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2010-01-18 4:34 PM
in reply to: #2557541

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Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
Nice job-- sub 5 hours is great, especially when it's your 2nd in 2 weeks!

Hope your recovery is quick & painless! I found that draining my legs (laying with them at a 90 degree angle up a wall, most comfortable if done in bed or with a pillow...) REALLY helped.

2010-01-19 8:41 AM
in reply to: #2557541

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over a barrier
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
@jason well done, I would have sprinted too 4:59 looks better than 5:00

Your top priority this week is to recovery. No running at all.....Stupid easy bike is good, swims are better. No intensity though. I'd schedule a massage on Wed or Thursday of this week as well.

The legs up on the wall is a good trick as well, I do that after all long runs....1 min per 1 mile run....
2010-01-19 3:49 PM
in reply to: #2557541

Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
so I've used the pull buoy to force myself to swim on my left side.  Although I have not hit the pool as I should be, it took a while but then it go better.  I had never used it before, and on my cool down, I was actually faster.
I felt I was pulling better after the drills. 

I was told to watch out and not overuse it.  How accurate is this? should I keep using it regularly on my drills?
2010-01-19 3:50 PM
in reply to: #2618621

Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
VegasJason - 2010-01-17 5:25 PM Hey Thanks for thinking about me, that's way cool! The marathon was ugly but it's in the books! 2 in 2 weeks was probably not the smartest thing I've ever done. Around mile 10 I started having cramping issues and it got worse from there, by 19 I was walking more then running and the goal became how to find a way to finish upright. My final time was 4:59:32 and I was a dumb male who pushed to hard at the end to try and ensure a sub 5hr day. All in all I have no regrets and a lot of lessons to draw from. The true goal was to complete the run so that I would have the day in my bank for the Ironman in a couple of months. I beleive that I have done it without injuring myself and all though there wasn't any smilling at the finish line I have started to realize the accomplishment as the day goes on...Thanks again for the thoughts!

2 in two weeks?? and under 5 hrs?  way to go!
2010-01-19 4:13 PM
in reply to: #2622581

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Lost Wages Nevada
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
Thanks everyone for all the tips and congrats! I am having some issue with soar legs right now but the big head is helping to compensate quite nicely @chezz- I beleive what you will hear from our fearless leader and others in the know, is that anything done to excess can be bad. That is most likely the basis of the advice your getting from others, if you use pull boeys (or any other training aid for that matter) to the point were your sholders or any isolated area is being overworked you will run the risk of injury. I am by no means an expert on this so I will be curious to see other opinions, but be weary of going to hard in any one direction. A few minutes out of an hour session should not be an issue, an hour session with just the pull boey might be...
2010-01-20 9:03 PM
in reply to: #2622581

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over a barrier
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
Chezz - 2010-01-19 3:49 PM

so I've used the pull buoy to force myself to swim on my left side.  Although I have not hit the pool as I should be, it took a while but then it go better.  I had never used it before, and on my cool down, I was actually faster.
I felt I was pulling better after the drills. 

I was told to watch out and not overuse it.  How accurate is this? should I keep using it regularly on my drills?

Just remember its a training tool. You won't really hurt yourself per say, its just allows you to isolate your upper half without worry about dragging your legs. I would start with the PB while working on the trouble side and then remove it after a few good 50's down/back. Concentrate on the feel of good breathing without dealing with the legs....

Its a real problem if you're a swimmer that drags the legs, because you'll never correct the problem with a pb helping you out.

2010-01-23 9:27 AM
in reply to: #2557541

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2010-01-23 9:35 AM
in reply to: #2607381

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2010-01-23 10:13 AM
in reply to: #2557541

Lost Wages Nevada
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed

So my week of recovery is coming to an end and I’ve had some time to re-think my training plans. This has been aided by the fact that I couldn’t walk straight until Wednesday. My basic thoughts for training for the IM distance races was to simply take what I had been doing for the shorter races and increase it. Example- if I was training for a OLY I would do those distances individually several times a week and then complete multiple OLY distance personal races several times before the day of the actual race.
This led me to the thought process that to complete an IM I would at minimum need to be able to go out on any given day and ride 112 miles or run 26.2 miles, and that on occasion I should be able to do them back to back with a 90 swim warm up for good measure.
After being yelled at by my training partner (and my quads) I am starting to believe that a better schedule is to still put in the 200+ miles on the bike and 40+ miles in run (one week) but spread that pounding out more evenly. So instead of 2 days at 50 miles and then a 100 mile ride another day, and 2days at 10 then a 20 mile run day, my body would be better off to do 2x60 and then a 80 mile ride and that 3x8 and a 13-15mile run would cover it.

2010-01-23 3:33 PM
in reply to: #2557541

Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
I haven't trained for that IM or HIM distance events- but my gut feeling is spreading out your workouts is a GREAT idea. I know this was key to getting the miles in for my marathon training, and not feeling terrible afterward. I think you'll definitely be less sore if you spread it out too!

I'm also a big believer in recovery-- sleeping enough, eating right, taking time off and just generally letting your body get back up to speed. And you'll need less recovery time if you aren't doing as many all-out workouts.
2010-01-25 10:49 AM
in reply to: #2557541

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
Hey crew, Happy Monday.  So what's the plan for the week?

I want to hit 3x4.  3 runs, 3 swims, 3bikes and 3 core.  Definitely something to shoot for since I am getting over this cold!

Have a good week!!!

2010-01-25 11:27 AM
in reply to: #2557541

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
So I ran a 10k race yesterday.  I wasn't concerned about time, mostly just with finishing, considering that up until yesterday I'd never run more then 5 miles at once.  I managed to run the whole thing with the exception of two water stations... but now I'm hurting big time.

I don't know if it's just my shoes that are the problem or if maybe I just run in an awkward way, but I have some pretty serious pain in the balls of my feet today.  This has happened in the past after some of my runs, and it usually fades away after a day or two, but this time it hurts.  Just walking across campus this morning I felt like I was wincing with every step.  The best way I can describe it is that it feels like I have giant bruises on the balls of both of my feet- it doesn't hurt when I'm sitting around, but hurts when any pressure is put on them.

I think I'm going to try to visit one of the local running shops this week, talk to them about my shoes or the possibility of some inserts.  Anybody else ever have this kind of pain?  Or any ideas about what I'm doing wrong, etc?
2010-01-25 6:25 PM
in reply to: #2557541

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2010-01-25 8:10 PM
in reply to: #2634173

Lost Wages Nevada
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed

Way cool ladies!!! You are both awesome!! and yes I have 3 dogs you can borrow for your run, although getting them to you might be difficult
As for the week, I am finally off my marathon training and back to a full triathlon training schedule with 16 hours planned for the week!! Should be a blast I'm so excited....

Melbel don't think we didn't notice the pic change, looking good!!

2010-01-26 7:28 AM
in reply to: #2634322

Subject: ...
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2010-01-26 10:20 PM
in reply to: #2557541

over a barrier
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
@Mastermeg, what kind of shoes were you wearing? Normal running shoe or a general "tennis" shoe? Insets probably aren't the answer although a running shop would be willing to sell you some I'm sure Might be your body just getting used to the distance, you may be an extreme forefoot do you feel now?

@Jason.....I would recommend finding a distance for your long run and long ride that are very repeatable for your life schedule. For me that is 2hrs for the run and about 70 miles on the bike. Those are your bread and butter make sure you get a long run and long ride in during the training week....I'll pop into your training log from time to time and do a better job of commenting....

update on me...didn't make the elite team. I didn't have enough results from last year. Only raced two Tris. I guess podiums on running and swimming events didn't work. Oh well.

Its back to snot freezing cold in chicago, we got a nice weekend but it didn't last long

@chicagoman - I'm giving a presentation at Running Away as part of the Chicago Tri Clubs newbie committee in Feb if youre interested. I'm the coach for the group...

2010-01-26 11:07 PM
in reply to: #2557541

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
I've been running in Pearl Izumi SynchroPace running shoes... I got them at a local running shop a few months back.  They feel super comfortable while I'm wearing them, and I usually don't notice the pain while I'm running, but afterwards is when it hits me.  They only have about 100 or so miles in them. 

My feet are still pretty tender from the run on Sunday.  Boyfriend tried to be sweet and give me a foot rub tonight and I couldn't handle it- just too sore.  Not cool.

Sigh.  I'm thinking I should probably look into some new shoes, but I really don't want to shell out the money right now.  What brand of shoes do all of you run in?  Really need to figure this out before the big 24-hour relay race at the end of Feb...
2010-01-27 8:59 AM
in reply to: #2636538

over a barrier
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
I'm not a doctor by any stretch of the imagination, but i wondering if the rock climbing is playing a part in the this? Perhaps your toes may have a preexisting condition? Just thinking out load.

I run in Mizuno Wave Precision which is a light neutral for me. I race in the Mizuno Wave Ronin which is a 6oz racing flat.

2010-01-27 10:00 AM
in reply to: #2637013

Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
so an update on the swimming, PB has defintely helped and I've tried to use it as a help aid.  I keep focusing on drills and I am currently looking for a master's swim class to join.  I also found a couple of OWS swimming clinics in April/May that I will attend just to get a better feel on the swim.  I don't think I am going to be able to hit the pool these days, I feel I am coming down with some type of cold!

thanks for the tips

@megtrow, used to run in Asics Kayano and had not problem with those.  My wife was having problems though and the doc recommmended switching to Mizuno Wave Inspire, so we both did.  She corrected her problem, which was really having the wrong shoe, rather than the wrong brand, but she's had no problems since.

@melbel, well done on your training, nice pic

question to all on scheduling, I plan on doing 2 sprints before July and would like to move into Oly late summer.  I also want to run my first marathon late fall, with a half somewhere in the middle as training.  is it possible to accomodate both targets or would it not be recommended?
2010-01-27 10:19 AM
in reply to: #2636538

Lost Wages Nevada
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed

@megtrow I would be weary about buying a brand of shoe because it works for someone else. Shoes and feet are very different and what works for one person does not always work for another. That said I would be curious if you had in any issues in your previous running shoes? If not then maybe you could put the pain as the shoes fault and go back to a brand and style that worked for you in the past, maybe even lacing up that old pair for a run to see how they feel. If it has been some time since you ran and these new shoes also kick off the new running then it could be a number of things including the shoes.

I'm guessing that Tucson has some good running stores, if you decide to buy new shoes I would highly recommend one that will put you on a treadmill and video tape you for the best corrections. Buying from the big chain without a good sales rep because the shoes worked for someone else is a recipe for buying lots of shoes....

2010-01-27 9:05 PM
in reply to: #2557541

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
I hadn't even considered the thought that climbing might have anything to do with my foot pain.  That would be bad... I might have to give up running (because I certainly can't give up climbing!).

I haven't tried running again since the weekend, but I'm hoping to stop by the running store tomorrrow evening.  We have a few good ones here in town.  And actually, now that I think about it, the TriSports store is here in Tucson, so I may just go there.  Those guys are super nice.

I don't have much to compare this to, because I really only started running a few months ago.  I've always done many sports, but until last fall I'd never run more than a mile at once- it was always on a basketball court or softball field, etc.  I guess it's very possible that I simply bought shoes that don't work very well for me... either that or I just don't know how to run without injuring myself.  Ah well.  Guess I'll find out sooner or later.

In other news, I went to my first yoga class today.  I've always resisted it because it seemed like such a fad for so long... so it was actually not that bad!  And honestly, my abs are sore from it.  In a good way!   I think once or twice a week would be a good compliment to a regular workout regimen.

2010-01-29 1:09 PM
in reply to: #2557541

Champaign Area, IL
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
I am still around.  Just busy with work and family.  Have a great weekend everyone!
2010-02-05 12:14 PM
in reply to: #2557541

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
Happy Friday, everybody!
2010-02-05 1:58 PM
in reply to: #2557541

Lost Wages Nevada
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed

So all has been quite on the board lately??? IS it due to the high volume of training that we are all doing or is it that there is simply no questions left for us to ask our well educated leader????

OHOHOHOOOOO Mr Kartwright I have one!!
I have just recently been told that my recovery week with a 40% cut back in training is too much and that I should be closer to 15-20%...... Thoughts????

2010-02-05 2:19 PM
in reply to: #2657434

over a barrier
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed

On the surface a 40% is alot. I normally will drop 15-20% ish. But really the answer is do what you feel. If a 40%drop is working for you, great. Much better to error on the side of caution. The hardest part about IM training is making it to race day heathly. So if 40% is working for you from a phyical standpoint + mentally you're fresh again. Stick with it. Try and couple different recovery weeks and see what you 2 cents.
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