifted instead of doing tri stuff.  I'll probably do the scheduled run tonight, but again skip the swim.

Maybe I'm just avoiding swimming?  I'll probably do (some of) them over the weekend.  I tend to like swimming on Fridays and Sundays anyways; something about swimming on those days relaxes me, plus it tends to be quieter at the pool so I don't have to share lanes or anything.

Do you guys usually do your workouts on the days it says, or do you tend to switch things around?  The only training plan I've actually followed was the FIRST marathon training plan... but it just give 3 runs you do a week, with instructions that you can do them in any order, with a non-running day in between, and cross train the other days, with one day of rest a week.  So it was very free-flowing!

I agree with Joe. He summed it up pretty good. I also rearrange the workouts to fit my schedule. In fact I combine the swims every week so that I only swim 2 days but still cover the distance recommended in the plan for the week. Swimming is my strength though.  I think the most important thing is to find the days that work for you but don't get trapped always pushing things off for another day. You are not going to have the flexibility of a running plan. You are working on 2 other sports and have to manage finding time for them all.

2011-03-30 4:19 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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New user
Gallatin, TN
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
yogachic - I selected this plan because it fits well with my schedule and where it doesn't, I swap things around. I also know that if I do not do the volume that is laid out, likely I will not be where I need to be for the race itself. My suggestion, stick to the plan.

akrenic - Good luck! That is exciting! I think that our bodies can only be hydrated 100%, so there is no storing up excess for the race. That said, I think it is a good idea to make sure you are well hydrated in the days leading up to the race. I do many of my workouts at lunch time and drink water in the morning - which usually means I do not need to hydrate at all for workouts up to an hour long.

2011-03-30 5:01 PM
in reply to: #3421970

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

JoePetto - 2011-03-30 2:17 PM 

I think the plan has some inherent flexibility which allows for some of the workouts to be moved around or possibly skipped.  However, not all the workouts are of necessarily the same value or purpose.  You need to consider why the workout was planned and sequenced.  For example, if you are in base building or a sport specific week, the endurance and speed sessions are created and sequenced to address certain specific aspects of your training.  If you feel that your endurance or speed is where it needs to be in a specific sport, then by all means skipping the workout might be prudent.  If you want to extert less effort on a specific workout due to injury, fatigue or time constraints, then just dial things back.  I would not recommend though that doing multiple speed or endurance workouts back to back.

As you get further into the plan, I think you will develop a better sense of the rhythms of each week's workouts and you can mold the plan somewhat to your needs.  That said, if you don't stick to the plan for some period of time, you may have difficulty in undertstanding certain of the very important holistic aspects of the plan (e.g., build, exertion, recovery, rest, etc.)

As for your swimming issues, one of the best parts of the plan is that it takes the guess work out of training and forces you practice all three sports equally.  Your reluctance/inability to schedule swims won't improve your swimming - so my thought is just hit the pool!!!



Thanks, good to know there's a little flexibility.  I wasn't sure if it'd be a bad idea to move things to the days I'm used to doing them.  For my HIM last year (which I didn't follow a plan for), I used to have my long runs on Saturdays and my long rides on Sundays; Tuesdays and Friday were swim days, etc.  Basically I just trained in an unstructured way based on whenever I could find friends/training partners to do workouts with..... Looking ahead in the coming weeks, it seems like this plan switches things around and doesn't seem to have a dedicated day for each specific workout.  It's definitely interesting, and different than what I've done in the past!

Good advice about thinking about the purpose of each workout!  I guess I never thought about order before (except that I know to alternate hard/easy days).

And I agree with you, I definitely need to get in the pool!  When I first started tri-ing, the swim was my strongest sport and running was my weakest, so I trained most in the run, second in the bike, and least in the swim.  Now I think running is my strongest (except that I'm just getting over a marathon injury) so if anything, I should be skipping/dialing back my runs and not my swims!  ...I'm still no good on the bike, so I will definitely NOT be missing any of those workouts!

2011-03-30 5:07 PM
in reply to: #3422190

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
akrenik - 2011-03-30 3:44 PM

Three days to go...did I mention I have THREE days to go?!    I have been so proud of myself keeping calm and telling myself it is no big deal.  HA!  It is a big deal.  I am so excited/nervous! 


Question: I have heard that some people start really hydrating a few days before.  Should I be drinking gatorade and water now?  Can our bodies really store it up?

And did I mention I have 3 days?  Surprised haha


Good luck!!  I think it's a good idea to start hydrating now, but I would just do water, not Gatorade.  What's the worst case scenario- you have to pee a lot?  Of course, I'm always very hydrated which just means I have to pee a lot Surprised

Eeeek, excited for you!  What an early race!  I can't even imagine jumping in the lake right now, but I live in Chicago, where the water won't hit 60 until probably June

2011-03-30 5:14 PM
in reply to: #3415999

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Great advice wozin8or.  I bought a Trek Equinox 6 weeks ago.  First tt bike I have riddedn.  Was fitted in shop with the caveat that if here was any probs I should go back.  Rode it for a month and although it felt way better than my road bike was noit truly happy.  Took it back bike fitter put me on a turbo and watched as I did the buisness.  Result was a lower seat, brought the bars back a bit and also raised them.  RESULT this Sunday 40 bike in a duathlon 6 mins faster than last year and managed the aero position for nearly the whole dist! 
2011-03-30 5:18 PM
in reply to: #3422223

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
trigal38 - 2011-03-30 4:01 PM 

I agree with Joe. He summed it up pretty good. I also rearrange the workouts to fit my schedule. In fact I combine the swims every week so that I only swim 2 days but still cover the distance recommended in the plan for the week. Swimming is my strength though.  I think the most important thing is to find the days that work for you but don't get trapped always pushing things off for another day. You are not going to have the flexibility of a running plan. You are working on 2 other sports and have to manage finding time for them all.

Thanks, that's a good idea to combine swim workouts.  Part of the reason I avoid swimming is that I hate being cold, and it takes me a while to acclimate to the water.  So I don't like swim workouts that are only 30-45 min because I know I'll probably be cold and miserable the whole time, whereas if it's closer to an hour, it gives me more time to warm up and actually start enjoy myself toward the end of the workout.  

2011-03-30 5:50 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Akrenic - You're gonna do awesome! Relax and enjoy the excitement these last few days. You've been working hard to get to this point and before you know it the finish line will appear. You've already accomplished the hard part. Keep smiling these next few days and posting how excited you are!!!

p.s. I say start hydrating now! H2O :-)

2011-03-30 6:22 PM
in reply to: #3422190

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
akrenik - 2011-03-30 3:44 PM

Three days to go...did I mention I have THREE days to go?!    I have been so proud of myself keeping calm and telling myself it is no big deal.  HA!  It is a big deal.  I am so excited/nervous! 


Question: I have heard that some people start really hydrating a few days before.  Should I be drinking gatorade and water now?  Can our bodies really store it up?

And did I mention I have 3 days?  Surprised haha

You are awesome! Soooo close can't believe it.  Just make sure to be getting your 8 glasses a day at least, don't go nuts with it but stay hydrated despite tapering! Congrats on making it so far!

2011-03-30 6:49 PM
in reply to: #3422190

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
akrenik - 2011-03-30 4:44 PM

Three days to go...did I mention I have THREE days to go?!    I have been so proud of myself keeping calm and telling myself it is no big deal.  HA!  It is a big deal.  I am so excited/nervous! 


Question: I have heard that some people start really hydrating a few days before.  Should I be drinking gatorade and water now?  Can our bodies really store it up?

And did I mention I have 3 days?  Surprised haha


I agree don't go crazy with the water but make sure you are getting a normal amount! You will do great and we all can't wait for the report!!

2011-03-30 6:53 PM
in reply to: #3422351

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

fifetriguy - 2011-03-30 6:14 PM Great advice wozin8or.  I bought a Trek Equinox 6 weeks ago.  First tt bike I have riddedn.  Was fitted in shop with the caveat that if here was any probs I should go back.  Rode it for a month and although it felt way better than my road bike was noit truly happy.  Took it back bike fitter put me on a turbo and watched as I did the buisness.  Result was a lower seat, brought the bars back a bit and also raised them.  RESULT this Sunday 40 bike in a duathlon 6 mins faster than last year and managed the aero position for nearly the whole dist! 


Thanks! I know getting a pro-fit made a huge difference for me. Among other things I ended up raising my seat almost 2 cm. which is huge. But I got so much more power and was comfortable in the aero position.

2011-03-30 6:53 PM
in reply to: #3422190

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
akrenik - 2011-03-30 3:44 PM

Three days to go...did I mention I have THREE days to go?!    I have been so proud of myself keeping calm and telling myself it is no big deal.  HA!  It is a big deal.  I am so excited/nervous! 


Question: I have heard that some people start really hydrating a few days before.  Should I be drinking gatorade and water now?  Can our bodies really store it up?

And did I mention I have 3 days?  Surprised haha

A wise BT'r once said race day is the celebration for all your hard work. Try to relax and enjoy your celebration!

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