BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD Rss Feed  
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2012-05-01 4:03 PM
in reply to: #4184606

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
crews - 2012-05-01 3:59 PM

My cat was on my kitchen table last night and puked *off* of the table. The noise it made when it hit the wood floor almost made ME puke. 

Sighhhhhh. Cats, man. 

OMG, that made me puke a little I think!  My cat's food bowl is on top of the fridge, so he's puked off of it before.  NAS-T! 

One a much - well the same note really - one of my dogs threw up 3 times last night.  In 3 different places.  Could he/she not have just stood in one place to barf?  I mean, really?!?!

I'm kind of convinced pets wrangle us in with cuteness and then attempt to destroy our lives via shedding and puking.

2012-05-01 4:06 PM
in reply to: #4184611

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
ArielLIlB - 2012-05-01 4:02 PM

Questions for the Manatees - what are your recommendations on wetsuits (e.g., brands)? I am going to need to buy one soon to start OWS practice.  I can get a discount at Xterra through my club, but obviously they only sell online.  I'd prefer not to spend over $250, but then again I don't want a piece of crap that will rip.  Also, I'm short but a little round, so I'm concerned about proper fit.  I'm in Massachusetts, so I am thinking full suit - the water is going to be pretty chilly well into the start of tri season (my first OW tri is 7/14/12, but I'll start a coached workout group at the end of May).


I can't really comment on all of the other brands but I think xterra discounts are pretty regularly at 50+ percent off (through BT and elsewhere) which puts it more in the $200 range.  I also think they have incredibly accurate sizing charts and a great return policy. 

2012-05-01 4:11 PM
in reply to: #4184606

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
crews - 2012-05-02 4:59 AM

My cat was on my kitchen table last night and puked *off* of the table. The noise it made when it hit the wood floor almost made ME puke. 

Sighhhhhh. Cats, man. 

OMG, that made me puke a little I think!  My cat's food bowl is on top of the fridge, so he's puked off of it before.  NAS-T! 

One a much - well the same note really - one of my dogs threw up 3 times last night.  In 3 different places.  Could he/she not have just stood in one place to barf?  I mean, really?!?!


1. OTHER people's dogs barfing

2. your dog is a he/she

Phew. I told you guys that you are my happy hour.

2012-05-01 4:12 PM
in reply to: #4184613

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
Asalzwed - 2012-05-01 5:03 PM
crews - 2012-05-01 3:59 PM

My cat was on my kitchen table last night and puked *off* of the table. The noise it made when it hit the wood floor almost made ME puke. 

Sighhhhhh. Cats, man. 

OMG, that made me puke a little I think!  My cat's food bowl is on top of the fridge, so he's puked off of it before.  NAS-T! 

One a much - well the same note really - one of my dogs threw up 3 times last night.  In 3 different places.  Could he/she not have just stood in one place to barf?  I mean, really?!?!

I'm kind of convinced pets wrangle us in with cuteness and then attempt to destroy our lives via shedding and puking.

Yeah, my kitty (in my profile pic) has a habit of scarfing down his food too fast and vomiting on things like my knee-high leather boots.  As I'm on my way out the door for work in the morning.  Thanks, Wiley.  I'm always appreciative when he just throws up in the middle of the linoleum kitchen floor.  Is it too much to ask?

2012-05-01 4:16 PM
in reply to: #4184611

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
ArielLIlB - 2012-05-01 4:02 PM

Questions for the Manatees - what are your recommendations on wetsuits (e.g., brands)? I am going to need to buy one soon to start OWS practice.  I can get a discount at Xterra through my club, but obviously they only sell online.  I'd prefer not to spend over $250, but then again I don't want a piece of crap that will rip.  Also, I'm short but a little round, so I'm concerned about proper fit.  I'm in Massachusetts, so I am thinking full suit - the water is going to be pretty chilly well into the start of tri season (my first OW tri is 7/14/12, but I'll start a coached workout group at the end of May).


I started with an Orca (felt like a straight jacket), then a speedo, lovely fit went on like a dream, zipper comes undone very easily while swimming and suit sticks to me like glue, can't get it off in transition!  So then went a sleeveless one - Rocket Science.  Awesome fit so comfortable and comes off very easily.  Downside it zips top to bottom so always need help!  This weekend buying the full version of the Rocket Science.  it's cut lower on the neck so not so constricting around the chest and neck area for us panicky OWS breathers!

2012-05-01 4:20 PM
in reply to: #4184210

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
jmkizer - 2012-05-01 1:55 PM

TriAya - 2012-05-01 2:33 PM
cggale - 2012-05-02 1:04 AM

I kept getting cramps in my lower calf, than foot.  Than I got cramps in my other foot.  Geez, I kept cramping all over the place!!  So I'm not sure if it is a nutrition issue, hydration issue, or muscle fatigue issue. 

Gotta cover all your bases, right? Vast majority of the time, cramping is a muscle fatigue issue. The fact that 2500 is great for you (meaning more than you usually do) points to that.

It could also be a pushing off the wall issue.  Maybe you push off harder at the end of the workout to compensate for ... something?

I get foot cramps then calf cramps!  The pushing off is an issue so do it gently don't point your toes too hard - it's not ballet.

I found drinking a glass of milk a few hours before helps.

And I say a little mantra in my head - relax your ankles, relax  your ankles.  Seems to work.  However if the dreaded cramp happens in my calf, it's all over or risk a tear!  Out she hops!

2012-05-01 4:22 PM
in reply to: #4184520

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
wushunut - 2012-05-01 2:29 PM

Which is great if you swim like a fish.


Not so great if you swim like me...which is to say, like bait.

Yay, I finally have a description for my swim style!!

As for the animal puking, I guess I'm pretty fortunate.  My fat kitty does an occasional hair-ball puke but otherwise our 2 dogs & 2 cats are relatively good about it.  Now shedding on the other hand...

2012-05-01 4:22 PM
in reply to: #4184611

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
ArielLIlB - 2012-05-02 5:02 AM

Questions for the Manatees - what are your recommendations on wetsuits (e.g., brands)? I am going to need to buy one soon to start OWS practice.  I can get a discount at Xterra through my club, but obviously they only sell online.  I'd prefer not to spend over $250, but then again I don't want a piece of crap that will rip.  Also, I'm short but a little round, so I'm concerned about proper fit.  I'm in Massachusetts, so I am thinking full suit - the water is going to be pretty chilly well into the start of tri season (my first OW tri is 7/14/12, but I'll start a coached workout group at the end of May).


For the fact that you can get an Xterra full for $180 or less shipped, and they seem to size a bit generously, I don't think you can go wrong there. If the sleeves or legs end up being too long, you can always cut them.

They are quality suits and pretty durable.

2012-05-01 4:25 PM
in reply to: #4184349

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
TriAya - 2012-05-01 2:40 PM
ukweeble - 2012-05-02 3:20 AM

Mad as a box of frogsTongue out.

Talking of lunatics taking over the asylum, how are you feeling Yanti??? I got the distinct impression all is not as it should be.

HA!!! I was just about to reply that my madness would make a box of frogs look serene ...

Yeah, denial ... I keep meaning to post in here about the state of affairs but somehow never quite get to it, hoppy as you all are.

It's pretty bad. The official diagnosis is chronic hemorrhagic typhoid fever (nearly an oxymoron but one can hemorrhage slowly). The truth is I need hospitalization for every reason there is to need it--parenteral nutrition, hydration, fever reduction, pain management, blood transfusions, IV antibiotics--but I am VERY hesitant to undergo that here. The catch-22 is that the worse off you are, the more you need to be hospitalized, but the worse off you are, the more complicated it is and the far less able the hospitals are to deal with that here. One way or another I'm looking at about a 2-month recovery. I'm trying to hold the bodily fort down here at home but if at minimum I don't get better, I won't have a choice in hospital or no.

My sister is even more ill than I am (concurrent dengue, typhoid, and intestinal parasite, all in acute phase) so I feel obliged to look in on her a bit even if it's just by phone.

Both of us are pretty glum, severe depression is one of the hallmarks of the illnesses, even above and beyond how depressed being that ill for that long would make a person. I'm a bit more cavalier, having ridden these horses many times before, but sometimes ... it's really awful.

Gracious me - that all sounds horrendous.  Would it be worth getting out of Bali for treatment - Australia's nice and not too far

Depression is no easy thing to deal with either - think I've got  touch of it myself at the moment - still blubbing every day for no reason.  Or of course it's coz i'm 47 and probably getting set for menopause so here come some hormones to stop you enjoying life!  Yep we're here to remind you - YOU ARE OLD!

Anyway, stop wallowing, i don't have typhoid, dengue, MS or anything like it.  I have a touch of the low self esteem feel sorry for yourself business going on.

On the upside - DAD'S HOME FROM HOSPITAL!!!!!  Yay for modern medicine, it was pancreatitis, nothing more sinister (my dad has had three lots of cancer in the last 10 years so we always worry)  So now he has to watch his diet - he will also have depression coz he is an EATER!

2012-05-01 4:29 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Now with all the cat and dog puke I thought I'd add my 2c worth.

Out my 7 year old Artemis to bed last night - said she had a sore tummy - 10 mins later I hear "mummy!'.  Go in and vomit all over bed and carpet.  At what age do they get out of bed and head for the bathroom to do that?

So complete change of bed - clean up, disinfect every surface coz I don't wanna catch it!  Cuddles on the couch then back to bed where she slept soundly all night.

This morning burning up with a temperature, not very high just enough to worry mummy, and then of course the other end kicks in so now I'm toilet cleaning!

My gorgeous husband Fotis is coming home from work at 8am so i can go to work - we take turns who does the sick day at home, it's his turn and I'm super busy!  If I stay home I'll just get on the trainer and kill myself!

So - cat puke, dog puke and now kiddie puke and poop.  Lovely.

2012-05-01 4:32 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Don't know if anyone has heard of this guy - his name is James Lawrence (Iron Cowboy).  I met him at the carbo night at IM Melbourne.  He's father of five from Utah and is trying to get the world record for IM completed in a year.  He just did no. 6....kind of doing one a week it seems!  Anyway it's for a worthy cause etc.  He has a website triandgiveadam so go visit if you have time and read his blog.

Anyway he posted on facebook during the Texas Marble Falls IM distance at the weekend - here's the post.  Touched my heart, brought a tear (oh what yes I was crying anyway

amazing the power of words and children and love.  What's evening more incredible he did indeed do a cartwheel on the finish line!

left for dead on the side of the road, needing medical badly, physically can not take another step. He got a call from his 9 year old daughter lucy who said "daddy, cant you walk, james said no, sorry sweetheart, then she said cant you crawl it? I said no im sorry sweet heart, then she said cant you do cart wheels the rest of the way? And james said I will try sweetheart. James hung up, pulled out his IV and started walking.

2012-05-01 4:33 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Eeeeeks, major protesting of "capitalism" going on in my city today. Lots of destruction. Siggggggh. I suppose I had better change my running route!

2012-05-01 4:37 PM
in reply to: #4184679

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
jobaxas - 2012-05-01 3:32 PM

Don't know if anyone has heard of this guy - his name is James Lawrence (Iron Cowboy).  I met him at the carbo night at IM Melbourne.  He's father of five from Utah and is trying to get the world record for IM completed in a year.  He just did no. 6....kind of doing one a week it seems!  Anyway it's for a worthy cause etc.  He has a website triandgiveadam so go visit if you have time and read his blog.

Anyway he posted on facebook during the Texas Marble Falls IM distance at the weekend - here's the post.  Touched my heart, brought a tear (oh what yes I was crying anyway

amazing the power of words and children and love.  What's evening more incredible he did indeed do a cartwheel on the finish line!

left for dead on the side of the road, needing medical badly, physically can not take another step. He got a call from his 9 year old daughter lucy who said "daddy, cant you walk, james said no, sorry sweetheart, then she said cant you crawl it? I said no im sorry sweet heart, then she said cant you do cart wheels the rest of the way? And james said I will try sweetheart. James hung up, pulled out his IV and started walking.

I've been following him on Twitter and FB. It was sad at Marble Falls when he led off the bike and collapsed during the run. I think most of us would do anything for our children.  I am still motivated by mine.

2012-05-01 4:39 PM
in reply to: #4184690

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
rrrunner - 2012-05-01 4:37 PM
jobaxas - 2012-05-01 3:32 PM

Don't know if anyone has heard of this guy - his name is James Lawrence (Iron Cowboy).  I met him at the carbo night at IM Melbourne.  He's father of five from Utah and is trying to get the world record for IM completed in a year.  He just did no. 6....kind of doing one a week it seems!  Anyway it's for a worthy cause etc.  He has a website triandgiveadam so go visit if you have time and read his blog.

Anyway he posted on facebook during the Texas Marble Falls IM distance at the weekend - here's the post.  Touched my heart, brought a tear (oh what yes I was crying anyway

amazing the power of words and children and love.  What's evening more incredible he did indeed do a cartwheel on the finish line!

left for dead on the side of the road, needing medical badly, physically can not take another step. He got a call from his 9 year old daughter lucy who said "daddy, cant you walk, james said no, sorry sweetheart, then she said cant you crawl it? I said no im sorry sweet heart, then she said cant you do cart wheels the rest of the way? And james said I will try sweetheart. James hung up, pulled out his IV and started walking.

I've been following him on Twitter and FB. It was sad at Marble Falls when he led off the bike and collapsed during the run. I think most of us would do anything for our children.  I am still motivated by mine.

I met him and had a long chat at the carbo night, I then saw him at the swim start, special needs bike station and on the finish line and then awards night - I have stalker tendencies....ask Coach Johnny!

2012-05-01 4:54 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

IronCowboy ROCKS.

I have stalker tendencies, too. And then I get the people I stalk to stalk other people.

Ask Nigel ... I stalk the pro Michelle Mitchells, and now she's stalking him he is so very, very, very piglet, though.

2012-05-01 5:29 PM
in reply to: #4184717

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
TriAya - 2012-05-01 4:54 PM

IronCowboy ROCKS.

I have stalker tendencies, too. And then I get the people I stalk to stalk other people.

Ask Nigel ... I stalk the pro Michelle Mitchells, and now she's stalking him he is so very, very, very piglet, though.

Wait...I googled Michelle Mitchells...I either have the wrong one or you are stalking a drag queen?

2012-05-01 5:43 PM
in reply to: #4184769

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
Asalzwed - 2012-05-02 6:29 AM
TriAya - 2012-05-01 4:54 PM

IronCowboy ROCKS.

I have stalker tendencies, too. And then I get the people I stalk to stalk other people.

Ask Nigel ... I stalk the pro Michelle Mitchells, and now she's stalking him he is so very, very, very piglet, though.

Wait...I googled Michelle Mitchells...I either have the wrong one or you are stalking a drag queen?

I didn't specify what kind of "pro"! Nah, this Michelle Mitchell. Sorry, no "S."

2012-05-01 5:48 PM
in reply to: #4184800

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
TriAya - 2012-05-01 5:43 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-05-02 6:29 AM
TriAya - 2012-05-01 4:54 PM

IronCowboy ROCKS.

I have stalker tendencies, too. And then I get the people I stalk to stalk other people.

Ask Nigel ... I stalk the pro Michelle Mitchells, and now she's stalking him he is so very, very, very piglet, though.

Wait...I googled Michelle Mitchells...I either have the wrong one or you are stalking a drag queen?

I didn't specify what kind of "pro"! Nah, this Michelle Mitchell. Sorry, no "S."

OMG hahahahaha, well, you certainly sent me on a wild ride through the internets

2012-05-02 12:08 AM
in reply to: #4183865

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
Asalzwed - 2012-05-01 12:13 PM
rrrunner - 2012-05-01 11:56 AM

Thanks! That is kinda what I was shooting for.  I need to order the swim secrets book!  Maybe I'll order that one and Chrissie's book tonight. Laughing


I just reserved it at my library. Woooot, it's getting close to time for me to start o....m......g.....SWMMING!

I am excited about CW's book too. I had a really good conversation with her about everything she does to support the Blazeman Foundation for ALS. 

It's really great to see a professional use their success as a platform to inspire change and awareness.

I pre-ordered Crissie's book (Kindle edition) tonight. I know what I'll be reading on May 15 -- school will be done; grades will be submitted; I will be kicking back (compared to now). :-)

2012-05-02 12:15 AM
in reply to: #4184480

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
Asalzwed - 2012-05-01 3:18 PM
TriAya - 2012-05-01 3:10 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-05-02 4:07 AM
Tripopo - 2012-05-01 3:03 PM
wushunut - 2012-05-01 4:00 PM

Eh... while the waves seem HUGE when you're trying to swim.  They kind of suck for any kind of riding.  Not much going on in the Gulf of Mexico.



HAHAHAHAAAAAA first good belly cackle of the day! Man, that hurt. Is this the cat that hates you?

No, this is the cat who's mother is his aunt and father is his uncle...

That could explain a lot.

2012-05-02 12:16 AM
in reply to: #4184520

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
wushunut - 2012-05-01 3:29 PM

Which is great if you swim like a fish.


Not so great if you swim like me...which is to say, like bait.

ROFL I needed that tonight.

2012-05-02 12:22 AM
in reply to: #4184660

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
jobaxas - 2012-05-01 4:25 PM
Depression is no easy thing to deal with either - think I've got  touch of it myself at the moment - still blubbing every day for no reason.  Or of course it's coz i'm 47 and probably getting set for menopause so here come some hormones to stop you enjoying life!  Yep we're here to remind you - YOU ARE OLD!

Anyway, stop wallowing, i don't have typhoid, dengue, MS or anything like it.  I have a touch of the low self esteem feel sorry for yourself business going on.

On the upside - DAD'S HOME FROM HOSPITAL!!!!!  Yay for modern medicine, it was pancreatitis, nothing more sinister (my dad has had three lots of cancer in the last 10 years so we always worry)  So now he has to watch his diet - he will also have depression coz he is an EATER!

Good news about your dad!

My youngest is 5 1/2, and I've been hormonal since he was born (I was 49 -- yes. I know. Big, delightful "oops.") Anyway for the past six+ years, pregnant, nursing, pre-menopausal, thinking I've hit menopause, nope, still pre-menopausal (repeat, repeat, repeat). I have an herbal concoction I take when, as I told my doctor, "I think I might kill someone."

Enough already.

2012-05-02 12:31 AM
in reply to: #4185347

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
KansasMom - 2012-05-02 12:22 AM
jobaxas - 2012-05-01 4:25 PM
Depression is no easy thing to deal with either - think I've got  touch of it myself at the moment - still blubbing every day for no reason.  Or of course it's coz i'm 47 and probably getting set for menopause so here come some hormones to stop you enjoying life!  Yep we're here to remind you - YOU ARE OLD!

Anyway, stop wallowing, i don't have typhoid, dengue, MS or anything like it.  I have a touch of the low self esteem feel sorry for yourself business going on.

On the upside - DAD'S HOME FROM HOSPITAL!!!!!  Yay for modern medicine, it was pancreatitis, nothing more sinister (my dad has had three lots of cancer in the last 10 years so we always worry)  So now he has to watch his diet - he will also have depression coz he is an EATER!

Good news about your dad!

My youngest is 5 1/2, and I've been hormonal since he was born (I was 49 -- yes. I know. Big, delightful "oops.") Anyway for the past six+ years, pregnant, nursing, pre-menopausal, thinking I've hit menopause, nope, still pre-menopausal (repeat, repeat, repeat). I have an herbal concoction I take when, as I told my doctor, "I think I might kill someone."

Enough already.

Wow I had Artemis at 40 - 49 is great!  I had hormone levels tested a couple of weeks back, not menopausal yet....I think maybe pre-menopausal, maybe I need an herbal concoction - or a bottle of wine...

2012-05-02 12:32 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

My teenager is slowly sucking me into his sleep schedule. My night owl tendencies must resist.

I was up late last night, thinking about swimming, and then couldn't get up to . . . swim. Sheesh.

Came home for a late lunch and wolfed down a PB&J and slept for almost two hours. Oops. Made it back to work and shopped on Sierra Trading. Talked to a couple people about crises in their departments. Then finally went for a swim.

I did the one arm drills better than I thought -- 25m each side at a time. I didn't sink. I am a little sore, so I need to go back to Yanti's post and make sure that I am sore in the right places. The good news is that my 300m swim after the one arm drills and catch up drill seemed speedy fast. I got to the side of the pool faster than I was expecting and almost bonked my head. lol I need to watch where I'm going. I have taken to swimming with my eyes closed for open water practice.

Middle son had his school music concert tonight. He was adorable, but the concert was mildly torturous.

Between some family time and doing a little work, I didn't get out for my run tonight until 11:00. It was nice though. Windy, but 75 degrees and humid. It's going to be beastly hot tomorrow. (or should I say, "today.")

I'm off to bed -- hoping to wake up in time to hit the pool before work.

2012-05-02 12:36 AM
in reply to: #4185351

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
jobaxas - 2012-05-02 12:31 AM
KansasMom - 2012-05-02 12:22 AM
jobaxas - 2012-05-01 4:25 PM
Depression is no easy thing to deal with either - think I've got  touch of it myself at the moment - still blubbing every day for no reason.  Or of course it's coz i'm 47 and probably getting set for menopause so here come some hormones to stop you enjoying life!  Yep we're here to remind you - YOU ARE OLD!

Anyway, stop wallowing, i don't have typhoid, dengue, MS or anything like it.  I have a touch of the low self esteem feel sorry for yourself business going on.

On the upside - DAD'S HOME FROM HOSPITAL!!!!!  Yay for modern medicine, it was pancreatitis, nothing more sinister (my dad has had three lots of cancer in the last 10 years so we always worry)  So now he has to watch his diet - he will also have depression coz he is an EATER!

Good news about your dad!

My youngest is 5 1/2, and I've been hormonal since he was born (I was 49 -- yes. I know. Big, delightful "oops.") Anyway for the past six+ years, pregnant, nursing, pre-menopausal, thinking I've hit menopause, nope, still pre-menopausal (repeat, repeat, repeat). I have an herbal concoction I take when, as I told my doctor, "I think I might kill someone."

Enough already.

Wow I had Artemis at 40 - 49 is great!  I had hormone levels tested a couple of weeks back, not menopausal yet....I think maybe pre-menopausal, maybe I need an herbal concoction - or a bottle of wine...

I don't know if 49 is so great. He makes me tired sometimes. And it was a stressful pregnancy -- I had PIH, and my blood pressure never came down. :-( But we are so thankful for him. We've been married for 7 1/2 years and lost one before him. We joke each other that if we had married at a normal time, we would have 15 kids! We are evidently pretty fertile together.

I was 40 when I had my middle son; almost 35 when I had my first. At the time, 35 seemed so old to be having a child; now I think I was a baby myself. Smile

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