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2008-06-16 8:45 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Shaun, I can imagine that your sis isn't used to running in heat. You definatly have to get up earlier to deal with that stuff down there- not good for morning-haters. Although, the last few weeks we have been hotter than Fla.

Beth, as they say in Scotland. "good on ya for your race!" Glad you didn't mess up your calf and still had enough in you for a faster finish. Your goals for racing are about like mine- Just finish and have fun.  

Kim, do not work too hard this week if you can help it. Freaking out is un-good, try to avoid it if you can.

So I got to run today, yea ha! Not fast but at least below a1 2 minute mile- if just barely.

Seems none of us hit our goals last week but we all did good anyway. Heck, I have already done as many minutes as I did all last week. Lets see what we can do.

Happy Monday all 


2008-06-18 8:12 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Helooooo out there... echoing...... Heloooo ouuuuttt theerrree,,,

It's dark and lonely here! 

2008-06-18 10:02 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

I'm here.  Still trying to get the house painted.  I spent today doing laundry --6 loads 5 of which I hung out on the clothes line.  I went for a swim at the pool.

Tomorrow I gonna try for a bike ride.


How are you doing?

2008-06-19 7:07 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Hi all - still here.  Sun, Mon & Tues are my 12-hour work days, so I'm quiet.  Then Weds I get back into training & building the business.

Working on this week's goals!  

I've decided to drop the strength training goal after a discussion with my coach.  It's really not very important to me.  I'm spending a lot of time telling myself I SHOULD do it instead of wanting to do it.  Guilt isn't a great motivator, so strength training is off the list for a while.  When it fits into my life it does...until then, I'm going to give myself permission to back off.

I took the computer off my bike so I can train with my HRM only for a while.  My overall speed has dropped (I come home & log the workout, so I know) to around 15-16mph in order to maintain the HR where it's supposed to be, but I guess I can live with that for a while.

Going to run at the gym on the treadmill today to avoid the heat.  A fellow tri friend turned me on to a cool summer running tip:

Run in a water-ski belt in the deep end of the pool.  

Her daughter does this at a runner's camp during August to keep in competition form & really loves it.  Sometimes the crazy girl forgoes the water-ski belt, but then the lifeguards get nervous.

Have a great day & watch that heat!!


2008-06-21 6:21 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Hey all. How is everyone?

Kim, since you have to slow down you can focus on distance when you bike. Do you have your appointment to find out about the HR issue? Love the idea of running in the water with a belt. I actually used to to that when I was recovering from neck surgery. I had to keep from jostling bones and tht was a great way to get aerobic in with no strain.

Sean, getting on the bike yet?

Beth, you are turning into a home goddess!! What are you going to do with all that new found space in the attic?

I received clearance to swim again but I can't do freestyle with out pain so I can only do side stroke. I guess it is better than nothing. I am going to attempt to get in the lake today if I can find someone to go spot for me.

Have great days all! 

2008-06-21 10:14 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Hi all! Hope your week went well.

Robin- Yes, I had my appt. w/the cardiologist Thursday.  I'm cleared to work out in the 160-165 range, but no higher. Which is better than the ER doc - he said 150's.  I was REALLY pouting! I  Have a stress test & echocardiogram on the 9th & then off for more testing at a specialized clinic.  Unfortunately, when I get into my "zone" & am really enjoying my workout I find I'm drifting up into the 170's.  So, working in the 160's will be a trial for a while.  The rapid hr has been a long-standing issue with me, but only since I've gotten into better shape has it become something that has been aggravating - before it never bothered me that it got fast...I just didn't work that hard!  I knew there would be some bumps in the road as I trained for the tri.  That's why I chose to set my sprint in October & start training in March.  I've been "on the couch" & sick for a number of years, so set-backs are expected.  There are really just 2 big important things for during this journey towards my tri:

1) maintain a great attitude & keep going

2) stay healthy in the process

So, in that spirit...I cut myself some slack yesterday & didn't work out.  After staying up all night, I just didn't have the energy.

Now, today, I feel great & am off to do one of my multi-sport days.

Oh, & for next week's goals - there will be NO STRENGTH TRAINING!  I've decided that I'm not interested in doing that right now, so there is no reason to keep torturing myself with the "I should"  message & associated guilt.

1) 300 yards swimming without stopping

2) 2 runs out of my 4 training sessions

3) 50 grams of Protein each day at least 5 days

4) Revamp Master Project Plan blocking out time line

Chat w/you later!



2008-06-21 10:31 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

I have gone for a swim this week which is better than not at all.  I had hoped to do more but, at this point, I am able to do more painting-wise so workouts are on hold.  McFuzz says that we have about 15 more hours of work to do before it's done. 

Regarding the cleaning, sometimes I get a bug up my butt and decide that I don't like all the "stuff" laying around.  Thursday was one of those days.  I'm still in the process of cleaning but it takes time.  I'm very ADD when it comes to cleaning. For example, if I'm working in my bedroom and I have a pile of stuff that should go up to the attic (usually holiday items or extra clothes, etc.) I will take it up, BUT once I get up there I find other things to do there.  Then, when I find things that need to go back downstairs I take it to the appropriate room and then it starts again!!!! See the pattern??!

 Last night I moved the kid's books from the family room to their spare room (created when oldest moved out and middle took his room in the basement).  I, then, put my teaching books (read as many literature books) on the empty bookshelf in the family room.  I'd been wanting to do this for a while but had never gotten around to it.  I did that last night instead of painting in the dark. 

I may be at a point where  we can move the boy's game systems (yes, there are more than one) up to their spare room but they don't have a TV up there, yet). That would free up another bookshelf that I can put other books on that are just sitting in stacks in the living room. That maybe something that they help me with during the week this week.

I want to go out on my bike this next week  and I want to hit the pool a couple more times.  My times in the pool aren't great but they never were.  My goal is to finish each race that I do and to be a healthy and happy wife and mom.  Exercising is part of that but so is the cleaning part.


2008-06-22 5:49 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed
i am making it a point to get out on my bike too i swear it !!!
i just found out my guard days for the next few months school and training uuggggg

07-07 to 07-20 im in Mississippi
07-26 to 08-10 i will be all over the state training
then in sept im gone to VA for a few weeks

now you guys see why i been down my tri season is over least for this year i wount even be back till OCT . it just sucks but hey that is why i picked the ultramarathon for NOV to occupy my time while gone

hope things are going good for everyone else take care train smart
2008-06-23 11:35 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Hey all.

Just a quick fly by: My goals for this week are the same as last: 200 minutes of training, two times for each sport and maybe some strength trining (or maybe not, I'm with you Kim).. I announced to all my gossipy friends yesterday my intention for completing a tri. The purpose in that is that now the entire town 9we live in a small one) will know and I will now HAVE to do this. Fear of public humiliation will force me to get my butt in gear and TRAIN. 

I am going to be camping next weekend so I get to take my mountain bike out of its lair and get on it. The kayak too. Can't wait. I have told myself that I can only take my kayak if I am a good girl training all week.

Beth, once in the pool is better that I did last week so it IS a start.

Shaun, dang Mississippi. ICK. I had to be in Starkeville Miss in August for 2 weeks for training once. TI felt like I was a POW!. You are going to be on the road a lot in the next few months! Its hard to keep to a schedule when you are gone that much.

Kim,  it sounds like you are taking Shaun's advise: training smart. Talk to you all later.

2008-06-23 8:27 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Robin - are you my "sister from another mother"?

I LOVE to kayak & was a mt. biker before I ever did any tri stuff.  I actually stopped mt. biking because there aren't any fun places to do it in Fl. (the "sugar" sand sucks).

Meant to run this morning, but had an attack of laziness.  It's really hard to do anything during my 3-day, 12-hour shift run.  I keep having these grand ideas, but only get stuff done about every 2 weeks. 

I would love to cut back to 2 days/week, but for  some dumb reason I have to work.  Soon, I'll be out of the shift-work all together (ahh, dreams).



2008-06-24 8:04 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

So, I am Lazy. Someone kick my butt into gear. I just can't drag my butt out of bed in the morning to run. I WILL swim tonight. I have to, I am growing moss here. AND if I dont do my workouts I won't allow myself to play with my toys this weekend.

Kim, there are some great mountain bike areas in the Ocala vicinity that I have been on. But you are right, that sand makes you feel like you are going backwards! 

If I am a good girl this is where I will be mountain biking this weekend. 

2008-06-25 9:47 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

I have spent the last 2 days knowing that I need to do some more housework and yet not doing it.  Was planning on going swimming today but with the intermittent thunderstorms that is looking quite unlikely.  I am hoping to go for a run while dodging raindrops, though. 


2008-06-25 10:02 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Hello all

Brief fly by. I am covered up at work and have to get my stuff together for camping this weekend and just found out I have to go to a political dinner on Thursday evening so I have to rearrange my evening swim.

I have a general training question. When training for a particular race, is there a prescribed amount of distance/ time to train for in excess of what the race is? Lets see if I can word that better. For a sprint distance, I know I can run a 5K when I run, but adding swimming and biking to that makes it "feel" like  more. So... Is there some sort of general formula like adding 10% or 1/2 more or something to each sport to aim for when training?

2008-06-25 10:27 AM
in reply to: #1488911

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed
ceilidh - 2008-06-25 10:02 AM

Hello all

Brief fly by. I am covered up at work and have to get my stuff together for camping this weekend and just found out I have to go to a political dinner on Thursday evening so I have to rearrange my evening swim.

I have a general training question. When training for a particular race, is there a prescribed amount of distance/ time to train for in excess of what the race is? Lets see if I can word that better. For a sprint distance, I know I can run a 5K when I run, but adding swimming and biking to that makes it "feel" like  more. So... Is there some sort of general formula like adding 10% or 1/2 more or something to each sport to aim for when training?

If you haven't already done so, practice bricks.  They help to get you acclimated to the change in sports.  For me I have done a bike ride and then a mile long run.  Haven't done that in a while though!!!

2008-06-25 7:41 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

I've started doing "doubles" (2 sports in one day, but separated) & "triples" (same concept, but all 3).  Next, I moved into the Brick concept. 

I've found this is working really well.  My body got used to multiple activities in the same day over a period of a couple of weeks. (total exhaustion at first!).  

Last week was my first official Brick - 12-mile bike followed by a little less than a 1-mile run.  It felt GREAT!  The big issue I had, was that I started running too fast & didn't realize it.  I was so pumped from the bike ride that I just stayed in the same "speed" mode & I can't run at that pace without my HR cranking to 180+.  My legs, though, felt great.

I will say, that that evening...I had some serious leg cramping that I haven't experienced in a few months.

I'm definitely going to stay with the Brick concept.  Teaching your body what it's expected to accomplish is a great idea.


2008-06-26 7:11 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Hey all. Bricks are a great idea but until I can get passed the doctors "no more than 45 minute" routine that may not be possible. Hopefully in a couple of weeks I can start adding a running or biking after each session. Until then I think I will just add distance to my run and try to get speed up on my biking within the allotted 45 minutes. Now, all I have to do is to get up in time to do that before the 7:00 am work time.

I am going camping with my toys. We are leaving in the morning so I won't be in touch until Monday evening or Tuesday. Of course, we have had no rain, and I mean NO rain, in 3 weeks. Now they say it is going to rain this weekend. Probably only where we are and not at home where I need it. Ah well, I can mountain bike in the rain, unless thereis lightning.  Hope you all have great weekends.

2008-07-01 8:28 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed
2008-07-01 9:23 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Welcome back Robin!

Goals for the week:

1 - Log some exercise every day (even 12-hour work days)

2 - Run 2 times

3 - 22 mile bike ride

2008-07-01 9:23 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Welcome back Robin!

Goals for the week:

1 - Log some exercise every day (even 12-hour work days)

2 - Run 2 times

3 - 22 mile bike ride

2008-07-01 10:20 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

I survived the campout with the teenagers.  Went for a long run yesterday and am hoping to go for a swim later today.  I really need to get out on my bike this week.  I may be able to convince McFuzz to go out with me for a long ride on Friday since he will be home.

He registered for IMCdA 2009.  Looks like next year's vacation will be en route to Idaho.  This will be the first vacation that I have had in a few years since most of his vacation time is spent doing things with the scouts.

2008-07-01 11:15 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed
i made it to the pool !! yea first time sense the race just about a 1 1/2 months good time gonna start going more for sure. im feeling "normal" like im back!! so glad the funk is gone now its time to train !!
this week goals
1-another swim 1500+
2- 100+ bike
3- around 20 run maybe
the bike and swim are my biggest concern cause i got 2 weeks of running when i go to school next monday

2008-07-01 12:14 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Hey all. Goals this week are

1) to focus on doing something everyday.

2) Get at least 2 swims in

3) get at least 2 road rides in 

So I blew it already by not doing anything yesterday but I am going to start out right. I won't be too hot today so I can run this evening.

Camping was great and I have fallen in love with the Dupont State forest. You can't beat the rides, although some are VERY technical, but they either have great views or a waterfall or both! 


2008-07-05 2:25 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Report on this week's goals:

1 - Missed 1 day of activity - too tired Friday after workCry

2 - Need to run tonight if I'm gonna make the 2 runs this week

3 - Hit the 22 mile bike ride - actually it was more & had a lot of fun.

How are you all doing?


2008-07-05 3:43 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

I've gotten lots of housework done this week (the trashman and Goodwill can attest to that)so I consider this week to be a success.  I have one more project in the kitchen but I feel better about going out for bike rides and runs when the house looks like it does now. 

I pulled weeds out in the front flower beds and started to help McFuzz with another project only to find myself VERY light-headed and dizzy when standing and moving.  That put a cabache on everything else this afternoon.  Resting to see if I feel better.  I know I'm hydrated as I have to keep going to the bathroom.  Thought maybe my blood sugar was low but I'm not sure.  McFuzz is watching me pretty closely though.


2008-07-06 9:03 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Take Care Beth !!!! Glad McFuzz is watching you and I hope that was just a momentary fluke. 

Shaun, When do you leave for training?

Kim, you are doing great on your training. I am doing better this week But I haven't been in the water all week. This is becoming problematic because I have to have the DH with me while I am swimming in the lake. He canoes while I swim. Arranging time is difficult. 

I joined the tour de France challenge to get me going on biking this month. Now I need one for swimming!. Kim, I just ordered the swim book. I need to work on my stroke badly.

I am going campling from Wednesday through Sunday this week so I won't be posting after Tuesday more than likely. I will run some while I am gone, but not much more. I am going to the Highland games at Grandfather Mountain. My DH and I are running in the mile race. The silly thing is that because these are Highland Games, all contestants have to wear a kilt. I REALLY look funny in a kilt. This will be my first time running in front of people. I am NOT looking forward to it. There are usually several thousand people in the stands. So even though it is just a mile it is really going to be a huge hurdle for me. Not to mention that it is a forgone conclusion that I will be LAST. I mean really last. The age group is 30 + and there are usually only 5 or 6 people who run in this race so I will be DFL.

Off to ride the bike and if it stops raining, I will get my butt in the lake!  

So here are my goals for this week.

1) To get in three bike rides minimum of 45 minutes each.

2) To get in the water at least once before Wednesday, preferably twice.

3) To have fun running in a stoopid kilt in front of thousands of people while coming in last!. 

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