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2008-06-29 11:29 PM
in reply to: #1497968

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Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Great race report and fantastic video Lora!!!

Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Nearly brought tears to my eyes hearing about how number 22 got you through the swim. The more reports I read the more I hear of these acts of kindness; nice to know we are in a sport where beating other competitors isn't the only focus.  Very different from taekwondo

You can say it now Lora - you are a triathlete!!  Well done.

2008-06-30 8:48 AM
in reply to: #1498081

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
mmh - 2008-06-30 12:29 AM

Great race report and fantastic video Lora!!!

Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Nearly brought tears to my eyes hearing about how number 22 got you through the swim. The more reports I read the more I hear of these acts of kindness; nice to know we are in a sport where beating other competitors isn't the only focus.  Very different from taekwondo

You can say it now Lora - you are a triathlete!!  Well done.

Thanks so much, Michelle!  I had one of the best times of my life!  The swim was not hard so much as it was scary.  Wasn't #22 amazing?  I feel like I owe her my life!  I'm glad you got to read about this first part of my journey.  I look forward to hearing about yours!

Thanks so much again!!!!

2008-07-01 12:16 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Hello! Sorry I've been quiet, it's really not like me. lol.  It's been quite busy the past few weeks.  Lora, that was an awesome race.  Congratulations.  You overcame a lot that day and thats a lot to be proud of.  Now you can loo forward to all the others!  And you'll get stronger with each one.

I had my second tri on Sunday.  I tried to make to many specific goals.  I really just wanted to give it everything I had and have fun.  And I did do that.  I dropped my chain on the bike within the first 1/2 mile.  But I fixed it myself and mananged to catch up to a few people.  I was happy with myself for not letting throw me off.  So my time should have been slightly faster, but these things happen.  RR is up if you want to read  more about it.  I'll be catching up on all of you this week, I promise.

2008-07-02 12:37 PM
in reply to: #1501907

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Big congratulations on your second tri, Jessica!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I bet you're soooo thrilled you were able to get that chain back on!  For it taking time the time it did off of your overall time, you still did great overall!!!!!

Congratulations again!

2008-07-03 3:24 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
Hello all from sunny Florida! I sure could get used to living down hee if it was not for the bills and my job expecting me to show up everyday! Been having a great time, we did Disney and all other sorts of cool fun stuff. I have even gotten some workouts in down here. Just wanted to check in!
2008-07-03 5:44 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Hi everyone, thought it was time I put a few comments up -  I have been a bit slack 

Great race Jess, you are soundling like a veteran already - bugger about the chain and everything, must have been frustrating.

Reading all of your race reports makes me itch to get into it and it is still MONTHS away before we start the season here - still all the time I can get to improve my swimming the better.

For the first time in AGES the sun is shining and there is no wind - woo hoo. It has been awful here, windy as hell and really cold but it looks as though we are to have 3 days of sunshine before it turns to crap again. My youngest is going to a friends for a playdate today so I am going to head out to the wall to do my run and bike. I have been running on the treadmill and doing my bike on the spin bike at the gym - can't even remember the last time the weather was ok to be out in!!

I'm dying to see how much better or worse my biking is after doing so much stationary.

Anyone got any races this weekend?

2008-07-03 5:54 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Supersonicus Idioticus
Thunder Bay, ON
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
How much better you'll be after the stationary??

Not much.

I'm sorry, but for the amount of tears you put into the stationary bike, it doesn't seem as fast as it should. But don't worry, it DOES make you a better cyclist after a couple weeks riding - it's just not instant gratification.

So I promise to do my check-up this weekend. My new(ish) job is a bit crazy, so I'll be more active when it settles down. I totally need to check up on race reports! Keep it up everyone!

2008-07-03 6:02 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Thanks Greg,  the stationary bike is at this point "better than nothing" as I just can't get out with the weather the way it is. Can't wait to feel the wind in my hair again though

All the best with the new job.

2008-07-04 2:20 PM
in reply to: #1507508

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
Have a great 4th of July (for those that celebrate it!)!!  And for those that don't, have a great weekend!  For those who follow bicycling, the Tour de France starts on Sat July 5th. 
2008-07-04 6:08 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

I am completely hooked on the tour!! I walk around bumping into things for the whole time it is on due to lack of sleep

Our aussie guys Cadel Evans and Robbie McEwan are my favorites and should be really good to watch again this year - Cadel came second last year so he is a good chance.

I'm going to Paris to run the marathon next year (for my 40th) and it was a huge toss up between going for the marathon and going instead to watch the tour - decided I could participate in the marathon so I had to give it a go.

Have a great weekend everyone. My father in law is having his 90th birthday party at our place today and thankfully I have woken up to blinding sunshine


2008-07-05 12:38 AM
in reply to: #1508685

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
Yeah, I am hooked too.  I think Cadel has a really good chance this year and has had a good showing in some recent races.  Robbie is always a strong sprinter and shouldn't disappoint.  Not really sure who I am rooting for this year.  I usually go with Levi Leipheimer but his team wasn't allowed in this year, which i think was a travesty and a whole other issue.  I think overall it might be a weaker group of riders but at least they should all be clean (or mostly clean) and that is what the sport really needed.  I will usually watch the race, see how it progresses,  and root for the underdog if i don't have a strong favorite!  I would love to spend several weeks in France just following the tour around and eating and staying in small towns along the way. 

2008-07-06 6:11 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Hi everyone,

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and for those of you who had an event I hope you kicked some butt and I look forward to reading your reports.

I was just doing a search for swim plans and came across this site that offers free swimming plans and thought some of you might be interested.

Site is

I found the site really useful as a beginner. You enter things like how long the pool is that you swim at and what equipment you have and what your goals are and they give you the plan best suited to that and its FREE woo hoo!!!


2008-07-07 7:56 PM
in reply to: #1510624

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
Hey, that swimplan thing looks great.  I'll definitely check it out.  Thanks for the tip.
2008-07-07 9:39 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Supersonicus Idioticus
Thunder Bay, ON
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
I checked out the race report (finally) Jessica... you dropped your chain as in it split apart? Or got caught in the gears? If it split, congratz on fixing your chain for the first time in the race, which makes me wonder why you were carrying a bike chain tool, but to each their own eh? It sounded like a good race!

I looked at the swim program website. That is some pretty good stuff. I only looked at the samples, so if there is enough variety day-to-day, it would be a good resource. Though, not as good as a coach, which makes me say again...


So we're all geared up for the Tour, are we?? Aussie are going to win?? I think not. My bet is on the 1/180 chance that the CANADIAN is going to win. Actually, my guess is for Hincape, (/Cunego is my 2nd pick), but we'll wait and see.

So I"ve gotten in some decently lengthed workouts, and I have a few words of advice for you. In any workout, you must plan ahead. That includes food, water.... AND BATHROOM BREAKS. Never do a long out-and-back run without a potential rest stop beyond 15 minutes (cause it will be 30 before you get back to it). I also tried an 1hr bike ride, and Jessica, I don't know how you do 3 hours... my legs were TOAST!

Anyway, it's time for me to check up on your logs, ciao for now.
2008-07-08 3:15 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
Did we give up on a new team name?
2008-07-09 10:57 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Today, here is my plan


1500 yard swim- check

Spin class followed by a 1mile run later this evening.


What is on your schedules?

2008-07-09 7:11 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Hi there,

My plan for today is to go for my first run for the week (it has been impossible over the school holidays) and then take my daughter indoor rock climbing

2008-07-10 10:40 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

So I am swimming about 4-5 days a week now, and it has really made me comfortable in the pool. Here is the thing though, I do workouts as I get to the pool. I do some sprints of different lengths and some distance swims, but what I do not do is ever use flippers or kick boards or any type of contraption in these workouts. It's freestyle all the way.

So team, let me know. Do you use flippers or kickboards while working out, and if so, what does it do for you?


My mindset has always been to train like a race...

2008-07-10 11:37 AM
in reply to: #1520168

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Plan for the day:  1h swim at lunch; 1 1/2h bike followed by a 30m run after work.  Busy day.

jford:  I read that swimming with paddles/flippers is good to build strength for those that are new to swimming and trying to get a base down.  I think you've got that down.  I think drills are really useful, and I do at least some of them almost every swim.  But I don't know that many long time triathletes that use paddles/flipers/boards unless it's the off season.  I'm also a firm believer in training like you race.  Although, this is still new to me and I've just starting training with more intensity to be more race-like.  But, I may be completely wrong on this issue.

greg:  my chain didn't break, it just came off the ring.  I had to stretch it back around.  For normal people, this would take about 30 seconds. lol.  But then again, those are the people that can also change a flat in less than 2 min.  But I was happy that I did it all by myself and got right back on the bike.

2008-07-10 11:48 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
Guess I am in the mindset of not using your legs very much to save them for the bike/run, but the next 2 Tri's I have schedule are such short swims (600 yards and 500 yards), it doesn't mkae sense not to kick to go faster. So I was kicking around the idea of using flippers in my swims to see if I could gain any speed...
2008-07-10 6:06 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Hi All,

jford: I have been swimming in flippers A LOT as I get used to being in the pool and try to increase endurance.  I used to do about half and half and in the the last month just got used to using them the whole session.  The other week I took them off and I felt like I was sinking and that my legs were like lead - wished my feet were bigger  

I will now be doing the bulk of my sessions without flippers as I think the difference between using them and not using them is too great - I had given myself a false sense of progress.

Not sure if that helps or not..

2008-07-10 6:29 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Supersonicus Idioticus
Thunder Bay, ON
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Pull buoy (styrofoam thing between your legs) is probably your best bet. It lets your legs float and you can work on rotating your body with your stroking. Swimming with it is not that hard too.

I would let go of the flippers for now because it is very hard to harmonize your kicking with your natural stroke rate. They are a good tool when looking to build strength or to kick strong while you swim.

Try the pull buoy... you'll be amazed.
2008-07-11 3:09 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
Well this morning I did use the pull buoy, and I found it strange at first and also found that it is harder for me to swim in a straight line using the buoy. I swam 4 laps with the buoy, then I swam 4 laps with the fins the pool provides. Man were they heavy, and really hard to use, when I did get the kick going, it was harder to use my arms! So that did not last long, but one thing I noticed is that when I was doing my longer sets, my leggs felt better that they normally did, I think it was becasue I got them warmed up and the blood flowing. Usually I do not use my legs that much in a swim, but I think it helped me kicking with those flippers for a few laps, so I might just use flippers as a warmup, and use the pull buoy more before doing my normal swim.
2008-07-14 12:43 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
Anybody reading this anymore????
2008-07-14 1:00 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

jford: yep, I'm reading

Been a bit of a "go slow" for me with the school holidays and kids all around and no time to myself but went out for a fantastic run this morning.

I haven't been in the pool for a couple of weeks which is a bit worrying but I am now armed with my new swimming plan and can't wait to get into it.

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