BT Development Mentor Program Archives » tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now) Rss Feed  
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2009-01-30 8:41 AM
in reply to: #1869304

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Extreme Veteran
Bethpage, New York
Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)

So what's on the agenda for this weeked??

My weekend starts with a 4000m swim tonight, rest day tomorrow (I have to work all day) and an 11 miler on Sunday.

2009-01-30 8:45 AM
in reply to: #1869304

Extreme Veteran
Western, Mass
Bronze member
Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
This weekend, Sat rest, Sunday skiing.
2009-01-30 9:29 AM
in reply to: #1869304


Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
I plan on swimming tonight.  I picked up the TI book and want to start a few of those drills.  This weekend is supposed to warm up, upper 40's and low 50's, so I'm excited to ride outside.  Then of course, watch the superbowl!  Hope everyone has a great weekend!
2009-01-30 3:02 PM
in reply to: #1869304

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Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)

Going to get a lifting session and shooting for a 6 mile run. Dont know if its going to happen all in one day or both days. We will see.

 Safe training

2009-01-30 10:05 PM
in reply to: #1869304

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Miami Fl
Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
I don't know yet if I can workout this weekend I have to work, problably on sunday between 12 pm to 5pm some run or bike.
On Monday I'll be back to the gym with some weight lifting and swimming.
Have a great weekend to everyone and safe training!!!! See you around.
2009-01-31 11:42 AM
in reply to: #1869304


Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
I'm going to try to swim 1000 yds (not quite 4000 but close enough) and bike for 40 min on sat, and then go for a run on sunday. we finally have some nice weather in salt lake and the inversion hasn't set in yet so the air quality won't be too bad until later next week...

2009-02-03 10:03 AM
in reply to: #1869304

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)

How did your guy's weekends go?  Sounds like we had some good training set for the weekend.  I traveled to Denver on a hockey trip.  I missed one day of training that I was planning on, but got out to run in downtown Denver, it was a bit chilly.

I am starting to taper my training sessions in preparation for my first tri this Sunday.  I am getting more nervous as the days pass this week.  Not nervous for my performance, I know I will finish and I am not looking for a specific time, but more that I don't trip anyone on the run or crash into anyone on the bike.

2009-02-03 10:30 AM
in reply to: #1943090

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Extreme Veteran
Bethpage, New York
Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
cjhild - 2009-02-03 11:03 AM

How did your guy's weekends go?  Sounds like we had some good training set for the weekend.  I traveled to Denver on a hockey trip.  I missed one day of training that I was planning on, but got out to run in downtown Denver, it was a bit chilly.

I am starting to taper my training sessions in preparation for my first tri this Sunday.  I am getting more nervous as the days pass this week.  Not nervous for my performance, I know I will finish and I am not looking for a specific time, but more that I don't trip anyone on the run or crash into anyone on the bike.

My weekend went well, no complaints!

You've got the right attitude about Sunday, just get out there and have a good time. I'm certain you won't trip anyone or run them off the road!
2009-02-03 11:37 AM
in reply to: #1869304

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Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)

cjhild, good luck! just try to think positive thoughts, i had the same worries. Getting hit in the swim, crashing my bike, and so much more that can go on. On my first triathlon i just tried to really take everything in and enjoy it and not let all the little stuff throw me off. Good luck and have fun. Youll be addicted in no time

2009-02-03 11:37 AM
in reply to: #1869304

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Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)

cjhild, good luck! just try to think positive thoughts, i had the same worries. Getting hit in the swim, crashing my bike, and so much more that can go on. On my first triathlon i just tried to really take everything in and enjoy it and not let all the little stuff throw me off. Good luck and have fun. Youll be addicted in no time

2009-02-04 1:48 PM
in reply to: #1869304

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
Thanks guys. I read on the board where someone said to take in everything at your first tri as you only get one first tri. I really want to enjoy the experience, probably about 50% excited and 50% nervous at this point, we will see how that changes over the next couple days.

2009-02-04 3:22 PM
in reply to: #1869304

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)

Hey group: Well I am back from my trip to was great.  The resort we stayed at was really nice and we mostly just sat on the beach for 7 days and relaxed.  We did some snorkeling out on the coral reefs (2) days and took a catamaran out to see some cliff divers which was cool.  I have to say I have never swam that much in a 7 day period before.  The water was perfect temperature (~78) and you could see clearly to the bottom at all the fish and plants.  I got in a couple runs but mostly Rachael & I just hung out and enjoyed the culture and food (lots of food ~ all inclusive means lots of food and drink).  I have my logs all up to date.  I start my 20 week HIM plan on March 1 and am really excited for the prep.  May 15 is my first tune-up and can't wait.  Looks like everyone's traininig has been going well...good job peeps.


2009-02-05 9:15 AM
in reply to: #1869304

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
Welcome back Ryan.  Sounds like you had a good trip and were able to keep the training going as well.
2009-02-05 11:53 AM
in reply to: #1869304

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Extreme Veteran
Bethpage, New York
Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
Welcome back! It sounds like you had a great trip, enjoy the down time before you plan kicks in. I hope newlywed life is treating you well!
2009-02-05 12:06 PM
in reply to: #1869304

Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)


Sorry I was MIA for a while, I couldn't find the link to the thread.

I've been trying for 6 workouts a week but getting in more like 5. Since my first sprint isn't until May 31st, I figure I still have plenty of time to get ready.

I did an indoor tri this past weekend at my gym put on my a local bike shop. It was really fun and showed me that I have a lot of work to do on the bike.  The format was 10 minutes in the pool, 30 on a spin bike and 20 on the treadmill, go as far as you can in that time. I did great on the swim, pretty good on the run but I was really slow on the bike compared to the other racers.

How can I increase my speed on the bike? Should I be doing weight training on my quads, hamstrings and gluts? Or is it just a matter of getting on the bike more often?

I'm hopefully going to get in an hour + ride on Sunday outside since it's supposed to be 50 here. I'll have a better feel for how far I actually go on my real bike. I'm also going to try to get to spin class more often. Any other suggestions?

2009-02-05 1:16 PM
in reply to: #1947229

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Extreme Veteran
Bethpage, New York
Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
NYC_Meg - 2009-02-05 1:06 PM


Sorry I was MIA for a while, I couldn't find the link to the thread.

I've been trying for 6 workouts a week but getting in more like 5. Since my first sprint isn't until May 31st, I figure I still have plenty of time to get ready.

I did an indoor tri this past weekend at my gym put on my a local bike shop. It was really fun and showed me that I have a lot of work to do on the bike.  The format was 10 minutes in the pool, 30 on a spin bike and 20 on the treadmill, go as far as you can in that time. I did great on the swim, pretty good on the run but I was really slow on the bike compared to the other racers.

How can I increase my speed on the bike? Should I be doing weight training on my quads, hamstrings and gluts? Or is it just a matter of getting on the bike more often?

I'm hopefully going to get in an hour + ride on Sunday outside since it's supposed to be 50 here. I'll have a better feel for how far I actually go on my real bike. I'm also going to try to get to spin class more often. Any other suggestions?


Congratulations on completing the triathlon! As for improving on the bike, you'll see the biggest gains by just riding a lot! You don't really need to worry about weight training too much, you can gain a ton of strength by riding hills. Don't be intimidated by super strong cyclists, odds are they have been riding for many years.

2009-02-06 10:08 AM
in reply to: #1869304

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Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)

cjhild...good luck this weekend. Have a great time and enjoy! After this, you'll be addicted, sorry man! haha. 

Good luck training this weekend everyone, got one rest day and one smaller run this weekend. The weather might hit the 40s HOLY COW, get out my shorts

2009-02-06 2:32 PM
in reply to: #1869304


Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)

Ryan - Congrats and welcome to married life!  My husband and I just married back in October.  Sounds like you had a wonderful time in Jamaica.

cjhild - Good luck on your race this weekend!  Can't wait to hear your race report next week.  Have fun!

NYCMeg - Awesome job on your tri.  It's great that you got a baseline of what you need to work on.  Your next tri should be a piece of cake with that under your belt!

Hope everyone has a great weekend.  We are supposed to have temps in the upper 60's! 

2009-02-06 9:26 PM
in reply to: #1869304

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Miami Fl
Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)

Hi everyone:

I hope you have a great training this weekend. I'll try to do the same between work. Also on Saturday my mother-in-law go back to her house in Argentina and I have to go to the airport. But ... I'll have an easy Sunday with time to workout. See you soon and enjoy the weekend !!!

2009-02-06 10:04 PM
in reply to: #1869304

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
Thanks for the support! Trying to lock in my checklist of stuff to have on race day (thanks for the help Matt). It is looking like rain on Sunday, so getting a bit nervous about that. Still very excited though, can't wait to get out there.
2009-02-07 8:02 AM
in reply to: #1950190

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Miami Fl
Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
Don't worry about the time in your first tri, just try to be calm and enjoy you race and have fun !!!!
You will have time to be focused in time and all stuff in your next races. Good luck !!!!! and GOOO GET  THEEMM !!!!

2009-02-07 11:23 AM
in reply to: #1869304

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Extreme Veteran
Bethpage, New York
Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
Good luck tomorrow! Race your own race, don't worry about what anyone else is doing and most of all, HAVE FUN!!
2009-02-09 12:36 AM
in reply to: #1869304

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)

Hey guys, check out my race log for the Redlands tri.  It was an absolute blast.  I was really looking forward to race day and it did not disappoint.  I am really excited to get back to my training.  Before, training could be tough sometimes but now that I have experienced the excitement of race day I cannot wait to get back to it.  Training before my first race was somewhat nebulous, not having any idea what I was going to experience, but now I cannot wait to work to improve my performance.  Good times.

Edited by cjhild 2009-02-09 8:50 AM
2009-02-09 10:13 AM
in reply to: #1869304

Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)

Since I've started training for the tri's I'm running more and farther than I ever thought I'd be able to. A friend of mine that I run with is starting to train for a half marathon and asked me to do it with her.

I think it's feasible to train for both the half marathon and an olympic tri at the same time. 1/2 marathon is in April, Sprint tri in May and Olympic in July.

My question is, will the increased running training be a bad thing for my tri training? I'll have to get up to 10+ miles to train for the 1/2 marathon.




2009-02-09 10:41 AM
in reply to: #1952438

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Extreme Veteran
Bethpage, New York
Subject: RE: tri_sport19's Group - FULL (for now)
NYC_Meg - 2009-02-09 11:13 AM

Since I've started training for the tri's I'm running more and farther than I ever thought I'd be able to. A friend of mine that I run with is starting to train for a half marathon and asked me to do it with her.

I think it's feasible to train for both the half marathon and an olympic tri at the same time. 1/2 marathon is in April, Sprint tri in May and Olympic in July.

My question is, will the increased running training be a bad thing for my tri training? I'll have to get up to 10+ miles to train for the 1/2 marathon.

It sounds like somone's got the endurance bug Wink

It's certainly do able to train for both (just think about half and full ironman training). The running won't have a negative effect on yoru tri training, the fitness should translate a little to cycling, just be sure your swimming doesn't suffer. The nice thing about swimming is that it's the perfect active recovery!

Be sure to follow a good half marathon plan so your body can adapt to the increase in orthopedic stress (the constant pounding on your bones and joints) that long distance runnign will create.

For the half marathon your longest run doesn't need to be any more than 10 miles. Good luck!

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