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2009-04-15 7:36 AM
in reply to: #2085140

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
maggiewvu - 2009-04-14 11:45 PM Lora - my sister went to Marshall!  We like to give each other a hard time with the rivalry.  I'm a huge football fan, but she could care less.  I'm going to the blue and gold spring game this Saturday and am so excited.  My boyfriend and I are meeting my dad there.

Sounds like everyone is getting their training in.  Great job!  I had a busy day today.  I was in SC and NC since last Thursday visiting family.  Mom in NC and sister in Myrtle Beach, SC.  Had a 7 hour drive home today.  Got back in town at about 3.  Dropped the used bike that I got off craigs list off at the bike shop for a safety tune up, to get caged pedals, and a water bottle holder - should be ready by Tuesday.  Then I went to the gym and ran 4 miles on the treadmill and lifted legs.  I'm having trouble with the training log, but will have to mess around with it when it's not so late.  I'm too tired and don't have patience now.  I also ran errands, did laundry and cleaned.  Just sat down and am exhausted.  I'm not ready to go back to work tomorrow, I've been off since last Wednesday...o-well.

Planning a shorter 2 mile run tomorrow and lifting back and biceps.  I guess I could throw in some time on a stationary bike.  I see that some one else used the stationary bike today...don't know why I was thinking that I had to wait until I got my bike back from the shop!?

Lora - hope you had a good time with your old friend today.  I'm hoping to see a friend from HS in a few weeks when I go to San Fran for business.  I travel about 60% of the time for work, which makes getting my work out in hard, not to mention all the eating out!

That's wild about your sister going to Marshall.  My poor mom proudly wore both WVU and MU bumper stickers on the back of her car those years.  That's love!

Maggie, you MUST be exhausted.  Kudos to you for that great run and strength training session after such a long drive.  I'm really, really glad to hear you've got the bike in the shop for a tune-up and upgrade.

I had a great time, thanks so much for asking.

Traveling while training can definitely be a challenge.  Here's a link to a great thread about the topic.  I hope you can get some good ideas from it: while training&highlightmode=1#M522625

(Hmm.  Not sure why the whole URL didn't hyperlink, but you can just cut and paste all of the URL text into your browser.)

Have a great day!

2009-04-15 8:34 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
Morning ladies!  I wanted to try to get in today before work gets busy.  This week has been unusually busy for me, not sure why.  I work in accounting, but we don't do taxes (I work in the business office of a community college).  You would think things would be winding down a little since spring classes are almost over.  At least it makes the day go by fasterSmile.

I did 11.5 miles on the stationary bike last night at the gym.  I tried a new interval program, but I think I kept the level too low - it seemed pretty easy.  I'm looking forward to getting outside for a ride on Friday and hopefully this weekend also.  Tonight I have a scheduled 5 mile run which I hope to be able to do around the neighborhood and not on the TM.  The weather should be nice, but my DD's soccer game from yesterday got re-scheduled for today so I'm not sure what time I'm going to be able to get my run in.  It may be after dark, in which case the TM it will beFrown.
2009-04-15 9:04 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Eden Prairie, MN
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
Morning everyone,

Is there an easier way to link to our thread, besides clicking Forum an dthen the BT Mentor Program.  Not that its that much work   but thought I'd check.

Well the good news is I've gotten back on track this week at working out in the mornings. I used to do it consistently last year, but fell out of habit when I pulled my hamstring in mid January.  My hammy is finally cooperating (took forever to heal!) so I've been getting some good runs in so far. Shorter than I used to, but I'm still slowly ramping back up from my hammy injury.

The bad news is all I've done is run! Well, that and I did strength on Monday night too. But no biking or swimming.  Running is just so natural to me.  I dont mind biking or swimming at all once I'm there and doing them, but it's getting there and starting that's the problem. 

I do have a training program I chose from BT, but it only has me running ever other day and while that's probably better for my legs, and makes me do the other two more .. I think I need that consistent run most mornings just for pure motivation.  Or maybe i'm just being a baby because running is my comfort zone.

Any motivation or ideas?   Biking shouldnt be too much of a problem. I have a new bike that I love. It's getting into the pool that's harder.

Hope everyone has a great day,

2009-04-15 9:06 AM
in reply to: #2082751

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
XcaliburGirl - 2009-04-14 8:45 AM No run last night.  My husband was not feeling well, so I ended up making dinner, cleaning, and working on QuickBooks last night. Tonight, though, I will do my scheduled "long" run of 24 minutes.

Note to self: Training for a triathlon and starting a small business at the same time (while keeping my day job) may not have been the best idea...not regretting it, though.

24 minutes doesn't seem long, but those long runs start to build up.  I started at the beginning of February and just got over 30 minutes and getting closer to 3 miles. 

Before you know it we'll both be running for an hour and making it look easy. 
2009-04-15 9:28 AM
in reply to: #2085666

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
JeannieMc - 2009-04-15 10:04 AM
I do have a training program I chose from BT, but it only has me running ever other day and while that's probably better for my legs, and makes me do the other two more .. I think I need that consistent run most mornings just for pure motivation.  Or maybe i'm just being a baby because running is my comfort zone.

What I've picked up around here is that you are supposed to work more on your weaknesses and less on your strengths, so I think that means you need to get in the pool!

I am the opposite.  I would much rather swim or bike than run.  Running is just starting to get comfortable.
2009-04-15 9:46 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
I swam 1500 yds this morning, which is my longest swim ever.  And I did it as 3x500, which is amazing because I never swam a 500 before.  The swim just felt easy today.  I'm so excited.  (But I get excited over every new milestone, so hopefully you'll hear that often.

2009-04-15 11:51 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)

I'm falling off of the wagon already... I think it gets really overwhelming to think about how much longer I have and how much work I have to do... ARGH! Frown

What do you all do to help with motivation?

2009-04-15 11:52 AM
in reply to: #2085785

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
serendipity - 2009-04-15 9:46 AM I swam 1500 yds this morning, which is my longest swim ever.  And I did it as 3x500, which is amazing because I never swam a 500 before.  The swim just felt easy today.  I'm so excited.  (But I get excited over every new milestone, so hopefully you'll hear that often.

What a great improvement! It's nice when it's "easy". I need my own "easy" button!
2009-04-15 12:21 PM
in reply to: #2086182

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
lkc01234 - 2009-04-15 12:51 PM

I'm falling off of the wagon already... I think it gets really overwhelming to think about how much longer I have and how much work I have to do... ARGH! Frown

What do you all do to help with motivation?

It helps to be a bit OCD. 

I find that just logging my workouts is very motivating.  Have you noticed the pretty colors the squares on the calendar turn when you log a workout?  I can't wait to get something into a "white" day.

Another thing that has really helped is the challenges here on BT.  There are different challenges every month (check out the "Challenge Me" forum.  There are team challenges where you motivate each other, and there is always a monthly peach thing which challenges you to do some sort of workout at least 10 minutes every day.  There is a boys vs. girls swim challenge starting up for May.  You state your own goals, so you can work with what's in your plan.

The monthly challenges are nice because you end up focusing on your plan a month at a time, rather than thinking about the 16-odd weeks in front of you.

When all else fails, you tell your fellow mentees and we will tell you to get out there and train!
2009-04-15 12:25 PM
in reply to: #2086185

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
blujay65 - 2009-04-15 12:52 PM
serendipity - 2009-04-15 9:46 AM I swam 1500 yds this morning, which is my longest swim ever.  And I did it as 3x500, which is amazing because I never swam a 500 before.  The swim just felt easy today.  I'm so excited.  (But I get excited over every new milestone, so hopefully you'll hear that often.

What a great improvement! It's nice when it's "easy". I need my own "easy" button!

If only every workout felt like that!  I'll take easy when I can get it.
2009-04-15 12:39 PM
in reply to: #2086263

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
serendipity - 2009-04-15 12:21 PM
lkc01234 - 2009-04-15 12:51 PM

I'm falling off of the wagon already... I think it gets really overwhelming to think about how much longer I have and how much work I have to do... ARGH! Frown

What do you all do to help with motivation?

It helps to be a bit OCD. 

I find that just logging my workouts is very motivating.  Have you noticed the pretty colors the squares on the calendar turn when you log a workout?  I can't wait to get something into a "white" day.

Another thing that has really helped is the challenges here on BT.  There are different challenges every month (check out the "Challenge Me" forum.  There are team challenges where you motivate each other, and there is always a monthly peach thing which challenges you to do some sort of workout at least 10 minutes every day.  There is a boys vs. girls swim challenge starting up for May.  You state your own goals, so you can work with what's in your plan.

The monthly challenges are nice because you end up focusing on your plan a month at a time, rather than thinking about the 16-odd weeks in front of you.

When all else fails, you tell your fellow mentees and we will tell you to get out there and train!

I agree 100%. Logging onto BT is the most exciting part for me. I love seeing my numbers go up and my chart change to reflect all the hard work I am doing. I also have another personal blog that acts in the same way ( you'll see that a number of BTers do the same thing. And I can further endorse the challenge program, I done a couple and they work well as you are responsible for your team. Also for me I just open up Runner's World or Triathlete magazines and see those beautiful athletic bodies and it reminds me I have a lot of work to do so I better get on it!

2009-04-15 1:15 PM
in reply to: #2083926

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)

Kind of new to swimming, what is a "zones meet"?

Hey! I am a terrible speller, so I didn't put regional cause I wasn't sure how to spell it :0]
Im in the Colonies region.
2009-04-15 1:37 PM
in reply to: #2086182

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
lkc01234 - 2009-04-15 12:51 PM

I'm falling off of the wagon already... I think it gets really overwhelming to think about how much longer I have and how much work I have to do... ARGH! Frown

What do you all do to help with motivation?

I feel this a lot too. Whenever I miss a scheduled workout cause of family stuff or hubby doesn't get off work in time to go to practice, I think "urgh!!! What was I thinking trying this!"

Somebody else said that it is not the 1 or 2 missed workouts that is going to ruin ALL your training. You just gotta forgive yourself for what ever you missed and get back to work!!

Whenever I am dreeding the workout or don't feel like going I try to remind myself how good I will be feeling 10-15 min. into the workout, and how great the endorphins will feel after.

Also working out with groups is great for me, once Ive made a couple friends in the group I feel like I will be letting them down if I don't show up. So I am on a Masters Swim team (you can find one on and a LBS Bike club.
2009-04-15 1:47 PM
in reply to: #2085366

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
blujay65 - 2009-04-15 8:16 AM

Mornin' Ladies!

I had a good speed workout on at the track last night. I hate the track, not very fond of speed work, BUT it does wonders for your endurance and general pacing. And I will admit I like the way I feel afterwords. Did a bout 8X400 alternating fast and slow and several laps of just 12K race pace, that means 'slow'! It was cool amazingly, so it was nice. In general I am not a fast runner.

I have a track workout lined up tonight. 3 X 2k with the last one building up to zone 4-5 Will be interesting!!

I actually like track workouts
2009-04-15 1:55 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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New user
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
thanks for the business travelers link.  I'm checking it out now.  I ordered the total immersion DVD on Amazon.

I'm kind of overwhelmed with this website.  There is so much information and so many directions.  I still need to figure out how to add you all as friends and how to work the training log. 

I'm going to the gym tonight an plan to run 2 miles and lift back and biceps.  I'd like to get on a stationary bike too.  They have 2 kinds, one where you sit like just regular and the pedals are down low and another where you sit up high and lean over like a normal bike.  I think I should probably do the second one.  Do any of you have any suggestions as to what I should do on it?  I was going to just pick a program or try to just ride for 5 miles or so.  I saw a beginner cycling training program article on this website.  Maybe I should do one of those???
2009-04-15 2:00 PM
in reply to: #2086497

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
freeflykami - 2009-04-15 1:15 PM

Kind of new to swimming, what is a "zones meet"?

Hey! I am a terrible speller, so I didn't put regional cause I wasn't sure how to spell it :0]
Im in the Colonies region.

Ha ha! I can't spell either (that's why I downloaded the iSpell feature so I could look smart on the forums!)

Bad speller topage!

Edited by blujay65 2009-04-15 2:00 PM

2009-04-15 2:00 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
Yesterday's swimming was so hard. I had diner too late and felt nauseous in the water. Wasn't pretty.

What do you all eat before a swimming workout? We swim for one hour and usually it's around 7:30 - 8pm. I try to eat a light diner but then I run out of steam in the middle of the workout and if I eat too much I feel like a whale and swallow a ton of water and feel sluggish. I tried to drink gatorade thoughout the swim but I get cramps when I drink gatorade. Maybe I should change brands. Anyway, I'd appreciate your input

2009-04-15 4:07 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
Anybody have any ideas on where to get inexpensive tri shorts?  I know I can probably get the best prices online but I want to try them on first.  Anyone have luck finding tri clothes at Sports Authority or Modell's or something?  My other option is my local running store, but they don't really have discount stuff.
2009-04-15 7:18 PM
in reply to: #2085666

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
JeannieMc - 2009-04-15 10:04 AM Morning everyone,

Is there an easier way to link to our thread, besides clicking Forum an dthen the BT Mentor Program.  Not that its that much work   but thought I'd check.


You can do a couple things:  1) Just add this forum to your Favorites or 2) copy and paste the chart I made that's at the top of my Training Log and add it to yours.  To do this, go to "Settings" at the top of the Web site, click on "Training Blog Customization" and then click on "Dashboard."  Within that area is where you can paste.  I'm actually curious to see how that works, so let us know how it goes.
2009-04-15 7:20 PM
in reply to: #2085738

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
serendipity - 2009-04-15 10:28 AM
JeannieMc - 2009-04-15 10:04 AM
I do have a training program I chose from BT, but it only has me running ever other day and while that's probably better for my legs, and makes me do the other two more .. I think I need that consistent run most mornings just for pure motivation.  Or maybe i'm just being a baby because running is my comfort zone.

What I've picked up around here is that you are supposed to work more on your weaknesses and less on your strengths, so I think that means you need to get in the pool!

Gonna have to go with Debbie on that one.  Sorry 'bout the bad news.
2009-04-15 7:24 PM
in reply to: #2085785

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
serendipity - 2009-04-15 10:46 AM I swam 1500 yds this morning, which is my longest swim ever.  And I did it as 3x500, which is amazing because I never swam a 500 before.  The swim just felt easy today.  I'm so excited.  (But I get excited over every new milestone, so hopefully you'll hear that often.

Awesome, awesome, awesome!

2009-04-15 7:32 PM
in reply to: #2086577

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
freeflykami - 2009-04-15 2:37 PM
lkc01234 - 2009-04-15 12:51 PM

I'm falling off of the wagon already... I think it gets really overwhelming to think about how much longer I have and how much work I have to do... ARGH! Frown

What do you all do to help with motivation?

I feel this a lot too. Whenever I miss a scheduled workout cause of family stuff or hubby doesn't get off work in time to go to practice, I think "urgh!!! What was I thinking trying this!"

Somebody else said that it is not the 1 or 2 missed workouts that is going to ruin ALL your training. You just gotta forgive yourself for what ever you missed and get back to work!!

Whenever I am dreeding the workout or don't feel like going I try to remind myself how good I will be feeling 10-15 min. into the workout, and how great the endorphins will feel after.

Also working out with groups is great for me, once Ive made a couple friends in the group I feel like I will be letting them down if I don't show up. So I am on a Masters Swim team (you can find one on and a LBS Bike club.

First off, you are not alone in feeling unmotivated at times.  You'll find some of the hard-core on here struggle with it, too.  So, don't think for a moment that that feeling of unmotivation is a referrendum on your overall desire and ability to cross that finish line.  Also, you don't have to be in love with this sport 24/7; just maybe 24/6.75.

Don't think about the end-goal, just think about this week's goals and trust that the following weeks' goals will get you to the end goal.  Just put it out of your mind.

Lots of really great advice given about watching the pretty colors on your chart get bigger and training with others.
2009-04-15 7:45 PM
in reply to: #2086659

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
maggiewvu - 2009-04-15 2:55 PM thanks for the business travelers link.  I'm checking it out now.  I ordered the total immersion DVD on Amazon.

I'm kind of overwhelmed with this website.  There is so much information and so many directions.  I still need to figure out how to add you all as friends and how to work the training log. 

I'm going to the gym tonight an plan to run 2 miles and lift back and biceps.  I'd like to get on a stationary bike too.  They have 2 kinds, one where you sit like just regular and the pedals are down low and another where you sit up high and lean over like a normal bike.  I think I should probably do the second one.  Do any of you have any suggestions as to what I should do on it?  I was going to just pick a program or try to just ride for 5 miles or so.  I saw a beginner cycling training program article on this website.  Maybe I should do one of those???

Terrific move ordering the TI DVD!

Definitely do the second bike as it'll better mimic how you'd actually be riding on the road.

Since your tri is at the end of June, you've got about 10 weeks.  I would recommend starting on the Sprint 13-week plan.  I can work with you to figure out where to start and which workouts you might want to skip, because obviously we've got a three-week difference here.  Especially since you're so far along with your running mileage, that'll really help with your overall training.

Send me a Private Message (click the PM at the end of my post) if you want and we can discuss this off the forums - only if you'd like, though.
2009-04-15 7:50 PM
in reply to: #2086684

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
mekira - 2009-04-15 3:00 PM Yesterday's swimming was so hard. I had diner too late and felt nauseous in the water. Wasn't pretty. What do you all eat before a swimming workout? We swim for one hour and usually it's around 7:30 - 8pm. I try to eat a light diner but then I run out of steam in the middle of the workout and if I eat too much I feel like a whale and swallow a ton of water and feel sluggish. I tried to drink gatorade thoughout the swim but I get cramps when I drink gatorade. Maybe I should change brands. Anyway, I'd appreciate your input Patricia

Hmm.  I usually swim in the mid to late morning on a bowl of oatmeal and some coffee.  I think you just need to experiment a little more to see what works best.  Kinda like how you've noticed the Gatorade is causing you problems.  There are a lot of brands out there and I definitely recommend trying different ones until you find something that works for you.  Maybe you need to save eating until afterwards.
2009-04-15 7:55 PM
in reply to: #2087135

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
XcaliburGirl - 2009-04-15 5:07 PM Anybody have any ideas on where to get inexpensive tri shorts?  I know I can probably get the best prices online but I want to try them on first.  Anyone have luck finding tri clothes at Sports Authority or Modell's or something?  My other option is my local running store, but they don't really have discount stuff.

Hmm.  Unfortunately, here at the beginning of the season, the bad news is that the best discounts come at the end of the season with clearance items.  You could try-on some that you like, noting the brand and size and then look for them online.
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