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2011-01-31 5:34 PM
in reply to: #3257457

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Great Lakes, IL
Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
I just try to avoid processed foods and try to focus on portions.

2011-02-01 4:06 PM
in reply to: #3257457

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Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
Wow. I have been absolutely knocked flat with this cold. Hope things are going well for everyone. Due to gluten problems my diet involves as little, to absolutely no gluten. This pretty much comes down to a mixture of a no carb/paleo diet. I have noticed weight loss to some degree but I still need to closely monitor how much is going in. Almost impossible to lose weight with just physical activity. You really have to monitor food intake as well. Many people are surprised to find they actually gain weight during marathon and Ironman training.
2011-02-03 7:37 AM
in reply to: #3257457

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Fort Myers, FL
Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
Finally got back into it yesterday. Have taken some time off to regroup, move and try and figure out what I'm going to do this year. Funds are definitely limited this year and it looks as if EVERYONE in Tampa participates in tris, based on the amount the races are charging. So, with that being said, I might look to make it a run-focused year and do more running/biking. We'll see....but the good news is, I'm back on the wagon
2011-02-07 4:01 PM
in reply to: #3257457

Meridian, ID
Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
Hope everyone's training is moving along well.  

Been swimming lately and have a heck of a time keeping water out of my nose when I roll up for a breath.  I'm exhaling the whole time it seems, but when I roll up I have a small amount of water in the back of my throat?  Tried humming and doesn't work, not sure what I'm doing but it's irritating enough to just get noseplugs to get the reps in then work on breathing on the side.  Those of you with swimming experience please chime in. 
2011-02-07 4:21 PM
in reply to: #3343718

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Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
Good to hear the training is going well. Not sure exactly how to help with the water in the nose other than to say it should come around. Sounds like you are doing the right things. Are you gently exhaling through your nose also? Sometimes when swimming hard and getting tired we breathe almost entirely through the mouth. I know I have a habit of swallowing water when I swim. I would not feel hesitant to get nose plugs if this continues to be a problem. I swim with some very good swimmers who wear them. How is everyone else doing? Please ask any questions you have about anything tri related and I will do my best to help. We are getting into the part of thebyear when we want to start increasing those distances closer and closer to race specific and starting to work some higher intensities into the plan. Happy training!!
2011-02-07 11:09 PM
in reply to: #3257457

New user

Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
Just registered for my triathlon! Laughing Smile

2011-02-08 7:33 AM
in reply to: #3344288

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Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed

Very cool.  Nothing better than a fresh registeration to fire up the motivation.

2011-02-09 3:15 PM
in reply to: #3257457

New user

Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
Oh yeah, it is! I just got back from doing a little jogging around the block in 17 degree F weather. :D
2011-02-11 9:43 AM
in reply to: #3257457

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Great Lakes, IL
Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
I have been quiet lately and unable to work out. I strained my right MCL pretty bad on a job site at work. I have my re-eval next week. If the swelling and pain persist they are going to send me for an MRI to maker sure  I didnt tear anything. So, I'm probably still out of the workout scene for a couple of weeks.
2011-02-14 12:00 PM
in reply to: #3257457


Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
I've been having a rough time as well.  I've been having problems for about 4 years with my hormone cycling and being on a training schedule has brought it front and center as a major problem.  I've been to see the Dr and got some new things to try so hopefully I'll be back in the groove soon.  Today's my get back in gear day.  Headed out for a short run to get myself back in the game.

And Finally!  I am sending you all my energy bar recipe:  Feel free to use a sugar substitute or back down on the amount of sugar and butter.  I've done both.  I like to use stevia for the sugar and applesauce for some of the butter and the consistency is still good.

Preheat oven to 350°.  Grease a 9x9 inch baking pan.

Combine in a medium bowl:
1 1/2 cup packed dried fruit (any you prefer)
1 cup old fashion rolled oats
3/4 cup AP flour (I use whole grain spelt flour because I am allergic to wheat)
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup chopped nuts (any you prefer)
1/4 tsp salt
3/4 tsp ground cinnamon

Add and stir until well blended:
3/4 cup melted unsalted butter
1 1/2 tsp vanilla

Press the mixture into the pan.  Bake until top is golden brown, 35-40 minutes.  Cool in pan and then slice into whatever shape you like.  Recipe says 18 3 by 1 1/2 in bars.

2011-02-14 9:24 PM
in reply to: #3257457

Meridian, ID
Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
Seems like we're all battling some nagging issues lately.  I found out today I may have labrynthitis.  Would explain why the pool area is spinning when I get out of the pool.  Hopefully I can recover from that quickly, my Dr said I can keep training as long as I take it easy when the world starts to spin.

2011-02-15 12:52 PM
in reply to: #3257457


Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
I hope everyone heals quickly!

Also on the energy bar note I have two links that people may find interesting.  Both are "build your own bar" websites.  I haven't used either yet, but they look intriguing.
2011-02-16 7:47 AM
in reply to: #3356353

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Fort Myers, FL
Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
It seems that I have caught the injury bug from everyone else around here. I've been dealing with foot pain that turned out to be a build up of fluid beneath the joint in my arch. Combined with that I've been having sharp knee pain as well. I thought it was a combination from my foot injury, and am hopeful my knee issues will get resolved once my foot issues do. So I'm trying to figure out how to get my workouts in on the weekdays. I have yet to join a pool and currently bike on a trail by my house. Biking is dependent on sunlight, and I need to quit making excuses and get up in the morning and go. Because by the time I get around to it after work, its dark. Needless to say, I just need to HTFU. No more excuses. Yell
2011-02-17 6:04 AM
in reply to: #3257457

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Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
Sounds like a tough string of injuries going on for our group. Hang tight, as you get your body used to the rigors of training it will start to adapt. Unfortunately injuries are a part of training, but so is becoming much more healthier. It is all part of the process. Key thing is to learn from what caused the injury and work hard to avoid doing it again. For instance, for the last three years I have had problems with a lower calf strain about two months into the new season. I realized I was adding speed work too soon in the year and my body just was not ready. This year I have pushed base building for another month and so far so good. Hang in there everyone!
2011-02-19 7:59 PM
in reply to: #3257457

Meridian, ID
Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
Something to add some life to the thread, reply if you like.

How has training been, has it gone as planned? Better/worse than expected?  Do you plan to continue to train as planned from the beginning or is it changing?

I'll start:

So far my training has been good, only been doing base endurance work and will be starting a basic sprint tri plan, then three months out from my main tri I will start a more detailed sprint tri plan.  I'm still right on schedule and progressed better than I thought I would with my running.  I don't think I will be changing my plan at this time since it seems to be working well.

2011-03-03 7:25 AM
in reply to: #3257457

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Great Lakes, IL
Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
Seems I haven't missed much in my down time. I still partially out of commission. Doc is hopefull that I should be able to progress to running in the next couple of weeks. I am anxious to get back in the pool, on the bike, and just on the road in general. I have increased the amount of time and the distance I have been walking but it still does not feel the greatest.

I apologize for my absence, I have just been a little bummed by my injury.

2011-03-04 12:42 PM
in reply to: #3380598

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Fort Myers, FL
Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed

mntbiker21 - 2011-03-03 8:25 AM Seems I haven't missed much in my down time. I still partially out of commission. Doc is hopefull that I should be able to progress to running in the next couple of weeks. I am anxious to get back in the pool, on the bike, and just on the road in general. I have increased the amount of time and the distance I have been walking but it still does not feel the greatest.

I apologize for my absence, I have just been a little bummed by my injury.

Don't get discouraged! I am in the same boat with being injured, but I am trying to log any activity I do so I can see all the "peachies" on my little training calendar. That helps me remember that I am still doing something active, which helps keep me positive on days I doubt my training and improvement. Glad you are getting well and don't get too overexcited to start training again, just to go get injured again from overuse.

Along those same lines, I have an MRI scheduled for Tuesday. I saw the ortho dr. yesterday and he kept repeating the words "stress fracture". Not the best thing to hear, but I will hopefully still be able to swim and bike. Just no running.

How is everyone else's training going? Does anyone have any upcoming races? I know in FL tri season is starting to ramp up. Would love to hear about people's progress!!!

2011-03-04 12:51 PM
in reply to: #3257457

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
Hi Bryan!!!  how the bloody fook are ya???

2011-03-04 1:10 PM
in reply to: #3257457

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Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
It looks like the group has been a bit beat up and battered. That's ok. You have all gotten your injuries out of the way and are now ready to roll. I'm feeling like I have laid down 4 months of pretty good base building and am ready to start hitting uo the intensity. Have a great weekend everyone, how about we throw some goals out there for the group to see and then check in on Monday. My weekend goals1. Run 8 miles2. Swim 3,000 meters minimum3. Bike 2.25 hours4 keep eating under control. How about everyone else?
2011-03-04 3:09 PM
in reply to: #3382880

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
mndiver - 2011-03-04 1:10 PM It looks like the group has been a bit beat up and battered. That's ok. You have all gotten your injuries out of the way and are now ready to roll. I'm feeling like I have laid down 4 months of pretty good base building and am ready to start hitting uo the intensity. Have a great weekend everyone, how about we throw some goals out there for the group to see and then check in on Monday. My weekend goals1. Run 8 miles2. Swim 3,000 meters minimum3. Bike 2.25 hours4 keep eating under control. How about everyone else?

can i play too?

20 mile run time trial for me tomorrow morning, off day sunday!  im pretty sure i can nail my off day!
2011-03-04 5:04 PM
in reply to: #3383129

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Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
djdavey - 2011-03-04 3:09 PM
mndiver - 2011-03-04 1:10 PM It looks like the group has been a bit beat up and battered. That's ok. You have all gotten your injuries out of the way and are now ready to roll. I'm feeling like I have laid down 4 months of pretty good base building and am ready to start hitting uo the intensity. Have a great weekend everyone, how about we throw some goals out there for the group to see and then check in on Monday. My weekend goals1. Run 8 miles2. Swim 3,000 meters minimum3. Bike 2.25 hours4 keep eating under control. How about everyone else?

can i play too?

20 mile run time trial for me tomorrow morning, off day sunday!  im pretty sure i can nail my off day!
Well geez, I'm starting to feel like I wuss for complaining about my swim TT that beat me up for today now. When does shark bait start seeing some action?

2011-03-04 9:20 PM
in reply to: #3383304

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed
mndiver - 2011-03-04 5:04 PM
djdavey - 2011-03-04 3:09 PM
mndiver - 2011-03-04 1:10 PM It looks like the group has been a bit beat up and battered. That's ok. You have all gotten your injuries out of the way and are now ready to roll. I'm feeling like I have laid down 4 months of pretty good base building and am ready to start hitting uo the intensity. Have a great weekend everyone, how about we throw some goals out there for the group to see and then check in on Monday. My weekend goals1. Run 8 miles2. Swim 3,000 meters minimum3. Bike 2.25 hours4 keep eating under control. How about everyone else?

can i play too?

20 mile run time trial for me tomorrow morning, off day sunday!  im pretty sure i can nail my off day!
Well geez, I'm starting to feel like I wuss for complaining about my swim TT that beat me up for today now. When does shark bait start seeing some action?

Sharkbait has been ridden in the pain cave now for the past few week, twice or so weekly...............prepping for boston is the focus right now with some residual riding in the mornings typically...........swimming to commence in mid april, after boston!!
2011-04-06 12:13 PM
in reply to: #3257457


Subject: RE: mndiver's group-closed

Back from my illnesses too.  Got in a few runs/swims a week while out, but didn't log it into my calendar as I was having a hard enough time just keeping up with LIFE!

I'm just under 2 months out from my tri and it's a reality check!  Colds & infections are gone, medications are back on track so I'm swinging for the bleachers.  Trying to get out every day, even if I only have time to run 2 miles or bike 5 miles.  I'm just pushing the intensity in those short ones.

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