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2009-01-19 12:28 PM
in reply to: #1911728

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

I am going to try that swim golf next time I go for a swim, what is the average strokes across a pool? What is considered efficient?  

How do you all keep count of your laps? I always lose count around 300 yards. Thanks Terri

2009-01-19 12:34 PM
in reply to: #1911728

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

In Hawaii, we had a high wind warning that never materialized. They shut down all the schools and state offices...guess state workers wanted a 4 day weekend.  It is just funny to me because this is nothing to compare what all you in the midwest and east coast go through with the snow and all.  I can see if it was a hurricane warning but no.


2009-01-19 12:53 PM
in reply to: #1904702

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

My next biathlon is a relay so I hope just having to only swim and not run before the swim will help . It was totally different than pool swimming, I thought it would be easier...the back stroke helped a lot for rest.

Yes sea creatures scare me, my friend got stung by a jelly fish last week, usually there is warnings but this influx was unusual.  No sharks usually in the area that I swam but lots of sea turtles, they don't bite but look scary and slimy...ugh something I need to get over.

2009-01-19 2:18 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Hi, As far as what is the "optimal" stroke count, well, that will vary from person to person.  A 5' 2" woman will have a higher stroke count than a 6' man.  Also, fitness level will obviously play a part too. It is variable and individual which makes it a great way to monitor your own progress compared to only yourself.  When you first try to lower your stroke rate don't be surprised when your time initially goes down.  Working on form will  cause you to slow down some.  After time, when you can increase your speed a little with a couple fewer strokes you know you've made progress. 

Keeping track of distance....yes, I'm sure there have been many a swim workout where I've been short or gone long.  It helps to break down the longer swims into smaller increments.  Such as thinking of a 1000 meter swim as 2, 500's.  Also, I count laps as opposed to lengths or actual distance. So, a 500 meter would be 10 laps. ( a lap in a 25 meter pool is 2 lengths - a 50) I find it easier to keep track that way.  Also if I'm following a specific workout plan, I print it out and put it in one of those plastic page covers and bring it to the pool with me.

So, in Hawaii you close down for high winds. Must have been predicting some kinda wind. I know when you read stuff about doing Kona, everyone always mentions the wind.

Happy MLK day!  School is closed today. (and we don't have to make up this one  )




2009-01-20 5:45 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Hi Susie,


     Thanks for the info on the LG shoes. I tried them out on the trainer last night and they felt very nice. I have a wider foot and they fit great. They are a little stiffer coming out of the clip but I have plenty of time to get used to the new clips. I have a Shimano pedal and clips. 


     I officially started a training plan on Sun for Forest City 10K in May. The plan is from Runners World and looks to be very doable. I am off to the pool for a swim then out to one of the metro parks for a 3-4 mile run. What does everyone have lined up for today?

2009-01-20 8:14 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
I was going to head back to the gym for another SET class w/weights and a swim, but it's looking like my 8 year old may be staying home from school sick. He's asleep on the couch, and he sounds awfully congested (which is probably why he came to the couch at some point last night). So, who knows now...

2009-01-20 7:39 PM
in reply to: #1916544

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Thanks for the tip on counting laps, it really help me keep track today Did not try the swim golf yet, maybe next time
2009-01-20 8:23 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Hi Everyone,

Karen, glad the LG shoes are working out for you.  One of the reasons I like them is that they have a wider toe box than many of the other brands.  My toes needs that extra wiggle room.  Also, you should be able to adjust the tension on your pedals to make the shoes unclip easier.  And Congrats on the official start of the training plan!

Jennifer, I hope your son is feeling better. It's so hard when the kids are sick.   And how did you survive the 14 year old's birthday party?

Terry, glad you had an easier time keeping track during swimming. Let me know how the swim golf goes.  I'll be doing that at swimming tomorrow.  I've not been in the pool much in the last couple of months so I'm curious to see how I'll do. 

Well, it's just too quiet around my house tonight. My older son went back to school today   my younger son is not back from DC yet, and my husband is at a meeting, so it's just me and the dog.

Keep on training!


2009-01-20 10:32 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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New user
Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Birthday party was okay- really crazy, but pretty much what I expected.

I did manage to get in a bike ride for 7+ miles today while little guy slept, and then hubby got home surprisingly early, so I went for a jog/walk for 2+ miles. I'm sure he wasn't exactly pleased that I bailed on him the second he walked in the door, but if he was upset he didn't say anything.

He's not working tomorrow, so we're going to the gym to swim together in the morning. I'm gonna' swim golf!

2009-01-20 10:35 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Oh, and I signed up for a 5k on Feb 7. I figured it would help to have a shorter-term goal. Plus, then I'll have a better idea of what my run will be at the end of the tri. I will have to walk some & that's okay!
2009-01-21 7:21 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Wow Jennifer, your first race. Excellent!

I'm sooooooooo tired right now.  Our roof starting leaking last night due to all the snow and ice accumulation and so we have a large bucket in our bedroom where the water is drip, drip, dripping through the ceiling.  I didn't sleep most of the night due to the water torture and the worry about the repair cost etc.  Ahh winter, gotta love it.


Did make it to swimming this morning despite the lack of zzzzz'z

Edited by suzimmer 2009-01-21 7:23 PM

2009-01-22 5:10 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
I'm having a bad week.....

I've been having major headaches that are hormone related (read : I have my period!). My dog was sick last night so I missed my run with the club BUT I rode on the training for 40 minutes. And tonight I'm going to the vet which means I'll be missing swimming BUT I think I'll do my missed running workout instead before the vet appointment (which is at 8pm).

I HATE HATE not been on schedule. I feel so guilty when I miss workouts but sometimes life gets in the way and I HAVE to relax and just go with it.

A lot of CAP LOCK in this post huh? It's just that I'm a wee bit frustrated but it will past. It's not like I'm not doing anything right? RIGHT?


PS : my dog is old (he's 12) and he's having a hard time moving. Yesterday my mom came over to take him out and he loves it usually. He just laid there and wouldn't move. When I came home from work, he was still on his couch (5 hours later) and it took me a while to get him up and outside to do his business. His back legs were not strong enough to carry him. He got better as the evening passed but he's slow and it's hard for him to get moving. We are going to the vet tonight and I'm scared of the decision we will have to make. He has other stuff going on and his days are counted (he's a small dog - a pekenese)
2009-01-22 9:05 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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New user
Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Hi Patricia, I'm sorry your dog is having a tough go at things. I have had a couple of those difficult vet trips myself, so I feel for you. Cry I think it's amazing you're able to get in a workout at all- who cares it wasn't the one you had planned? It's not like you just threw up your hands completely. Give yourself credit for what you ARE doing. I think as women we are especially good at beating ourselves up for failing to meet our own expectations- and I think it's time we all dump our guilt! Plus, when you are as stressed and emotional as I imagine you must be, your workout wasn't bound to be as productive as usual anyways. You'll be back on top soon.

As for me, I didn't swim golf yesterday. Forgot my watch. Had a great workout though. I wanted to see if I could even swim 800 yards at all- and I did 1000 yards after my 50 yard warm-up. It was slow, and I don't care. I was just happy to not be exhausted at the end.

Have a great week.

2009-01-22 12:33 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Thanks Jennifer

BIG congrats on swimming 1000 yards!!! You rock!!!

Hubby's not sure about going to the vet tonight. He's working and can't get the night off... I don't want to go by myself
2009-01-22 7:29 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

 Hi all,

Jennifer, Congrats on the Swim!  You go Girl! Keep up the great work.

Patricia, I'm so sorry to hear your dog is not doing well.  I'm a huge dog (all animals) lover and it's only been 3 short years since we lost our Molly.  We still have Toby, but I can certainly feel what you are going through. I hope the vet appt. goes well and no hard decisions need to be made yet, especially if you are there alone.

As far as the missed training, you're right, just let it go.  I have struggled with that issue also and it's taking me several years just to realize that it's OK to miss a workout, or two or even, GASP! a week. You will be fine and quite possibly even better than fine because your body has had a well earned rest.  But don't get me wrong, I understand the feeling. I like to joke about my OCD when it comes to training.  I'm the kind of person that if I have a 60 minute run scheduled and my usual 60 min route takes only 58 min, I will run around the block to make sure I get to 60 min.  I totally stressed when I got a sick last spring and had to take some time off of my IM training.  But some very wise BTer's gave me the same advice I've given you. So don't be hard on yourself.  Of course it is ironic that during the times we most need a good workout to help elevate stress is when we are stressed by life and can't workout.

Let us know how everything turns out.


2009-01-22 8:32 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Hi Patricia, I hope everything went well at the vet. I am also a dog lover. We had to put down our Elsa dog two years ago. She was a 12 year old Chesapeake Bay Retriever. She was a little like the dog in Marley and Me, very stubborn and mischievous but, very lovable and protective over the kids. Let us know how the little guy is doing



2009-01-23 12:13 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Thanks all for your support

He has anti-inflammatories to take and we are going back on Monday for a full check up. He seems better now but not his usual self. The good thing is that he eats and drinks so that is a good sign.

I got my swimming training in last night too. I was so tired but I'm happy I went. We did 150's with the first 25-50m at race pace. I don't know what my race pace is but I know it's not fast (lol)

Tonight, I'm going for a run after work (anyway that's what's on the plan ) and tomorrow morning is my loonnggg swim and bike workout. Should be fun

Have a great day....

2009-01-23 9:06 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed


Glad to hear the pooch is doing a bit better. And that you were still able to get your workout in.  

Happy Friday everyone!  I don't know about anyone else, but this week seemed to last forever...and it was a 4 day week for me too.

Happy training this weekend.



2009-01-23 9:52 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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West Richland
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Hi Ladies -

Glad to see you all have been doing such a great job keeping up with your training.  It motivates me to have a good long work out tomorrow.  I have been on business travel for the last week and a half which really puts a tail spin on my training.  I did get in a few runs in while I was gone (one in Vegas for an hour and a half cause I got lost!) but not nearly enough! 

Thanks for helping me get motivated for my workout tomorrow!


2009-01-24 2:19 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
In november we did a 750m test (swimming) - keep in mind that I had just been swimming for a month at that point. So :

November 2008
750m = 21:57

January 2009
800m = 19:27

I have the best coaches.

We did a 800m test today. I was very nervous because I was sure not to be able to do it. I started out telling myself to relax and go slow and easy and I managed to finish with at pretty decent time (for me!) and with energy left!! This gave me so much confidence for my first race in June. I'm really scared of the swim (scared to not be able to finish and have to come back hanging off a kayak!!).

I still have a nagging headache so I skipped running outside. Besides, it was so cold I really didn't feel like bundling up. In other words, I was lazy (lol) We usually spin on Saturday morning's but today there was a soccer tournament in the gym so the coach switched our training to running. The weather is still in the minus one thousand's around here

Hope your training is going well.


2009-01-24 3:01 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Patricia, Well done on the swimming! You've really made great progress in a short amount of time.  By June I don't think you will need to be worrying about having to hang on the kayak.

Terry, travelling does mess up the training schedule, but I'm glad to hear you are motivated to get back into the swing. 

For me....time to take my own advice about missing training.  I did something to my knee last Tuesday during my SES class.  Pop, pain, buckle.  Not good.  I have continued to have intermitant pain and buckling.  (of course I have continued to workout) Today is the worst so far.  Time to rest the knee and see what happens.  My first inclination is to rush to the DR, (because I am impatient) but I probably should give it a few days rest then see what happens.  ARGGG! I hate injuries!!!!

 Happy training everyone.


2009-01-25 11:30 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

I'm putting a positive spin on the fact that I'm taking today off.

Slept in (heavenly), hazelnut coffee with the Sunday paper, 11:30 and I'm still in my jammies.  The last time that (still in jammies part) happened I was probably sick.


2009-01-26 7:25 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Happy Monday,

     I hope everyone is doing good. Does anyone have big training plans for the week? I am doing a long swim tomorrow. My longest so far is 1700 meters. Tomorrow I want to do 2000. I have been working on breathing and pulling. I am still very slow but, getting a bit faster. After my swim I am going XC skiing with my husband. It's been a few years so this should be interesting. On Sat we are going to a trainerfest. One of the local BTers has invited the SE Michigan people to his house.  Everyone is showing up with a bike, a trainer and a mat to put it on. He has a few of he IM races recorded to watch while we spin. Sounds like a lot of fun.

     Susie, your rest day yesterday must have been  awesome.

     Patricia, I hope your pup is doing good.

     Jennifer, your running is coming along real nice.

     Ruth, I'm glad your back.



2009-01-26 7:48 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Karen, let us know how the 2000 m swim goes and the Trainerfest sounds awesome.  What a great idea.  I have yet to use my trainer this winter.  I find it very boring, but I'm starting to feel guilty that my bike is just sitting there looking at me every time I go downstairs.

Yes, the rest day was nice, however I'm still worried about the knee.  Still giving me trouble although not horriblbe.  Right now I'm trying to decide what to do tomorrow morning.  Of course, I'm leaning toward going to class, especially since the pants I wore today were a wee bit snug and didn't used to be.

Let's hear about everyone's weekend or as Karen asked, any big training plans for the week.


2009-01-27 8:15 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Susie - I'm sorry about your knee. I hope it heals fast....

My dog has stones in his bladder!! He will be getting an operation on Thursday. That's why he was so down and not moving much. Poor baby, I feel guilty for not seeing the symptoms sooner He's in pain and needs that surgery or else we have to put him down. We chose the surgery. I'm surprized my hubby agreed to this, I thought he wouldn't have wanted to spend so much money on the dog. I guess he's more attached than he leds on!

As for training, well I have a big week planned (which might change depending on the dog situation)

Tuesday : Swim
Wednesday : run
Thursday : Swim (maybe)
Friday : run
Saturday : Swim and bike (maybe)
Sunday : run

The operation is on Thursday so I'm not sure if I'll be able to go to my swim training, depending on what kind of care I need to give to the dog. And Saturday morning, well again it depends on how Picasso (my dog's name - don't ask (lol) ) is doing.

Oh and the vet is a member of my tri-club!! How cool is that
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