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2007-07-04 11:36 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

well while you nerds go off in a harry potter wonderland, I have more pics to share :P


First is an odd sight on my ride last night.



and 2nd is another sunset that I love taking

2007-07-04 2:01 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Nice pics, Robster. How's your bike club going?

I'm just trying to post us to page 50!!!!! What do you all predict will be our final page when I'm married off and Quiana has had her baby and Rob and I are Ironpeople (and Mark, though I don't think I've seen his IM committment on that thread yet)? And Prof has his endless pool. Any other goals we all would love to see happen with our team here???

Anyone heard from Malph?????



What are you all eating this holiday? (I'm choking down liver and parsely and this blue green algae/spirulina drink along with my beer brat today) And I know it's not a holiday for all of us, but you can still celebrate with us!! I'll celebrate your holidays if you tell me when they are and what they mean. What EXACTLY is a bank holiday anyway??? (I only know about it from Wallace and Gromit)
2007-07-04 2:15 PM
in reply to: #871927

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-04 8:01 PM
What EXACTLY is a bank holiday anyway??? (I only know about it from Wallace and Gromit)

Traditionally it is when the Bank of England declared a holiday for its staff and thus the City shut down and this rippled across the country. Now we have a bank holiday to celebrate odd little things and the banks are the only things that shut! No doubt we will be celebrating Independance Day with you guys before long.

I shall share your feast 35000 ft up over Russia etc as I am on my way to Hong Kong. I have yet to see the menu but up here in the posh bit the food's pretty good.

As to I'm commitments I'm doing I'm France in June. Gulp.

It would be good to hear from the rest of the crew. Did anyone hear from Jimbo and the rest of our debutantes? We should try and plan an online reunion!

2007-07-04 2:28 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Hey Mark how close is that 2nd home you have in France to Nice?  Im not trying to bum a couch to sleep on I was just curious.


The way things are going so far, I really think I may be able to do it.  Its the swim that is going to be the major problem now, but I have been talking with some coaches and they seem to think they can help me out in that.

T-Minus 353 days until IM FRANCE :D 

2007-07-04 4:16 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Hi I am Alive
I went out on lake Michigan Yesterday on a sail boat to see fireworks, it was awesome untill the long sail to port where we were in a thunderstorm. You do not want to be on a sailboat in the middle of the lake when there is lightning. It was a wild ride. I have muscles in my legs that I didnt know existed. I am drying off, this morning went to the cleaners to wash the sleeping bags that were drenched and now I am on my way to a friends house for a barbque and a beer.

ROAD TRIP ON 7-21 I Need More details!!!! I will meet you and we will have a relay team!
What is the saying that our times must be the same and the timecards? Let me know more. I am biking and swimming but I am not running much right now but I am using my legs a lot and my arms too.

Casey- Where in Chicagoland is the Danskin? What date and time? Let me know more on that too. LITTLE ROAD TRIP

That is what summers are made for!
2007-07-04 8:14 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Ha Ha Rob. Us beautiful Mermaids 4 will do a swim video and sell it to you, for the right price I'm thinking you promise me you'll take me with you to France, even if I'm just your cheerleader and we go party with Mark and Satan and kids!!!!

Now THAT's what summers are made for !!!!!!!!!

Seriously, ladies, I can't wait. I mean it!! HP/swim weekend in Mpls. Look out Twin Cities, here we come!!

2007-07-04 8:23 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
hello group!!!

well- life has been good -but crazy- with work, training- and just good ole life!!

glad to see that everyone is well- well, better than well- new babies coming, lots of training going on- very excitiing!!!

- I'm off this weekend to Peterborough - it's about 4 hrs away- to do a sprint tri, and more importantly to watch my daughter do her first 1/2 IM!!! Will be very exciting !!!

-the course will be interesting- hilly as compared to SW Ontario (right Robb!!)- so lets hope I can get enough momentum down those hills to push me back up!! (ha ha- perhaps I am delerious from being rather busy these days!)

- happy training everyone!!!!

2007-07-05 5:57 AM
in reply to: #640246

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Mark and Robb, I am so jealous of your IM France plans. I'd love to do that race, but I know already that 2008 is not the year for that road trip. You have to keep in touch and share your post-race thoughts!
2007-07-05 6:01 AM
in reply to: #872001

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
JeanetteJ. - 2007-07-04 5:16 PM

ROAD TRIP ON 7-21 I Need More details!!!! I will meet you and we will have a relay team!
What is the saying that our times must be the same and the timecards? Let me know more. I am biking and swimming but I am not running much right now but I am using my legs a lot and my arms too.

Casey- Where in Chicagoland is the Danskin? What date and time? Let me know more on that too. LITTLE ROAD TRIP

That is what summers are made for!

Sounds like 2 great trips!
2007-07-05 6:06 AM
in reply to: #872178

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
HelenR - 2007-07-04 9:23 PM

- I'm off this weekend to Peterborough - it's about 4 hrs away- to do a sprint tri, and more importantly to watch my daughter do her first 1/2 IM!!! Will be very exciting !!!

-the course will be interesting- hilly as compared to SW Ontario (right Robb!!)- so lets hope I can get enough momentum down those hills to push me back up!! (ha ha- perhaps I am delerious from being rather busy these days!)

- happy training everyone!!!!


Good luck on your race. I need to figure out how to use gravity to my benefit. Remember, the Star Trek crew did it 2x, using the pull of the sun's gravity to propel them back in time. Now I don't need to go that fast in any direction, but I need to adopt that principle! (Or is it principal? Damn, I hate it when I second guess my grammar!)
2007-07-05 11:42 AM
in reply to: #872319

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Greensboro, NC
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
prof40 - 2007-07-05 6:06 AM

Good luck on your race. I need to figure out how to use gravity to my benefit. Remember, the Star Trek crew did it 2x, using the pull of the sun's gravity to propel them back in time. Now I don't need to go that fast in any direction, but I need to adopt that principle! (Or is it principal? Damn, I hate it when I second guess my grammar!)

You got it right the first time :-)

2007-07-05 11:46 AM
in reply to: #872001

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Greensboro, NC
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
JeanetteJ. - 2007-07-04 4:16 PM

ROAD TRIP ON 7-21 I Need More details!!!! I will meet you and we will have a relay team!
What is the saying that our times must be the same and the timecards? Let me know more. I am biking and swimming but I am not running much right now but I am using my legs a lot and my arms too.

What time should we do it? I'm game for pretty much any time. My roommate is going to be out of town (I think) and I would love to meet some of you....and maybe get some good eats afterwards :-)

Casey- Where in Chicagoland is the Danskin? What date and time? Let me know more on that too. LITTLE ROAD TRIP

Pleasant Prarie, Wisconsin. Packet pickup is Saturday, and the race is on Sunday There are still open spots if you want to race :-)
2007-07-05 11:49 AM
in reply to: #871927

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Greensboro, NC
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-04 2:01 PM

Any other goals we all would love to see happen with our team here???

My goal for 2008 is to do Grandma's Marathon in Duluth, Minnesota, USA. I've volunteered at the race, and went to college in Duluth, so I know its a good time. I need to kick my running into gear though so I can do it!

Tri-wise, I'm thinking that I might be able to do the Turtleman Tri, which is an oly....I would have to walk most of the run, but I think it's a doable's in Mid-August. I'm thinking I can do it because I did a 4 mile walk/run this morning that wasn't too awful, and Turtleman is a flat race. I do admit, part of why I want to do it is solely for the finisher's medal :-P
2007-07-05 2:52 PM
in reply to: #872922

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
androgenie - 2007-07-05 12:49 PM

phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-04 2:01 PM

Any other goals we all would love to see happen with our team here???

My goal for 2008 is to do Grandma's Marathon in Duluth, Minnesota, USA. I've volunteered at the race, and went to college in Duluth, so I know its a good time. I need to kick my running into gear though so I can do it!

Tri-wise, I'm thinking that I might be able to do the Turtleman Tri, which is an oly....I would have to walk most of the run, but I think it's a doable's in Mid-August. I'm thinking I can do it because I did a 4 mile walk/run this morning that wasn't too awful, and Turtleman is a flat race. I do admit, part of why I want to do it is solely for the finisher's medal :-P

First, thanks for the grammer affirmation up above!

Second, you can run a marathon next year. I'm positive you can. Just listen to your body as you begin the longer runs, and don't push it if you feel a "bad" twinge. What's that? You'll know it when you feel it, believe me. And check the race site for a free training plan, which some of the bigger races offer. If you can't find one there, look at, or do a google search and see what you find. The key is convincing your body that you CAN do the distance, which it will learn as you do gradually longer weekly runs.

And finally, there's nothing wrong with wanting a piece of hardware. Based on the bike ride you did a few weeks ago, I think you've got the stamina to do an oly in August. And don't worry about the walk/run. You won't be the only one doing that!
2007-07-05 3:04 PM
in reply to: #871927

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-04 3:01 PM

Any other goals we all would love to see happen with our team here???

I want you all to have as much fun doing these things as I do. And that includes enjoying the training, wondering how far you can swim today, checking out mountain roads to remember for your next bike ride, running in a light summer rain, talking to people wearing race shirts to compare notes, daydreaming about racing in a distant city, finding me at an event and saying hello. And offering to buy me a Corona afterwards!

Yep, I do like that goal.
2007-07-05 3:14 PM
in reply to: #873385

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Greensboro, NC
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
prof40 - 2007-07-05 3:04 PM

I want you all to have as much fun doing these things as I do. And that includes enjoying the training, wondering how far you can swim today, checking out mountain roads to remember for your next bike ride, running in a light summer rain, talking to people wearing race shirts to compare notes, daydreaming about racing in a distant city, finding me at an event and saying hello. And offering to buy me a Corona afterwards!

Yep, I do like that goal.

Ooh, I wish we would get a nice summer rain here in Minnesota for a nice run or bike....that would feel delightful! It would be like being a kid again (especially with the biking in the rain....that was one of my favorite things to do as a kid!!)

If I see you at a race, I'll buy you a Corona if you buy me a drink too :-)

2007-07-05 3:36 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I think we should all commit to doing the same race. Any race, anywhere. Just let me know at least a week ahead of time so I can beg someone to babysit

Preferably not an IM this month or anything like that. I'm not quite that ambitious.
Anyone know of THE race to do sometime this summer or fall? Ya know, November is WIDE open on my calendar. Phoenix might be nice that time of year. Or Florida. Or we could do a team ski party. I'm serious! Someone think about that and make a suggestion....
2007-07-05 4:44 PM
in reply to: #873385

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
prof40 - 2007-07-05 9:04 PM

phoenixrising404 - 2007-07-04 3:01 PM

Any other goals we all would love to see happen with our team here???

I want you all to have as much fun doing these things as I do. And that includes enjoying the training, wondering how far you can swim today, checking out mountain roads to remember for your next bike ride, running in a light summer rain, talking to people wearing race shirts to compare notes, daydreaming about racing in a distant city, finding me at an event and saying hello. And offering to buy me a Corona afterwards!

Yep, I do like that goal.

Gosh I'm a good boy. Just did six laps of the race track here in Honk Kong in a light morning drizzle. Still in the high twenties even though it's now 0530! One of the few times jet lag is fun.


Our house is about three hours from Nice so I will probably take an a hotel room for a few days (most of the appartments are Sat to Sat let's) and you are more than welcome to whatever sofa space you want.

As to why it is so hard, I understand that it is the bike that's the killer due to a combination of the heat, the relentless gradiant and the fact that the french (despite being cheese eating surrender monkeys in so many other ways), are fearsomely good cyclists so psychologically it is quite draining.

Don't worry about the swim. It is, as you rightly point out, almost a year to the event. In that time Quiana is going to make a whole baby, Pene is going to run a marathon and someone will buy prof a corona. If you can't learn to swim a couple of miles without drowning it's a bad job!
2007-07-05 5:57 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Then Nice sounds like it just up you guys' alleys! As you are both fiercely great cyclists, in my humble opinion. I dream of being one some would absolutely be the greatest challenge I can think of to do a Criterium, and not be so slow that they laugh me off the course, and welcome me back to do another one. I am such a weenie with bike speed currently--part lack of talent, part complete terror psychologically speaking! That's why it is a lofty goal. I'm actually at peace with the marathon goal--pretty sure I'll pull it off as I CAN walk across the finish line in Michigan. Others will. But no one coasts across the finish at a Crit!! It's funny how your goals change over time, isn't it? A year ago I did NOT have a marathon on my goals list. Not at all. Not even a tiny bit. Or a triathlon for that matter. Now I fantasize about speeding across France on a tiny bike and accomplishing a Criterium race some time before I die. (not going to wager a guess on how long it will take me). But I SWEAR, Leadville is NOT one of my "list" items! Neither is Alcatraz (brrrrrrrrrrrrr, sharks.....). Are there, by chance, sea snakes in Nice??????
2007-07-05 9:11 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Im here I swear! I have been reading but for some reason just havent had the time and energy to respond. Its been a busy week, and honestly, since summer has really finally come to Seattle, I much rather be spending my times outdoors than on the computer!

Im debating on whether or not to do a sprint tri next weekend- Its one of my favorite races around here but its a early start at 7am and I will be at one of my best friend's wedding receptions the night before. And I have to work in the ER at 1p after the race. I just envision myself being way to tired to enjoy it and wasting my 60$. I actually went and did the whole course last Saturday so I feel like I kind of did the race anyway. Those are all the reasons NOT to do the race but then I have this part of me that just wants the excitement of a real race! I also dont have any other races planned until August 19th. Im doing the Danksin too Candice- just in Seattle- its been sold out here since March. I cant believe there are still openings in Wisconsin.

the whole Ironman France discussion is so exciting! A part of me wants to say that an Ironman is my goal, but Ill be honest, everytime I watch one I am just so glad its not me. Am I being an underachiever?? Probably. I guess I just have different expectations for myself! I am tempted to come cheer you guys on though! All of us doing a race together is some thing that would be really fun to think about. I excited that you midwest ladies are making the swim thing happen. I do plan to go online and pledge to the cause I promise.

Love the pictures you guys- how do I add one on to my post? I would love to share the view of my stompin ground too.
Im not even going to get into the Harry Potter discussion, Im not a fanatic but at least I knew Dumbeldore was dead!!
2007-07-05 11:53 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Glad everyone is doing well.

Pene, huge ride on Wednesday!  Thats awesome work.

Mark, I hope we stay in touch from now until then, as I would love your help in renting a bike and seeing you there if we make it to France.  I plan to bring my mother and my younger brother along as they have never been to Europe, and make a 2 week trip to France, Italy, and maybe Greece while we are there.  I have looked at renting a hotel/villa for the time we are there, but if something ever falls through I may end up on a couch somewhere :D


I really need to start thinking about getting a road bike.  This long rides on the MTB just are not cutting it on the fat tires, small wheels, straight bars etc.  A friend of mine offered a full carbon frame bike to me for cheap, but its a little old so I am going to have to check it over before I commit.


Off to bed for me I think.   

2007-07-06 4:05 AM
in reply to: #873936

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Robb - 2007-07-06 12:53 AM

Glad everyone is doing well....I really need to start thinking about getting a road bike.  This long rides on the MTB just are not cutting it on the fat tires, small wheels, straight bars etc.  A friend of mine offered a full carbon frame bike to me for cheap, but its a little old so I am going to have to check it over before I commit.


Off to bed for me I think.   

Get the bike. Your body will thank you. And look for deals. Sometimes Trek or other manufacturers will give you 12-month financing with no interest. It's definitely worth looking into. And it's the end of the season, so most stores are willing to sweeten the deal to get a bike off the floor -- things like free pedals, drink cages, discounts on shoes, maintenance for 3 years, etc., all have real value.
2007-07-06 4:08 AM
in reply to: #873979

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
prof40 - 2007-07-06 10:05 AM

  • ..maintenance for 3 years, etc., all have real value.

  • I could use being maintained for three years! Sounds ideal.
    2007-07-06 10:18 AM
    in reply to: #640246

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    Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
    I agree on the road bike- you will never want to ride anything else again on the roads once you find a good bike. Test drive a few models, even if you end up buying your friends frame, because sometimes they just feel different and you want to make sure the size and geometry is right for you. I now have a more tri -specific geometry on the Cervelo and I can definitely tell the difference when I get off and start to run>My quads just dont feel quite the fatigue that they did on my regular road bike. Maybe its in my head but I really think i cant tell the difference. Also, adding aerobars onto a normal road bike sometimes doesnt work so well because the distance between your seat and the handlebars can be too long. So, if you plan on riding aero, consider that into your purchase too. Im sure Im telling you things you know already but the one thing I have learned is that you have to have a comfortable bike fit if you plan to be on it for more than an hour- and now that you have comitted to France- you will be looking at 6 hours!
    2007-07-06 11:49 AM
    in reply to: #873806

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    Greensboro, NC
    Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
    watergirl777 - 2007-07-05 9:11 PM

    Love the pictures you guys- how do I add one on to my post? I would love to share the view of my stompin ground too.

    If you use a webpage like Photobucket, you should be able to just upload the pics to that site, then use the pre-made link to add to your posts :-)

    Maybe next year I'll do Danskin Seattle. I have family in the area, so that would be a fun trip!
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