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2008-04-08 5:20 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
Thanks for all the kind words. I should start by saying that I am actually really happy that I had a panic attack. Because I had it, AND I still made it through. That means that I can do it no matter what. So I am stoked about my next race coming up in two weeks. Furthermore, it has made me even more determined to practice harder in the pool, so I can have a great swim in Florida in 40 days for the HIM.

I forgot to mention that I met up with a guy from BT at the race, and as it turns out, he's also doing Florida 70.3, so we will meet up in Florida as well.

He was a Veteran, and was super helpful before the race with talking me through things etc.

Great experience, can't wait for the next one!

2008-04-18 10:05 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
Allright gang - I am about to do my next race on Sunday. I am SUPER excited about it. It's a much bigger race than the one in San Diego, so it should be fun. It's an International Distance, so it's a tiny bit shorter than my Olympic. I am feeling totally ready, especially since I have had a recovery week in my training schedule this week.

I also only have 29 days left until my HIM in Orlando, so my training is about to kick into high gear. I am traveling for the next month or so, so my bike is coming with me on my trips so I don't miss my training.

I am going to Miami next week for work, and then off to Hawaii for vacation, back to LA for a few days, and then off to Orlando for the race...

I will post my race report on Sunday or Monday after my race in Palm Springs on Sunday.
2008-04-19 8:13 AM
in reply to: #1102173

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
I've said it're and animal! 3 races in a month? good gawd man! while you're in Miami if you get a chance you should come down to Islamorada in the keys where I live. its about an hour and half drive...I work in a very cool bar/restaurant right on the water, live music's a good time.
2008-04-19 12:12 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
Angelo - I actually have lots of time on the weekend. I will PM you my cell-phone and we can hook up.
2008-04-19 6:18 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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NW Suburbs, Illinois
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL

Good luck Mikkel.  You are going to nail it.  For sure.

And Angelo, if I am ever near the keys, I will be there is a heart beat.

2008-04-20 9:10 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
Allright guys...

The race is over. I will fill out a full race report later when I get the official results.

The race was a little bit shorter than my Olympic (.75 mile swim, 24 Mile Bike, 6 Mile Run), but my goal was to do it in under 2:29 (my PR Olympic)...well I beat that. Pretty well in fact.

I ended up doing it in 2:07:31, and I won my Division (Clydesdales - I am 204 lbs as of today).

I didn't quite keep track of the splits, but I had an awesome swim (NO panic attack), and did it in a little over 20 minutes, my bike ride was around 1:04 and change, and I don't know what my run was.

I had so much fun, and I got on the podium and the whole bit. I am going to Miami and then Hawaii before my race, so now it's time to get ready, but I had so much fun.

Expect the Race Report to be up on Wednesday when the official results are out.


2008-04-21 8:46 AM
in reply to: #1102173

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
that's awsome Mikkel!! hope to see you in FL
2008-04-21 9:51 AM
in reply to: #1102173

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Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
Mikkel -

That is some impressive racing. Way to go and giv'er hell on the next one.

Question for the mentor! Qustion for the mentor!

Scott -

I thought that this question could benefit the group, so I guess that is why i am posting it here. (duh.) Anyway, I am really interested in your thoughts about Zone training. I've read various articles and truthfully, I am totally confused. It seems that even when I go for my normal everyday run that I immediately jump out of my Zone 2 (which is where I understand to have most of your running be done) and into Zone 3 or Zone 4. I am not a fast runner, but if I keep in Zone 2 I'm even slower! I just want to hear your thoughts in laymen terms about when and where to train in different zones. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

2008-04-21 12:18 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
I have the same zone training question. Apparently my zone 2 would be WALKING!

Awesome job Mikkel!
2008-04-21 12:58 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
I guess I'm a little behind the times...I don't know what the zones are or how to keep track of them =P
2008-04-21 1:57 PM
in reply to: #1351110

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NW Suburbs, Illinois
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL

ajotto - 2008-04-21 9:51 AM Mikkel - That is some impressive racing. Way to go and giv'er hell on the next one. Question for the mentor! Qustion for the mentor! Scott - I thought that this question could benefit the group, so I guess that is why i am posting it here. (duh.) Anyway, I am really interested in your thoughts about Zone training. I've read various articles and truthfully, I am totally confused. It seems that even when I go for my normal everyday run that I immediately jump out of my Zone 2 (which is where I understand to have most of your running be done) and into Zone 3 or Zone 4. I am not a fast runner, but if I keep in Zone 2 I'm even slower! I just want to hear your thoughts in laymen terms about when and where to train in different zones. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. AJ

AJ - I am a huge fan of HR training.  I think, when done right, its the best way to improve your fitness over time.  With that said, how do you know your HR zones?  If you are basing it off of Max HR or some other calculator, most likely its incorrect.  Your run zones will be different (usually higher), than your bike zones.

The best way to do your HR training is based off of Lactate Threshhold.  This is where your body starts producing lactate in excess.  Imagaine a cup with a hole in the bottom.  If you pour water into it slowly, you will never fill the cup up (thats z1/z2).  If you start pouring faster, then it will fill up and ultimately overflow (thats when you start producing more lactate than the body can remove).  Its also the time you start burning more sugar (body has a limited supply) as opposed to fat (body has unlimited supply...even if you are at 5% body fat).  So, for endurance events, you will last much longer burning fat than sugar.  This is why I am a big fan of LSD runs, walk/runs, etc.  They all build up the aerobic system.  Once that system is built up, you then can layer on speed work, etc.

Testing for LTHR is important.  At the end of this post is a way to do the field test.  Another way is your average heart rate based on a 10K.  If the test seems daunting, a 5K might work, by figuring your ave. HR over the 5K is about 105% of LTHR.

Back to your question.  If you are jumping out of Z2 (once you get your LTHR, then just plug that into Friel's calculator for your zones.  Its on Mike Ricci's website, or I can email you an excel format), this means your aerobic system needs to be further developed.  In comes walk/runs.  Or walking on a treadmill at steeper inclines.  In general, if your HR is spiking and not caused by hills, winds, cardiac drift, you need to slow down (even if its walking).  Teach your body to burn fat and you will be able to go longer, and in the long run (pun intended), you will also go faster.  Its counter-intuituive, but it works. I am proof. 

TEST: Make sure to warm up well for 10 to 15 minutes before starting out. The field test is going to be an individual time trial of 30 minutes. The effort should be very hard, but not so hard that you slow down at the end, think race effort of about 10k running or 30k bike time trial effort. It's best to do this on a track in order to control for hills and avoid changes in effort that could be associated with external factors such as traffic. Another good option is to find a 5k, 8k or 10k race (which ever you think would be closest to a 30min all-out effort). This can actually produce better results since you have the motivation of the other runners to keep you going. Again, the goal is to go as hard as you can sustain for the entire 30min without slowing and finish with nothing left in the tank.

Start the time trial and make sure to press the start button on the heart rate monitor. After the first 10 minutes press the lap button and press the lap button again at 30 minutes. Cool down 5 to 10 minutes easy. The average heart rate over the last 20 minutes is your lactate threshold estimate.

2008-04-21 3:14 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
Four words...

Mentor of the year.

Good stuff. Great explanation and I'll try taking my test this weekend.

2008-04-21 3:50 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL

Test this week? I dunno.
2008-04-22 6:58 AM
in reply to: #1102173

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
I guess I need to get a heart rate monitor. was planning on my next purchase being a bike comp......but now I'm not sure.
2008-04-22 9:45 AM
in reply to: #1102173

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL

My race report is now up...check it out.

2008-04-22 1:23 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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NW Suburbs, Illinois
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL

Angelo -  A HRM is a great tool, especially if you are going longer.  For sprints, probably not needed.  And even for olympics, you can get away without one.  But for the longer distances, its a must.  Great tool to also tell if you are overtraining/undertraining.  Keeps those easy workouts, in the easy range.

Mikkel - going to read your RR.

2008-04-22 1:26 PM
in reply to: #1354101

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
a 6:35 minute mile for 6 miles? you are now my hero =D
2008-04-22 1:29 PM
in reply to: #1354832

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
schmize - 2008-04-22 2:23 PM

Angelo -  A HRM is a great tool, especially if you are going longer.  For sprints, probably not needed.  And even for olympics, you can get away without one.  But for the longer distances, its a must.  Great tool to also tell if you are overtraining/undertraining.  Keeps those easy workouts, in the easy range.

Mikkel - going to read your RR.

I hadn't really thought that I needed one especialy since I never really notice my heart rate even higher speeds. if I'm going to slow down it's due to leg pain not heart rate. I think I'll get the bike comp first since I really need to keep an eye on my cadence if I'm going to get faster.
2008-05-13 9:18 AM
in reply to: #1102173

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
Allright's the end of my journey coming up. I leave for Orlando on Friday, will spend Saturday checking the bike in and meeting my friends, and will be racing on Sunday. You can follow my progress through the Iron Man website ( I am bib number 1946 at the Florida 70.3 race.

It's been an amazing journey, and I am not in the best shape I have ever been both physically and mentally. I have lost around 16 lbs, but I look very different as my wife can attest to. While I don't know what the outcome of the race will be, I feel ready and know I can complete it in a good time, something I was unable to do 5 months ago.

I will probably take a break from Tri's after this race and just do maintenance. It's been taxing on my relationship as well as work as I have put somewhere between 15-20 hours in per week just working out. May catch a few Olympics this fall, but probably just focus on getting my relationship back on track, and kick some butt at work as my employees have been missing me.

I will obviously post a race report once it's done, but wanted to thank each and every one of you for all your support, and it's been a major piece of the puzzle to have been a member here of BT. I am also happy that I got to meet Angelo in person, and maybe I will see you guys at a race in the future...

2008-05-13 9:50 AM
in reply to: #1102173

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Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
Hey Mikkel, have a great race! You've accomplished a great deal in 5 months. I look forward to your report.

I will be sprinting at the Four State's Tri on Sunday. I am not physically prepared, but I know I can finish. My workouts have been on-again-off-again for months now. A wiser athlete may back out of this race and focus on the next, however I'm afraid of quitting. What if keep making excuses and do not focus on the next? So I will race.

And "the next" is an Olympic only 2 weeks later! That one concerns me. I'm doing as many 2-a-days as I can in order to build up some much needed endurance. I'm viewing the sprint as a good workout, nothing to taper for or recover from. Hopefully by June 2nd I can run a 10k. :-)

What is everyone else doing?
2008-05-13 10:47 AM
in reply to: #1102173

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
Mikkel, I'd say good luck in FL but luck has nothing to do with it. Having personally witnessed your commitment level to the sport I know you will do just as well as you plan on doing. as for getting back in touch with, family, work...I guess we all need to find a balance between triathlon and everything else. this is a factor in my choice to not train for anything more than oly distance...I simply don't have the time to commit after family, work, school, social life.....

Sarah, I agree with you about going for it even if you're not feeling totaly ready. it's easy to find a reason not to do it.........

as for myself I'm feeling stronger than I have in almost 8 weeks and am finaly over the bronchitis. so I'm back on track and training hard for my next sprint on july 4th. I'm really looking at that race as additional training for my following 2 oly in steamboat springs co. at 6700 feet in late august and the miami man international distance in november.

this leads to a question for Scott. I train at about 10 feet above sea level on flat roads. the race in august is 6700 feet and hilly ;P.....of course I grew up in boulder, co at about 5200 feet but will have lived in fl at sea level for almost a year prior to this race. any suggestions for how to get ready for such a drastic change in altitude?

2008-05-13 1:26 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL

I don't know if you listen to the tritalk podcast on itunes, but they talk a lot about the issues of going from low to high altitude training. You should check it out, there's a lot of incredible information there.
2008-05-13 5:03 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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NW Suburbs, Illinois
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL


I am glad you have a grip with what is going on.  15-20hrs is a TON of training.  You are going to do great in orlando.  And you will hopefully slow down a bit and get everything else back in shape.  It is a tough balancing act, no doubt.  Believe me, I have 3 kids.  I have taken this whole endeavor slowly building up to the IM.  Each step of the way, I have made sure to get buy in from the family.  At around 12 hours +, tris will affect work.  After that, the family.  I have made some sacrifices where I don't workout afternoon (rarely does it ever happen).  Other things can be done, but family definitely comes first.  And then work b/c you need the money to buy tri equipment!

Anyway, your story inspired me, so I am going to go down to Orlando this weekend.

OK, the truth is I will be down there with the family visiting Disney World!  I had no idea it was the same weekend as your HIM.  Not sure how things will play out, but maybe I will see you.  How long will you be down there?  There are a couple other midwestern BTers that will be down there racing, too (travisb?, tridds).

Should be a good time.  And not to put any pressure on you, but I expect a sub 5 hour race.  Hey, I have expectations of my mentees!

Good luck and HAVE FUN!

2008-05-13 5:05 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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NW Suburbs, Illinois
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
Angelo - Unfortunatley, I have no experience in going from low to high altitudes.  I would suggest getting there a couple days early if possible to acclimate.  Other than that, I am guessing.  Try what Mikkel suggests or do some googling and/or searching the forums.  Might even be a good post for triathlon talk.  Someone should be able to help.
2008-05-18 5:56 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
Gang - I am done with my first HIM!!!

It was an amazing experience (even if I didn't get to meet you in person Scott!), but I should also add that it was incredibly hard. I have posted a race report, so you should check that out but the highlights are:

Good swim, though crazy crowded (15 waves, for a total of 2300+ athletes), so a lot of it was spent swimming around people.

GIANT transition area, so transitions were slower than usual.

Ride was rolling hills and flat, a little windy and then we got hit with CRAZY rain for about 45 min's of the ride.

This rain meant that all my gear was wet as heck when I came back. I actually poured water out of my shoes and could hardly put my socks on.

As the run began, the sun came out. We were running in a forest like area along small rivers, so the sun beating on the wet environment created an oven-like effect. It was basically 92 with no wind, and a humidity that was at least that high, and that meant I had a pretty slow run.

But I did it, and I had a lot of fun doing it, and apart from a few blisters I feel fine, and I am going out to dinner and my first beer in 6 months!!! right now!
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