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2013-11-07 6:28 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by Baowolf
I think of it as being a reed in the wind, the wind blows from the East, West, swirls around, blows you this way or that, you bend with the pressure and move back to center as the wind subsides, roots always firmly planted in the center. Another way to think about it is being the eye of your own personal disturbed by it, not in an I don't care way, but in an I care so much that I will remain focused on what I can do and not focus on what I can not control, and get er done.

Priceless! Steve you are more than a BT mentor. You are a lifecoach and a inspiration. Thank you!

Jay, that is some good advice. Good luck with dealing with the teacher.

Folks, I've been MIA a lot lately. Trying to get caught up with various things, work, and life. Training going ok. Not great but ok. I'm missing some things and hitting some things. Walking that fine line between balancing life and body's needs and pushing myself outside of my comfort zone. Prob going too much towards not doing enough but dang, I've been exhausted. Had another spot burned off yesterday and if really interfered with my sleep last night. Got to go get me some more Tegaderm to put over the spot.

Hope everyone has a great long weekend.

2013-11-08 8:10 AM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Fun at the pool today - I'm the only one who showed up, so I had a 45 minute private swim lesson with our masters coach. Focus was on 2 things: 1. Driving my will to live into the ground (started with 20x50 on :55) , and, 2. Changing my swim stroke to a higher turnover, and bigger pull. He told me I should be at the point now where I'm doing 1:15/100 on a constant basis, and regularly doing :32/:33 50 repeats. So we worked on changing my stroke from less of a "drill" type stroke as he calls it, to a higher turnover, better hand & elbow position, and better, bigger pull and driving it all from the shoulders/lats, and not the arms. Going to take some work, but when I did it right, it was a revelation.
2013-11-08 2:57 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Thinking of how to explain to my wife that I want to fly to the east coast for Thanksgiving to work on my swim rather than visit her parents... hrm.

So that thing I tell you guys about walking 20 miles a week while recovering from an injury? Run is coming back well 4 mies at a 7:30 mpm pace today, mostly zone 3. Legs not 100% yet, but was able to hold on to some endurance. Unfortunately this is on very low fatigue load, once I start building longer workouts it drags on the pace. The tridot coach is going to see if I can handle more intensity with not quite as much distance and more rest, to build speed then work that into the endurance building closer to the IM. We see how it works. I am afraid we are having the last of the nice weather, high 50s all week this week. I am also adding simulated power to my bike trainer training with trainer roads. It costs $10 per month so I thought I would try it out. Today I will start working with the stretch cords to try to find a high elbow for the swim, and do a 25 mile ride and some stregth work, mostly balancing those shoulders to make them more swim overuse resistant. Next week.....hopefully the halloween candy will be gone and I will reverse my post IM weight gain. And then it will be Thanksgiving... hrm. This is not really a good time of year for watching one's weight.
2013-11-08 7:48 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Steve -- I'll grab a spot for you in the local Turkey Trot, and a chair at the table for Thanksgiving.

We can probably get in a ride at the guys in-home computrainer studio as well. Let me know

2013-11-08 8:47 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Pam - good job walking that line! Hope all is OK with the dermatologist.

Mike - when you come to TX, I need some swim lessons. Here I was feeling good about a few (very few) 50's in 46-48ish at the end of my measly 1500 yards today.

Steve - glad you are coming back well!

Bike16 mi , swim 1500 yds, walk 3 mi for me today. Tomorrow, plan to ride 30 mi w/ LT Fitness group. Depending on who shows up I might get dropped, but if they get me 15 miles out, I will have to get back, and that will get me to 30 just the same . Will also get me to my mileage goals for the week. Yes, I'm on the training plan to nowhere, but it's good to have goals.
2013-11-09 12:51 AM
in reply to: squirt

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Howdy everyone! As I expected, things are a lot more clearer (for better or worse) on a lot of fronts I was contemplating earlier this week. First off, I took Steve's advice and had my wife call Braden's teacher to follow up...and we got a response in a few hours. Apparantly, she never got my email and her very quick response to my wife's call leads me to believe that. Having said that, the answer we recieved I felt was complete BS...... however, if I'm going to ask a question about the curriculum....I really shouldn't be shocked that the teacher will defend her methods right. So for now I'm going to leave that Kiley said, we have a paper trail started on this issue now. I also got a call from the commissioner of the youth basketball league about coaching I'm in. My running partner was crucifying me for making that decision....can't understand why I'd do that and box myself into staying at my current prison when I don't like it and could've gotten out in 2/3 months. As I've said before.....I can't say no to kids. More importantly, I see so many adults do a BAD job with the kids that they deserve someone who will do right by them. I don't care about reliving my glory through these kids...I was blessed enough to HAVE a glory period! I want them to have fun and learn basketball so when they are older like we are they can look back at their youth sports and smile at their experience with me. My best friend is still traumatized by his youth baseball experience at 39....that sticks with me. I already hinted at the last part of this earlier but these decisions mean I stay where I am for the foreseeable future. I guess I don't really care too much about will be another aspect where I'll have to practice finding my inner calm. The exception to all of this will be if they somehow decide to make more promotions than what is rumored...then I'll have to take the promotion and potentially leave my team behind. I don't think that will happen but I'll try to find an assistant to prep for that possibility.

The training/race schedule is starting to come together as well. I spoke with Kiley about an idea I had and she was pretty receptive to what I had to say. I'm going to keep it close to the vest for now but its nice to have her support with my plan I also have my 9 month checkup on my AT on Tuesday....I suspect this will be the final follow up that I have....I'll be so sad to put this behind me lol!

The decision to coach means that I'll have the weekend off. The kids have tryouts this morning so that means I'll have to be there....which means playing hooky from work....and if I'm going to have to get a doctors note for 1 day...I may as well pay for 2 day! So, I'll take today and tomorrow off....get in some workouts and keep battling the leaves in my yard!

Steve: Are you really sure you want to breach going east vs. seeing your inlaws? I don't know your family dynamic but for the Medeiros' Thanksgiving is very very close to Christmas in importance to us.....tread lightly on this one. Also, I hear you on trying to eat better around this time. My daughter left her candy lying around all week so we decided to get rid of it....she had a fit yesterday morning OOPS!

Pam: Just keep doing what you're doing. We all know life happens; sometimes we can do everything we want, sometimes nothing. Do the best you can and eventually you'll get back to where you want to be! I speak from experience on this one

Mike: Very awesome having a personalized swim lesson yesterday! Your speed amazes me and the fact you want to get faster is even more remarkable. I'd take your current speed in a heartbeat and call it a day.

2013-11-09 11:58 AM
in reply to: medeiros13

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Jay looks like good stuff all around for your eye of the storm/calm warrior. The going to the East coast was just a little tongue-in-cheek about being jealous of having a world class swim coach. I wasn't really planning to fly out.

It sounds like you have built to a truce with the teacher. A next step would be to set up another meeting, it could be with her or with the principal to have explained to you the year long strategy for what your child will be expected to learn for the year (scope and sequence). If it makes sense you should be able to walk away with, ok so in math you are going to teach him percentages, fractions, area, volume and to solve for a single variable with whole and mixed numbers. In science he will be learning the water cycle, solar system, earth structure and how animals are classified. Etc. They should be able to give you the broad strokes and order in each class so you can have a feel for whether they are keeping on track. A last type of question would be about level of mastery. Are they going to evaluate students with multiple choice, short answer, essay, compare and contrast, etc.?

Anyway Jay you appear to be making massive character growth this year if nothing else. Your wife is going to start to wonder what's up with the new calmer think it through before you leap into something Jay. If you are not careful you might find yourself bringing her flowers on a non birthday holiday and washing the dishes an extra night just to make her confused in a good way. For me seeing those changes in you is way more important than seeing you drop 2:00 mpm off your run speed. But I am odd that way. We can shoot for both......
2013-11-09 1:01 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Lots of good stuff going on. Had to laugh out loud when Jay said that he would take Mike's swim speed and call it a day. I think all of us would.

I got back on schedule for the last two days. Thankful to have it done. The plan was 8 miles yesterday and then today 17 miles. Well, I did 8.3 yesterday (close to RP) and then 16.6 miles today, very slowly. Exhausted now and stinky so I've got to hit the showers. Also would love to have a nap but that prob won't happen. I'm gonna veg tomorrow tho because I think I'm supposed to do 9 miles Monday.

Hope everyone has a great long weekend.
2013-11-09 1:24 PM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
I'd gladly talk trade with anyone if it involved getting some sort of healthy running ability in return
2013-11-09 3:45 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Jay, glad to hear you are living according to your priorities. May not be easy, but I don't think you can go wrong with that!

Pam, 16+ is 16+, and coming off feeling tired, it is a huge victory. You go girlfriend!

Steve, your joke re: going away for the holidays hits home. I actually dread them to some degree. We host every holiday every year, and while I love my family, I just get burned out and worn out. My suggestions of going out, going away or going non traditional are usually not well received, so I've kind of given up and just realized it's not about me.

Mike, wish I had some run to trade you, but I got nada right now.

Had fun on the group ride today. A little nervous in the parking lot with all the IM talk going on. But a gal I like and have ridden with before showed up, so I had a partner there. The ride leader is a class act about to race his first IM at AZ, and a new (to Lifetime) coach rode back with us. Long term triathlete and coach with a LOT of history in the sport. Heard some interesting stories and got some hill climbing tips. Nice way to get in my 30 miles today .
2013-11-10 7:49 AM
in reply to: squirt

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Holiday plans around our house are pretty straightforward. We do one at my in-laws (live all of 1 mile away) and the other at my parents or sisters house, each of whom live in the same town about 50 minutes away. Works out well. Everyone gets along, and its lots of fun.

Run is coming along. managed 4.3 miles at a 10 min/mi pace this AM and that was done using my 6/3 run/walk pace. Will be a while before I'm 100% run all the time, and will work up to it. Leg is still good so far, though.

Pam - like Carol said, putting out 16 miles when we are feeling no so into it is pretty awesome. That is fantasy land running for me.

Nice ride Carol. Can't wait for next spring when we an do our ride and you can show me some parts of Texas I'd otherwise not see.

Jay - it all sounds busy, but I'm sure things will be good.

Wonder how the new dads are making out. Their absence from here makes me thing thing are probably going just about how they should. Im guessing they are not coherent enough to type at the moment

Have a great Sunday everyone. Going for a swim with the wife later today, and to watch my oldest play the final game of the fall soccer season.


2013-11-10 11:58 AM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
My calves are still not 100%, but I did get ina good 8 mile run before church. The first 6 miles felt really good, then some drop off for the last 2 miles, as one would expect. Overall pace though was 8:18 ish including the 3:00 warm up walk. Did 35 miles on the bike with 20 x 30 sec fast (22-24 mph) 30 sec slower in the middle. Hopefully my power thingy arrives this week. Enjoy your Monday off for those who get holidays.
2013-11-11 4:19 AM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
no day off here, so I was up early on the bike. Spent the entire time (as short as it was) focused on keeping my knees over my feet, and being aware of the 'walking distance' between them. Could feel it in my outer thighs and a bit in the glues. time for some new muscle memory work .

enjoy the day off folks, and remember we have it so we can honor those who have served our country.

2013-11-11 12:26 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Mike, good work on the bike. Change is hard, but maybe nice to have something to focus on during trainer season. Yes, we will come up with a nice Tour de Grapevine for when you visit!

Steve, hope your power measuring stuff comes soon. Your run speed looks pretty sharp to me!

PF was irritated by just walking this weekend, and I've been thinking more about why I do all this. I'm tired of one thing after another cropping up each time I try to resume running. There may be fixes and reasons and all, but for now I'm just tired of fighting it. I don't want to spend umpteen hours stretching, icing, PTing, etc. all in the name of one activity, when there are others that I enjoy. This is not a "never again" kind of a decision, just one where I need to put it out of my mind completely for a while. So I'll continue cycling and swimming towards my mileage/yards goals and will reassess in 2014.
2013-11-11 1:35 PM
in reply to: squirt

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Carol -- maybe make 2014 the year of the aqua-bike for you? You can rest & rehad the foot while you go off and swim/bike and enjoy doing that. If its no fun, then I'd give that a rest a bit, and get back to it when you heal up.

Tour de Grapevine! LOL.

Just saw that I am featured (for about 5 seconds) in the promo video of local HIM I have done the past 2 years. My voice comes in about 1:05 and then my big full moon like face shows up right after. caution: May frighen small children and those who are skittish Link below. I don't recall doing any of this last year.

2013-11-11 8:47 PM
in reply to: 0

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Mike, something to keep in mind, if it is too hard to keep your knees, it could be that your seat is too low. So, need to think about that, sloppy knees or low seat.

Carol, I hear you on taking a long break from running and maybe just walking 2 miles 3-4x a week for 6 months. If I were in your shoes I might look at the Bobby McGee run videos. He also has a complete serious on stretching, strengthening etc. Taking a 6 month breakt hough might help quite a bit while continuing fitness through other means and just walking to keep stress level low on the legs. I am a bit surprised that your PT isn't able to find a way around whatever is the root of the problem. Maybe he can refer you to a guru on this issue?

Edited by Baowolf 2013-11-11 8:52 PM

2013-11-12 6:02 AM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Think its more a case of a few years of bad cycling form, but if it continues to be a problem, I'll definitely go get it checked out. Hadn't considered that.

Trying something new today. I'm going for a run at lunchtime at work. Plenty of places to go, and there's a small but serviceable locker room at my building, so I'm giving it a shot. was 35 and raining this AM, and the one thing I wont do is run outside in the rain if its under 40. Will warm up to 42 or so with no rain later, so I'm going to see how it goes. Run will likely be only 30-35 min, but thats all I need.
2013-11-12 11:26 AM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
well, so much for that. I was getting ready to change into my running gear and realized I had forgotten my shirt. Grrrrrr..... I could have sworn I had it this AM. Arrrgh!!

So instead I went back to my office and signed up for a half ironman next June. Game on, kids!!!
2013-11-12 2:41 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Bummer on forgetting the shirt Mike

Today, I was officially cleared to do whatever the heck I want from my doctor :D No limitations except my own physcial guess what??!! Tomorrow, I go play basketball with my work buddies to see just how much strength I really have in that foot. Crazy...perhaps but its not like I'm disobeying any orders from the doc right.

I also need some swim advice. I'm finding that I am bored to tears when i try to do my swim workouts. I know and understand that I need to do them but after a few sets I'm ready to go...and looking for any excuse I can come up with. Today...the lifeguard kicked me out of the pool so she could use the lavatory...lost my momentum....had to pack it up. Last week I was hungry so I had to stop so I could go home and refuel. Both things were actually true but I know I'm mentally tougher than to let that stop me...except I didn't want it to stop me.
2013-11-12 3:18 PM
in reply to: medeiros13

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Jay -- find a masters swim class. It will make you a far better swimmer, and you'll likely not be bored as you'll be sucking wind and hanging on the wall while you're trying to beat yourself into the ground doing 50 repeats for 20 minutes .

Really, do try to find a masters class. If there isn't one around, try checking out Its a cool, and free website that gives you various swm workouts based on stroke, time, desired distance, etc. My wife uses it and loves it.
2013-11-12 4:06 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Mike, sorry about the lunchtime run wardrobe issue. Hey, but you missed your chance to be the weird guy running shirtless in the cold. Glad you used your time productively though!

Jay, if you can't do Master's swim, what Mike said re: looking up some different workouts for variety. I have certainly cut a swim workout or two short, but I think the key for me is keeping it in bite sized chunks mentally. I did 2,500 yards today and really wasn't bored because I wasn't focused on any one thing for too long. (w/u, drills, kick, pyramid of beating the clock on faster sets, drills, kick, c/d). It's documented in my log if you want to borrow any or all of it. I have a handful of workouts on notecards in a Ziploc bag for when I'm not sure what I want to do, and this is one of them.

Thanks for understanding where I'm coming from on the running front. The time investment in fixing the run is just not worth the return right now. I'd rather do what I can do without pain (swim, bike, etc.), and hopefully come back to it with new perspective and new information/tools when the time is right. Steve, I will look up the info you suggested before I try again in 2014.

2013-11-12 10:10 PM
in reply to: squirt

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Thanks for the advice Mike and Carol. Unfortunately, masters class isn't an option for me because it begins at 7AM and work is 7-3 right now...not to mention I can't leave wife alone with kids during the week...that's just cruel. I like the swimplan idea very much...I may register soon and try it out. Some of this has to do with the fact that I always leave the swim to the end of my helps me with my endurance when I actually do my workouts......ideally I'd change that up but I'd rather run/bike/lift vs. swim
2013-11-12 10:41 PM
in reply to: medeiros13

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Keep your recovery under 10 seconds and you wont have time to get bored ). Work on 1 arm drills, balance, fish, archer, offside breathing, kick, catch, rotation. Too many things for me to work on to get bored. If I drift off though the pool eats my toes though so i have some incentive to remain focused.
2013-11-13 6:43 AM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed

Let me play the role of SwimPlan this AM. Here is what my masters workout was this AM. Use this as a guide, if you want. Its 3200 yards total. I did only 2700 as I had to leave early.

WU: 300 swim, 200 pull
6x50 (ez/steady/hard) w/ :10 rest
4x100 w/ :10 rest
400 swim
50 kick/50 swim
4x100 w/ :10 rest
300 swim
50 kick/50 swim
4x100 w/:10 rest
200 swim
50 kick/50 swim

I felt good after the swim today. Pool was freezing cold, as was the building, so I kept my rests short. still working on the 'new' stroke, and it will take some time to get it right.

Manged to bring my shirt today, so we'll try the noon run again
2013-11-13 7:22 AM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Thanks Mike....if I have time after hoops, I'll play with that. My only question is what is the 200 pull?
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