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2011-12-15 4:17 PM
in reply to: #3940391

Subject: ...
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2011-12-15 4:19 PM
in reply to: #3940410

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
Sharyn5 - 2011-12-16 6:17 AM
TriAya - 2011-12-15 5:05 PM
Sharyn5 - 2011-12-16 6:03 AM

mjh1975 - 2011-12-15 4:58 PM never crush your kids dreams no matter how old your kids are.  Cry

^^ this +2

Ooooh, you're back.

muah to you!! {{{hugs}}

@ mjh...i am about to do something NOW. I did a lot of nothing. oh gosh. All I can say is, I musta had a lot of stress at that job and just swallowed it...you know? Cuz, I am just like...loving...doing...

nothing!! Cool

when i say nothing. it's not really absolutely...nothing.

ok...off to do something...ciao TAN.

PS--Yanti...you goin on no sleep, girlie? Kiss


Nothing. It's the new pizza.

As for me ... busted. Yeah. As usual. I'll probably nap a lot during the day, though.

2011-12-15 4:24 PM
in reply to: #3931419

Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
Is it bad that when I'm thinking about applying for a job, one of the first things that come to mind is "oooh there is an Ironman there!" 
2011-12-15 4:28 PM
in reply to: #3940408

SouthSide of Chicago
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
TriAya - 2011-12-15 4:15 PM
mjh1975 - 2011-12-16 6:09 AM
TriAya - 2011-12-15 4:04 PM

mjh1975 - 2011-12-16 5:58 AM never crush your kids dreams no matter how old your kids are.  Cry

Well ... it kinda depends on the what the dream is ... but what brought that on?

converation that I had today with my dad..............

Oh noes.

Well, you're also old enough to know that parents aren't always right. They may have more power to push our buttons, including the dream-crusher one, than anyone else, but they aren't always right.

You did just make me grateful for something. As (truly horrifyingly) dysfunctional as our family is, my parents never discouraged me from any dream I wanted to follow, even when I was considering becoming a nun or single missionary lady. In fact, my father still brings that up every chance he gets. Well, I guess most dads would be fine with their precious little daughters being that way ... forever ... hahaha!

My mom also didn't think much of my wanting to become a hit (wo)man. She said, "I'll pretend I never heard that and don't involve me in anything."

Its a bit more complicated but the short version is that my father and I work together (no I am not the bosses kid that spends money and does nothing, no really I use a dual monitor so I can multi task pretty well) there has always been a dream job that I wanted since I was a kid.  Recently, he asked me about buying out his portion of the business and he basically nothing else would change.  I did not answer him when he asked. 

I did not answer for many reasons, but one big reason I did not is that the dream job may be a closer reality than I thought, but it is still a long shot.  There are other reason, but that is one main one.  So today, after we grabbed lunch to talk about some accounts, we were on our way back in and he said "so you never answered me about buying my portion last week? do you plan to be here in the spring?"  That was followed up with (paraphrased version) " get the job/career out of your head and realize that they wont take you."  That is a lot blunter than what was said but you get the drift. 

2011-12-15 4:29 PM
in reply to: #3940415

SouthSide of Chicago
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!

lisac957 - 2011-12-15 4:24 PM Is it bad that when I'm thinking about applying for a job, one of the first things that come to mind is "oooh there is an Ironman there!" 

Not bad at all....

2011-12-15 4:30 PM
in reply to: #3931419

Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
G'night Yanti.

2011-12-15 4:31 PM
in reply to: #3940415

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!

lisac957 - 2011-12-16 6:24 AM Is it bad that when I'm thinking about applying for a job, one of the first things that come to mind is "oooh there is an Ironman there!" 

No, lady. Not bad. It means you got the RIGHT PRIORITIES!

2011-12-15 4:32 PM
in reply to: #3940423

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!

tech_geezer - 2011-12-16 6:30 AM G'night Yanti.

G'night {MELON SQUEEZE} for my T-Geeze.

Are you telling me to go to bed?

2011-12-15 4:35 PM
in reply to: #3940420

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
mjh1975 - 2011-12-16 6:28 AM
TriAya - 2011-12-15 4:15 PM
mjh1975 - 2011-12-16 6:09 AM
TriAya - 2011-12-15 4:04 PM

mjh1975 - 2011-12-16 5:58 AM never crush your kids dreams no matter how old your kids are.  Cry

Well ... it kinda depends on the what the dream is ... but what brought that on?

converation that I had today with my dad..............

Oh noes.

Well, you're also old enough to know that parents aren't always right. They may have more power to push our buttons, including the dream-crusher one, than anyone else, but they aren't always right.

You did just make me grateful for something. As (truly horrifyingly) dysfunctional as our family is, my parents never discouraged me from any dream I wanted to follow, even when I was considering becoming a nun or single missionary lady. In fact, my father still brings that up every chance he gets. Well, I guess most dads would be fine with their precious little daughters being that way ... forever ... hahaha!

My mom also didn't think much of my wanting to become a hit (wo)man. She said, "I'll pretend I never heard that and don't involve me in anything."

Its a bit more complicated but the short version is that my father and I work together (no I am not the bosses kid that spends money and does nothing, no really I use a dual monitor so I can multi task pretty well) there has always been a dream job that I wanted since I was a kid.  Recently, he asked me about buying out his portion of the business and he basically nothing else would change.  I did not answer him when he asked. 

I did not answer for many reasons, but one big reason I did not is that the dream job may be a closer reality than I thought, but it is still a long shot.  There are other reason, but that is one main one.  So today, after we grabbed lunch to talk about some accounts, we were on our way back in and he said "so you never answered me about buying my portion last week? do you plan to be here in the spring?"  That was followed up with (paraphrased version) " get the job/career out of your head and realize that they wont take you."  That is a lot blunter than what was said but you get the drift. 


Do whatcha gotta do, man. And the only person who knows what that is, is you.

2011-12-15 4:42 PM
in reply to: #3940435

SouthSide of Chicago
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
TriAya - 2011-12-15 4:35 PM
mjh1975 - 2011-12-16 6:28 AM
TriAya - 2011-12-15 4:15 PM
mjh1975 - 2011-12-16 6:09 AM
TriAya - 2011-12-15 4:04 PM

mjh1975 - 2011-12-16 5:58 AM never crush your kids dreams no matter how old your kids are.  Cry

Well ... it kinda depends on the what the dream is ... but what brought that on?

converation that I had today with my dad..............

Oh noes.

Well, you're also old enough to know that parents aren't always right. They may have more power to push our buttons, including the dream-crusher one, than anyone else, but they aren't always right.

You did just make me grateful for something. As (truly horrifyingly) dysfunctional as our family is, my parents never discouraged me from any dream I wanted to follow, even when I was considering becoming a nun or single missionary lady. In fact, my father still brings that up every chance he gets. Well, I guess most dads would be fine with their precious little daughters being that way ... forever ... hahaha!

My mom also didn't think much of my wanting to become a hit (wo)man. She said, "I'll pretend I never heard that and don't involve me in anything."

Its a bit more complicated but the short version is that my father and I work together (no I am not the bosses kid that spends money and does nothing, no really I use a dual monitor so I can multi task pretty well) there has always been a dream job that I wanted since I was a kid.  Recently, he asked me about buying out his portion of the business and he basically nothing else would change.  I did not answer him when he asked. 

I did not answer for many reasons, but one big reason I did not is that the dream job may be a closer reality than I thought, but it is still a long shot.  There are other reason, but that is one main one.  So today, after we grabbed lunch to talk about some accounts, we were on our way back in and he said "so you never answered me about buying my portion last week? do you plan to be here in the spring?"  That was followed up with (paraphrased version) " get the job/career out of your head and realize that they wont take you."  That is a lot blunter than what was said but you get the drift. 


Do whatcha gotta do, man. And the only person who knows what that is, is you.

I know and I will.  so no back to this mud wrestling that was mentioned earlier......

After reading this junk again, I now realize that I need to do the following tonight:

1. go to gym

2. have some pizza



Edited by mjh1975 2011-12-15 4:49 PM
2011-12-15 4:50 PM
in reply to: #3940403

SouthSide of Chicago
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
ratherbeswimming - 2011-12-15 4:14 PM
mjh1975 - 2011-12-15 5:09 PM
TriAya - 2011-12-15 4:04 PM

mjh1975 - 2011-12-16 5:58 AM never crush your kids dreams no matter how old your kids are.  Cry

Well ... it kinda depends on the what the dream is ... but what brought that on?

converation that I had today with my dad..............

Thats no good.

Hey Elanie,

its not good, BUT its not bad.  just a harder smack into reality than anticipated. 

What's new in your world?

Edited by mjh1975 2011-12-15 4:51 PM

2011-12-15 4:56 PM
in reply to: #3940420

Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!

mjh1975 - 2011-12-15 5:28 PM

complicated but the short version is that my father and I work together (no I am not the bosses kid that spends money and does nothing, no really I use a dual monitor so I can multi task pretty well) there has always been a dream job that I wanted since I was a kid.  Recently, he asked me about buying out his portion of the business and he basically nothing else would change.  I did not answer him when he asked. 

I did not answer for many reasons, but one big reason I did not is that the dream job may be a closer reality than I thought, but it is still a long shot.  There are other reason, but that is one main one.  So today, after we grabbed lunch to talk about some accounts, we were on our way back in and he said "so you never answered me about buying my portion last week? do you plan to be here in the spring?"  That was followed up with (paraphrased version) " get the job/career out of your head and realize that they wont take you."  That is a lot blunter than what was said but you get the drift. 

This is probably a business opinion not a comment on your career aspirations or ability.  The choice to him is between a going business versus a new risky career.  The fact that he wants to sell to you is a real vote of confidence and endorsement of your work with him. I guarantee he is proud of you.

I don't know enough about your business but you probably need to talk to your dad about his plans about retirement. Selling the business to you while you have enough years before he dies to buy it is usually good estate planning.  It also sets your father up for retirement.  I am supposing that the business is your father's retirement plan.  You need to talk to an estate lawyer to do it correctly.  You have to buy it for fair market value to be legal.  If you don't want to run the business without him, you need to discuss selling to an outside buyer at some point.  Since your father is bringing this up now, do you know or suspect that anyone else is looking to buy him out?  If you dad can sell now for a good price, and then work for a few years under the new owner that may also be a good deal too for both of you, especially, if you would rather be doing something else.

Good luck.  Dads are not always good psychologists. Give him a break and figure out what he really wants or needs. 

2011-12-15 4:57 PM
in reply to: #3940429

Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
TriAya - 2011-12-15 5:32 PM

tech_geezer - 2011-12-16 6:30 AM G'night Yanti.

G'night {MELON SQUEEZE} for my T-Geeze.

Are you telling me to go to bed?


2011-12-15 7:14 PM
in reply to: #3940412

Subject: ...
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2011-12-15 9:21 PM
in reply to: #3931419

SouthSide of Chicago
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
Anyone still around?
2011-12-15 9:26 PM
in reply to: #3940647

Subject: ...
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2011-12-15 9:29 PM
in reply to: #3940651

SouthSide of Chicago
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
Sharyn5 - 2011-12-15 9:26 PM

mjh1975 - 2011-12-15 10:21 PM Anyone still around?

hai there


Hey Sharon. What's new in the world? Just got home from an overdue swim
2011-12-15 9:43 PM
in reply to: #3940653

Subject: ...
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2011-12-15 9:49 PM
in reply to: #3940664

SouthSide of Chicago
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
Sharyn5 - 2011-12-15 9:43 PM
mjh1975 - 2011-12-15 10:29 PM
Sharyn5 - 2011-12-15 9:26 PM

mjh1975 - 2011-12-15 10:21 PM Anyone still around?

hai there


Hey Sharon. What's new in the world? Just got home from an overdue swim

how'd it go? my world couldn't be better.... Cool

"Couldn't be better." That great to hear as you had a bad few days.
2011-12-15 9:56 PM
in reply to: #3940669

Subject: ...
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2011-12-15 10:01 PM
in reply to: #3940675

SouthSide of Chicago
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
Sharyn5 - 2011-12-15 9:56 PM
mjh1975 - 2011-12-15 10:49 PM
Sharyn5 - 20112-15 9:43 PM
mjh1975 - 2011-12-15 10:29 PM
Sharyn5 - 2011-12-15 9:26 PM

mjh1975 - 2011-12-15 10:21 PM Anyone still around?

hai there


Hey Sharon. What's new in the world? Just got home from an overdue swim

how'd it go? my world couldn't be better.... Cool

"Couldn't be better." That great to hear as you had a bad few days.

you know. life is what we make it. and i'm makin it great.

i have good friends...good kids. life's good. money comes and goes.

it'll come around again, for me.

how fast and far was your swim?

That's an awesome attitude, good for you. Distance wise 1,000 yards time was slow but steady just over 34 min . Time to hit the sack my friend. Night Sharon.

Edited by mjh1975 2011-12-15 10:09 PM

2011-12-16 4:44 AM
in reply to: #3931419

Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
Morning TAN. Time to go running.
2011-12-16 6:11 AM
in reply to: #3940755

Bloomington, MN
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!

Iowaman - 2011-12-16 4:44 AM Morning TAN. Time to go running.

Early morning Ken.  Morning TAN.

2011-12-16 6:58 AM
in reply to: #3931419

Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!
I'm here too. Last day here at work. I imagine I'll give in my phone and my ID card around 10 ish, and leave around noon. Maybe lunch with the gf downtown? Bottle of cheap champagne is in the cards tonight! By "cheap champagne", I mean sparkling red wine called Baby Duck, because I'm classy like that.
2011-12-16 6:59 AM
in reply to: #3931419

Lost in the Luminiferous Aether
Subject: RE: TAN #156 - No TANtrums in here!

Morning TAN

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