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2009-02-11 7:38 AM
in reply to: #1955940

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
sahebb - 2009-02-10 7:53 PM

Finished my water for the day.  Did a short run tonight no speed work.  I will incorporate my speed work into my longer run tomorrow.

Question: Has anyone had a burning in their stomach while running.  Not a cramp, but a burning?

I have never heard of burning during a run. I have no clue.

2009-02-11 10:41 AM
in reply to: #1956174

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Western Massachussetts
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!

I am thinking my food just wasn't digested all the way??? I waited four hours after eating though.  No big deal, as long as it doesn't keep happening. 

I made a mistake, my long run is not tonight, it is Thurs. night.  Since, it has gotten warmer here I will try to run outside today, if it is not too wet. 

2009-02-11 4:12 PM
in reply to: #1956634

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!

I can't run after eating. I will have to learn to eat and run, but I don't even try now. A bagel at the most. Goodluck with your run tonight

BTW, I finished both liters of water already, so everything else is a bonus

2009-02-12 3:36 PM
in reply to: #1957426

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Western Massachussetts
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!

It was too wet to run outside yesterday, so I laid down to take a short nap after work and when I woke up it was 11:45 pm. Whoops.   Yesterday ended up  being my rest day.  I did get all the water in though.

I have already finished my water for today and I know I will drink more after my run.

2009-02-12 4:20 PM
in reply to: #1867072

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Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
I've got the water this week, I drink alot of water anyway. I planned on doing my speed work today but we are in a big wind advisory all day. I went on a long run but it was like running in water and I just could not pick my pace up.
2009-02-12 5:54 PM
in reply to: #1867072

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Western Massachussetts
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
 I did my 5mi run today and the run challenge.  I hope I did the speed work right?  Check my training log for today.  I did the repeat 5x. 

2009-02-13 8:32 AM
in reply to: #1867072

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Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!

I am a real newbie at running so I'm skipping the run challenge, however, I bought a Nalgene bottle (very blue) with a wide mouth (dishwasher ready) that holds 64 oz, almost 2L and I have been chugging a full bottle each day.  I usually finish the bottle at dinner and then refill and into the fridge for the next day. 

I have a short extra run today (my right calve really hurts and I'm going to take it slow) and then my first swim lesson.  I've been swimming alot but Kathy says I need to get the fundamentals correct so I don't burn in a bad technique.

2009-02-13 3:16 PM
in reply to: #1867072

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Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
Did 750 all freestyle finallySmile I was able to swim another 1000 and only went into my rescue stroke 2 times, felt great. I hope to get in an adult swim class soon and work on technique which I am sure is poor right now but still pleased with today.
2009-02-13 6:50 PM
in reply to: #1867072

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Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!

OMG!  My new water bottle holds a liter - I need to drink two a day DOH!

Did a swim lesson today with Kathy's swim coach and my right calf is so sore I didn't do my run.  Doesn't hurt to stand on it, or press forward or backward, but side to side pressure causes a sharp pain along the inside of my lower leg (where there's no fat).  I'm going to take it slow and work on the swim and bike for a little while.

2009-02-14 12:09 PM
in reply to: #1867072

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Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
Gotta wait for KathyG to get off the trainer so I can do my bike.  Leg feels better and I need to go very slow on the run tomorrow and stop if I feel pain.  Ice and stretching too afterwards.  Looking forward to the bike.  Finished my first liter of water at lunch and I feel like I am going to bust.
2009-02-14 3:27 PM
in reply to: #1867072

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Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
Finished second liter of water during bike on trainer WOO HOO!

Edited by Kevin G 2009-02-14 3:27 PM

2009-02-14 3:32 PM
in reply to: #1867072

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Western Massachussetts
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!

Happy Valentines Day Everybody! 

I had to clean my house today, so much of my time was spent doing just that. I got a good work out vacuuming.  I have two labs, need I say more? I finished my water for the day.  No running today, I did a strength training DVD for an hour total body workout.

2009-02-15 10:00 PM
in reply to: #1961338

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!

fungi32 - 2009-02-13 1:16 PM Did 750 all freestyle finallySmile I was able to swim another 1000 and only went into my rescue stroke 2 times, felt great. I hope to get in an adult swim class soon and work on technique which I am sure is poor right now but still pleased with today.

Congrats!!! It only gets easier from here. Keep at it.

2009-02-15 10:01 PM
in reply to: #1962322

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!

Kevin G - 2009-02-14 1:27 PM Finished second liter of water during bike on trainer WOO HOO!

Good job getting in that water and make sure to take care of that leg. Maybe next week should be a swim challenge week.

2009-02-15 10:06 PM
in reply to: #1959638

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!

sahebb - 2009-02-12 3:54 PM  I did my 5mi run today and the run challenge.  I hope I did the speed work right?  Check my training log for today.  I did the repeat 5x. 

You did great with your speed work.
I find it easier to do it outside, but I have the luxury of running outside all year.

2009-02-15 10:20 PM
in reply to: #1963832

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!

This weeks challenge

Why don't we keep the water challenge going. Even though most of you already drink this much, if I don't have a goal I will drink 2 liters of Diet Coke instead.

Instead of a swim challenge, why don't we try a few swim sets?
My favorite swim set is the ladder.

  1. First start with an easy warm up. I like to use the pull bouy and the kick board for a few 100's. I am not really going hard, just trying to get comfortable in the water.
  2. Next we build each set a little further than the last set.
    So, since this is our first swim exercise, why don't we go:
  3. 25, 50, 75, 100, 100, 75, 50, 25.

For these, try to keep the same rest interval for every set. So if you take a 30 sec rest after your first set, take only 30 secs between every other set.

You should also try to keep the same intensity for every set, which will get harder as you go. Since this is our first time, try not to go too hard or you might bust a gut on your last 25!

Add in a cool ddown as well. Again, kickboard and pull bouy are great cool down tools.

This set is 500 yards + warm up and cool down. If you want to go longer, you can double the distances or if this is too long, cut out some of your warm up and cool down

Let me know how it felt going up in distance vs going down in distance.

Good luck, I might actually get wet this week


2009-02-19 7:42 AM
in reply to: #1867072

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
How are you guys doing? It's so quiet in here.
2009-02-19 11:32 AM
in reply to: #1970019

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Western Massachussetts
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
It is a super busy week for me and my workouts are suffering this week.  I am doing good with the water.  I will be swimming Fri evening.  I probably will only get a couple runs in this week.  I am using my free time to shop for equipment. Plan on being back full force next week.
2009-02-20 3:57 PM
in reply to: #1867072

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Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
Got the water down, slip a little on the weekends. Swimming seems to be going better worked  drills only today breathing to the left which did not go well and some drills on finishing my stroke by touching my hip and another to work on returning my hands fully in front of me. The last one was hard probably needed fins on but overall went well. Also did challenge. I am hoping on putting in some brick training next week??

Edited by fungi32 2009-02-20 3:59 PM
2009-02-21 1:22 PM
in reply to: #1867072


Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
Sorry I haven't posted in a while.  I have been working out, but just haven't had time to get online and post.  I have been having a good bit of pain in the rear from something--not sure if it is a pulled hamstring or sciatic pain.  I bought new running shoes today.  I have lost three toenails and have pain in my big toe so I think it may all be coming from my shoes.  I haven't been running since Wednesday and everything feels better. Did an hour and a half spinning class today.  I may do a short run tomorrow to see if everything feels better. Sorry I can't do the water challenge. I have reflux when I drink a lot of water and it has triggered extremely painful esophageal spasms in the past.  I like the swimming workout though and will keep you posted on how that goes.  Hope everyone in having a GREAT weekend. 
2009-02-22 10:32 AM
in reply to: #1974800

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Western Massachussetts
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!

 Just an update.

Melanie, glad to hear from you.  Sounds like you have been training really hard.  I am buying new sneakers today, as well.  I have researched and tried on quite a few pairs and have decided on the Asics 2140's.  I have also been researching and shopping for a bike.  No purchase yet. I took a recovery week this week and my masters swim program got delayed until March.  It has been frustrating, because they keep postponing it.  My official tri training starts with my coach in April though.  So I am not too worried about the swimming yet.

2009-02-22 2:35 PM
in reply to: #1867072


Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
What kind of bike are you looking at?  I have a Trek hybrid with pretty high handlebars.  I feel a bit like the Wicked Witch in Wizard of Oz when I am riding.  If I survive my first Tri in April, I may start looking for something a little faster.  I am getting ready to go for a run on the treadmill in my new shoes.  I got Nike's because the arch supports felt better than the others, but if these don't work out, I am going to take a look at the Asics. I hear they are really good--the heel just felt a little loose when I tried them on.  Hope you get some good workouts in this week!  It snowed here last night, so I am going to workout at the gym AGAIN!! Looking forward to spring!
2009-02-22 4:04 PM
in reply to: #1975839

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Western Massachussetts
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!

I feel spring is never going to come to western MA. I live in the Berkshires and we have had so much snow and ice here it is ridiculous.  It has been snowing all day today.  I am so sick of the treadmill, and I am scheduled to run 7-8 mi today. 

I am looking at tri-bikes but I need to stay within a budget.  They are so expensive.  I have been looking on ebay as well.  I am not sure, but I have read good things about Trek.  They have an entry level tri-bike that may be affordable, and has had good ratings.  

2009-02-23 1:07 PM
in reply to: #1867072

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!

Morning everybody. I have been gone all weekend with soccer (as usual), but now soccer is over and I can start getting back into the triathlon thing.

I hope you all had a great weekend.

Trek does make good entry level bikes as does Felt. The most important thing about a bike is fit. Too big or too small and you will never get comfortable on it and never ride it.

Every manufacturer has different sized bikes even if they are labeled as being the same. I would suggest going to different bike shops and trying them out. You don't need to buy on the spot (I would advise against it until you try a bunch of bikes) but they can give you an idea of what size bike you are looking for in each brand that you want.

Most shops will sell you the best bike that they have in stock and not necessarily the best bike for you.

Once you know what bike and what size, you can look online for them. If you find one cheaper, you may haggle with the shop to get them to lower the price.

Now, remember, when buying a bike, the pedals don't come with it. So unless you already own bike shoes, you will need to add the price of the shoes and pedals into the price of the bike. Also, small things like water bottle cages, CO2 cartridges, tubes and tool bags are extra as well. And, don't let them let you leave without a proper bike fitting. Usually, they will adjust the seat so you can test ride the bike, but insist that they fit you before you leave the shop once you buy it. Most fittings can take up to an hour, so set that time aside when you are ready to buy.

Lastly, if you buy a bike online you can still go to a shop and get fit, they will just charge you for it. Sometimes up to $100, so take that into consideration when deciding what to buy.

Hope that helped


2009-02-24 6:35 AM
in reply to: #1867072

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Subject: RE: Madcow's Group- FULL!
Sorry I have not been blogging (I guess thats what this is) real busy at work. Swam Sunday and just did not have it, got distance in but struggled breathing. Our academy class is at the point they will do some longer runs and some hills so i am going to run with them this week and hope to get an actual bike ride in also, supposed to warm up some later in the week. I am no bike expert but make sure you get fitted my first bike I just bought and really had some pain in knees because of fit. I have a giant ocr now and love it, reasonable price. I also suggest you find a reputable local bike shop it has really helped me, the guy that runs the one I use has actually sent me to some good internet deals as opposed to selling me something he has in stock??
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